페이지 이미지
[blocks in formation]

a. Parenchyma with starch and cryptocrystals (b).

c. Parenchyma cells, transverse view.

d. Reticulate ducts.

e. Epidermal cell.

182. (Fig. 174.) SCUTELLARIA. Skullcap.

Fl. ex. 30.

Hoodwort, Madweed, E. Helmkraut, Schildkraut, G. Scutellaire,


The leafy parts of Scutellaria lateriflora L., Labiatæ.

Deep, somewhat olive green.

Fragrant; somewhat heavy.

Sweetish and somewhat bitter.

Vertical walls of epidermal cells wavy; delicate wavy cuticular markings; stomata on lower surface only. Simple many celled trichomes with warty cuticular markings. Large many celled glandular trichomes and smaller glands with two secreting cells. Some oval pollen grains.

[blocks in formation]

183. (Fig. 175.) SENEGA. Senega. U. S.
Fl. ex. 30.

Senega, snakeroot, E. Senegawurzel, G. Polygale de Virginie, ¿Fr.
The roots of Polygala Senega L., Polygalaceæ.

Light yellowish brown.

Peculiar, heavy, somewhat rancid odor.

Sweetish, pungent.

Parenchyma cells elongated; many of them collenchymatous; phloem groups distributed through parenchyma. No cell contents excepting fat. Outer yellowish cork. Numerous tracheids and porous ducts.

Ash 5 per cent.

Compare with the western varieties with which the above is frequently adulterated. Other adulterants may also be suspected.

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d. Collenchyma and phloem group, longitudinal view.

f. Parenchyma, longitudinal view.

9. Tracheids.

h. Porous duct.

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