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is worth keeping." Therefore be sure, you look to that. And in the next place look to your health; and if you have it, praise God, and value it next to a good conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of; a blessing that money cannot buy; and therefore value it and be thankful for it. As for money (which may be said to be the third blessing) neglect it not; but note, that there is no necessity of being rich; for I told you, there be as many miseries beyond riches as on this side them; and if you have a competence, enjoy it with a meek, cheerful, thankful heart. I will tell you, scholar, I have heard a grave divine say, that God has two dwellings; one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart; which Almighty God grant to me, and to my honest scholar.


One of the evils most liable to attend on any sort of early proficiency, and which often fatally blights its promise, my father most anxiously guarded against. This was self-conceit. He kept me, with extreme vigilance, out of the way of hearing myself praised, or of being led to make self-flattering comparisons between myself and others. From his own intercourse with me I could derive none but a very humble opinion of myself, and the standard of comparison he always held up to me, was not what other people did, but what a man could and ought to do. He completely succeeded in preserving me from the sort of influences he so much dreaded. I was not at all aware that my attainments were anything unusual at my age. If I accidentally had my attention drawn to the fact that some other boy knew less than myself-which happened less often than might be imagined-I concluded, not that I knew much, but that

he, for some reason or other, knew little, or that his knowledge was of a different kind from mine. My state of mind was not humility, but neither was it arrogance. I never thought of saying to myself, I am, or I can do, so and so. I neither estimated myself highly nor lowly: I did not estimate myself at all. If I thought anything about myself, it was that I was rather backward in my studies, since I always found myself so, in comparison with what my father expected from me.


It is very true that a man may be honest, industrious, and well-meaning, yet will not advance himself in the opinion of the world, if he be not at the same time courteous in his manners, and show a general good-naturedness of disposition. We recommend you, therefore, to cultivate civility or politeness of manner. Speak kindly and considerately to all. Avoid everything like rudeness in addressing any one, even although you have reason to be displeased. Ask respectfully for what you wish; give what you have to offer mildly; make no offensive reply to those who speak harshly to you. Remember that "a smooth word turneth away wrath." Never be afraid to speak the truth, but do not obtrude unpleasant truths when it is not desirable. Be slow in believing ill of any one; and try rather to make friends than enemies. On no account imitate those who use vicious or slang phrases in their discourse.*

"I forgot" is never an acceptable excuse.†

-DR. W. W. HALL.

From Chambers's Miscellany.

From How to Live Long.



contains the following exhortation to the studentsubjects of the Japanese Empire.

"Be obedient to your parents; be friendly to your brothers and sisters; husband and wife live harmoniously; be trustful towards your friends; be polite and benevolent towards all. Devote yourselves to the love of learning; cultivate your intelleet and heart; improve the public interest; implicitly obey the constitution and the laws; and in times of national trouble, sacrifice yourselves with courage and fidelity for the state."*

Avoid loose, drinking, gambling company whether they be rich or poor, whether they drink wine or whisky. Habits acquired when young are hard to get rid of.

"The youth", says Mr. Disraeli, "who does not look up will look down; and the spirit that does not soar, is destined perhaps to grovel."

Never give up, though troubles surround thee,
Though thou hast drunk of bitterness' cup;
Though thou art destitute, homeless, forsaken,
Child of misfortune, never give up!

Dark though the clouds above thee are rolling,
And the sun hides his face in a mantle of care;
Still he is shining; cease thy repining,

"Nil desperandum"-never despair.

*From The Central Hindu College Magazine,

Never give up, industrious student,

Toil on-keep struggling, the victory 's thine, Though thou art harassed with care and vexation, Still bring thy jewels from learning's deep mine.

Though destiny on thee a burden imposes,
And thistles and thorns fill thy path-way with care,
Still pluck, on life's journey, the lilies and roses,
And list to Hope's whispering, "never despair!"

Let me exhort you :

1. To consider it as an object of great importance to acquire just notions of religious duty.

2. From a regard to your happiness as well as to your duty, that you determine, with the blessing of God, to make it your first and chief concern, to fear, to love and to obey Him. Would that we could produce in the mind of any one this determination, so as to fix it there as a steady principle of conduct; for then everything would be done that our best wishes for you dictate.

3. A frequent, indeed I would say daily, reflection on your couduct. Self-knowledge can only be acquired by self-examination and inspection: and, to discharge this important duty well, it must be done frequently.

4. That you exercise great caution in the choice of your companions, (especially of your intimate companions); and that you most carefully avoid all such conversation, and such books, as have a tendency to corrupt the mind, to introduce corrupt thoughts and desires, to make you

think less highly of religious duty, to lessen your reverence for virtue, and your abhorrence of vice.

5. Carefully to avoid the common error, of forming your notions of duty upon the conduct and expressions of those around you.

6. Te cultivate and strengthen in your hearts, by habitual exercise, the firmness and decision of character, that holy fortitude and resolution of soul, which will arm you against the influence of false shame, and against the temptations which worldly interest or pleasure may present. I have no wish that you should de spise the good opinion of those around you. If they are wise and good, their approbation is a treasure; if they have too little regard to wisdom and duty, still their good will has its value; and, where you can have it, without any sacrifice of principle, by kindness and courtesy, gain and enjoy it. But I beseech you to consider that human praise is dearly bought, if purchased by the neglect or breach of duty, by the loss of our peace of mind, or of the approbation of God: and that it is infinitely better to bear the temporary pains of ridicule, and worldly censure and disgrace, than to incur the reproaches of conscience, and the displeasure of Almighty God.

7. That, with a view to fulfil your duty from the

principles of religious obedience, to check every sinful desire and disposition, to preserve you in the hour of trial, to urge you on in the way that leadeth to life everlasting, and to obtain the favour of Almighty God, you

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