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Theological Seminary, R. W. Brean, Treas.... 100.00

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Your Committee consisting of the Secretary of Synod and Frank M. Crawford and Clement Dale, of Bellefonte, would report as follows:

I. That we have compared the remitters' blanks with the records of the Treasurer and find them correct.

2. We have carefully compared the vouchers in the hands of the Treasurer with the records of his remittances to the General Treasurer and we find them to be correct.

3. The amount received by the Treasurer during the year was $13,530.54—and the balance from last year of $125.58-or a total of $13,656.12. This money has all been paid out as per vouchers except the sum of $160.23.

4. We commend our Treasurer for the care in handling Synod's funds.

5. We recommend that an order be drawn in favor of the Treasurer for $50.00 for services and $9.96 for official expenses.

Respectfully submitted,



Report of Committee on Protocol, 1909.

Your Committee on Protocol beg to report that we have examined the Protocol, comparing it with the original copy and find same to be correct.

Respectfully submitted,




Report of Committee on State of the Church.

Your Committee would offer the following report:

While we are making a summary of the business of the Synod for the year we must not forget to consider the less tangible matter of our spiritual state. The questions which were sent to each pastor and secretary are designed to elicit the information whether or not we as ministering servants in this portion of the Master's vineyard, together with our people, are making Him due return in spiritual fruits. It is not difficult to take account of the loaves and fishes, but to estimate how greatly the broken loaves and divided fishes have ministered to the inner life is a most difficult matter. We separate the multitude into companies, we take account of their number and of the baskets left over, and still have the evasive proposition as to what are the results in actual life with which to grapple. From the 92 reports placed in the hands of the Committee the following items are deduced:

1. Present number of pastors, 31; reporting, 28. There are 4 vacancies.

2. Number of churches, 91; reporting, 64. Last year 32 pastors and 58 secretaries reported.

3. There are no unfavorable reports as to the faithfulness of pastors.

4. Regular Sabbath services have been reasonably well attended by both adults and children.

5. Reports as to the mid-week and other prayer services are as a rule far from encouraging.

6. Congregations, for the most part, have supported the pastors by prompt payment of salary and in activity.

7. A large number of pastors have held Lenten or Passion week services and some have preceded communion seasons by special services.

8. It appears that in but few homes is there earnest and careful religious instruction.

9. In some cases the Young People's and Missionary societies are reported as flourishing and doing good work. In other cases, the contrary. Perhaps reports are equally divided on this question. fo. There have been a goodly number of catechetical classes taught during the year. Some of them were quite large.

II. Few churches report large accessions. In the majority of churches, accessions and losses about counterbalance each other. Removals are causing great loss of members to some of our churches.

12. Not all of our congregations have met the apportionment. Many have and some with a large excess. As to local affairs, financially nearly all of our churches are in good shape.

13. Sunday schools are generally well attended by church members, and the schools appear to be in a flourishing condition.

14. The reports in general are so favorable as to give us great reason to be encouraged in our work. In some particulars, however, they are not very encouraging. It is certain there is not that high state of spiritual life among our people that there should be. We live in an age when a high standard of personal piety is maintained with difficulty.

In view of these deductions from the reports which were received by your Committee, be it therefore resolved by us:

I. That we are deeply grateful to Almighty God for His manifest blessings which He has so generously bestowed upon His people, and that we return sincere thanks for the same.

2. That it is the sense of this Synod that the reinstatement of the practice of parental catechisation in the home would result in incalculable spiritual advantage to our churches.

3. That with sorrow we are impressed that there is not the deep spirituality which should prevail among us, and we will faithfully use all means to correct this deficiency in our churches.

4. That this Synod, upon the adoption of this report, shall at once spend one-half hour in a conference on these conditions with humble and devout prayer to our ever kind and merciful Father above, imploring Him that He grant us a gracious revival of spiritual life during the coming year.

5. Your Committee recommends, that, in printing new blanks, which must be done this year, the blanks be headed as follows: Report of....congregation, of....pastorate.

Respectfully submitted,


Following the suggestion of the Committee, half an hour was

devoted to a discussion of the conditions of the Church and fervent prayers were offered to improve these conditions.

The report was adopted.

On motion, Mr. Harry B. Gerhardt, Field Secretary of the Laymen's Missionary Movement, was heard in the interests of this movement.


Resolved, That Synod has heard with pleasure, Harry B. Gerhardt, the recently appointed Field Secretary of the Laymen's Missionary Movement, and that we will cordially co-operate with him in his special work, and invite him to make an itineracy through our territory, and assure him of an open door to all our churches.

Report of Committee No. 8-On Devotional Services. Your Committee on Devotional Services would respectfully report the following:

Lutheran Church, Bellefonte, Pa.-Addresses on the lesson by Rev. I. O. Moser and Rev. W. J. Wagner, at 9.30 A. M. Sermon by Rev. C. T. Aikens, D. D., at 10.45 a. M. The Memorial Services at 2.00 P. M. Addresess to the Luther League by Rev. Ira S. Sassaman and Rev. B. F. Bieber, 6.30 P. M. Ordination Sermon by Rev. D. R. P. Barry, at 7.30 P. M.

Presbyterian Church-Rev. W. H. Dolbeer, D. D., 10.30 a. M.; Rev. C. T. Aikens, D. D., 7.30 P. M.

Methodist Church-Rev. M. S. Cressman, D. D., 10.30 a. m.; Rev. I. O. Moser, 7.30 P. M.

Reformed Church-Rev. W. J. Wagner, 7.30 P. M.

United Brethren Church-Rev. F. S. Schultz, 10.30 A. M.; Rev. J. M. Rearick, 7.30 P. M.

Evangelical Church-Rev. B. F. Bieber, 7.30 P. M.

Methodist Church, Pleasant Gap-Rev. Jacob Diehl, 10.30 a. m. Respectfully submitted,



Report of the Board of Directors of the Theological Seminary at


During the year two meetings of the Board, a regular and a special meeting, were held in the Seminary building at Gettysburg,

Pa., the regular meeting being held Thursday, May 19th, 1910, and the special meeting Wednesday, June 15th, 1910. At the regular meeting in May only two of your directors were present, Rev. W. H. Fahs and Mr. Samuel Ebert. Rev. A. A. Parr, D. D., was unable to attend either of these meetings because of serious illness.

At the regular meeting the following named officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Rev. E. D. Weigle, D. D.; VicePresident, Rev. Victor Miller; Secretary, H. C. Picking, Esq.

The Treasurer's report showed that the Seminary has an endowment fund of $219,305.31, $5,000 more than a year ago. Of this fund all but $6,074.81 is invested with approved securities at rates ranging from 5% to 6% interest.

The finances of the institution are in a most excellent condition, all bills are promptly paid and the year ended with a balance in the hands of the Treasurer. The Treasurer reported that all the Synods had paid their full apportionment for last year to the contingent fund.

The report of the chairman of the Faculty showed that 44 students were in attendance during the year, nine in the Senior class, seventeen in the Middle class, and eighteen in the Junior class. The health of the students was generally good.

The Repair Committee reported the buildings to be in good condition. A year ago the Board unanimously decided to erect a Dining Hall large enough to accommodate 100 persons, this building to cost $10,000. It was not to be begun until at least three-fourths of the money necessary to build it be in hand.

This building has been begun and will be completed in the near future. At the last meeting of the Board the Committee, having the erection of this building in hand, was authorized to borrow a sum of money sufficient to complete this building at as low a rate of interest as possible.

The Holman lecture was delivered by Rev. John Aberly, D. D., on the 1st Article of the Augsburg Confession, thus beginning the third edition of lectures on the Confession. Rev. L. B. Wolf, D. D., was elected as the Holman lecturer for 1911.

As a great surprise to the majority of the members of the Board came the resignation of Dr. T. C. Billheimer as Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament Exegesis, this resignation to take effect Sept. 1st, 1911. After carefully considering the matter, Dr. Billheimer's resignation was most regretfully accepted. The Board, feeling that it was not prepared to elect a successor to Dr. Billheimer at once, by motion decided that a committee of seven be appointed

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