페이지 이미지

Cox. I'm ready, sir! [They seat themselves at, opposite sides of the table.] Will you lead off, sir?

Box. As you please, sir.

wins Penelope Ann?

Cox. Of course, sir.

Box. Very well, sir!

Cox. Very well, sir!

The lowest throw, of course,

Box. [Rattling dice and throwing.] Sixes!

Cox. That's not a bad throw of yours, sir. [Rattling dice -throws. Sixes!

Box. That's a pretty good one of your's, sir. [Throws.] Sixes!

Cox. [Throws.] Sixes!

Box. Sixes!

Cox. Sixes!

Box. Sixes!

Cox. Sixes!

Box. Those are not bad dice of yours, sir.

Cox. Your's seem pretty good ones, sir.

Box. Suppose we change?

Cox. Very well, sir.

Box. [Throwing.] Sixes!

Cox. Sixes!

Box. Sixes!

Cox. Sixes!

[They change dice.

Box. [Flings down the dice.] Pooh! It's perfectly absurd, your going on throwing sixes in this sort of way, sir. Cox. I shall go on till my luck changes, sir!

Box. Let's try something else. I have it! Suppose we toss for Penelope Ann?

Cox. The very thing I was going to propose!

[They each turn aside and take out a handful of money. Box. [Aside, examining money.] Where's my tossing shilling? Here it is! [Selecting coin. Cox. [Aside, examining money.] Where's my lucky six

pence? I've got it!

Box. Now then, sir,-heads win?

Cox. Or tails lose-whichever you prefer.

Box. It's the same to me, sir.

Cox. Very well, sir. Heads, I win,-tails, you lose. Bo. Yes-Suddenly-no. Heads win, sir.

Cox. Very well-go on!

[They are standing opposite to each other.

Box. [Tossing.] Heads!
Cox. [Tossing.] Heads!
Box. [Tossing.] Heads!
Cox. [Tossing.] Heads!

Box. Ain't you rather tired of turning up heads, sir? Cox. Couldn't you vary the monotony of our proceedings by an occasional tail, sir?

Box. [Tossing.] Heads!

Cox. [Tossing.] Heads!

Box. Heads? Stop, sir! Will you permit me-[Taking Cox's sixpence.] Holloa! your sixpence has got no tail, sir !

Cox. [Seizing Box's shilling.] And your shilling has got two heads, sir!

Box. Cheat !

Cox. Swindler! [They are about to rush upon each other, then retreat to some distance, and commence sparring, and striking fiercely at one another.]

Enter MRS. Bouncer, L. H. C.

Box & Cox. Is the little back second floor room ready? Mrs. B. Not quite, gentlemen. I can't find the pistols, but I have brought you a letter-it came by the General Post yesterday. I'm sure I don't know how I forgot it, for I put it carefully in my pocket.

Cox. And you've kept it carefully in your pocket ever since ?

Mrs. B. Yes, sir. I hope you'll forgive me, sir. [Going.] By the bye, I paid twopence for it.

Cox. Did you? Then I do forgive you. [Exit Mrs B. [Looking at letter.] "Margate." The post-mark decidedly says "Margate."

Box. Oh, doubtless a tender epistle from Penelope Ann. Cox. Then read it, sir. [Handing letter to Box.]

Box. Me, sir?

Cox. Of course.

You don't suppose I'm going to read a letter from your intended?

Box. My intended? Pooh! It's addressed to youC. O. X.!

Cox. Do you think that's a C.? It loo's to me like a B, Box. Nonsense! Fracture the seal!

Cox. [Opens letter-starts.] Goodness gracious!

Box. [Snatching letter-starts.] Gracious goodness! Cox.Taking letter again.] "Margate-May the 4th. Sir, I hasten to convey to you the intelligence of a melancholy accident, which has bereft you of your intended wife." He means your intended!

Box. No, yours! However, it's perfectly immaterial— but she unquestionably was yours.

Cox. How can that be? You proposed to her first! Box. Yes, but then you-now don't let us begin again -Go on.

Cox. [Resuming letter.] "Poor Mrs. Wiggins went out for a short excursion in a sailing boat-a sudden and violent squall soon after took place, which, it is supposed, upset her, as she was found, two days afterwards, keel upwards."

Box. Poor woman!

Cox. The boat, sir! [Reading.] "As her man of business, I immediately proceeded to examine her papers, amongst which I soon discovered her will; the following extract from which will, I have no doubt, be satisfactory to you. I hereby bequeath my entire property to my intended husband.' Excellent, but unhappy creature!


Box. Generous, ill-fated being! [Affected.]

Cox. And to think that I tossed up for such a woman! Box. When I remember that I staked such a treasure on the hazard of a die!

Cox. I'm sure, Mr. Box, I can't sufficiently thank you for your sympathy.

Box. And I'm sure, Mr. Cox, you couldn't feel more, if she had been your own intended !

Cox. If she'd been my own intended? She was my own intended!

Box. Your intended? Come, I like that! Didn't you very properly observe just now, sir, that I proposed to her first?

Cox. To which you very sensibly replied that you'd come to an untimely end.

Box. I deny it !

Cox. I say you have!

Box. The fortune's mine!

Cox. Mine !

Box. I'll have it!

Cox. So will I !

Box. I'll go to law !

Cox. So will I !

Box. Stop-a thought strikes me.

Instead of going to

law about the property, suppose we divide it.

Cox. Equally?

Box. Equally. I'll take two thirds.

Cox. That's fair enough—and I'll take three fourths. Box. That won't do. Half and half!

Cox. Agreed! There's my hand upon it

Box. And mine. [About to shake hands-a Postman's knock heard at street door.

Cox. Holloa! Postman again!

Box. Postman yesterday-postman to-day.


Mrs. B. Another letter, Mr. Cox-twopence more! Cox. I forgive you again! [Taking letter.] Another trifle from Margate. [Opens the letter-starts.] Goodness gra


Box. [Snatching letter-starts.] Gracious goodness!

Cox. [Snatching letter again-reads.] "Happy to in form you-false alarm"

Box. [Overlooking.] "Sudden squall-boat upset-Mrs. Wiggins, your intended"

Cox. "Picked up by a steamboat”

Box." Carried into Boulogne❞—

Cox. "Returned here this morning”—

Box. "Will start by early train, to-morrow”.

Cox. "And be with you at ten o'clock, exact."

[Both simultaneously pull out their watches.

Box. Cox, I congratulate you—

Cor. Box, I give you joy!

Box. I'm sorry that most important business of the Colonial Office will prevent my witnessing the truly happy meeting between you and your intended. Good morning! [Going.

Cox. [Stopping him.] It's obviously for me to retire.Not for worlds would I disturb the rapturous meeting between you and your intended. Good morning!

Bor. You'll excuse me, sir-but our last arrangement was, that she was your intended.

Cor. No, yours!
Box. Yours!
Together. Yours!

[Ten o'clock strikes-noise of an omnibus. Box, Ha! What's that? A cab's drawn up at the door! Running to window.] No-it's a twopenny omnibus!

Cox. | Leaning over Box's shoulder.] A lady's got outBor. There's no mistaking that majestic person—it's Penelope Ann!

Cox. Your intended!

Box. Yours!


[Both run to door, L. c., and eagerly listen. Bor. Hark-she's coming up stairs!"

Cox. Shut the door!

[They slam the door, and both lean up against it with

their backs.

Mrs. B. [Without, and knocking.] Mr. Cox! Mr. Cox! Cox. [Shouting. I've just stepped out!

Box. So have I!

Mrs. B. Mr. Cox! [Pushing at the door-Cox and Box redouble their efforts to keep the door shut.] Open the door! It's only me-Mrs. Bouncer!

Cox. Only you? Then where's the lady?

Mrs. B. Gone!

Cor. Upon your honour?

Box. As a gentleman ?

Mrs. B. Yes, and she's left a note for Mr. Cox.
Cox. Give it to me!

Mrs. B. Then open the door!

Cox. Put it under! [A letter is put under the door ; Сох picks up the letter, and opens it.] Goodness Gracious! Box. [Snatching letter.] Gracious Goodness! [Cox snatches the letter, and runs forward, followed by Box.

Cox. [Reading.] "Dear Mr. Cox, pardon my candor"Box. [Looking over, and reading.]" But being convinced that our feelings, like our ages, do not reciprocate"Cox. "I hasten to apprise you of my immediate union”— Box. "With Mr. Knox."

Cox. Huzza!

Box Three cheers for Knox! Ha, ha, ha!

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