페이지 이미지
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Fig. 69. CHONDRUS CRISPUS. a, cells of the outer tissue of the thallus; b, cells from the inner portion of the thallus; c, a fungus very frequently present. The hyphæ show numerous transverse septæ. The spores are elliptical (one being shown in the figure). The diatoms so characteristic of agar are wanting in Chondrus.

59. (Fig. 70.) CICHORIUM. Chicory. Succory.
Roasted, coarsely powdered.

Cichorie, G. Chicoree sauvage, Fr.

The roots of Cichorium Intybus L., Compositæ.

Roasted-Very dark brown.
Unroasted-Light brown.

Roasted-Aromatic, characteristic.

Unroasted-Nearly odorless, recalling taraxacum.

Roasted Sweetish, bitterish, astringent.


Parenchyma with inulin; tracheids; cork tissue; lacticiferous ducts. Woody tissue more abundant in the wild growing chicory. Roots of the cultivated plant fleshy; the parenchyma predominating.

Used as an adulterant of coffee or added intentionally to modify the flavor.

[blocks in formation]

60. (Fig. 71.) CIMICIFUGA. Cimicifuga. U. S.

Fl. ex. 60. Tinct. 60.

Black snakeroot, Black cohosh, E. Schwarze Schlangenwurzel, G. Racine d'actée à grappes, Fr.

The rhizomes and roots of Cimicifuga racemosa Nutt. Ranunculaceæ.

Ash gray.

Nearly odorless when dry; heavy, narcotic when moist.

Sweetish, bitter, pungent..

Parenchyma cells rather large containing minute nearly spherical starch granules. The starch granules measure from 6 to 13μ and the polarizing bands are indistinct and are limited to the peripheral portion of the granule. Some compound granules are present. The hili are rather large but quite indistinct. Some cork tissue and tracheids. Ash 10 per cent.

Rarely adulterated.

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