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83. (Fig. 90.) DULCAMARA. Dulcamara.

Fl. ex. 60.

Bittersweet, woody nightshade, E. Bittersüssstengel, G. Tiges de douce-amere (de morelle grimpante), Fr.

The young branches of Solanum Dulcamara L., Solanaceæ.
Light yellowish brown.

Faintly heavy, recalling tobacco.

Bitter, afterwards sweet which is very persistent.

Typical parenchyma; tracheids; porous ducts; some cork tissue; a few small pointed simple trichomes; porous medullary ray cells. Many of the parenchyma cells filled with crypto-crystalline calcium oxalate. A few typical bast cells distributed through outer parenchyma. Epidermal cells polygonal; stomata few.

Said to be adulterated with stems of Humulus Lupulus and Lonicera Periclymenum. Much employed as an adulterant of belladonna.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Spurred rye, blasted rye, E. Mutterkorn, Hungerkorn, Kornmutter, Zapfenkorn, G. Ergot de seigle, Blé cornu, Fr.

The mycelium of Claviceps purpurea Tuslane, Hypocreaceæ, displacing the seeds of Secale cereale L., Gramineæ.

Dark ash gray tinged with purple.

Somewhat musty; heavy, rancid, herring brine odor when old. Somewhat sweetish and pungent; nearly tasteless.

Consists of a much intertwined hyphal tissue. The outer layers of a small-celled pseudo-parenchyma with dark cell-walls. Small fragments of hyphæ only, no elongated elements visible. Abundant oil globules may be seen upon heating the slide mount. A small amount of rye starch will usually be found, traceable to the few normal rye grains which are generally present in the crude drug.

Ash should not exceed 4.5 per cent.

The powdered article deteriorates very rapidly. Should be free from foreign mold elements and yeast cells. May be adulterated with corn smut. There should be no vascular tissue or any other true vegetable tissue or epidermal structures.

85. (Fig. 91.) ERIODICTYON. Mountain Balm. U. S.

Fl. ex. 30.

Consumptives' weed, Bear's weed, E.

The leaves of Eriodictyon Californicum G., Hydrophyllaceæ.
Light brownish green.

Somewhat aromatically fragrant; recalling tea or hay.
Sweetish, bitterish, sticky (resin).

Upper epidermal cells comparatively large, thick-walled with linear cuticular markings, vertical walls straight. Lower epidermal cells similar in form, but much smaller, and not readily seen because of the numerous trichomes. Numerous simple, single-celled, thickwalled, elongated, wavy trichomes. Some sessile glandular trichomes. Aggregate crystals of calcium oxalate.

Ash 7 per cent.

Mixed with Eriodictyon tomentosum which has short trichomes.

[blocks in formation]
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