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52. (Fig. 65.) CHAMAELIRIUM. Starwort.

Fl. ex. 30.

Blazing star, Devil's bit, False unicorn-root, E.

The rhizomes of Chamaelirium luteum Gray, Melanthaceae.
Brownish gray.
Nearly odorless.

Large sclerenchymatous bast cells; smaller tracheid-like sclerenchyma cells; isodiametric, rather thin walled sclerenchyma cells; tracheids; parenchyma with small simple spherical starch granules and raphides of calcium oxalate; outer parenchyma with reddish brown contents.

53. CHELIDONIUM. Chelidonium.

Fl. ex. 40.

Celandine, Tetterwort, E. Schollkraut, G. Chelidone, Herbe à l'hirondelle, Fr.

The herb of Chelidonium majus L., Papaveraceae.

Dark greenish brown.

Fragrant when dry, recalling gaultheria; narcotic, heavy, when fresh or moist.

Somewhat pungent, bitterish.

Vertical walls of upper and lower epidermis wavy; stomata on lower surface only; simply, long, many-celled, smooth and thin walled trichomes above and below.

Glaucium luteum (horn poppy) and G. corniculatum may be substituted for Chelidonium.

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54. CHENOPODIUM. Chenopodium.

Fl. ex. 60.

American wormseed, E. Amerikanischer Wurmsamen, G. Anserine vermifuge, Fr.

The fruit of Chenopodium ambrosioides L., Chenopodiaceae.
Light brown.

Very disagreeably and markedly terebinthine.

Quite pungent and somewhat bitter.

Vertical walls of epidermal cells wavy; simple trichomes with usually four basal cells, elongated curved end cell; glandular trichomes; numerous leaf parenchyma cells with crystal sand.

Epidermal tissue of pericarp much like that of leaf but no trichomes; spongy parenchyma. Deep bright reddish brown tissue of testa. Very thin walled endosperm tissue filled with proteid granules and fat. Ash 7 per cent.

Adulterated with fruit of allied species.

55. (Fig. 66.) CHICLE. Chicle Gum.

The gummy exudate from the evergreen tree Achras sapota L., Sapotaceae.

Brown to light reddish brown.

Brittle, crumbly masses in dry cold weather; soft, gummy in hot weather.

Faintly aromatic, agreeable odor.

Tasteless. Gum like.

May contain bark tissues, and usually contains some dirt, sand and some tissue elements, and a trace of starch. Partially soluble in alcohol. Upon evaporating a droplet of the alcoholic solution upon a slide and examining under the high power of the microscope numerous globules of uniform size and spherical form will be seen; resembling very closely a smear of a pure culture of some coccus and streptococcus form. Pouring the alcoholic solution into water, a whitish emulsion forms which rises toward the top portion of the water. The cork cells and cork cell fragments which are generally present are deep reddish brown in color with deep reddish brown cell contents.

Ash 4.85 per cent.

May contain an excess of sand, dirt and vegetable tissue.



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Fig. 66. CHICLE GUM. a, globules of gum precipitated upon a slide from an alcohol solution. The globules resemble coccus and streptococcus forms very closely; b, undissolved bits of the gum; c, cork cells, the most constantly present impurity.

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