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Peruvian Guano.

NEW YORK, SEPT. 1st, 1874.

I have the pleasure to inform the agricultural community that the Special Agency established for the sale of Genuine Peruvian Guano, in small or large lots, at the same price at which it may be sold by Messrs. Hobson, Hurtado & Co., the sole agents of the Peruvian Government in this country, has met with great success so far.

Verbal reports and numerous letters received daily at this Agency, subject to the perusal of those interested, express entire satisfaction with the Guano sold by me last spring.

Farmers and country dealers are finding out that the Guano imported now is as good as it was until adulterated by unscrupulous jobbers, in such a manner that many consumers were obliged to abandon its use. As, however, the knowledge of this Agency has spread, they are availing themselves of this opportunity to obtain again the genuine article.

By instructions of the Peruvian Government their agents here have ad. vanced the price of Guano from this date to sixty-two dollars and fifty cents ($62.50) gold, per ton of 2240 lbs. gross, establishing at the same time a new scale of discounts, the lowest being of 50 cents on parcels from 50 to 100 tons, and the highest $4 on 500 tons and over. As usual, they will not sell in lots of less than 10 tons.

Under this new arrangement I am enabled to fill orders for lots of ten tons and upwards at less price than the agents of the Peruvian Government. I will, as heretofore, supply quantities under ten tons at the same rate as charged by them.

Full particulars given in Circular, mailed free on application.


No. 58 Beaver Street,

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Messrs. HOBSON, HURTADO & Co., Financial Agents of the Peruvian Govern

ment, 63 Pine Street, New Yor&e.

MOSES TAYLOR, Prest. National City Bank, 52 Wall Street, New York.
J. C2 TRÀOT, ESQ., Peruvian Consul, 39 Broadway, New Y

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21 & 23 Rose St., New York.

Electrotyping in his line of business from the smallest wood cut to the largest newspaper, done in the best manner, and at prices in accordance with the times.



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SEVEN FIRST PREMIUMS received within four weeks-TWO GOLD MEDALS, ONE SILVER MEDAL, and DIPLOMAS, making in all SEVEN FIRST PREMIUMS, from State Fairs, for the BRADBURY New Scale Piano-Fortes, within the brief space of four weeks.

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