페이지 이미지

Budgetary reserves for rountine financial administration-Continued
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare-Continued
Special institutions-Continued.

Howard University-Continued.

Apportionment of this amount awaits development of approved plans and specifications. Construction obligations will be incurred subsequently.

Department of Housing and Urban Development: Model cities programs

This amount was released on July 1, 1972. Its earlier reserve enabled several cities to count on proceeding with their fiscal year 1973 programs.

Department of the Interior:

Bureau of Land Management: Public lands development, roads and trails....

Reserve reflects amounts of available contract authority above the obligation program that was approved and financed by the appropriation Congress enacted to liquidate the obligations.

Bureau of Indian Affairs: Road construction___.

Reserve reflects amounts of available contract authority above the obligation program that was approved and financed by the appropriation Congress enacted to liquidate the obligations. Bureau of Outdoor Recreation: Land and water conservation fund

Consists of 1972 annual contract authority which was made available by Public Law 91-308, approved July 7, 1970. It has not been used because the Federal agencies purchasing park lands have found annual contract authority cumbersome to administer. Instead, they prefer ordinary appropriations to finance such land purchases. The 1973 budget proposes appropriation of the full $300,000,000 annual authorization for the fund, of which about $98,000,000 is for Federal land purchases in 1973.

Bureau of Mines: Drainage of anthracite mines_

Funds are spent on a matching basis with Pennsylvania as
that State and the Department of the Interior develop proj-
ects for this purpose. Apportionment awaits development of
approved plans and specifications in fiscal year 1973.
Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife: Construction__

Appropriated funds for D.C. aquarium withheld because
authorized facility cannot be constructed within the funding
limits established by the authorization. The Appropriations
Committees of the House and Senate have directed that the
funds be used in fiscal 1973 for the construction of other
facilities. Release is scheduled shortly.
National Park Service: Parkway and road construction____

Reserve reflects amounts of available contract authority
above the obligation program that was approved and financed
by the appropriation Congress enacted to liquidate the

Bureau of Reclamation:

Construction and rehabilitation_

Funds are being held in reserve pending completion
and review in fiscal year 1973 of the economic restudy
to determine the most effective use of funds for the 2d
Bacon siphon and tunnel unit, Washington.
Operation and maintenance and replacement of project
works, North Platte project--

This amount fulfilled the legal requirements for this account of an annually established contingency reserve. Department of Justice: Federal prison system: Buildings and facilities

The apportionment awaits development of approved plans and specifications.

Department of Labor: Grants to States for unemployment insurance and employment services_‒‒‒‒


16, 694

53, 699

30, 000

3, 623

9, 075

72, 621

1, 055


4, 299

20, 192

Table A.-Budgetary reserves for routine financial administration, June 30, 1972-Continued

Department of Labor-Continued

Late enactment of supplemental appropriations and lower unemployment insurance workloads permitted savings to be made. Department of State:

Education exchange fund (earmarked proceeds of payment by
Finland on World War I debt)‒‒‒‒‒‒

This amount was released and apportioned on July 1, 1972,
to fund the 1973 program.
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs: International ed-
ucational exchange activities (special foreign currency pro-

Funds represent recent recovery of prior year obligations in excess of current year needs. These funds were released and apportioned on July 1, 1972, to fund the 1973 programs. Department of Transportation : Coast Guard :

Acquisition, construction, and improvements_




Funds are for equipment or improvements and will not be needed until construction on 7 projects is in an advanced stage. They will be released when needed. Alteration of bridges____.


Apportionment awaits development of approved plans and specifications.

Federal Aviation Administration:

Facilities and equipment (airport and airway trust fund)__
Grants-in-aid for airports (airport and airway trust fund)_
Construction, National Capital airports_-

Civil supersonic aircraft development termination__--

Apportionment of the above FAA accounts awaits
development of approved plans and specifications.
Federal Highway Administration:
Territorial highways.

New program established by the 1970 Highway Act,
effective Dec. 30. 1970. No appropriation was provided
until August 1971, although $4,500,000 of contract
authority was authorized for each of 1971 and 1972.
Territories were not prepared to handle program and
have only recently begun to organize agencies and pre-
pare studies for use of the funds. Total obligations
through Dec. 31, 1971, were about $93,000.
Federal-aid highways:

(1) 1973 contract authority.

(2) Remaining balance from reductions made in prior

Urban Mass Transportation Administration: Urban mass trans-

The Congress provided a total of $3,100,000 of contract authority for the 5-year period 1971-75. Excutive branch apportionments resulted in $1,000,000.000 of this amount being used by June 30, 1972, another $ (including this $300.000.000) will be apportioned for fiscal 1973, leaving $1,100,000,000 or $550,000,000 per year for the fiscal years 1974 and 1975. By appropriation action in fiscal years 1971 and 1972, the Congress effectively limited the amount of the contract authority that could be used each fiscal year. Thus, the $300.000.000 shown is the difference between the $600.000.000 apportioned for 1972 and the $900,000,000 upper limit for which administrative expenses may be incurred under the 1972 Appropriation Act for the Department of Transportation: “Sec. 308. None of the funds provided in this Act shall be available for administrative expenses in connection with commitments for grants for Urban Mass Transportation aggregating more than $900,000000 in fiscal year 1972." (Italic supplied.)

115, 897







246, 798


Table A.-Budgetary reserves for routine financial administration, June 30, 1972-Continued

Treasury Department:

Office of the Secretary:

Construction, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center_-
Apportionment awaits development by the agency of
approved plans and specifications.

Expenses of administration of settlement of World War
Claims Act of 1928_.

Amount shown here was in excess of 1972 adminis
trative costs.

Bureau of the Mint: Construction____

Apportionment awaits the completion of studies for the effective use of funds.

Atomic Energy Commission:

Operating expenses:

Reactor development: Funds held in reserve for the liquid
metal fast breeder reactor (LMFBR) demonstration plant
awaiting the completion of detailed negotiations now under-
way involving AEC and the Commonwealth Edison Co. and

Biomedical research: Funds held in reserve pending devel-
opment of a plan for effective utilization___
Plant and capital equipment:

Funds held in reserve awaiting AEC's development of
firm plans or specifications for 2 projects in the nuclear mate-
rials and weapons programs.

Funds held in reserve awaiting AEC's completion of feasibility studies or the results of research and development efforts for the national radioactive waste repository and 2 other projects. -

Funds held in reserve for possible cost overruns and other contingencies

Environmental Protection Agency: Operations, research and facilities

Reflects release of $28,000,000 for Cincinnati laboratory.
Remainder awaits completion of EPA study of requirements
for other laboratory facilities.

General Services Administration:
Construction, public buildings projects--.

$22, 239



43, 350



2, 533

2, 200


17, 971

$10,803,000 is being held for future obligation. The projects are not ready for construction and financing is under review. Apportionment awaits completion of this action.

$7,160,000 is reserved to meet possible contingencies that might arise in the course of construction.

Sites and expenses, public buildings projects---

Reserved to meet possible contingencies or for use in sub-
sequent years.

Operating expenses, Property Management and Disposal Serv-

Amount shown here was not needed in 1972 for stockpile
Veterans' Administration: Grants to States for extended care facil-

State plans and requests for funds were not presented to the extent originally expected. Amount shown will be available for program in future years.

Other Independent Agencies:

Cabinet Committee on Opportunities for Spanish-Speaking

This amount was in excess of 1972 needs.

Federal Communications Commission: Salaries and expenses,


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Budgetary reserves for rountine financial administration—Continued Other Independent Agencies-Continued

Federal Communications Commission-Continued

These funds are intended for replacement of a monitoring station. Funds remain in reserve until results of study requested by Congress are available regarding the need for continuation of fixed monitoring stations. Federal Home Loan Bank Board: Interest adjustment payments

Funds which could be effectively utilized by the Board in fiscal 1972 were apportioned. This amount was not needed. Foreign Claims Settlement Commission:

Salaries and expenses_-_

This amount was in excess of 1972 needs.

Payment of Vietnam and Pueblo prisoner of war

Apportionment awaits arrival of contingencies under
which the funds must, by statute, be made available.
Smithsonian Institution: Salaries and expenses, Woodrow Wilson
International Center for Scholars_-_-

Reserved for contingencies. Will be apportioned if and when needed.

Temporary Study Commissions:

Commission on Highway Beautification__

Amount being held for completion of Commission's
work in 1973.

Commission on Population Growth and the American Fu-

A small contingency amount was set aside to cover
I any increases in contracted costs after the Commission
completed its work in May 1972. No increases occurred
and the funds are not needed to complete the work of
the Commission.

National Commission on Consumer Finance__








For terminating the Commission in 1973 after the report is completed.


Aviation Advisory Commission---

These funds were released and apportioned on July 1, 1972, to carry Commission through its expiration date of March 1973.

Commission on Government Procurement....

$1,400,000 to remain available until expended was appropriated in the Second Supplemental Act of 1972. $100,000 was apportioned for 1972; the remainder will fund the Commission's operations through April 1973.

U.S. Information Agency:

Salaries and expenses (special foreign currency program)_.
Special international exhibitions-----

These amounts were released and apportioned July
1, 1972.

Water Resources Council: Salaries and expenses.

Funds were held in reserve pending establishment of new river basin commissions.





19, 110, 078

1 Of this total $467,000,000 was released at the start of fiscal 1973.

TABLE B.-Reserves for reasons other than routine financial administration, June 30, 1972

[In thousands of dollars]


Department of Agriculture:

Rural Electrification Administration


Farmers Home Administration:

Sewer and water grants__.

Department of Housing and Urban Development:

Rehabilitation loans___

Grants for new community assistance_. Basic water and sewer grants----Department of Transportation:

Federal-aid highways.

Rights-of-way for highways.
Urban mass transportation_.

Atomic Energy Commission__
NERVA-nuclear rocket_.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration: NERVA-nuclear


National Science Foundation:

Educational and institutional support__
Graduate traineeships--

Reserves established pursuant to President's Aug. 15, 1971, directive
to curtail previously planned Federal employment levels..


1 This amount was released and apportioned on July 1, 1972.

2 of this amount, $42,000,000 was released and apportioned on July 1, 1972.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

3 Of this amount, $200,000,000 was released and apportioned on July 1, 1972. The remainder is being held for subsequent apportionment.

This amount was released and apportioned on July 1, 1972. It is listed here because of public and congressional interest. It is not counted in the total of table B because its use is inconsistent with congressional intent. The Congress provided a total of $3,100,000,000 of contract authority for the 5-year period 1971-75. Executive branch apportionments result in $1,000,000,000 of $3,100,000,000 total being used by June 3, 1972, another $1,000,000,000 (including this $300,000,000) is being apportioned for fiscal 1973, leaving $, or $550,000,000 shown per year for the fiscal years 1974 and 1975. The $300,000,000 shown is the difference between the $600,000,000 apportioned for 1972 and the $900,000,000 upper limit for which administrative expenses may be incurred under the 1972 Appropriation Act for the Department of Transportation:

"SEC. 308. None of the funds provided in this Act shall be available for administrative expenses in connection with commitments for grants for urban mass transportation aggregating more than $900,000,000 in fiscal year 1972." [Italic supplied.]

Pending enactment of 1973 appropriations, it is planned that these funds be applied to AEC's total program needs for 1973.

Apportionment awaiting NSF review of how these funds can be used effectively to help meet the Nation's scientific and engineering manpower needs without stimulating an oversupply of manpower with specialized capabilities.

These funds are the remainder of $280,000,000 in reserves established initially under the President's directive of Aug. 15, 1971. The originally reserved amounts were largely released to meet costs of pay raises and other essential purposes.

Of this $1,500,000,000 total, $447,000,000 were released and apportioned on July 1, 1972 (as itemized in the preceding footnotes).

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