that it was in some slight degree aggravated by my being the victim was an idea too pleasing to be abandoned. Be that as it may, as soon as my wounds and bruises were dressed, and my garments replaced, according to the rules of decency, Seymour led her into the room to join him in thanking me for all I had done, and in pleading with him for pardon for his almost fatal rashness-a thing that I had forgotten already, dazzled by the hopes which now crowded upon me. A fig for Demerara! I should wait for the next packet at all events, and before that time I might have reason good to stay in Ireland.
To shorten my story, let me say that the surgeon refused to let me be removed for at least a week; and as Seymour refused to quit me for a moment, Grace had to return home by herself, promising to pay us a visit on the morrow. It is needless to say that double the pain I suffered would have been a cheap purchase for half the bliss; and, as I don't intend inflicting on you the journal of my sick room,-how I grew feverish with my very delight, and recovered under the same stimulant, until at last I was permitted to change my quarters for the greater comforts which their residence in M street afforded, - let me omit the daily attentions of my gentle little Grace, the hourly cares of her brother, who at my instance moreover consented to rest satisfied with the bloodshed he had already perpetrated, and let Hall go to Jericho after his own fashion,-a sacrifice which after all he could not have helped making, for the fellow absconded next morning to Germany. Let me, in fine, transport myself to the quiet, cozy little study in M✓ street, where a bed had been prepared for the invalid. It was the first day I had been allowed to take wine, and Mrs. Seymour and I were sitting by ourselves, Frank and Grace having gone out to pay a few visits. The worthy old woman being a bit of a proser, and deeming it her duty to keep me in chat, had commenced a long and edifying disquisition, displaying no small fund of labour and learned research, with the purpose of investigating within what possible degrees of consanguinity the Donnellans of Killmony might, could, would, or should stand related to the Blakes of Fort something, from which ancient and respectable house she derived her origin. In vain, however, she laboured; to her infinite regret she could not make out even a thirty-first cousinship. Common politeness demanded I should come to the poor woman's rescue; and so, following the suggestions of the wine, I spoke my mind boldly, and proposed an arrangement which would obviate the necessity of tracing back so far for an alliance. You may guess the rest. In a year's time, when she reached her years of discretion, Grace Seymour became Grace Donnellan. And now, how do you like my story?
of the Rev. Mr. Mitford. It struck me, however, upon reading it, THE universal admiration excited by the unrivalled grace and activity of Mademoiselle Taglioni produced the following poetical effusion from the pen that the frequent classical allusions, and the high strain of poetical metaphor pursued throughout the poem, might render it somewhat obscure to the general reader. I have, therefore, taken the liberty, by some slight alterations and addi- trust, not less acceptable to the lovers of Poetry and Motion. tions, and by occasionally drawing the allusive imagery from more common-place scenery and circumstances, to render it a little more familiar, but I
ONE moment linger! lo! from Venus' bowers Descends the youngest of the roseate Hours: comes in all her blushing beauty, borne From the far fountains of the purple morn, Aurora's self! what time her brow resumes The bright refulgence of its golden plumes. Sylph of the earth! the sky! and oh! as fair And beauteous as her sisters of the air. In that sweet form what varied graces meet, Love in her eye, and Music in her feet ! Light as the bounding fawn along the lea, Or blythe bird glancing o'er the summer sea; Light as the foam when Venus leaves the wave, Or blossoms fluttering over April's grave. Mark, on yon rose lights the celestial tread- The trembling stalk but just declines its head; Sweet Ariel floats above her as she springs, And wafts the flying fair, and lends her wings. Now wreathed in radiant smiles she seems to glide With buoyant footsteps like Favonius' bride, Or Psyche, Zephyr borne, to Cupid's blushing side. Her light cymar in lucid beauty streains, Of woven air, so thin the texture seems. Round her small waist the zone young Iris binds, And gives the sandals that command the winds. A thousand voices challenge Music's throne, Daughter of air! this empire is thine own! Here Taglioni reigns unrivalled and alone!
* The father of Mademoiselle Taglioni rejoices in the sponsorial and patronymic appellation of Philippe. Terpsichore. Terpi for the sake of brevity, as we say Betsy for Elizabeth.
'Bus for Omnibus Mr. Farren says Omnibi. Vide Doctor Dilworth,
ONE moment linger! -lo! from Venus' bowers, Painted by Messieurs Grieve with fruit and flowers, She comes in all her blushing beauty, borne On canvas clouds to represent the morn, Aurora's self! what time her brow resumes The wreath that's scented with Delcroix' perfumes. Sylph of the earth! the sky! and oh! as fair As Op'ra dancers generally are. In that sweet form what varied graces meet, From sparkling eyes to tiny twinkling feet, Light as the bounding fawn along the lea, Ac-tive and spry' as an industrious flea; Light, as the foam when Venus leaves the wave, Without a rag appearances to save: Mark! on yon rose lights the celestial tread, While agile carpenters decline its head; Sweet Ariel floats above her as she springs, And wafts the flying fair with wires and strings. • Now wreathed in radiant smiles she seems to glide, And in a well-greased groove is made to slide; Her light cymar in lucid beauty streams 'Mong fops and dandies crowding 'hind the scenes, Round her small waist the zone young Iris binds, And Corset Parisien her shape confines.
Fille de Philippe!" the ballet is thine own: When o'er the watered stage the whit'ning's strown A thousand fiddles scrape round Terpi's throne.t All are on tip-toe till thy toe's tip's shown, When for thy farewell night Fame's trumpet's blown, Places are purchased at a price unknown To any (but the box-keeper alone). With weight unusual then the benches groan: Into the 'bust sixteen are crammed-ochone! In fact it is the greatest house e'er known.
Comedy, lines on the successful getting. up of a new one, 344.
Contentment, a poem, 398; see Poems. Cook, Nell; a Tale of the Dark Entry. County Legends, No. II. 81; see County Legends.
Costello, Dudley, the Stage.Coachman abroad by, 543.
Costello, Miss, the Mill of Pouldu by, 644.
County Legends. No. II. Nell Cook. 54; No III. The Lay of the Old Woman clothed in grey, 521. 674. Crowquill, Alfred, The Old Ledger by, 54; No. II. Septimus Jeffs, 197; No. III. The Mountebank, 390; No. IV. The Girl at No. 7, 507.
Daniel, George, Merrie England in the Olden Time by, 17. 129. 257.361.486. 593.
Dancing Master, the, a poem, 152; see Poems.
Diary of a Dining-out Man, 280. Donnellan, Bob, his story, 647.
Dramatists, Modern English, 301,
Election Freedom, lines on, 179.
E. L. J. lines on the Knighting of Bru- nel by, 461.
Elssler, Fanny, epistle to, from the 'Om- nibus' in London, 328,
Epistle to Fanny Elssler, at New York, from the Omnibus' in London, 328. Essay on Abdications, 49. Exile's Song to Fatherland, 205; see Songs.
Fawkes, Guy, see Guy. Fatherland, Song of the Exile to, 205; see Songs. Fifteen Acres, an Adventure in the, 647. Flemming, Paul, Wishes by, 502; Song,
Galatea, lines on, 271.
Gane, W. Law, the Sailor by, 357.
German Poets, specimens of modern, 573.
German Student's Tale, 516.
Ghost Gossips at Blakesley House, 462. 622.
Girl at No. 7. 507; see Old Ledger. Grey Mare, the, see Old Ledger. Guy Fawkes, an Historical Romance, continuation of, -the Star-Chamber, 1; the Jailor's Daughter, 3; the Counterplot, 113; White Webbs, 121; Marriage of Guy Fawkes and Vivia- na Radcliffe, 225; the Capture of Guy Fawkes, 233; Flight of the Conspira. tors, 329; the Examination of Guy Fawkes, 339; account of his under- going the Torture, 441; the troubles of Viviana, 453; Huddington, 551; explosion at Holbeach, 564.
Hill, Thomas, account of, 86.
Hindostan, Hours in, 567.
Ho-Fi of the Yellow Girdle, story of, 305.
Hooton, Charles, Colin Clink by, 65. Hope, a poem, 592.
Horse Ofleanse, or the Man about Town, 272; No. II. Bob Rambleton and his brother, Sir John, 413.
Howitt, Mary, Specimens of Modern German Poets, by, 573. Hours in Hindostan, 567. Hyson and Bohea, a Tale of the Tea. pot, 382.
Ingoldsby, Thomas, County Legends by No. II. Nell Cook, 81; No. III. the Lay of the Old Woman clothed in grey, 521, 574.
Irish Love Adventure, 241. Irish Superstitions, 188.
It is not always May, a poem, 196; see Poems.
Jeffs, Septimus, story of, 197. J. S. lines on the successful getting-up of a new Comedy by, 344.
Kensall Green, visit to the Cemetery there, 92.
Lay of the Old Woman clothed in grey, 521, 574.
Legends, County, No. II. Nell Cook, 81; No. III. The Lay of the Old Woman clothed in grey, 521, 574. Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, lines on Ga- latea by, 271.
Light, a poem, 422; see Poems. Lines to One far away, 149; on Elec. tion Freedom, 179; on National De. ficiencies, 254; to Paddy, 292; on the successful getting up of a new Come- dy, 344; on the rumoured intention of knighting Mr. Brunel, 461; to Myr- tha, 473; to Hope, 592.
Linkman, the, 635. Loewenthalt, Jesaias Rumpler von, lines to Hope by, 592. Longfellow, Professor, the Village Black- smith by, 53; It is not always May, 196.
London Assurance,' Light, by the au- thor of, 422.
Love Adventure, account of an Irish, 241.
Lundt, Zacharias, Bridal Hymn by,
M'Teague, P., Irish Superstitions by, 188.
Man about Town, Horse Offleane by, 272. 412; see Horse Offleanæ.
Marine Memoranda, No. II. 206; No. III. 503.
Martin Opitz Von Boberfeld, Content- ment, a poem by, 398. Medwin, Captain Sydney, from the Memoranda of a Physician, by, 168. Merrie England in the Olden Time; ancient sports and pastimes, 17. 129. 257. 361. 486, 593.
Mobility, Children of the, 164. Modern English Dramatists, Mr. Ser. jeant Talfourd, 301.
Moscherosch, J. M., Praise of Wineby, 186.
Mountebank, the, No. III. of the Old Ledger, 390; see Old Ledger.
Muimp, story of the, 457. Murray, Hon. R. Dundas, the Lonja of
Seville by, 583.
Mussulah Boat, 571. My Grand Tour, 40.
Myrtha, lines to, 473.
North Pole, Rumfuskin, King of the, a tragedy, 345.
Novels, notes on some new, 526.
Ode, a classical one, with a free transla. tion, 292.
Old Ledger, Introduction to the, 54; No. I. The Grey Mare, 59; No. II. Sep- timus Jeffs, 197; No. III. The Mount. ebank, 390; No. IV. The Girl at No. 7,507.
Old Woman clothed in Grey, Lay of the, No. II. County Legends, 521, 674; see County Legends.
• Omnibus,' epistle from the, to Fanny Elssler, 328.
One Hour with Death, a poem, 255; see Poems.
Opinions of the 'Times,' 37. O'Toole, Phelim, an Irish Love Adven- ture by, 241; Adventure in the Fifteen Acres, 647.
![[blocks in formation]](,706,414,187)
Physician, tale from the memoranda of a, 168.
Poems-Victoria Regina, 38; the Village Blacksmith, 53; When shall we three mect again, 64; the Dancing Master, 157; in Praise of Wine, 186; Sum- mer in the Heart, 208; One hour with Death, 255; Contentment, 398; the Return of the Birds, 421; Light, 422; Wishes, 502; the Bridal Hymn, 530. Poole, John, Rumfuskin, King of the North Pole, a Tragedy for the First of April, by, 345. Pop' Visit, the, 150. Porcelain Bath, see Bath, Pouldu, the Mill of, 644.
Poyntz, Albany, Abdications, a Prize Essay by, 49; The Children of the Mobility, 164; Diary of a Dining-out Man, 280; Secrets of the Blue Cham- ber, 399; the Linkman, 635.
Praise of Wine, a poem, 186; see Poems.
Rencontre with the Brigands, 375.
Return of the Birds, a poem, 421; see Poems.
Rumfuskin, King of the North Pole, a tragedy, 345.
-, Albert, a Rencontre with the Brigands by, 375.
S. N. H., One Hour with Death by, 256. Songs Of the Exile to Fatherland, 205; The Wanderer, 506.
Sonnet on presenting a young lady with a locket of hair, 573. Stanley Thorn, his introduction to the House of Commons, 98; the Petition, its progress, and the result, 107; an important disclosure in the affairs of the Widow, 209; reconciliation be- tween Bob and Venerable Joe, 212; Stanley resolves to retrieve his fortunes, 216; the commencement of his spe- culations, 423; the Countess of Cla- rendale's Soirée Musicale, 436; the Countess receives another lesson, 531; commencement of Stanley's pecuni- ary embarrassments, 536.
Stage-Coachman Abroad, the, 543. Stephen Dugard, Ghost Gossips at Blakcsley House by the author of, 462, 622.
Student's Tale, the German, 516. Submarine, Marine Memoranda by a, 206; No. III. 503.
Summer in the Heart, a poem, 208; see Poems.
Superstitions, account of the Irish, 188. Sydney, from the Memoranda of a Phy- sician, 168.
Taglioni, lines on, 662. Talfourd, Mr. Serjeant, remarks on his new Novels, 301.
Tale of the Tea-pot, Hyson and Bohea, 382.
Thorn, Stanley, see Stanley. Three Ravens, story of the, 180. Times, opinions on the, 37. To One far away, lines, 149. Tough Yarn, a, 158. Tragedy, Rumfuskin, King of the North Pole, 345.
'T.T. T.' Hyson and Bohea, a tale by, 382; the Porcelain Bath, 610.
Valentine Vox,' Stanley Thorn by the author of, 98. 209.423. 531.
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