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94. (Fig. 101.) GAMBIR.

Gambir. Catechu.

The dried extract from decoctions of the leaves and twigs of Ourouparia Gambir Bail., Rubiaceæ.

Brown color.

Practically odorless.

Bitter and very astringent.

The gum particles gradually dissolve in the water mount, showing a crystalline structure, the fragments of which closely resemble bacteria. True bacteria may also be present. Soluble in water as well as in alcohol. The diagnostic inclusions are the simple, mostly singlecelled brownish rather thick-walled trichomes, some of which may be broken.

Ash about 5 per cent.

Vegetable tissue should be wanting excepting the above described trichomes. There should be no distinct angular resin particles, nor many larger prismatic crystals. Sand and dirt may be present in


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a, particles of the gum mounted in water, showing the fine somewhat striate irregular needle-like crystalline structure; l, the diagnostic simple, brownish rather thick-walled mostly single-celled trichomes. The thickening of the wall may extend entirely across the lumen giving the resemblance of a two- to threecelled trichome; c, larger crystalline fragments of the gambir.

95. GAULTHERIA. Gaultheria.

Fl. ex. 40.

Wintergreen, Teaberry, Partridgeberry, Boxberry, Chickenberry, E. Canadischer Thee, Bergthee, G. Feuilles de gaulthérie, Thé du Canada, Thé de terre-neuve, Fr.

The leaves of Gaultheria procumbens L., Ericaceæ.

Greenish yellow brown.

Very pleasantly fragrant.

Slightly bitter, very astringent.

Histology closely similar to that of chimaphila (see Chimaphila), excepting that each stoma is surrounded by two neighboring cells instead of four to five, and that crystals or calcium oxalate are few or practically wanting in the leaf parenchyma.

96. (Fig. 102.) GELSEMIUM. Gelsemium. U. S.

Fl. ex. 60. Tinct., 60.

Yellow jessamine or jasmine, E. Gelsemie, Giftjasmine, G. Jasmin sauvage, Fr.

The rhizomes and roots of Gelesemium sempervirens Aiton, Loganiaceæ.

Very pale brown.

Somewhat narcotic, heavy.

Very bitter.

Considerable cork tissue. Parenchyma cells rather small, with small spherical simple starch granules and prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate. Numerous tracheids and large porous ducts.

Ash 2.5 per cent.
Rarely adulterated.

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