페이지 이미지

lightful feason, early in January, finishes the Fuful-khereef for rice and Bajary, which are the great productions of the country North of the Goadaveri, and, in like manner, its close, at the vernal equinox, terminates the third Fussful or Rubbi-harvest, the grand one for Joary* or Janaloo, as well as for all the different fpecies of grain or pulfe, South of that river. Then commenceth the Tabeftan, or hot season, which is always extremely moderate towards the Northern extremity of the Circars, near Ganjam, by reafon of conftant femidiurnal breezes from the fea, and the pofition of the neighbouring hills from fouth to west, contrary to the ordinary direction of the wind: about Maffulipatam on the south, for the first two months, ftrong foutherly gales along the shore, together with the fea breezes, moderate the heat; but the baleful influence of the former, in blowing over falt

Joary and Pelujary, the former white, the other yellow and coarfer, are a species of Maize with a large bushy top; in contradistinction to the Mecca Joary or Indian corn, which hath its grain growing in a conic form; as hath in like manner the Bajary, or Millet, on a longer and slenderer Buhta or ear.

stagnant marshes on the coaft, is injurious to animal life, and abfolutely destructive to vegetation; during the fucceeding month, and until the rains, the wind coming from the weft, over a parched loofe foil of great extent, uninterrupted by any continued chain of hills, and paffing along the broad, and, at this time of the year almost dry, fandy bed of the Kifina, becomes fo intolerably hot near the mouths of that river, as to raise the Thermometer, fometimes for a week together, to 110 degrees within the house, and feldom under 105 during the first part of the day. Another peculiarity of climate too often and fatally experienced in this country, is the noxious state of the air in all the hilly regions, throughout the different feafons of vegetation, which occafions the distemper called the Hill-fever. This generally mortal diforder has been fometimes afcribed to the water, impregnated, perhaps, with the poisonous quality of copper ore in paffing over the mountains, or from fprings iffuing through unwholefome mineral earths; and fometimes with equal probability it has been attributed to the corrupted juice of vegetables washed

down by torrents into the public reservoirs; but the greatest operative caufe is doubtless the groffness of the atmosphere, charged and contaminated with the exhalations of a luxuriant foil, pent up in vallies; as seems to be clearly evinced by the prevalence of the fame distemper even in the plains, where the richer crops of fanaloo are cultivated, and a free circulation of the air impeded by the luxuriancy of the proper growth of this plant, or by furrounding trees and villages.

The foil in all thofe provinces, along the coaft, is chiefly fandy, improving gradually towards the hills. The fame ground therefore feldom if ever yields more than a fingle crop of grain annually; but there being every where an abundant fupply of water, the one produced is generally extremely rich. For befides the boundary rivers already mentioned, which fertilize the country on either fide, there are many leffer ones within each of the Circars running into the fea, or divided artificially into canals, and afterwards conducted into the tanks and greater refervoirs; fuch are the streams paff

ing through Guntour, and which, for the moft part, collected near Bopetla, together with the overflowings of the Kiftna, water the fands of Nizampatam; fuch alfo are the rivulets drawn from this great river and the Goadaveri, which uniting in the Colare, between the provinces of Condapillee and Ellore, are from thence diverted into numberless channels to water the circumjacent territory. In Rajemundry the Yeleru, or Yalore, running parallel to, and not far fouth of, the Settiaveram, is, with uncommon intelligence and induftry, fubdivided, to answer the purposes of cultivation within the two principal Zemindarries of Pedapore and Pettapore, on its oppofite banks; while the ifland of Nagur, or Nagarum, enclosed chiefly by the two greater branches of the Goadaveri, and interfected by five other leffer ones, is made wonderfully productive, not only by a constant and plentiful fupply of the great element of vegetation, but from the acquifition of an extraordinary rich foil, in being thus, from situation, the grand receptacie of all the flimy mould carried down by the greateft river in the Decan. The fouthern fub

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divifion of Cicacole, with a better foil than is found in other parts of the Circars, is fufficiently watered by four interior rivers, which have their outlets at the respective ports of Vizagapatam, Bimlipatam, Maphusbunder, or Cicacole, and Calingapatam, befides many leffer ftreams in the feafon of the rains, in advancing to the northwards; and in the territory of fehapoor, the river of Ganjam uniting different branches from the vallies of Vizianagur, Burragur, and Goomfur, in the very centre of the whole district, in its greatest breadth at Afka, makes this portion of the province equally fruitful with the other, comparatively to its extent.

From the many advantages which we have already enumerated as common to the Circars, it may be expected that their natural produce will appear proportionate; nevertheless, the most useful claffes of animals are found in greater abundance than variety, being almost wholly reducible to fheep, and the larger fpecies of horned cattle; but the neighbouring fea and its numberlefs inlets abound with every kind

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