페이지 이미지

Good, luxury of doing, 342.

man never dies, 437.

man yields his breath, 437.
man's sin, 440.

men and true, 27.

men must associate, 351.
name in man, 127.
name is better, 558.
name to be chosen, 555.
news baits, 194.

night till it be morrow, 78.
noble to be, 517.
nor aught so, 78.

of my country, 258, 391.
old age, 540.
old cause, 413..
old-gentlemanly vice, 487.
old rule, 411.

opinion of the law, 381.
or evil times, 136.
parent of, 185.

part, hath chosen that, 570.
pleasure ease, 274.
Queen Bess, 5ɔ8.

report and evil report, 575.

sense the gift of Heaven, 279.

set terms, 40.
some fleeting, 342.
some special, 78.
sword rust, 434.

that men do is oft interred
with their bones, 85.
the gods provide thee, 221.
the more communicated, 185.
thing out of Nazareth, 571.
things will strive, 18.
time coming, 450.

to me is lost, 181.

war or bad peace, 316.

we oft might win, 22.

Gorgeous palaces, 18.
Gorgons and Hydras, 177.
Gory locks, never shake thy, 95.
Gospel-books, lineaments of, 12.
Gospel-light first dawned, 336.
Govern my passion, 238.
those that toil, 343.
Government, forms of, 273.

founded on compromise, 352.
Gown, plucked his, 345.
Gowns, fellow with two, 28.
furr'd, 122.

Grace affordeth health, 598.
all above is, 226.
and virtue, 218.

attractive kinde of, 12.
beyond the reach of art, 280.
does it with a better, 46.
ease with, 310.

free nature's, 311.
half so good a, 23.
love of, 116.
me no grace, 613.
melody of every, 161.
ministers of, 104.
my cause, 123.
of a day, 520,
of finer form, 448.
power of, 439.
purity of, 479.

seated on this brow, 115.
simplicity a, 144.
sweet attractive, 181.
that won, 187.
unbought, 353-

was in all her steps, 187.
Graceless zealots fight, 273.
Graces all other, 305.

peculiar, 184.

sacrifice to the, 306.

will be the final goal of ill, Gracious is the time, 101.

[blocks in formation]

Tam grew, 385.

Gradations of decay, 319.
Grain, say which, will grow, 88.
Grammar-school, erecting a, 67.
Grand old ballad, 434.

old gardener, 517;

old name of gentleman, 524.
Grandam, soul of our, 48.
Grandmother Eve, 29.

Grandsire, cut in alabaster, 35.

phrase, 76.

skilled in gestic lore, 343.

Grant an honest fame, 294.
Grapple them to thy soul, 103.
Grasp the ocean, 255.

Grasps the skirts of chance, 523.
Grass, all flesh is, 563.

days are as, 550.
two blades of, 246.

Grasshopper shall be a burden, | Great let me call him, 268.


Grasshoppers under a fern, 354.
Grateful evening mild, 183.

mind by owing, 180.
Gratiano, I hold the world, 34.
speaks an infinite deal, 35.
Gratitude of men, 417.

of place-expectants, 253.
still small voice of, 332.
Gratulation, sign of, 188.
Gratulations flow, 243.
Grave, a little little, 53.

an obscure, 53.


botanize upon his mother's,
come from the. 107.
cradle stands in the, 146.
cruel as the, 561.

dread thing, 307.

Druid lies in yonder, 340.
Duncan is in his, 94.
earliest at his, 495.
forget thee, 475.

glory lead but to the, 332.

gone to the, 460.
hungry as the, 309.
in a full age, 544.
low laid in my, 49.
mattock and the, 264.
night of the, 359.
rush to glory or the, 441.
she is in her, 402.

steps of glory to the, 482.
strewed thy, 119.

to gav, 275.

to light, 226, 275.

where is thy victory, 295, 574.
where Laura lay, 13.

wisdom in the, 559.

with sorrow to the, 540.

without a, 476.

Graves are pilgrim shrines, 529.

dishonourable, 82.

let's talk of, 53.

of your sires, 528.
stood tenantless, 100.

Gray hairs with sorrow, 540.
Marathon, 470.

mare the better horse, 606.

Gray-hooded even, 195.
Greasy citizens, 39.
Great Cæsar fell, 86.

cause, die in a, 485.
contest follows, 362.
far above the, 330.
First Cause, 295.
glorious and free, 456.
grown so, 83.

in villany, 50.

is truth and mighty, 566.

lords' stories, 392.

none unhappy but the, 257,

of old, 484.

ones eat up the little ones, 133.
some are born, 47.
though fallen, 469.
thoughts great feelings, 500.
vulgar, 167.

wits allied to madness, 221.
wits will jump, 605.
Greater love hath no man, 572.
than I can bear, 540.
Greatest happiness of the greatest
number, 596.

love of life, 379.

men, world knows nothing of
its, 515.

Greatness and goodness, 435.
farewell to all my, 72.
highest point of all my, 72.
some achieve, 47.

substance of his, 149.
Greatnesse on goodnesse, 222.
Grecian chisel trace, 448.
Greece, and fulmin'd over, 192.
beauties of exulting, 309.
but living Greece, 477.
eye of, 192.

isles of, 488.
John Naps of, 44.

we give our shining blades,

Greedy of filthy lucre, 576.
Greek, above all, 289.

could speak, 212.

or Roman name, 226.
smali Latin and less, 145.
to me, it was, 83.

Greeks joined Greeks, 237.

Green and yellow melancholy, 47.

bay-tree, 547.
be the turf, 528.
grassy turf, 359.
in judgment, 131.
in youth, 298.

leaf has perished in the, 523.

old age, 229.

one red, 93.

pastures, lie down in, 547.
thought in a green shade, 219.
tree, things in a, 571.

Greenhouse, loves a, 362.
Greenland's icy mountains, 461.
Green-robed senators, 498.
Greetings where no kindness is,


Gregory remember thy swashing
blow, 76.

Grew together like to a double | Grow dim with age, 251.

[blocks in formation]

so merry, 373.
to sit and, 535.

Grind, axe to, 465.
demd horrid, 538.

slowly, mus of God, 534.
the faces of the poor, 562.
Grinders cease, 560.
Gripe, barren sceptre in my, 94.
of noose, 381.
Gristle, people in the, 352.
Groan, anguish poured his, 318.
bubbling, 476.

the knell the pall, 528.
Groans of the dying, 446.

thy old, ring yet, 79.
Groined the aisles, 527.
Grooves of change, 519.
Grose, his name was, 490.
Gross and scope, 100.
Ground, haunted holy, 470.
let us sit upon the, 53.
of nature, 410.
on classic, 252.
purple all the, 200.
slave to till my, 361.
water spilt on the, 542.

Groundlings, ears of the, 112.
Grove of Academe, 192.

Groves, God's first temples, 514.

double, surely you 'll, 417.

wiser and better, 238.
Grown by what it fed on, 102.
Grows with his growth, 272.
Growth, man is the nobler, 378.
man the only, 342.

of mother earth, 409.
Grudge, feed fat the ancient, 35.
Grundy, what will Mrs., say, 394.
Guard dies but never surrenders,

our native seas, 441.

thy bed, holy angels, 255.
Guardian angel o'er his life pre-
siding, 399.

angels sung, 312.
Gude time coming, 450.
Gudeman 's awa', 372.
Gudgeons, swallow, 217.
Guesseth but in part, 436.
Guest, speed the going, 288.
speed the parting, 299.
the body's, 597;
Guests are in the depths of hell,

Guid to be honest and true, 390.
to be merry and wise, 390.
Guide philosopher and friend, 276.
providence their, 191.
Guides, blind, 569.

the planets in their course, 400.
Guilt's in that heart, 456.
of Eastern kings, 165.
rebellion fraud, 250.

so full of artless jealousy is, 117.

to cover, 349.

who fear not, 357-

Guilty of no error, 504.
of such a ballad, 29.
thing, started like a, 100.
thing surprised, 422.
Guinea, compass of a, 465.
jingling of the, 519.
Guinea's stamp, 389.
Gulf profound, 176.
Gum, med'cinable, 131.
Gun, out of an elder, 64.
Guns, these vile, 55.

Gypsies stealing children, 382.
Habit, costly thy, 104.

use doth breed a, 19.
Habitation, local, 34.

Habits, small, well pursued, 379.
Had we never loved sae kindly, 389.
Haggard, do prove her, 128.
Hags, black and midnight, 96.
Hail Columbia, 428.

fellow, well met, 606.
holy light, 179.

Hail horrors hail, 171.

the rising sun, 338.
to the chief, 448.
wedded love, 183.
Hails you Tom or Jack, 370.
Hair, amber-dropping, 198.
beauty draws us with a single,

distinguish and divide, 212.
just grizzled, 229.
most resplendent, 403.
my fell of, 98.
ninth part of a, 57.
sacred, dissever, 285.
shakes pestilence, 177.
to stand on end, 106.
Hair-breadth 'scapes, 124.
Hairs of your head are all num-
bered, 567.

Hal, no more of that, 56.
Half broken-hearted, 466.

hidden from the eye, 402.
his Troy was burned, 60.
in shade and half in sun, 457.
is more than the whole, 581.
Our knowledge we must

snatch, 276.
the creeds, 523.
Half-pennyworth of bread, 57.
Half-shirt is two napkins, 58.
Half-shut eyes, 284.

Hall, merry in, 7.
Hallowed is the time, 101.

Halt ye between two opinions,

[blocks in formation]

fell, no, 460.

Hampden, some village, 333.
Hand, adore the, 239.

against every man, 540..
cheek upon her, 77.
cloud like a man's, 543.
findeth to do do it, 559.
for hand foot for foot, 541.
handle toward my, 92.
hold a fire in his, 52.

in hand, 191, 315.

in his lifted, 224.

in thy right, 73.

led by my, 292.
let not thy left, 566.
licks the, 269.

of little employment, 117.

Hand open as day, 62.
put in every honest, 130.
red right, 175.

sweet and cunning, 46.
sweeten this little, 97.
that dealt the blow, 440.
that fed them, 355.

that made us is divine, 253.
that rounded Peter's dome,


time has laid his, 534.

to execute and head to con-
trive, 358.
unlineal, 94.
unpurchased, 535.

upon a woman, 400.
upon the ark, 361.

upon the Ocean's mane, 501.
waved her lily, 302.

with my heart in 't, 18.
you cannot see, 300.
Handel's but a ninny, 305.
Handle not taste not, 575-
toward my hand. 92.
Hands, by foreign, 296.
fatal, 178.

folding of the, 552.

from picking and stealing, 579.
hateth nicer, 10.

knell is rung by fairy, 339.
promiscuously applied, 477.
shake, with a king, 529.
then take, 17.
wings or feet, 179.

Hand-saw, hawk from a, 109.
Handsome, everything,

him, 28.


in three hundred pounds, 21.
Hang a calf's-skin, 50.

a doubt on, 129.
out our banners, 98.
sorrow, 151.

the pensive head, 200.
upon his pent-house, 88.
Hanging in a golden chain, 179.
the worst use man could be
put to, 141.
Hangman's whip, 387.
Hangs on Dian's temple, 75.

on princes' favours, 72.
Hannibal a pretty fellow, 256.
Hapless love, 319.

Happier in the passion we feel,


than I know, 187.

Happiness, domestic, 362.
glimpse of, 209.

of the greatest number, 596.
our being's end, 274..
produced by a good inn, 321.

Happiness that makes the heart | Harry the King, 64.

afraid, 507.

through another's eyes, 43.
too familiar, 420.
too swiftly flies, 329.
virtue alone is, 275.
was born a twin, 487.
we prize, if solid, 315.
Happy boy at Drury's, 509.

could I be with either, 301.
he with such a mother, 521.
hills pleasing shades, 328.
if I could say how much, 26.
is he born and taught, 141.
is the man, 551.

mixtures of more happy days,

soul that all the way, 163.
the man, 227.

walks and shades, 190.
who in his verse, 226.
Harass the distrest, 318.
Harbinger, spring-time's, 150.
Harbingers to heaven, 168, 209.
Hard crab-tree, 214.

it is to climb, 359.
to part, 378.
Hare, to start a, 55.
Hark from the tombs, 255.
hark! the lark, 132.
they whisper, 295.
Harm, win us to our, 88.
Harmless as doves, 567.
Harmonies, concerted, 505.
Harmonious numbers, 179.
Harmoniously confus'd, 294.
Harmony, heaven drowsy with, 31.
heavenly, 227.

in her bright eye, 161.
in immortal souls, 38.
not understood, 271.
of shape, 242.

of the universe, 353-
of the world, 16.
soul of, 202.

to harmony, 227.
Harness, dead in his, 566.
girdeth on his, 543.
on our back, 99.
Haroun Alraschid, 517.
Harp of a thousand strings, 255.
of life, 518.

of Orpheus, 207..
open palm upon his, 534.
through Tara's halls, 453.
Harper, but as a, 534.
Harping on my daughter, 108.
Harps upon the willows, 551.
Harpy-footed Furies, 176.
Harrow up thy soul, 106.

with his beaver on, 58.
Harsh and crabbed, 197.

Hart panteth after the water
brooks, 548.

ungalled play, 114.
Harvest of a quiet eye, 418.
of the new-mown hay, 248.
truly is plenteous, 567.
Harvest-time of love, 426.
Has been and may be, 411.
Hast any philosophy in thee, 42.
thou a charm, 433.
Haste, married in, 256.

mounting in hot, 471.
now to my setting, 72.
thee, nymph, 201.
to be rich, 557.
with moderate, 103.
Hasten to be drunk, 224.
Hastening ills, 344

Hat not the worse for wear, 368.
three-cornered, 535.
Hate, immortal, 170.

in like extreme, 299.
of those below, 471.
unrelenting, 227.
Hated, as to be, 273.

with a hate, 489.
Hater, a good, 322.
Hath he not always treasures, 435.
Hating David, 222.

no one, loved but her, 475.
Hatred, love turned to, 256.
Haud the wretch in order, 387.
Haughtiness of soul, 250.
Haughty spirit before a fall, 554.
Haunt, exempt from public, 39.
Haunted holy ground, 470.

me like a passion, 406.
Haunts in dale, 436.
Have and to hold, 579-

been blest, 478.

Havens, ports and happy, 52.
Havock, cry, 85.

Hawk from a hand-saw, 109.
Hawks, between two, 65.
Hawthorn bush with seats, 344.

under the, 201.

Hay, harvest of the new-mown,

Hazard of concealing, 387.

of the die, 71.

He best can paint them, 294.
comes too near, 146, 303.
cometh unto you, 14.
coude songes make, 1.
for God only, 181.

must needs go, 45.
saw her charming, 309.

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