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No. 31.)


(S. 7.

To define and prohibit the unlawful giving, issuing, using or receiving free passes, rebates, reductions or discounts for transportation by common carriers of passengers and to punish the unlawful giving, issuing, using or receiving the same.

passes, etc., prohibited.


Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of Alabama, That no common carrier, whether a corporation, association, partnership or person engaged in the business of a common carrier of passengers in this State, or the agent, officer, servant or employee of such, shall give, procure for, or deliver to any person or accept any free passes, Issuing of free tickets or free transportation for any person, or give, make or allow any rebate, discount or reduction from such rates as are offered or given to the public at large, except to its employees and their families, its officers or agents, its surgeons, and physicians, and its attorneys at law, and the immediate families of such persons, to ministers of religion, traveling secretaries of the Young Men's Christian Association and the Young Women's Christian Association, inmates of hospitals and charitable and eleemosynary institutions, and persons exclusively engaged in charitable and eleemosynary work; to indigent, destitute and homeless persons, and to such persons when transported by charitable societies and hospitals and the necessary agents employed in transportation; to inmates of the national home. or State home for disabled volunteer soldiers, and of soldiers' and sailors' homes, including those about to enter, and those returning home. after discharge, and boards of managers of such homes, to necessary care takers of live stock, poultry and fruit, to employees on sleeping cars and express cars and to linemen of telegraph and telephone companies; to railway mail service employees, post office inspectors, custom inspectors, and inmmigration inspectors, to



Witnesses be


newsboys on trains, baggage agents, witnesses attending any legal investigation, in which the common carrier is interested, persons injured in wrecks where being transported from the place of injury to their homes and places for treatment, and physicians and nurses attending such persons and members of the Railroad Commission of Alabama, and employees of such commission when traveling on official business. Provided, that this provision shall not be construed to prohibit the inter-change of passes for the of ficers, agents and employees of common carriers and their immediate families; nor prohibit any common carrier from carrying passengers free with the object of providing relief in cases of general epidemic, pestilence or other calamitous visitation.

Sec. 2. Any common carrier, agent, servant, officer, or employee of such common carrier violating this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be indicted as such corporation, association, parnership or person, for such offense, on conviction, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than two thous and dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail or sentenced to hard labor for the county for not more than six months, one or both at the discretion of the jury trying the case; and any person, other than the person excepted in this provision, who accepts or uses any such free ticket, free passes or free transportation, rebate, discount or reduction, shall be subject to a like penalty.

Sec 3. Witnesses before the grand jury, sumfore grand ju- moned to give evidence of any violation of this law may be required to answer generally as to any such offense within their knowledge, committed within twelve months next preceding, without being specially interrogated as to any particular offense, but no witness shall be prosecuted for any offense as to which he testifies before the grand jury, and any member of the grand jury or solicitor may be a witness to prove this fact.

Sec. 4. Any person who is summoned to go before the grand jury to answer as to any violation of the law prohibiting free passes within his knowledge, and who fails and refuses to attend

and testify in obedience to such summons, with- Witnesses failout a good excuse, to be determined by the court, ing to answer; is guilty of a contempt of court and also a mis. penalties. demeanor and on conviction for such misdemeanors shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than two thousand dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail, or sentenced to hard labor for the county for not more than six months, one or both at the discretion of the jury trying the case.

Approved February 14, 1907.

No. 33.)


(S. 141.

To authorize the sale and transfer by the quarantine board of Mobile Bay of its site, plant, property and equipment, and to cede jurisdiction over the said quarantine site to the United States. Whereas, the congress of the United States have provided for the establishment of quarantine for the protection of the coast of the United States and for the enforcement of the same by the establishment of suittable stations, and have provided for the acquisition of quarantine plants and sites by purchase thereof.


Now therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of Alabama, That the quarantine board of Mobile bay are hereby authorized and empowered, at such priec and on such terms as it may agree upon Quarantine with the secretary of the treasury of the board authorUnited States, to sell and convey to the United to U. S. plant States the site acquired by said quarantine board and site, etc. of Mobile bay near Fort Morgan, and also all other quarantine property and equipment of the

ized to convey


said board including the physician's residence with equipment, the disinfecting barge "Chipman," with equipment, the detention barge, “Undal." with equipment, and the steam launch "Mecca," with equipment; and to make all needful transfers and conveyances thereof to the United States in execution of such sale, and to ru ceive payment of the price thereof from the authorities of the United States.

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That jurisdiction over the site now owned and heretofore used

ceded to U. S. by said quarantine board of Mobile bay be and the same is hereby ceded to the United States, such cession to take effect from and after any sale of said site and plant to the United States. Approved February 13, 1907.

No. 35.J


(S. 231.

14th judicial circuit.

Appointment of judge.


of solicitor.

To create the 14th judicial circuit of the State of Alabama, to fix the time of holding court therein and to provide for the appointment of the judge and solicitor of said court.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of Alabama, That there is created and established the 14th judicial circuit of the State of Alabama to be composed of the counties of Walker and Winston.

Sec. 2. That as soon as practicable after the approval of this act, the governor shall appoint a judge in and for said circuit as provided by section 159 of the constitution, and the said judge shall receive the same salary to be paid at the same time and in the same manner as the other circuit judges of Alabama.

Sec. 3. That as soon as practicable after the approval of this act, the governor shall appoint a solicitor in and for said circuit, who shall be paid the same salary at the same time and in the same manner as other circuit solicitors in Alabama.

ing court.

Sec. 4. That the courts in the counties composing the circuit shall be held at the following times and places: In the county of Winston the Times and 2nd Monday in March and September of each places of holdyear and may continue two weeks. In the county of Walker the court shall be held as follows: The 2nd Monday in January and continue until the first Monday in March, from the fourth Monday in March until the first day of July, and from the fourth Monday in September until December 31st of each year; provided that the first term of the circuit court for Walker county held under this act may commence on the fourth Monday in March, 1907. And provided further, that the judge of said court may organize the same on any day during the time herein provided for holding the same.


Sec. 5. That the judge and solicitor to be ap- Terms of pointed under this act shall each serve for the judge and so term now respectively fixed by law and that their sucessors shall be elected by the qualified electors of said circuit at the time and in the manner now provided by law for the election of circuit judges and solicitors.

Approved February 15, 1907.

No. 36.)


(H. 29.

To amend section 3841 of the Code.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of Alabama, Salary of That section 3841 of the code is hereby amended, justices of su

so as to read: The annual salary of every justice preme court. of the supreme court is five thousand dollars, and

the several justices may draw their salary at this rate from the first day of the month next after the approval thereof.

Approved February 18, 1907.

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