페이지 이미지

II. ii. 249. Handel's opera of Ariadne, which contains a famous minuet, was produced in 1733.

II. ii. 373 seq.
Osric says, "A hit, a very palpable hit."

Terms used in fencing. In Hamlet, V. ii. 266,

III. i. 88. See Othello, III. iii. 90.

In "The Historical

III. i. 129. Lord Burleigh shakes his head. Register," Fielding introduced four Patriots, who met and shook hands, but said nothing:-"Sir, what they think now cannot well be spoke, but you may conjecture a great deal from their shaking their heads."

III. 1. 326. As Mr Fraser Rae points out, the procession at the end of the play would appeal to the patriotic feelings of the audience, as England was at war with France and Spain in 1779, and the enemy's fleets were cruising off our coasts.


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