I'll follow you across the snow; Then wherefore should I fear to die? XIII. THE LAST OF THE FLOCK. IN distant countries have I been, And in his arms a Lamb he had. He saw me, and he turned aside, When I was young, a single Man, Year after year my stock it grew; Is all that is alive; And now I care not if we die, Six Children, Sir! had I to feed; Hard labour in a time of need! I of the Parish asked relief. They said I was a wealthy man ; Another still! and still another! A little lamb, and then its mother! It was a vein that never stopp'd Like blood-drops from my heart they dropp'd. Till thirty were not left alive They dwindled, dwindled, one by one, And I may say, that many a time I wished they all were gone: They dwindled one by one away; |