페이지 이미지

91. (Fig. 98.) FRANGULA. Frangula. U. S.

Fl. ex. 30.

Alder, Buckthorn, E. Faulbaumrinde, G. Ecorce de Bourdaine, Bourgène, Fr.

The bark of Rhamnus Frangula L., Rhamnaceæ.

Yellow brown.

Nearly odorless.

Sweetish, bitter, somewhat mucilaginous; saliva yellow.

Outer bark cells filled with deep reddish brown coloring matter. Inner bark cells without coloring matter, with a few small starch granules, some with aggregate crystals of calcium oxalate. Typical thick-walled bast cells and prismatic crystal bearing fibers.

Ash 4.5 per cent.

Adulterated with barks of allied species.

[blocks in formation]

92. (Fig. 99.) GALLA. Nutgall. U. S.

Fl. ex. 40. Tinct. 40.

Aleppo galls, Galls, E. Gallen, Galläpfel, G. Galle de chêne, Noix de galle, Fr.

Warty (sub-globular) excresences upon Quercus infectoria Oliv., Fagaceae, caused by the punctures, eggs and larvæ of Cynips Gallae tinctoriae, Insecta.

Ash gray.

Very astringent.

Large celled, thin-walled parenchyma and some rather thick-walled parenchyma. Compound starch granules. Yellowish porous sclerenchyma with walls of medium thickness. Some parenchyma cells contain aggregate and prismatic crystals and oval or bean-shaped dark brown tannin bodies.

Much adulterated, ground olive pits and nut shells being most commonly employed.

[blocks in formation]

93. (Fig. 100.) GALLA. Chinese Galls.

Fl. ex. 40. Tinct. 40.

Chinese galls, Japanese galls, E. Chinesische Galläpfel, Japanesische Galläpfel, G.

Galls produced upon the leaves and leaf stalks of Rhus semialata Murray, by Aphis chinensis, Insecta.

Brownish ash gray.


Very astringent.

Numerous mostly single-celled trichomes, rather thick-walled, pointed ends recurved.

Thin-walled parenchyma with a few mostly

simple starch granules. Greenish yellow resin masses.

The two galls are markedly different histologically. Compare with other varieties. The Japanese and Chinese galls are closely similar histologically.

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