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Laws, statutes, etc.



State Dairy and Food Commissioner,

PROF. ELTON FULMER, State Chemist.

L. W. HANSEN, Deputy State Dairy Instructor.
WILL H. ADAMS, Deputy State Dairy Inspector.




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An Act regulating the manufacture of dairy products, to prevent deception or fraud in the sale of the same or imitation thereof, providing for the appointment of a Dairy Commissioner and defining his duties, creating a State Board of Dairy Commissioners and defining their duties, imposing certain duties upon the chemists of state institutions, providing penalties for violations of this law, making an appropriation.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington:

Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale, or furnish or deliver to any creamery, cheese factory, corporation, person or persons whatsoever, as pure, wholesome and unskimmed, any unmerchantable, adulterated, skimmed, impure or unwholesome milk.

Sec. 2. In all prosecutions or other proceedings under this or any other law of this state, relating to the sale or furnishing of milk, if it shall be proven that the milk sold or offered for sale, or furnished or delivered or had in possession with intent to sell or offer for sale, or to furnish or deliver, as aforesaid, as pure, wholesome or unskimmed milk, contain less than three per centum of pure butter fat ight

297787sht per centum

of milk solids other than fat, when subject to chemical analysis or other satisfactory tests, or that it, or any part of it, was drawn from cows known by the person complained of, to have been within fifteen days before or four days after parturition, or to have any disease or ulcers, or other running sores, then in either case, the said milk shall be held and judged to be unmerchantable, adulterated, impure or unwholesome, as the case may be, and if it shall appear that cows kept for the production of milk or cream, for market or for sale or exchange, or for manufacturing their milk into articles of food, are kept in a crowded or unhealthy condition, or are being fed on distillery waste or other substance in a state of putrefaction or rottenness, or upon any substance of an unhealthful nature, the milk or cream from the same is hereby declared impure and unwholesome. Any milk or cream from the same that has been exposed to or contaminated by emanations, discharges or exhalations from persons or animals, or to which has been added any borax, boracic acid, salycillic acid, or any other poisonous substance which prevents or tends to prevent the normal bacterial actions of milk, is hereby declared to be impure and unwholesome.

Sec. 3. The Washington State Dairy Commissioner is hereby authorized and directed to procure and issue to the cheese manufacturers of the state, and under any regulations as to the custody and use thereof as he may prescribe, a uniform stencil brand bearing a suitable device or motto and the words "Washington State Full Cream Cheese." Every brand issued shall be used on the outside of the cheese, and shall have a different number for each separate manufactory, and the commissioner shall keep a book in which shall be registered the name, location and number of each manufactory using the said brand, and the name or names of the persons at each manufactory authorized to use the same. It shall be unlawful to use or permit suhe stencil brand to be used upon any other than

full cream cheese or packages containing the same, and such cheese only as shall contain thirty per centum of pure butter fat and have been manufactured from pure and wholesome milk, from which no portion of the butter fat shall have been removed by skimming or by other process, and in the manufacture of which neither butter nor any substance for butter, or any animal or vegetable fats or oils, have been used, or any fat which has been extracted from milk in any form and returned for the purpose of filling said cheese, shall be stamped with the "state brand." All cheese containing less than thirty per centum of pure butter fat shall be marked "skimmed cheese" in full-face capital letters not less than one inch high, with such ink as is not easily removed by moisture. The manufacture or sale of any cheese containing less than fifteen per centum of pure butter fat, or so-called "filled cheese," is hereby prohibited: Provided, That nothing in this section shall be construed to apply to Edam, Brickstein, Pineapple, Limburger, Swiss or hand-made cheese, or any other fancy cheese: Provided further, That cheese not made in this state, but which shall be sold or offered for sale in this state, shall be so stamped as to indicate its true character: And provided further, That no cheese shall be stamped "full cream" which does not in every particular comply with the requirements of "Washington full cream" cheese, as hereinbefore set forth, except as to place of manufacture.

Sec. 4. The Dairy Commissioner shall furnish blanks to all proprietors or managers of creameries, cheese factories, or milk dairies that ship milk and all the vendors and peddlers of milk within the state, for the purpose of making a report of the amount of milk and dairy goods handled, and all owners or managers of such creameries and cheese factories, and all milk dairies, milk vendors or milk peddlers, shall fill out the blank, giving a full and accurate report of the business done during the year, and send it

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