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Joint commit manuscript of

tee to read



No. 37.)


(S. 210. To provide for the appointment of a joint committee to read and revise the manuscript of the new code prepared by Hon. James J. Mayfield, and to prescribe its powers and duties and to fix the compensation of the committee and clerks and provide for their pay and expenses.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of Alabama: That there is hereby created a joint committee to be composed of three senators and five representatives, who are hereby authorized and required to read, during the recess of the legislature the whole manuscript of the new code, as prepared by Hon. James J. Mayfield.

SEC. 2. The committee shall revise, amend and correct the manuscript so as to make it a harmoDuties of com- nious body of law, as nearly perfect as possible, and in doing this, they shall keep correct minutes of their proceedings, to be signed by the chairman of the committee, and returned with the manuscript, so that their amendments, and corrections may be correctly incorporated in the published code.

Clerks; com pensation of.

Compensation and mileage of members.

SEC. 3. The committee shall have authority to employ two clerks, one of whom must be a skillful stenographer and who shall receive not exceeding eight dollars a day, and another who must be a competent, well qualified law clerk, who shall receive not exceeding five dollars a day. The members of the committee shall receive ten dollars per day and the same mileage allowed by law to them as members of the legislature. The pay of members of the committee and clerk shall be for the whole time they are actually engaged in the work for which they are appointed, provided they do not take any recess longer than two days at a time.

SEC. 4. The chairman of the committee shall Chairman of committee to certify to the auditor, the amount due the mem-certify acbers and clerks of the committee, who must counts to audraw his warrant there for on the State treasurer. ditor. SEC. 5. The governor will designate some comfortable room in the capitol and have the same suitably furnished and well lighted for the use tol of the committee, and the secretary of State will furnish all necessary stationery or things requir ed by the committee.

Room in capi

SEC. 6. The joint committee shall codify and General acts incorporate in the manuscript code, all general to be incorpoacts passed by the legislature at this session.


SEC. 7. The secretary of State shall have print- Report in ed, in pamphlet form, one thousand copies of the pamphlet form. report of commissione., James J. Mayfield, show

ing the changes and corrections made by him, for

the use of the legi lature.

SEC. 8. Any vacancy occurring in the senate membership of the committee shall be filled by vacancies; the president of the senate and any vacancy oc- how filled. curring in the house membership of the commit

tee shall be filled by the speaker of the house.

Approved, Feb. 15, 1907.

No. 41.)


(H. 270.

To make an appropriation for the compensation of the land clerk in the office of the State auditor.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of

Alabama, That the compensation of the land Land clerk's clerk in the office of the State auditor shall be compensation. fifteen hundred dollars per annum.

Sec. 2. That the sum of fifteen hundred dollars per annum be and the same is hereby appro- Appropriapriated for the compensation of said land clerk

in the office of the State auditor.

Sec. 3. That this act shall take effect immediately upon its approval by the governor. Approved February 15, 1907.


Act 1899 amended.

National guard to consist of.

Duty commander in chief.

Naval reserve.

Commanderin-chief, staff to consist of.

No. 44.)


(H. 568. To amend sections one and two of an act entitled an act to regulate the volunteer military forces of the State of Alabama, approved February 23, 1899

Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of Alabama, That sections one and two of an act entitled an act to regulate the volunteer military forces of the State of Alabama, approved Feb. 23, 1899, be and the same are hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 1. That the active volunteer organized military forces of the State of Alabama shall constitute and be known as the Alabama National Guard, and may consist of not more than three regiments of infantry, one regiment of cavalry, one regiment of artil lery and one company of signal troops and the governor of the State shall be the commander-inchief thereof. The organization, armament and discipline of the Alabama National Guard shall be the same as that which is now or may be hereafter prescribed for the regular and volunteer armies of the United States. It shall be the duty of the commander-in chief from time to time, to make and publish such orders as may be neces sary to conform said Alabama National Guard in organization, armament and discipline to that prescribed for the army of the United States and such orders, when duly made and published shall have the force and effect of law. The governor, in his discretion, is authorized to organize a naval reserve in accordance with the rules and reg ulations prescribed therefor by the United States government, and to commission the officers there


Sec. 2. The staff of the comamnder-in-chief shall consist of the following officers, to be ap pointed by him and commissioned as officers of the Alabama National Guard, holding office at his pleasure except as may be otherwise provided: One adjutant general, who shall be chief

of staff; one inspector general; one quartermaster general, each with the rank of brigadier general; one judge advocate general, who shall be a member of the supreme court bar of at least five years' standing; one surgeon general, who shall be a graduate of some incorporated school of medicine and of at least five years' practice; one chief of engineers; one chief of ordnance; one paymaster general; one commissary general of subsistence; one chaplain: one assistant adjutant general; one assistant inspector general; one assistant quartermaster general; and four aide-decamp; each with the rank of colonel of cavalry; and four aides-de-camp, each with the rank of lieutenant colonel of cavalry.

Approved February 15, 1907.

No. 47.)


(H. 389.

To amend section 2030 of the code.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of Alabama, That section 2030 of the code be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: 2030. May appoint assistant attorney general. The attorney general may appoint one assistant in his office to be known as assistant attorney general Assistant Atand remove him at pleasure. The salary of torney-Gensuch assistant attorney general shall be fifteen hundred dollars per annum payable out of any moneys in the State treasury not otherwise appropriated as the salaries of other officers are paid.

Approved February 19 1907.


Guardian authorized to compromise debts due ward.

No. 48.)


To amend section 2301 of the code.

(H. 462.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of Alabama, That section 2301 of the code be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 2301. The court of probate may authorize a guardian to compromise any claim or debt due, or claimed to be due, the ward, which is of doubtful collection, (either by reason of the doubtful solvency of the debtor, or of the doubtful validity at law or in equity of the said claim or debt), and has not become so by reason of the negligence of the guardian.

Approved this 19th day of Feb. 1907.

Title to all fish in State.

No. 50.)


(H. 110.

Relating to the preservation, propagation and protection of the fish of Alabama.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of Alabama. That the ownership and title to all fish in the State of Alabama not held by private ownership legally acquired, is hereby declared to be in the State, and no fish shall be caught, taken, or killed in any manner or at any time, or had in possession except the person so catching, taking, killing or having in possession shall consent that the title to said fish shall be and remain in the State of Alabama for the purpose of regulating and controlling the use and disposition of after such catching, taking or killing.

Sec. 2. That the use of dynamite or explosives Use of explo- of any kind in the waters in this State is prosives prohibit hibited except by special permision of and uned, exceptions. der the supervision of the State Game and Fish

Commissioner, and then only for mining or me

chanical purposes, or to recover the bodies of persons. Any person, firm or corporation vio

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