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August, 1914.

13 GREAT BRITAIN-AUSTRIA. Great Britain declared war on Austria. London Gazette, Nos. 28868, 28870.

13 FRANCE-AUSTRIA. France declared war on Austria. London Gazette, Nos. 28868, 28870.

14 BELGIUM-FRANCE. Accord signed respecting jurisdiction of French and Belgium armies over their soldiers. French text: J. O., 1914, p. 8979.

20 PERU-UNITED STATES. United States Senate advised the ratification of the treaty following the plan of the Secretary of State for the advancement of peace, signed July 14, 1914. This Journal, p. 176.

23 JAPAN. Regulations published relating to exemption of German ships from capture. English text: N. Y. Times, Oct. 19, 1914. 27 AUSTRIA-JAPAN. Diplomatic relations broken off. Address of Japanese Minister to Imperial Diet, Sept. 5, 1914.

28 AUSTRIA BELGIUM. Austria declared war on Belgium. Despatch to U. S. State Dept.

29 PARAGUAY-UNITED STATES. Treaty signed following the plan of the Secretary of State for the advancement of peace. This Journal, p. 176.

September, 1914.

4 EUROPEAN WAR. Declaration of France, Great Britain and Russia not to make peace separately. Cd. 7717.

5 GREAT BRITAIN. First Prize Court since Crimean war held in the Admiralty Court under presidency of Sir Samuel Evans. Times, Sept. 5, 1914.

9 GREAT BRITAIN. Proclamation issued respecting trading with the enemy. A notice, with further instructions was issued Oct. 6. Times, Sept. 10, Oct. 7.

14 FRANCE ITALY. Arbitration treaty which expired Dec. 24, 1913, prolonged for a further period of five years from that date. R. di dir. int., ser. 2, 3:413.

21 FRANCE. The French Government sent a protest to the neutral Powers against the bombardment of Rheims Cathedral. Times, Oct. 1, 1914.

25 FRANCE-UNITED STATES. United States Senate advised the ratification of the treaty following the plan of the Secretary of

September, 1914.

State for the advancement of peace, signed September 15, 1914.
This Journal, p. 176.

28 DEATH OF GUIDO FUSINATO. Dr. Fusinato was formerly professor of international law at the University of Turin, deputy councillor of state, member of the Institut de droit international and since 1908 member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague from Italy. R. di dir. int. 8:309. This Journal, p. 208. 30 ITALY. Protested to Austria against the promiscuous use of floating mines in the Adriatic, which has resulted in destruction and loss of life on the Italian coast. Austria assured Italy that measures would be taken to prevent further damage to neutral shipping by mines in the Adriatic. R. of R. (N. Y.), 50:541.

October, 1914.

1 RUSSIA-UNITED STATES. Treaty signed following the plan of the Secretary of State for the advancement of peace. The Senate consented to and advised the ratification of this treaty Oct. 13, 1914. Washington Post, Oct. 14, 1914.

2 GREAT BRITAIN. Announced that German mine-laying and submarine activity had made British mine-laying in the North Sea a necessity. Times, Oct. 3, 1914.

4 ALBANIA. Essad Pasha reëntered Albania, after four months exile, accompanied by an army, and assumed control of the government. R. of R. (N. Y.), 50:545.

4 JAPAN-GERMANY. A Japanese squadron took possession of Marshall Archipelago. These islands lie in Micronesia in the Pacific, about mid-way between Guam and the Hawaiian Islands. They have an area of 158 square miles, a population of about 16,000, and have belonged to Germany since 1885. Ind., 80:47.

5 JAPAN-GERMANY. Japan seized German railway in Shantung. Ind., 80:47.

6 BELGIUM. Government removed from Antwerp to Ostend. Times, Oct. 8, 1914.

9 EUROPEAN WAR. Antwerp surrendered to the Germans. Times, Oct. 12, 1914.

10 PANAMA-UNITED STATES. Protocol of an agreement signed relating to hospitality extended to belligerent vessels within their re

October, 1914.

spective jurisdictions. English and Spanish texts: U. S. Treaty Series, No. 597.

11 EUROPEAN WAR. It is reported that the German military governor of Antwerp has levied an indemnity of $100,000,000 upon the city. This brings the total war indemnity up to $240,000,000. On August 23 the French Foreign Office stated that Great Britain and France had agreed to advance $100,000,000 to Belgium to meet the demands of Germany. Times, Nov. 3, 1914.

12 ROUMANIA. King Carol died. He was born in 1839 as Prince Charles of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, and accepted the crown of Roumania in March, 1866. He was succeeded by his nephew, King Ferdinand, also of the House of Hohenzollern, whose wife, Queen Mary, is the daughter of the late Duke of Edinburgh. Times, Oct. 13, 1914.

12 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA. British proclamation issued declaring martial law owing to desertion of Lieut. Col. Maritz and certain of his troops to the German forces. Times, Oct. 14, 1914.

13 GERMANY-HOLLAND. Germany gives assurances to Holland that the neutrality of the Scheldt from Antwerp through Holland will be respected. R. of R. (N. Y.), 50:543.

13 BELGIUM. Government removed from Ostend, Belgium, to Havre, France. Times, Oct. 15, 1914.

13 GUATEMALA-UNITED STATES. Ratifications exchanged of treaty following the plan of the Secretary of State for the advancement of peace, signed Sept. 20, 1914; proclaimed Oct. 13, 1914. English and Spanish texts: U. S. Treaty Series, No. 598.

13 CHINA-UNITED STATES. Senate consented to and advised the ratification of treaty following the plan of the Secretary of State for the advancement of peace signed July 24, 1914. Washington Post, Oct. 14, 1914.

13 GREECE-UNITED STATES. Treaty signed following the plan of the Secretary of State for the advancement of peace. Ratification advised and consented to by the Senate Oct. 20, 1914. This Journal, p. 176.

13 ECUADOR-UNITED STATES. Treaty signed following the plan of the Secretary of State for the advancement of peace. Ratifica

October, 1914.

tions advised and consented to by the Senate Oct. 20, 1914. This Journal, p. 176.

15 UNITED STATES. The Department of State issued statement as to neutrality and trade in contraband of war. Supplement, p. 124. 19 HAITI. American marines landed at Cape Haitien to maintain order, after the town had been seized by revolutionists. R. of R. (N. Y.), 50:545.

21 NORWAY-UNITED STATES. Ratifications exchanged of treaty following the plan of the Secretary of State for the advancement of peace, signed June 24, 1914. English and Norwegian texts: U. S. Treaty Series, No. 599.

21 RUSSIA. The Czar declared a perpetual prohibition on the state sale of alcohol. Times, Nov. 3, 1914.

24 PORTUGAL UNITED STATES. Ratifications exchanged of treaty following the plan of the Secretary of State for the advancement of peace, signed Feb. 4, 1914. Portuguese and English texts: U. S. Treaty Series, No. 600.

24 PORTUGAL-UNITED STATES. Ratifications exchanged of treaty extending the duration of the arbitration treaty of April 6, 1908. Portuguese and English texts: U. S. Treaty Series, No. 601.

30 TURKEY-RUSSIA. Turkey began war on Russia by shelling Black Sea ports. Cd. 7628.

November, 1914.

2 EGYPT. Martial law proclaimed. Times, Nov. 4, 1914.

3 RUSSIA-TURKEY. Russia handed the Turkish Chargé d'Affaires his passports. Times, Nov. 4, 1914.

4 CYPRUS. Great Britain formally annexed the Island of Cyprus. London Gazette, No. 28963.

5 FRANCE GREAT BRITAIN-TURKEY. France and Great Britain formally declared war on Turkey. London Gazette, No. 28963. 6 BELGIUM-TURKEY. The Belgium government handed the Turkish minister his passports. Times, Nov. 7, 1914.

6 EUROPEAN WAR. Greece annexed Epirus. Washington Post, Nov. 7, 1914.

7 JAPAN GERMANY. Japan officially announced that Tsingtau had surrendered to the Japanese troops. Times, Nov. 9, 1914.

November, 1914.

9 EUROPEAN WAR. Formal declaration of war by the Allies against Turkey, signed by the five allied Powers. Extract from text: Washington Post, Nov. 11, 1914. In the European war the breaking off of diplomatic intercourse, by a formal declaration, by handing passports to diplomatic representative, or by statement that the country considered that a state of war existed, occurred as follows, the first named country being the country making the declaration, etc.:

[blocks in formation]

(English Blue Book in Cd. 7467, 7445, 7628, 7716; English translation of Belgian Grey Book in Cd. 7627; of French Yellow Book in Cd. 7717; of Russian Orange Book in Cd. 7626.)

10 GREAT BRITAIN-UNITED STATES. Ratifications exchanged of

treaty following the plan of the Secretary of State for the advancement of peace, signed Sept. 15, 1914. Text: U. S. Treaty Series, No. 602.

12 COSTA RICA-UNITED STATES. Ratifications exchanged of the treaty following the plan of the Secretary of State for the advancement of peace, signed February 13, 1914. Spanish and English texts: U. S. Treaty Series, No. 603.

12 COSTA RICA-UNITED STATES. Agreement extending the duration of the arbitration convention of January 13, 1909 for a further period of five years. Spanish and English texts: U. S. Treaty Series, No. 604.

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