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Election of Clerical Alternate Delegates to the General Synod. On motion, the Secretary of Synod was instructed to cast the ballot for the five ministerial brethren receiving the highest number of votes, on all ballots, for alternate delegates to the General Synod.

On motion, Rev. John Weidley, D. D., of Washington, D. C., President of the Board of Trustees of the National Home for the Aged, was introduced to Synod and invited to a seat.

Report of Committee No. 6-On Leave of Absence.

Your Committee on Leave of Absence report the following:

The following brethren have asked to be excused from further attendance at this convention of Synod: Revs. J. B. Guiney, H. C. Bixler, Charles T. Aikens, I. O. Moser, R. H. Bergstresser, F. Aurand, H. L. Gerstmyer. Also the following lay brethren: B. S. Rine, H. A. Brumgard, T. K. Beaver.

Your committee recommend that these brethren be excused.

Respectfully submitted,




The President appointed Revs. A. A. Parr and William M. Rearick to represent the Synod, in short addresses, on the visit to the Orphans' Home on Saturday.

Election of Lay Delegates to the General Synod.

The President appointed Revs. H. C. Bixler, B. S. Dise and I. O. Moser tellers in conducting the election.

(See Synodical Calendar for result of election.)

Report of Committee on Status of Divorced Persons with Respect to Church Membership.

Rev. A. H. Spangler, D. D., made a verbal statement.

On motion, the committee was continued.

Pending the election of lay delegates to the General Synod,

the hour of adjournment arrived.

On motion, the time was extended fifteen minutes.

Report of Statistician.

Your Statistician herewith submits the Parochial table. This has been carefully prepared and compared with last year's report and shows commendable advance along nearly all lines of church work.

All pastorates sent reports except Church's Ferry, N. D. These reports were mostly in on time, but a few still retarded the early completion of the table. A report was also received from the First Lutheran Church, of Lock Haven, but as this congregation has never been admitted to Synod the report could not be incorporated in the Parochial table.

Pastors in making out their reports should be more careful in the following particulars :

1. The distribution of funds raised by the Sunday schools and Young People's Societies.

2. In filling the columns of membership, so as to make the numbers harmonize with the former numbers, when proper allowances are made for gains and losses.

3. In all cases to carefully follow the instructions given in the notes on the blanks.

Respectfully submitted,



On motion, the report was adopted, and an order granted for $10.00 for services.

On motion, the report of Rev. Frank Gilbert, of Lock Haven, was ordered appended to the Parochial table.

On motion, the devotional service was fixed for 7.45 a. M., and session of Synod for 8 o'clock.

On motion, the report of the Burnham congregation was ordered to be incorporated into the Parochial table.

The tellers in the election of lay delegates to the General Synod reported the election of Clement Dale, Esq., of Bellefonte, and Mr. Charles A. Widle, of Loysville, on the first ballot.

On motion, the Secretary was instructed to cast the ballot of Synod for the election of the next three highest. (See Synodical Calendar.)

Alternate Lay Delegates.

On motion, the Secretary was instructed to cast the ballot of Synod for the election of the next five highest for alternate lay

delegates to the General Synod. (See Synodical Calendar.) Synod adjourned, and the benediction was given by Rev. A. H. Spangler, D. D.


FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1908, 7.30 O'CLOCK.

The opening service was conducted by Rev. A. A. Parr and Rev. M. S. Cressman, D. D.

Rev. John Weidley, D. D., of Washington, D. C., President of the Board of Trustees of the National Home for the Aged, at Washington, D. C., made the address of the evening on the work and importance of that institution.

The benediction was given by Rev. M. S. Cressman, D. D.

After the evening service, the Ladies' Aid Society of the congregation gave the members of Synod and others a reception in the basement of the church.



The devotional service was led by Rev. C. M. Wachter. At 8 o'clock Synod was called to order by the President, and prayer was offered by Rev. M. S. Cressman, D. D.

Minutes read and adopted.

Report of Tellers.

There being no election, on motion, the balloting was limited to the two having the highest number of votes.


Resolved, That the following subjects be considered at the evening sessions of our next Synod: Thursday, "Pastors' Fund"; Friday, "The Laymen's Movement"; Saturday, "Catechisation."

Report of Committee No. 7-On Resolutions.

Your committee respectfully report, that

WHEREAS, In the providence of God we have again been permitted to meet in this the fifty-fifth regular convention of Synod, with ranks unbroken by the hand of death; and

WHEREAS, There exists no vacancy in the Synod; and

WHEREAS, There has been general progress along all lines of religious activity; therefore be it

Resolved, That we are grateful to Almighty God for the preservation of the lives and health of the members of the entire Synodical body.

Resolved, That we have heard with pleasure the reports and addresses of the various Boards and institutions, noting the faithfulness and efficiency of their labors, and that we are truly thankful to the representatives of these Boards and institutions for the information given us.

Resolved, That we hereby express our gratitude for the general increase in our benevolent contributions, as reported by the Treasurer of Synod.

Resolved, That the thanks of the Synod are due and are hereby tendered to Rev. J. B. Baker for the complete and efficient arrangement for our comfortable entertainment; to the members and friends of this congregation for the generous hospitality of their homes; to the choir for their excellent music; to the Ladies' Aid Society for the splendid and highly enjoyable reception tendered to Synod, and to all who have contributed to the success of this convention of Synod, and that the sentiments of this resolution be conveyed by the President of Synod to the congregation at the close of the session on Sunday evening.

Respectfully submitted,


Adopted by a rising vote.

Report of Committee No. 11-On Auditing Account of Education


Your committee respectfully report that we have examined the accounts of the Education Committee and find them correct.

Respectfully submitted,




Report of Committee No. 4-On Minutes of Juniata Conference. Your Committee to Examine the Minutes of the Juniata Conference would

respectfully report that we have examined the same, and find nothing contained therein requiring the attention of this Synod.

[blocks in formation]

On motion, Rev. A. A. Parr was instructed to cast the ballot for the re-election of the present officers of Synod for the ensuing year. (See Synodical Calendar.)

Division of the East Kishacoquillas Pastorate.

On motion, the President appointed a committee of three on the division of this pastorate.

Report of Committee No. 5-On Letters.

Your committee would report that the following letters were placed into our hands:

A letter from Rev. A. Copenhaver, of Pittsburgh, Pa., stating that because of age and distance he was not able to attend the convention of Synod. A draft of $10.00 for the missionary work of the Church was enclosed.

Your committee recommend that Rev. A. Copenhaver be excused, and that we tender him our thanks for the draft, and divide the amount as directed. A letter from the Secretary of the General Synod calls our attention to the following resolution passed by the General Synod :

Resolved, That the District Synods be advised to print in their minutes the post-office addresses of the lay delegates to this body.

We recommend that our Synod comply with this resolution.

Letters were also received from the following brethren: Rev. C. L. McConnell, D. D., Rev. W. H. Diven, and Rev. I. P. Neff, M. D., who enclosed twenty-five cents as his Synodical collection.

These brethren give good reasons for their absence. therefore, recommend that they be excused.

Respectfully submitted,


Your committee,




The tellers reported the election of the fifth clerical delegate to the General Synod.

According to previous motion, the Secretary now cast the

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