페이지 이미지

189. (Fig. 182.) STAPHISAGRIA. Staphisagria. U. S.
Fl. ex. 60.

Stavesacre, E. Stephanskörner, Läusekörner, G. Staphisaigre, Fr.
The seeds of Delphinium Staphisagria L., Ranunculaceæ.
Very dark.

Heavy, nauseous, rancid.

Very bitter, pungent.

Enormous epidermal cells, vertically elongated, thick-walled, brown, with warty to filamentous cuticular thickenings. Groups of longer cells alternate with groups of shorter cells causing the pitted appearance of the seed. Below the epidermis a thin-walled parenchyma. Endosperm cells polygonal, walls moderately thick, not very porous, filled with granular proteid matter and fat.





a. Epidermal cell, vertical view.

b. Two epidermal cells, lateral view.

c. Endosperm cells.

d. Hypodermal parenchyma.

190. (Fig. 183.) STILLINGIA. Stillingia. U. S.

Fl. ex. 30.

Queen's delight, Silver leaf, E. Stillingie, G., Fr.

The roots of Stillingia sylvatica L., Euphorbiaceæ.

Rather pale reddish brown.

Somewhat heavy, musty.

Bitter, pungent.

Cork tissue with reddish brown coloring matter. Parenchyma cells filled with simple and compound irregular starch granules with quite distinct slit-like hili. Some parenchyma cells, usually smaller, with aggregate crystals of calcium oxalate. Some typical bast fibers; tracheids and reticulate ducts. Medullary ray cells filled with starch. Ash 5 per cent.

Rarely adulterated.

[graphic][merged small][merged small]

a. Parenchyma with starch, crystals and some brown resin. b. Cork with reddish brown coloring matter.

c. Bast fibers.

d. Reticulate duct.

e. Porous parenchyma, longitudinal view.

f. Tracheids.

g. Starch and aggregate crystals of calcium oxalate.

191. (Fig. 184.) STRAMONIUM. Stramonium Leaves.

U. S.

Fl. ex. 30.

Thornapple, E. Stechapfel, F. Stramoine, Fr.

The leaves of Datura Stramonium L., Solanaceæ.

Bright green.

Heavy, nauseous.


Vertical walls of epidermal cells wavy, those of lower epidermis more markedly so. Stomata above and below. Simple, three to six celled, rather large and thin-walled trichomes with warty cuticular markings Glandular trichomes. Long palisade cells, spongy tissue cells with aggregate crystals of calcium oxalate. Prismatic crystals are found in leaf stalk and vascular bundles.

[blocks in formation]

Epidermal cells quite large, somewhat rectangular in form, brownish in color, walls greatly thickened with numerous branching pores; outer walls wavy, producing warts and ridges as seen in lateral views. Endosperm cells polygonal, thick-walled, but not distinctly porous, bearing crenate aleuron grains and fat. Concentrated sulfuric acid colors the powder deep red.

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