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science are heard declaring, "Without holiness no man shall see the Lord." This fills the soul with sore dismay, and the immediate response is, Can ever God dwell here ? Is it possible that such a wretch can be a child of God? Yes, beloved, He dwelt in Galilee, He was born in a stable, and He can dwell in our hearts, vile and base as they are. Thus the blessed Spirit, who has wounded," is present" to heal;" and the words "made of God unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption," begin to be understood: and being revealed to the eye of faith, in due time are believed and received. He now begins to know something of eternal redemption; and believing, he rejoices. Thus he becomes strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, overcomes the world and the wicked one, and grows up to a young man in Christ. As the apostle John writes, "I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one." But troubles are not at an end yet; nay, according to Mr. Hart, they are but just begun, for he says "When our pardon is sealed, and our peace is procured,

That moment the conflict begins." But I apprehend there is a conflict, and a long one and strong one, before we arrive at the stature of young men in Christ. But be that as it may, the soul is brought to a comfortable hope in the main, of its standing and acceptance in Christ.

And thus, from the stage of Christian experience, we are introduced into what I conceive to be "Caleb's" position; and here we need the whole armour of God to maintain our standing, while we are taught, by painful trials, disappointments, and vexations, to prove the utility of Christ, in His victories, relationships, and offices; and as we have received Christ Jesus as our Lord, and taken His yoke upon us, we must now learn to walk in Him, live in Him, fight in Him, and trust in Him for all things, that we may know how to contend with those things called circumstances. Much as we may think we know about our selves, as sinful creatures, needing pardon, righteousness, and holiness, there is a branch of self yet undiscovered unto

us; for as our brother (the Editor) remarks, it takes more to strip us of self than we are aware of. And this branch of self is our own thoughts, our own wisdom, our own understanding, and our own judgment, which constitutes our own will, which loves to have its own way. Now all these things must be brought down into the dust, that Christ may be all in all in everything. And, brethren, it will be something more than theory that will accomplish this: hence the necessity of those circumstantial trials which are appointed for the discipline of God's children; trials in the family; trials in the business; trials in changing the position in life; trials in servants; trials in the children; trials in our partners; trials in providence; trials in poverty-oh! how many yet, every one, of every kind, essentially necessary. Blessed be God, not one too many, nor one too few; and it is the Spirit's work, by the use of these things, to bring down our hearts with labour, break our obstinate spirits, and bend our stubborn wills, to make them lie straight with the will of God, and trust in Him alone

"This is more than mere notion,

The work of God's Spirit it is." And here lies the practical part of religion; and to bring this about, we must be well disappointed in our worldly plans and prospects. We have not learned to distrust ourselves yet; therefore we lay our plans, as we think, in the fear of the Lord, and pray for the Lord's blessing upon them, and, probably, have a passage of Scripture which appears to encourage us in the prosecution of them. But there is a vast difference between our laying down our plans, and going before the Lord, and the Lord's laying His plans, and going before us; the children of God must learn to let the Lord go first. This is hard work for impatient nature; but I am well persuaded, both by experi ence and observation, that a great many of the Lord's children plunge themselves into years of trouble and sorrow, by going before the Lord. Oh! many there are that I know, that in the choice of partners for life have been guided by impressions and special applications, in contradiction to the plain written precept, and thereby become the dupe of the devil, and made themselves a

painful, heavy cross for life. And how disciple, of whom "Caleb speaks," to ask many, in a providential turn of life, look himself these questions-Was there a at the pleasing prospect of increasing real necessity for such a step? Did I profit; probably, they had been honestly go before the Lord, or did the Lord go procuring food and raiment, all we need, before me? Was one door shut and and all the Scriptures promise. But a another door open, so that there was no more lucrative situation presents itself; alternative? Was I obtaining a comhuman nature wants to lay up a little fortable subsistence before? Was it not for the time to come, or for the children, a rather pleasing prospect for human and it seems very plausible, reasonable, nature, or did it go against the grain? and prudent so to do. The step is con- Now, if no necessity in such cases, we sulted upon, prayed over of course: cannot stand firm; if no necessity, freeSatan knows all about it-stands ready will is in the matter; but the writer of with an appropriate passage-makes a this has ever found necessity, the fire special application; it is all right then. behind and the cloud before, to be the Away they go, embark in a large way, surest ground to tread upon, and to wait lay out their capital in a sea of uncer- for the Lord. To go first is the sure tainties; by-and-by things look dark; way to have our steps ordered aright; favourable channels of supply, which at and when that is the case, He will also one time appeared open, were, one after be our rereward, so that we cannot go another, closed, or nearly so; and pros- back; this is firm standing. The Lord pects become exceedingly threatening. help my poor brother impartially to exOther promises are applied, which cause amine the matter, and the Lord appear the soul to rest in hope for a time; but for him in his dilemma. If the writer neither the former nor the latter pro- personally, knew him, he would like to mises are fulfilled, according to the have a word with him, because he is a judgment of the mind-according to the "brother in adversity" himself; but, Word. Here, then, the "wisdom is con- being favoured to trust alone in God, founded," and the understanding foiled, none of these things move him. But the judgment taken away, and the former this is the "wilderness of Paran," and thoughts of things all scattered to the the Lord suffers us to go into it, winds; so that, I dare say, "Caleb's" and continue in it too for a long time; disciple begins to distrust all his senses, and it is for the express purpose of and the doctrine of "special application" bringing us to our "wit's end," to the too, and what is it all for? Surely God end of self, to teach us not to lean to does not willingly afflict His children; our own understanding, and show us His chastisements are for our follies as that our wisdom is nothing but foolishwell as for our profit. And though my ness, and our thoughts vanity, and that brethren who have written on the sub- our judgment of God and His ways are ject before do not seem to view the dis- altogether ridiculous; and all this to ciple's case in this light, but as a simple break our stubborn will, and make us trial for his faith; granted, but as a give up our own way, and submit to the correction, probably, for some folly-for, will of God in all things, and say, Thou were it not for the "tin and the dross," shalt guide me by thy counsel, and we need not be put into the crucible afterwards receive me to glory. "I have however, it will do no harm to survey none in heaven but thee, nor none on the matter on both sides; and as covet- earth I desire beside thee." Thus, ousness in the heart of man is a deceit by the most painful, trying circumful thing, and shows itself under the stances, does the Holy Ghost bring us feigned names of prudence, frugality, down into the dust. Helpless, hopeless, and economy, it probably may have and disheartened, spirit-broken, and decrept into, or crept out, I may say,of the jected, we cast ourselves at the feet of poor disciple's heart. However, I know the Lord, willing to be anything or noit has crept out of the writer, and too thing. Oh, blessed position for a poor many times has he had the painful ex-soul to be brought into, painful as it may perience to prove it so. Now, far be it be to the flesh! And now the blessed from me to take the enemy's side, and Spirit stands ready to reveal the glorious turn accuser; but I would request the person of Christ as the alone object for


faith; and by the power of the in-dwelling | faith; it is faith that lays hold of them, Spirit, we are henceforth taught to rest in His love, trust in His wisdom, stand in His power, and abide in His faithfulness; and here is the only sure foundaion for faith to stand in, amid all the lark, trying, incomprehensible circumtances through which we are called to The writer of this is absolutely bewildered in his natural views of things tlat are seen; but the faith that standeta in the power of God, looketh not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen, even Christ's wisdom, power, and Godhead, and thus endures, as seeing Him who is invisible. Thus are we brought to the measure of the stature of the fulness of a man in Christ, and, by the indwelling power of the Holy Ghost, have grown up into Him in all things, and know Him and the power of His resurrection, and in the midst of troubles and a heavy cross, are enabled to say, "I know whom I have believed." I write unto you, fathers, because ye have known Him that is from the beginning." And now, my brother "Caleb," here is the definite rule, knowledge of the person of Jesus Christ; for "they that know thy name, will put their trust in thee;" and without a personal knowledge of Him, we shall never stand firmly in His word, however it may be applied. This is the object for faith to rest in; short of this, we stay at Paran, abide at Shecham, or tarry at Zoar, and shall ever be subject to be tossed about by uncertainties. But, it may be asked, "Do you set aside special applications altogether?" No, I do not. But, they are not to be depended on, only in connexion with Christ-holding faith in the steadfast trust in Christ. Set the foot of your faith upon His word, if you can, and you will never be confounded nor ashamed, world without end. The work of the Spirit, as laid down in the New Testament, is inward. He maketh intercession for us with groanings, according to the will of A sentence or two in the number for God; He convinces us of our sin, and this month on Caleb's" subject in gives us repentance; He testifies of "Wayside Notes," seems rather hard to Christ, and sheds abroad the love of some of the Lord's children. The writer God in our hearts; He takes of the says, "To reveal to one the personal things of Christ, and shows them to condition of a fellow-worm is no part of the Spirit's office." If he means that the Holy Ghost has nothing to do with temporal affairs, I am afraid such a

and appropriates or applies them, and then you know there can be no mistake. He searcheth the deep things of God, and is given to the believer, that he may know the things that are freely given to him of God. He is the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to the soul, and He enlightens the eyes of the understanding, that the believer may know the hope of his calling, which is to have fellowship with Jesus Christ. Finally, He strengthens the believer in the inner man, that he may be able to comprehend, with all saints, the dimensions of the love of Christ. Let us beware of running into another man's experience in the knowledge of the flesh that which is revealed belongeth unto us, that which is secret belongeth unto God. God speaks to many of His children; to some with an audible voice-and such speaking has been proved to be true to my knowledge, and blessed speaking it is; but I am compelled to believe the word. God is a Sovereign. Hear a word from a dear child of God (who has kept her bed for near twenty years) on the subject. Extract from a letter of hers on the subject, contained in Sept. No.

* Has any correspondent said to the con-ED.

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Many are the devices of the great enemy of souls. You and I have been taught the emptiness of impressions, while our friend J. has proved their reality; but I can see how it is now, we judge too soon. We must wait the end before we can tell the voice of God. If it be from God, it will come to pass; but if not, it will humble us and do us good, as Satan cannot go further than our Father permits. You will be glad to hear the ever blessed and glorious Trinity is the one grand centre of all my happiness; and, though it is a long and weary land, my Father and thy Father does spread a table for us in the wilderness, for I do assure you I have continued proof how He careth for unworthy me.- -S. A."

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ornament of a meek and quiet spirit. There are more mean things that the Holy Ghost is not too high to notice, were it expedient to mention them. In short, there is nothing too mean that belongs to the family of God, but the Holy Ghost has to do with it; and if His inward checks, admonitions, cattions, and warnings, were listened to and regarded, He would not be so often grieved, and men would not be looking so much for special applications, seeing the Holy Ghost dwelleth in them. I have written this, because some of the Lord's people felt grieved at the expressions made use of by the writer of Wayside Notes."


doctrine would startle many. Again, he repeats, "The Person, Godhead, and ministry of the Holy Ghost is a higher work than to convey to the mind of a believer the duration of his grasshopper life." Now it does not seem to fit the ear of truth to limit the Holy One of Israel; and while we disclaim against putting our confidence in every word that is spoken in the heart of a believer, we must not, I apprehend, set the matter aside altogether. I think we may safely infer that the Holy Ghost apprised or conveyed to the minds of both David and Paul that the time of their departure was at hand, and especially Jacob and Moses-the former positively said, "Behold I die;" and the Lord told Moses, positively, by! [Towards the close of his very lengthy word of mouth, to go up into the mount article, our correspondent at last admits and die. We are also led to conclude, all that the truly spiritual and taught of from the Scripture, that the ministry of God contend for, namely, the sovereign, the Holy Ghost consists in ministering personal, and express or special teach the written word, in the power of it, as well as testifying of the Person of Christ. Ghost in the hearts of His redeemed. ing, power, and operations of the Holy It would sadden many a heart were they That such should occasionally and for a left to believe the Holy Ghost had noseason misconstrue the Lord's mind, or thing to do with their very meanest be carried away by a delusive light or affairs. There are many poor saints of God obliged to ask the Holy Ghost to militate against the express teaching wrong impression, does not in the least teach them how to lay their small pit- and guidance of the Holy Ghost, or tance out, when they have obtained it the special application of a promise in by hard labour. Was it not the Holy time of temptation or trial. Nor does Ghost who made the iron to swim, when this sealing home of the Word upon the the poor man seemed so in trouble heart of a believer, in the least degree about it, and inspired men to testify of lead that man to look into or lean upon it in His written word? The Holy himself; on the contrary (as we have Ghost had to do with a cake and two before said upon this very question), it sticks, a cruse of oil and a barrel of produces an upward, heavenward, Christmeal, also to pay the debts of his dis-ward tendency. It brings the soul into eased servant, and to alleviate the blessed contact with Jesus, and again sorrows of his poor distressed widow. and again induces the cry, "Remember The Holy Ghost also condescends to the word unto thy servant, upon which tell us how we are to be clothed, and thou hast caused me to hope;" "Do the quality and expense of the material. It is not to be a costly garment, and it as thou hast said." This is not making a Christ of his feelings, but by preit is to be made up in a modest manner cious faith producing feeling (in other -not to excite the gaze and admiration words, "faith working by love"), venof our fellow-creatures, nor to please turing upon Christ;" and thus is Christ our own vain pride, but to have a strict glorified by the Spirit's work in the regard to utility-not with braided hair, soul.-ED.] or gold, or pearls, but rather with the

He that hath God's heart shall not want His arm. [Whom God loves, He sustains, protects, and guides.]-Gurnall.

Intelligence of the Month.

(From our London Correspondent.)

THE attention of the world has been mouth-" the solace of religion." Ought

much occupied during this month with not the defender of the faith, as the the Queen's proclamation in India, which sovereign of our country is termedappears to have given the utmost satis- the head of a country which for three faction to her native subjects, and to centuries has enjoyed the restored light have been received with enthusiasm. It of the gospel-to find a better term is necessary, however, to regard that with which to describe the glorious most important document in its bearing gospel of the grace of God-the richest on the interests of the gospel; and most blessing enjoyed by our land? Then, painful is it to have to mark the manner again, observe the absurd manner in in which it compromises the interests of which the vile idolatries of India are truth, and those of our countrymen to described-simply as their "religious whom the cause of Christ is dear. That faith and observances." Language of proclamation contains one paragraph this kind is calculated to produce the which it never would have contained impression, that the sovereign of Great had it been written by a man who Britain regards the horrible superstitions understood the gospel, and the right and and the polluted rites of Hindooism as duty of those who believe to give their being very much on a par with the truth testimony to its truth and power; and of the gospel. The language, instead that paragraph has given the greatest of conveying a faithful protest against pain to many Christian men who under- these "abominable idolatries," implies stand the bad influence it is calculated that the "religious faith" of the worto exercise in India. Our readers will shippers of Brahma, Vishnu, and Seva, best understand our reasons for protest-are as good for India as "the faith of ing against the language her Majesty our Lord Jesus Christ" is for England; is made to utter, if we quote the para- and that their polluted "observances graph to which we refer:are as good in their way as the holiness enjoined by Christ on His disciples. This method of speaking of the vile systems that should be characterised in very different terms, is followed by a prohibition directed against Christian men who hold office in India, and who are commanded to abstain from all interference with these heathen superstitions and immoralities, on pain of our highest displeasure."

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Firmly relying ourselves on the truth of Christianity, and acknowledging with gratitude the solace of religion, we disclaim alike the right and desire to impose our convictions on any of our subjects. We declare it to be our royal will and pleasure that none be in anywise favoured-none molested or disquieted, by reason of their religious faith or observances, but that all alike enjoy the equal and impartial protection of the law; and we do strictly charge and enjoin all those who may be in authority under us, that they abstain from all interference with the religious belief or worship of any of our subjects, on pain of our highest displeasure."

It is needless to say that this is rather the language of the Government than of the Queen; and our readers will, without our assistance, perceive the spirit of false liberality by which it is pervaded. How lamentable is it that the Queen of this nation should describe the blessing of the gospel in the terms put into her

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We beg to ask whether Christian men who hold office in India are to stand by with closed lips when they are surrounded with idolatry, and with the perpetrators of the cruelties, the injustice, and the obscenity connected with the foul rites of heathenism? Christian man, because he holds office in India, to ignore his allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ, and to withhold his protest against the most degrading error and the vilest forms of sin? We trow not. What right has the Government, acting for her Majesty, to make any such demands as these of our coun

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