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a guide in their reading and study of geography the following year, and as a basis for institute work in 1899.


The county examiners are either leaders in the educational work of their county or absolute hindrances to educational progress. They can not occupy neutral ground. If they are progressive, earnest, energetic, and enthusiastic, their influence will be felt either directly or indirectly in the betterment of the schools through the uplifting of the

better class of teachers and the compulsory retirement of the incompetent, and ignorant. On the other hand if the county examiners are indifferent to the welfare of the schools, their example serves to produce carelessness on the part of the teachers which in turn soon manifests itself in inferior work on the part of the pupils and in the lack of proper educational sentiment among the people.

Within the past few years the opportunities for usefulness on the part of county examiners have greatly increased. The Boxwell Examinations with their accompanying township and county commencements furnish not only the means of determining the scholarship of pupils and through that medium, to a certain extent, the success of teachers, but also the means of reaching the people at the

commencements and creating among them that healthy educational sentiment which is absolutely necessary to good schools. In this work the county examiners can be and ought to be leaders.

Then the Ohio Teachers' Read

ing Circle which is such a positive factor in the educational work of the state also furnishes great opportunities for effective work on the part of the examiners. It is almost impossible to make it a success. without their help, while an active. interest on their part in its welfare insures its success. In this connection it is in place to call attention to the fact that in the annual report of State Secretary Burns, one of the counties (Hamilton) reports as county secretary, the "County Board of Examiners." We commend this plan to other counties. If the board of examiners in each county in Ohio would take up this important work and lead the teachers in it, the good results would fully repay them for the extra effort put forth.

In the county institutes and associations, at the Boxwell Commencements, in the reading circle workeverywhere that an opportunity presents itself to help the teachers. and through them the schools, the county examiners should be the educational leaders. It is too true that the small amount allowed them under the law for their services is no compensation for the work just

suggested, but the leader in any department of educational work would cease to lead if he were to do only that for which he is paid. May all the county examiners of Ohio realize their opportunities and responsibilities, and act accordingly.


In accordance with the provisions of the school book law, the State School Commissioner has issued his circular for 1898 to boards of education, notifying them that the following publishers of school books have complied with the provisions of the law, and are therefore entitled to offer for sale, to boards of education, for use by the pupils in the schools, such books of their publication as have been authorized by the school book commission:

Ainsworth & Co., Chicago, Ill.; Allyn & Bacon, Boston, Mass.; American Book Co., Cincinnati, O.; A. S. Barnes & Co., New York, N. Y.; Becktold Printing and Book Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo.; Victor C. Bell & Co., New York, N. Y.; The Biglow & Main Co., New York, N. Y.; The S. Brainard's Sons Co., Chicago, Ill.; Central School Supply House, Chicago, Ill.; The John Church Co., Cincinnati, O.; 'Columbia Book Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; The Creamer Publishing Co., Washington C. H., O.; D. W. Crist, Moultrie, O.; Letitia

L. Doane, Columbus, O.; Eldredge & Brother, Philadelphia, Pa.; Ellis Publishing Co., Battle Creek, Mich.; The Ellsworth Co., New York, N. Y.; Ginn & Co., Columbus, O.; Goodyear Publishing Co., Chicago, Ill.; Harper & Brothers, New York, N. Y.; D. C. Heath & Co., Chicago, Ill.; Henry Holt & Co., New York, N. Y.; Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston, Mass.; Indiana Publishing Co., Danville, Ind.; The Inland Publishing Co., Terre Haute, Ind.; Frank V. Irish, Columbus, O.; The Laning Printing Co., Norwalk, O.; Leach, Shewell & Sanborn, Boston, Mass.; "Leach, Shewell & Co., Boston, Mass.; Lee & Shepard, Boston, Mass.; S. H. Lightner, Youngstown, O.; J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Little, Brown & Co., Boston, Mass.; Longmans, Green & Co., New York, N. Y.; A. Lovell & Co., New York, N. Y.; J. D. Luse, Columbus, O.; The Macmillan Co., New York, N. Y.; Maynard, Merrill & Co., New York, N. Y.; The Melodia Co., Toledo, O.; The Morse Co., New York, N. Y.; Mound City Publishing Co., St. Louis, Mo.; Normal Publishing House, Indianapolis, Ind.; The Penn Publishing Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Herman Postle, Columbus, O.; Potter & Putnam, New York, N. Y.; O. M. Powers, Chicago, Ill.; Practical Book-Keeping Co., Chicago, Ill.; The Practical Text-Book Co.,


Cleveland, O.; The Prang Educational Co., Chicago, Ill.; Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago, Ill.; Raub & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; "SaddlerRowe Co., Baltimore, Md.; 'Scott, Forseman & Co., Chicago, Ill.; T. W. Shannon, Fort Worth, Tex.; Sheldon & Co., New York, N. Y.; Silver, Burdett & Co., Boston, Mass.; C. W. Slocum, Columbus, O.; H. P. Smith Publishing Co., New York, N. Y.; A. H. Smythe, Columbus, O.; Christopher Sower Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; E. Steiger & Co., New York, N. Y.; Stewart & Glover, Cleveland O.; Thomas & Mattill, Cleveland, O.; Thompson, Brown & Co., Boston, Mass.; University Publishing Co., New York, N. Y.; L. S. Wells, Columbus, O.; Werner School Book Co., Chicago, Ill.; Western Publishing House, Chicago, Ill.; Williams & Rogers, Rochester, N. Y.; W. G. Williams, Delaware, O.; James O. Wise, Akron, O.; C. Witter, St. Louis, Mo.; The Wyatt Co., Buffalo, N. Y.; Zaner, Ware & Webb, Columbus, O.

1The Columbia Book Co. have purchased the books listed by John E. Potter & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., in 1896.

2 Leach, Shewell & Co. are successors to Leach, Shewell & Sanborn, except in the publication of Latin books.

3 Saddler-Rowe Co. are successors to W. H. Saddler.

4 Scott, Foresman & Co. have purchased the books listed by S. C. Griggs & Co., Chicago, Ill., in 1896.

Each publisher named above has been furnished with a duplicate of the aforesaid list of his books on file in the commissioner's office, a copy of which list can be secured by any board of education upon application to the publisher.


On July 11, School Commissioner Corson retires from the office which he has held for over six years-three months by apCommissioner pointment - and

Bonebrake enters upon his duties.

The retiring commissioner has nothing to say of the past except to express his most grateful appreciation for the uniform support he has had in his work. The debt of

gratitude due the teachers and

other friends for their kindness and

help can never be repaid.

Commissioner Bonebrake enters the office with a knowledge of the educational work of the state

gained by experience as a teacher and superintendent, as an instructor in county institutes, and as a member of county and state boards of examiners. He will no doubt have, as he should have, the support of all who are interested in the welfare of the public schools. In this connection, it may be of interest to our readers to have a complete list of the school commissioners of Ohio, and the following is therefore published:

[blocks in formation]

Charles C. Miller. ......1891-1892 O. T. Corson.... ....1892-1898

Of the preceding list only six are living, and only two served longer than one term. Commissioner Smythe served two full terms, six years in all, and Commissioner Corson served six years by election and three months by appointment to fill the unexpired year made vacant by the resignation of Commissioner Miller.


[REPORTED BY W. H. KIRK.] The Northeastern Ohio Teachers' Association held its third and last meeting of the school year 189798 in Oberlin on May 28. The meeting was not as largely attended as some but made up for this in its earnest enthusiasm and inspiring interest.

Prof. A. A. Wright, acting President of Oberlin College, extended a welcome in behalf of the college and public schools and offered the freedom of the town, and especially the college buildings. He referred to the founding of Oberlin College and said that the first preparation for this meeting was made over sixty years ago, when a small company of men set up their tents under the now historic elm and laid the foundations of the college, now the pride of the Western Reserve.


Supt. L. H. Jones, of Cleveland, in his usual happy manner sponded in behalf of the visiting teachers. Among other things he said the purpose of this meeting was to get broader ideas of our profession and greater professional enthusiasm.

Prin. Lee R. Knight, of Akron, chairman of the Executive Committee, introduced the incoming President, Supt. R H. Kinnison, of Wellington. Wellington. Supt. Kinnison in his inaugural address spoke most especially of the purpose of education and to what extent the different branches of study tended to produce the desired result. He made a protest against some of the modern so-called "junketing" methods of studying history and geography and insisted that the text-book should form the nucleus of the work.

Pres. Thwing's address on "Educational Values" was truly the

Cleveland, O.; The Prang Educational Co., Chicago, Ill.; Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago, Ill.; Raub & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; "SaddlerRowe Co., Baltimore, Md.; 'Scott, Forseman & Co., Chicago, Ill.; T. W. Shannon, Fort Worth, Tex.; Sheldon & Co., New York, N. Y.; Silver, Burdett & Co., Boston, Mass.; C. W. Slocum, Columbus, O.; H. P. Smith Publishing Co., New York, N. Y.; A. H. Smythe, Columbus, O.; Christopher Sower Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; E. Steiger & Co., New York, N. Y.; Stewart & Glover, Cleveland O.; Thomas & Mattill, Cleveland, O.; Thompson, Brown & Co., Boston, Mass.; University Publishing Co., New York, N. Y.; L. S. Wells, Columbus, O.; Werner School Book Co.,

Each publisher named above has been furnished with a duplicate of the aforesaid list of his books on file in the commissioner's office, a copy of which list can be secured by any board of education upon application to the publisher.


On July 11, School Commissioner Corson retires from the office which he has held for over six years-three months by apCommissioner pointment - and

Bonebrake enters upon his duties.

The retiring commissioner has nothing to say of the past except to express his most grateful appreciation for the uniform support he has had in his work. The debt of

Chicago, Ill.; Western Publishing gratitude due the teachers and

House, Chicago, Ill.; Williams & Rogers, Rochester, N. Y.; W. G. Williams, Delaware, O.; James O. Wise, Akron, O.; C. Witter, St. Louis, Mo.; The Wyatt Co., Buffalo, N. Y.; Zaner, Ware & Webb, Columbus, O.

The Columbia Book Co. have purchased the books listed by John E. Potter & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., in 1896.

2 Leach, Shewell & Co. are successors to Leach, Shewell & Sanborn, except in the publication of Latin books.

3 Saddler-Rowe Co. are successors to W. H. Saddler.

4 Scott, Foresman & Co. have purchased the books listed by S. C. Griggs & Co., Chicago, Ill., in 1896.

other friends for their kindness and help can never be repaid.

Commissioner Bonebrake enters the office with a knowledge of the educational work of the state

gained by experience as a teacher and superintendent, as an instructor in county institutes, and as a member of county and state boards of examiners. He will no doubt have, as he should have, the support of all who are interested in the welfare of the public schools. In this connection, it may be of interest to our readers to have a complete list of the school commissioners of Ohio, and the following is therefore published:

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