페이지 이미지

29. (Fig. 48.) BERBERIS. Barberry.

Fl. ex. 60.

Sauerdorn, Bereberitzen, Saurach, G. Berberide, Epine-vinette, Vinettier, Fr.

The root bark of Berberis canadensis (vulgaris) L, Berberidaceae. Brownish lemon yellow.


Bitter; colors saliva yellow.

Sclerenchymatous bast cells and typical sclerenchyma; numerous bark parenchyma cells with prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate. Suberized cells of the outer bark. Starch granules simple and two to three compound, 3 to 10μ in diameter. A bit of the powder mounted in dilute nitric acid (1 per cent. aqueous solution) will show clusters of acicular crystals of berberine.

Ash 3 per cent.

Related species of Berberis are substituted for the Canadian barberry. Likely to be attacked by insect parasites and the container should be kept closed with a little chloroform added from time to time.

[graphic][subsumed][merged small][merged small][subsumed]

30. (Fig. 49.) BRYONIA. Bryonia, Bryony.

Fl. ex. 60. Tinct. 40.

Zaunrübe, Gichtrübe, G. Bryone blanche, Coulevree, Fr.

The roots of Bryonia alba L., Cucurbitaceae.

Very light brown.

Slight odor, recalling taraxacum.

Very bitter.

Rather large thin walled parenchyma cells with compound starch granules; some collenchymatous parenchyma; large porous and reticu late ducts; tracheids; small amount of cork tissue.

Rarely adulterated. Related species may be substituted.

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31. (Fig. 50.) BUCHU. Buchu leaves. U. S.

Fl. ex. 60. Tinct. 60.

Buccoblätter, Buckublätter, G. Feuilles de bucco (booko, buchu), Fr. The leaves of Barosma crenulata Hooker, B. serratifolia Willd., Rutaceae.

Pale green.

Aromatic, mint-like.

Bitterish, pungent.

Epidermal cells with vertical walls straight, containing inulin; stomata on lower surface only; cuticle with warty elevations; trichomes very few, simple, single celled, short; no crystals.

Ash 4.5 per cent.

The histology of long buchu and false long buchu practically identical with that of short buchu. The cuticular markings are, however, less prominent.

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