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THE scenery on the river Hudson, in America, is the most beautiful in the world. Those who have seen both the Rhine and the Hudson, give the palm to the Hudson.

There are many small streams flowing into the Hudson; or, as the Americans call them, creeks. The small stream which is now called Fort Montgomery Creek was once known by the curious Dutch name-Paplopen's Kill. The banks of the creek are high and steep, and on the south side are richly covered with trees.

Less than half a mile from the broad deep waters at the mouth of the creek, where large vessels may anchor, the creek is a wild mountain stream, rushing into the calm tide-water through narrow valleys and dark ravines.


The artist sketched on the spot the scene in our engraving. There are on this creek thousands of charming pictures, such as artists love to sketch, and all lovers of beauty would walk long miles to see. There is a small dam thrown across the creek, which is used to send the water to a mill a few rods below. You will see the dam at the end of the stream in the picture.

Anecdotes and Selections.

THE FOUNTAIN OPENED.-Come, let us not despair; the fountain is as full and as free as ever;-precious fountain, ever flowing with blood and water, milk and wine. This is the stream that heals the wounded, refreshes the weary, satisfies the hungry, strengthens the weak, and confirms the strong; it opens the eyes of the blind, softens the heart of stone, teaches the dumb to sing, and enables the lame and paralytic to walk, to leap, to run, to fly, to mount up with eagles' wings; a taste of this stream raises earth to heaven, and brings down heaven upon earth. Nor is it a fountain only; it is a universal blessing, and assumes a variety of shapes to suit itself to our wants. It is a sun, a shield, a garment, a shade, a banner, a refuge; it is bread, the true bread, the very staff of life; it is life itself, immortal, eternal bread !— The cross of Jesus Christ my Lord

Is food and med'cine, shield and sword.

Take that for your motto; wear it in your heart; keep it in your eye; have it often in your mouth till you can find something better. The cross of Christ is the tree of life and the tree of knowledge combined. Blessed be God, there is neither prohibition nor flaming sword to keep us back, but it stands like a tree by the highway side which affords its shade to every passenger without distinction.-John Newton.

THE GOOD SHEPHERD.-" Among the hills of Scotland," said Dr. Guthrie, "I have met a good shepherd, far from the fold, driving home a lost sheep (one which had gone astray), a creature panting for breath, amazed, alarmed, footsore; and when the rocks around rang loud to the baying of the dogs, I have seen them dashing fiercely at its sides, hounding it home. How differently Jesus brings home His lost! He tenderly lifts them, lays them upon His shoulder, and over all stony and rough places He bears them, till the home is reached, and friends and neighbours are called in to rejoice over the lost one found."

OBEDIENCE AND HOLINESS. Unless we strenuously aim at universal holiness we can have no satisfactory evidence that we are the servants of Christ. A servant of Christ is one who obeys Christ as his master, and makes Christ's revealed word the rule of his conduct. No man then can have any evidence that he is a servant of Christ any further than he obeys the will of Christ. And no man can have any evidence that he obeys the will of Christ in one particular, unless he sincerely and strenuously aims to obey in every particular; for the will of Christ is one.-Payson.


THE TEMPERANCE CAUSE.-Sometimes it is said that we cannot work so well without we take intoxicating drinks. I heard a man say he accomplished a hard day's work much better when he took coffee than when he took beer. The sailors in the Artic regions that were abstainers were able to stand that extreme region the better. Men in our harvest fields have got on better without it. And after many long years I can give my testimony that I can get on far better than when, in moderation, I used beer as a beverage. We know that there is no one evil that produces such fearful results in this country as the drink. It is the forerunner of multitudes of sorrows. It blasts thousands of maybe happy homes. T. H.


The Fireside.

ABOUT WASHING. - Many good clothes very rapidly, and that is rinsing housekeepers complain that their them in too little water. They must clothes turn yellow in washing, and be carefully watched, taking care that they cannot understand why this there is an abundance of water, and should be. We think they will soon changed so often that when put into find a remedy if they will take the the last rinsing or blued-water there trouble so far to oversee the washing shall be no indication of suds or soap as to be sure that the clothes are put in that water. Careless rinsing, by on to boil in cold water, instead of hot, leaving soap in the clothes, will in two or even boiling water, as servants are or three washings begin to change the over-fond of doing. The clothes, after colour of white articles to a dingy wringing from the first suds, must yellow, and it is a long and difficult have a little soap rubbed on the worst piece of work to bring them back to stains or soiled spots-enough to make their proper colour. a good suds when they are put into HOUSEKEEPING A BUSINESS.-When the boiler of cold water and placed housekeeping is carried on as a busiover the fire. Nothing turns clothes ness it becomes a reality. Half the a bad colour so quickly as to put them homes are wanting in attraction beinto hot water, as is too often done, cause the work that makes them and if they are allowed to boil long it beautiful is considered a drudgery. is very much worse. From twenty to When a business man proves himself twenty-five minutes' slow boiling is successful, the supposition is that he quite long enough for the dirtiest has known more or less drudgery in articles. Sheets, pillow-cases, towels, attaining a prosperous position. A handkerchiefs, table-linen, etc., should little humiliation, rightly used, and we have very little boiling. Let them are elevated. Having in charge a scald for twenty-five minutes without home, let it be a business to make it a at any time coming to full boiling heat; and the colour will be much clearer, and any streaks or stains be much more readily taken out, if boiling is rejected for all but the coarsest and dirtiest articles. There is another negligent or ignorant act which yellows

success. Whether rich or poor, the call is the same. Make the best of opportunities. Begin by mastering each department; if you stoop, stoop to conquer. Take as much delight in your calling as your husband or your brothers take in theirs.


Notes and Queries.

K. U. F.-The marginal readings are not always the best.

M. G. F.-State your question again, and we will endeavour to answer it. H. M.-Yes: it certainly gives one the true idea of nobility.

S. F. W.-Not necessarily. The whole passage hardly conveys that idea.

H. H. T.-Ask your minister. We can hardly explain the case in the brief space at our command.

flowed silently down the face of the Master.

E. W. W.-Read all the passages in the Four Gospels in which the Great Teacher and Lord of the Sabbath rebukes the Jews for their oppressive and perverted way of interpreting the command about "keeping holy the Sabbath-day," and you will come to a different conclusion.

C. A. H.-"Works" in the Epistles to the Seven Churches in Asia, refers J. Y. H.-The "flight" was by night, to the whole character and spirit of and along an unfrequented road. It the people. Of course "Asia" is used is fifty miles distant from where the in the narrower sense then common, fugitives started. and denoted the western end of the J. A. S. The word translated land we now know as Asia Minor, the "wept," in the verse, "Jesus wept," part that lies along the sea. Patmos means, shed silent tears. There were, lies nearest to Ephesus. that is, no sobs, nor cries. The tears

Facts, Hints, Gems, and Poetry.


George Fox, the originator of the Society of Friends, known as Quakers, was born in Drayton, Leicestershire, in 1624.

The first steamer was seen on the Thames in 1815; the first steam voyage to India was accomplished in 1825; the first English railway was opened the same year.

It was by a letter addressed to Joseph Priestly by John Huddust, in 1777, that the defect of colour blindness was first brought to the attention of the scientific world.

Pocahontas, the Indian maid, lies buried at Gravesend, near London, where she closed her life. John Smith, whom she shielded from her father's anger, lies not far from her, in the church of St. Sepulchre.

Persian was the court language of India for at least two centuries before the English conquered the country,

and was the official language of the courts of British India up to a comparatively recent period.

The Romans first became acquainted with the ancient Germans 113 years before Christ, when they appeared under the name of Teutons and Cimbri, and, moving south, carried the terror of their arms over Gaul and part of northern Italy.


Along with the helping hand, there should always be a helping sympathy. -Bovee.

The true and sure recipe for being miserable is to quarrel with Providence.-J. W. Alexander.

Of what use are forms, seeing at times they are empty? Of the same use as barrels, which at times are empty, too.-Hare.

There is a great deal of unmapped country within us which would have


to be taken into account in an explana- wealth. Thou lightenest thy load by tion of our gusts and storms.-George lightening his.-Augustine. Eliot.

There is a sort of economy in the ways of Providence, that one shall excel where another is defective, in order to make men useful to each other, and mix them in society. Addison.

Parents are commonly more careful to bestow wit on their children than virtue; the art of speaking well than doing well; but their manners ought to be the great concern.-Dr. Fuller.


We may at our peril reconcile ourselves to the world, but it will never reconcile itself to us.-Baxter.

Men in misfortune are like men in the dark, to whom all colours are the same.-Swift.

Not he is profane who rejects the gods of the vulgar, but he who accepts them.-Lucretius.

The world will never be in any manner of order or tranquility until men are firmly convinced that conscience, honour, and credit, are all in one interest.-Steele.

When God commands to take the

The heart must be divorced from its idols. Age does a great deal in curing the man of his frenzy; but if God has a special work for a man he takes a shorter and a sharper course with him. This grievous loss is only a further and more expensive education for the work of the ministry; it is but saying more closely, "Will you pay the price?"-Cecil.

Poetic Selections.

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In such a prayer as this
The blessing I must miss.
Or if I only dare

To raise this fainting prayer: "Thou seest, Lord, that I am poor and weak, And cannot tell what things I ought to seek; I therefore do not ask at all, but still

I trust Thy bounty all my wants to fill"-
My lips shall thus grow dumb,
The blessing shall not come.
But if I lowly fall,

And thus in faith I call:

trumpet and blow a dolorous or a jar-Through Christ, O Lord, I pray Thee give

ring blast, it lies not in man's will what he shall say or what he shall conceal.-Milton.

I once read an inscription over the gate of a cemetery; the words were these "They rest from their labours, and their works do follow them." A voice whispered, "What works?"— Bishop Whipple.

Men will not forever fight about mere memories. He is wisest who leaves the dead to bury their dead, and who follows the Master into the new fields of present duty. Governor Woodford.

Poverty is the load of some, and wealth is the load of others, perhaps the greater load of the two. It may weigh them to perdition. Bear the load of thy neighbour's poverty, and let him bear with thee the load of thy

to me

Not what I would, but what seems best to

Until to Thy full joy I come at length"-
My prayer shall then avail,
The blessing shall not fail.

Of life, of health, of service, and of strength,


IF a pilgrim has been shadowed
By a tree that I have nursed;
If a can of clear, cold water

I have raised to lips athirst;
If I've planted one sweet flower
By an else too barren way;
If I've whispered in the midnight
One sweet word to tell of day;
If in one poor bleeding bosom
If a dark and restless spirit
I a woe swept chord have stilled;

I with hope of heaven have filled;
If I've made for life's hard battle
Then, my God, I thank Thee, bless Thee,

One faint heart grow brave and strong,

For the precious gift of song.

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