페이지 이미지


sorney Ge- vernment, their affiftants and clerks," and to the Attorney General by the " Act for allowing certain compenfations to the judges of the fupreme and other, courts, and to the Attorney General of the United States," the faid officers respectively shall be allowed the following yearly fums, viz. the Comptroller four hundred dollars; the Auditor four hundred dollars; the Treasurer four hundred dollars; the Register five hundred dollars; the Attorney General four hundred dollars.

of the


Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary Secretary of the Treasury be authorized to have two principal clerks, each of whom to have a falary of eight hundred dollars per annum; and that the falary of the chief clerk of the department of war, be at the rate of eight hundred dollars per year.

allowed 2 .principal clerks.

on his

on trade

to the funds

nue offi

Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That Restriction the reftriction on the clerks of the departclerks as to ment of the treafury, fo far as refpects the carcarrying rying on of any trade or bufinefs, other than abolifted; in the funds, or debts of the United States or and that as of any ftate, or in any kind of public properextended ty, be abolished, and that fuch reftriction, fo to all reve- far as refpects the funds or debts of the United cers, &c. States, or of any state, or any public property of either, be extended to the commiffioner of the revenue, to the feveral commiffioners of loans, and to all perfons employed in their respective offices, and to all officers of the United States concerned in the collection or difburfement of the revenues thereof, under the penalties prePrivilege of fcribed in the eighth fection of the act, intitled, franking "An act to eftablish the treafury department,' to commif- and the provifions relative to the officers in the fioner of treafury department, contained in the


the reve



to establish the poft office and poft roads,"

fhall be and hereby are extended and applied
to the commiffioner of the revenue.

of the House of Reprefentatives.

RICHARD HENRY LEE, President pre
tempore of the Senate,

APPROVED, May eighth, 1792:


Prefident of the United States,


An Act fupplementary to the Act making Pro vifion for the Debt of the United States.

Sec. I.


on loan the

tic debt of

E it enacted by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States of America, in Congress affembled, That the term for receiving on loan that part Terms for of the domestic debt of the United States, receiving which hath not been fubfcribed pursuant to unsubscrithe terms propofed in the act, intitled, "An bed domeact making provifion for the debt of the Uni- u. States ted States," fhall be, and it is hereby extend- extended, ed, on the fame terms, as in and by the faid act is provided, to the first day of March next; and books, for receiving fuch farther fubfcrip- Subfcriptions, fhall be opened at the treasury of the to be opens United States, and by the commiffioners of ed. loans, in each of the faid ftates, on the first day of June next, which fhall continue open until the faid firft day of March next inclufively; for which purpofe, the faid commi

tion books

Intereft to

non fubfcribing creditors.

Term for

receiving ftate debts extended.

hioners, refpectively, are hereby invested with the like powers, and required to perform the like duties, as in and by the faid act is directed.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That fuch of the creditors of the United States, as have not fubfcribed and fhall not fubfcribe to the faid loan, fhall nevertheless receive a rate per centum on the amount of fo much of their refpective demands, as well for intereft as principal, as, on or before the first day of March, fhall be registered, conformably to the directions of the faid act, as fhall be equal to the interest payable to the fubfcribing creditors, which fhall be payable at the fame times and places, and by the fame perfons, as in and by the said act is directed.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the term for receiving upon loan that part of the debts of the refpective ftates, which hath not been fubfcribed purfuant to the terms propofed in the act aforefaid, fhall be, and it is hereby enlarged on the fame terms, as in and by the faid act is provided, until the firft day of March one thousand feven hundred and ninety three inclufively; for which purpose, books fhall be opened at the treafury of the United tion books States, and by the commiffioners of loans in each of the said states, on the first day of June next, which fhall continue open until the first day of March, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety three inclufively; for which purposes the faid commifioners are hereby invefted with the like powers, and required to perform the like duties, as, in and by the faid act, is directed.


to be



Sec. 4. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That the commiflioner of loans for


North-Carolina fhall not be allowed to receive Certain any certificate iffued by Patrick Travers, com- of N. Caro miffioner of Cumberland county, or by the lina exclucommiffioners of army accounts at Warren



Debt due

to certain

Sec. 5. And whereas the United States are indebted to certain foreign officers, on ac foreign of count of pay and fervices during the late war, ficers, Prethe intereft whereof, purfuant to the certifi caufe to be cates granted to the faid officers by virtue of a paid, refolution of the United States in Congrefs affembled, is payable at the house of

Grand, banker, at Paris, and it is expedient to discharge the fame; Be it therefore enacted, That the Prefident of the United States be, and he hereby is authorized to caufe to be discharged the principal and intereft of the faid debt, out of any of the monies, which have been or fhall be obtained on loan, in virtue of the act aforefaid, and which fhall not be neceffary ultimately to fulfil the purposes for which the faid monies are, in and by the faid act, authorized to be borrowed.


Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the Certain Prefident of the Senate, the Chief Juftice, the perfons appointed Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Trea- commitfury, and the Attorney General, for the time oners to being, fhall be commiffioners, who, or any debt of the three of whom, are hereby authorized, with U. S. &c. the approbation of the Prefident of the United States, to purchase the debt of the United States, at its market price, if not exceeding

par or true value thereof; for which pur-
chase the intereft on fo much of the public
debt, as has already been, or may hereafter be
purchased for the United States, or as fhall be
paid into the treafury, and fo much of the
monies appropriated for the payment of the in-

Out of a

ted for the purpole

how to be applied.

tereft on the foreign and domeftic debt, as fhall exceed what may be fufficient for the payment of fuch intereft to the creditors of the United States, fhall be and are hereby appropriated. And it shall be the duty of the said commiffioners to render to the legislature, within two months after the commencement of the first feffion thereof in every year, a full and precife account of all fuch purchases made, and public debt redeemed, in pursuance of this act.

Sec. 7. And whereas it is expedient to eftafund cree- blifh a fund for the gradual reduction of the public debt; Be it further enacted, That the intereft on fo much of the debt of the United States, as has been or fhall be purchased or redeemed for or by the United States, or as shalf be paid into the treafury thereof in fatisfaction of any debt or demand, and the furplus of any fam or fums appropriated for the payment of the interest upon the faid debt, which fhall remain after paying fuch intereft, fhall be, and hereby are appropriated and pledged firmly and inviolably for and to the purchase and redemption of the faid debt, to be applied under the direction of the President of the Senate, the Chief Justice, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treafury and the Attorney General for the time being, or any three of them, with the approbation of the Prefident of the United States, for the time being, in manner following, that is to fay: First, to the purchase of the feveral fpecies of stock conftituting the debt of the United States, at their respective market prices, not exceeding the par or true value thereof, and, as nearly as may be, in equal proportions, until the annual amount of the faid funds, together with any other provifions which may be made by law, fhall be equal

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