페이지 이미지
[blocks in formation]

9. Starch granules showing characteristic U-shaped hilum.

120. (Fig. 121.) IRIS. Iris. Blueflag.

Fl. ex. 60.

Blue flag, water flag, E. Amerikanischer Schwertel, Verschiedenfarbige Schwertlilie, G. Rhizome d'iris varié, flambe variée, Glaieul bleu, Fr.

The rhizomes of Iris versicolor L., Iridaceæ.

Rather light brown.

Odor of fenugreek.

Sweetish, astringent, somewhat pungent.

Epidermis of suberized cells. Hypodermal cell thick-walled. Parenchyma cells somewhat elongated. Many of the hypodermal and parenchyma cells filled with a deep brown resin. Mostly porous ducts; some reticulate and spiral.

Iris virginica and I. verna are related plants and have similar properties.

[graphic][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][merged small]

121. (Fig. 122.) JALAPA. U. S.

Fine powder.

The tuberous roots of Exogonium purga Benth., Convolvulaceae. Dry feel, resinous on warming.

Light grayish brown.

Smoky (faint creosote) odor due to method of drying tubers over open flame.

Sweetish, pungent.

Considerable brown suberized tissue. Small-celled outer parenchyma with numerous aggregate crystals. The inner parenchyma typical, large-celled, filled with starch and resin. Fragments of large and smaller porous ducts and laticiferous ducts. Resin globules and fragments of resin bearing cells. Starch granules simple and compound (mostly twos), 14μ to 40, and some aggregates, also some pasty starch; hili quite distinct in the larger granules and slightly excentric; cross bands right angled and remarkably distinct, showing complete rotation on turning the analyzer.

Ash 5 per cent. Impurities should not exceed 5 per cent.

Among the likely adulterants are starches and flour, roots and rootlets of the same species (excess of fibrous tissue); tubers and roots of related species; sand and dirt.

[blocks in formation]
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