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sources of intelligence must often be better than theirs: for, men living under a despotic government will be cautious what they communicate to editors writing with a sword suspended over their heads, who may at any time be called (as they have before been called on) to surrender up their correspondents, on the pain of instant destruction; while to us they can commu: icate their thoughts freely and fearlessly, knowing that the enemies of free discussion, who, in their blind hatred, thought to annihilate it entirely, have, by driving us from India, to shift our ground, placed it upon a rock which no human power can reach with its inquisitorial practices. It is this security which enables us now to probe these sores to the bottom, before only slightly touched; and no degree of clamour which may be raised by those suffering under this necessary and salutary operation shall deter us from doing our duty.


We are now enabled to give the detailed account of the capture of Bhurt poor, of which important event we were only able to state the actual occurrence in our supplementary intelligence last month. The following is the official report contained in the Calcutta Government Gazette:

Head-quarters, Bhurtpoor, January 19, 1826.

To the Right Honourable Lord Amherst, Governor-General, &c. &c. &c. MY LORD, I have the satisfaction to acquaint your Lordship, that the town and citadel of Bhurtpoor fell yesterday morning to the British army under my command.

Since my despatch of the 11th inst., the whole attention of the Engineers was directed towards the completion of the mines under the projecting bastion on the left, and the north-east angle on the right.

On the 14th inst., a mine, under the b stion on the left, was precipitately exploded, and failed in its object. I therefore directed two more mines to be driven into that bastion, w ich were blown on the 16th, and, with the aid of a day's battering, an excellent breach was made.

The explosion of the mine under the north-east angle, at eight o'clock yesterday morning, was the signal for the storm, when the columns, composed of Brigadier-General M'Combe's brig de on the right, and Brigadier General Edwards's brigade on the left, advanced with the greatest order, gallantry, and steadiness; and, notwithstanding a determined opposition on the part of the enemy. carried the breaches. In the course of two hours, though vigorously and bravely defended at every gateway and bastion, the whole rampart surrounding the town, together w th the command of the gates of the citadel, were in our possession; Major-General N cholls having moved his column to the left, until he met a detachment of his Majesty's 14th foot, commanded by Major Everard, at the Kom her gate. The citadel was surrendered at about four o'clock.

I regret to state that the mine having exploded in an unexpected direction, several men of H. M. 14th foot, at the head of the column of attack, lost their lives; and Brigadier-General M'Combe, Brigadier Patton, and Captain Irvine, Major of Brigade of Engineers, received severe contusions.

Having directed Brigadier-General Sleigh, commanding the cavalry, to prevent the escape of the enemy's troops after the assault, I am happy to say that he made such a disposition of his forces, that he succeeded in securing

Doorjun Sal, who, with his wife, two sons, and a hundred and sixty chosen horse, attempted to force a passage through the Sth light cavalry.

I cannot compute the loss of the enemy at less than 4000 killed; and, owing to the disposition of the cavalry, hardly a man bearing arms escaped. Consequently, as by the surrender of the town, all the stores, arms, and ammunition are in our possession, I may say that the whole military power of the Bhurt poor state has been annihilated. The prisoners, after having been disarmed, were set free.

I have the pleasure to acquaint your Lordship, that the conduct of every one engaged was marked by a degree of zeal which calls for my unqualified approbation; but I must particularly remark the behaviour of H. M. 14th regiment, commanded by Major Everard, and 59.h, commanded by Major' Fuller, these corps having led the columns of assault, by their steadiness and determination, decided the events of the day. Two companies of the 1st European regiment, leading a small column under Lieut.-Colonel Wilson, co-operating with Major-General Nicolls's attack, behaved with equal gallantry. The 6th regiment N. I., commanded by Lieut.-Colonel Pepper; one wing of the 41st, by Major Hunter; the 231, by Lieut.-Colonel Nation; the 31st, by Lieut.-Colonel Baddeley; the 60th, by L'eut.-Colonel Bowyer; the grenadier company of the 35th, and light company of the 37th, which corps followed the Europeans in the assault, proved themselves worthy the distinguished places they held, as did the Sirmoor battalion, which covered the advance.

I beg to acquaint your Lordship, that since I assumed the command of this army, I have received the most effectual support and assistance from MajorGenerals Reynell and Nicolls. The excellent dispositions made by them for the attack, as well as the manner in which they conducted it, entitle them to my warmest thanks, and I therefore beg most strongly to recommend them to your Lordship's notice.

Brigadier Macleod, C.B., commanding the artillery, Brigadiers Hetzler and Brown, as well as every officer and private of the artillery, performed their arduous and fatigui g duties throughout the siege in the most exemplary manner, and will, I trust, meet with your Lord hip's approbation.

B. igadier Anbury, C.B., and the engineer officers, as also the Native office s and privates of that valuable corps, the sappers and miners, and the pioneer cops, performed the harassing duties allotted to them with a cheerfulness, courage, and ze 1 which demand my acknowledgments, and I beg to recommend them to your Lordship accordingly. The result of our operations proves the efficiency of the Brigadier's plans.

The services rendered by Brigadier General Sleigh, C.B., commanding the cavalry, during the whole siege, have been most important, and I beg to recommend him, as well as Brigadiers Childers and Murray, C.B., to your Lordship's notice; and I cannot pass over in silence the general good and active conduct of the cavalry, and the spirited manner in which they volunteered their services when I conceived (before the arrival of the 1st European regiment) that it might have been expedient to employ them in the storm.

I must also bring under your notice Lieut.-Colonel Skinner, and the two regiments of Native irregular cavalry under his command, who have performed every service that has been required of them in a manner which merits my entire approbation.

To Brigadier Generals Adams, C.B., MacCombe, and Edwards; Brigadiers Whitehead, Patton, C.B., and Fagan, my acknowledgments are due for the manner in which they have so ably conducted the duties assigned to them, and I therefore recommend them to your Lordship's favourable notice.

I received every assistance from Major-General Sir Samford Whittingham and Lieut.-Colonel MacGregor, Quarter-Master-General and acting AdjutantGeneral of the King's troops.

The eminent and zealous services of Lieut.-Colonel Watson and Lieut.


Summary of the latest Intelligence from the East.

Colonel Stevenson, Adjutant-General and Quarter-Master-General of the Army, demand my warmest hanks, and I beg particularly to bring them under your Lordship's notice, as also the officers of their respective departments.

The arrangements made by Lieut.-Colonel Cuncliffe, Commissary-General, for the supply of the army, were most efficient, and I have much pleasure in recommending him to your Lordship.

I also request to bring to your Lordship's notice Lieut.-Colonel the Hon. John Finch, my Military Secretary, and the officers compos.ng my personal staff, from whom I received every aid.

The situations in which Lieut,-Colonel Delamaine, 58th N. I.; Lieut.Colonel Wilson, commanding a detachment; Majors Hunter, 41st N. I. ; Everard, H.M. 14th; Fuller, H. M. 59 h, and Bisshopp, H. M. 14th, were placed, gave them opportunities for distinguishing themselves, of which they took every advantage. Captain Irvine, Major of Brigade of Engineers, also brought himself under my particular observation during the course of the siege.

Major-Generals Reynell and Nicolls, and Brigadier General Sleigh, have expressed their entire satisfaction with the assistance they received from the officers of their general and personal s aff.

The returns of killed and wounded have not yet been received, but I am happy to be able to s'ate that hey are few considering the service on whic the troops have been employed. I, however, transmit a return of the officers who have been reported. I regret that the service has lost three valuable officers in Captain Armstrong, H. M. 14th, Captain Pitman, H. M. 59.h, and Captain Brown, of the 31st regt. N. I., who fell leadi g their mea on the ramparts. Brigadier-General Edwards, who was wounded gallantly leading his brigade, is also, I fear, past recovery.

I have sent this despatch by my Aide-de-Camp, Captain Dawkins, who will also take two of the enemy's standards, of which I request your Lordship's acceptance, and in referring to Captain Dawkins for any further information which your Lordship may require, I beg to recommend him to your protection. I have the honour to be, my Lord, your Lordship's most obedieat humble servant,



List of Officers Killed and Wounded in the Assault of Bhurtpoor, on the 18th January, 1826.

KILLED-Captain Armstrong, H. M. 14th Foot; Captain Pitman, H. M. 59th; Captain Brown, 31st N. I.

WOUNDED-Staff-Brigadier-General M'Combe, commanding 1st Brigade; Brigadier-General Edwards, commanding 2d Brigade, dangerously; Brigadier R. Patton, C.B. commanding 5th Brigade; Major Beatson, D.A.G.; Captain Camp' ell, M.B.

Engineers-Captain Colvin; Captain Irvine, M.B.
Artillery-Lieutenant M'Gregor.

14th Foot-Lieutenant Stack; L'eutenant Daly.

59 h Foot-Lieuten nt Long; Lieutenant Hoctor; Lieutenant Pittman; Mr. Wright, volunteer.

1st European Regiment-Captain Davidson; Lieutenant Warren; Lieutenant Candy.

23d N. I.-Lieut.-Colonel S. Nation.

31st N. I.-Captain Heptinstall.

41st N. I.-Major George Hunter.

59th N. I.-Capt. John Hunter; Lieut. Turner; Lieut. Lumsdaine.

N. B. This is from private information, no return having been received.



Published by command of the Right Honourable the Governor-General in


GEORGE SWINTON, Sec. to the Gov.

General Orders by the Right Honourable the Governor-General in Council. Fort William, 29th January, 1826.-A royal salute, and three vollies of musketry, to be fired at all the stations of the land forces, serving in the East Indies, in honour of the capture, by assault, of the fortified city of Bhurtpoor, on the morning of the 18th instant, by the army, under the personal command of his Excellency the Right Honourable Lord Combermere, Commander-inChef, and of the unconditional surrender of the citadel of Bhurtpoor, on the same day.

By command of the Right Honourable the Governor-General în Council, GEORGE SWINTON, Sec. to the Gov.


DURING the past month little of public interest has transpired in England with respect to India or Indian subjects. The Public Meeting at the Thatched House Tavern, and the Debate at the India House, will each be found reported under their respective heads. The close of the Session of Parliament, and the elections consequent on this, have so entirely engrossed the attention of all classes, that no other subject could have been listened to if introduced to public notice during the excitement occasioned by these; and even the usual exertions of candidates canvassing for seats in the India Direction have been suspended for a period. The announcement of a new aspirant to this honour has, however, recently been made. Mr. H. W. Hobhouse, brother of the present member for Westminster, originally a civil servant of the East India Company, and subsequently a partner in the great mercantile house of Palmer and Co. in Calcutta, has entered the lists with the many others now running the same race; and will very probably, we think, distance some who have appeared in the field before him. There is no want of candidates it will be readily admitted. But it is equally undeniable that there is abundant room for beneficial changes in the Direction. To say nothing of the notorious incapacity of those whose want of the ordinary qualifications for any post of business is the subject of general remark, we need mention only one instance, to show how little a fitness for the discharge of important duties is considered necessary in an East India Director, and how firmly seated a man may remain long after such fitness, if he ever indeed possessed it, has visibly and undeniably passed


The reader will, perhaps, remember in one of our preceding Numbers, the publication of a Circular, addressed to the Proprietors of East India Stock generally, and signed by the whole body of the Directors, recommending certain individuals, on what is called their House List, for re-election to the Direction. He will, perhaps, also remember two separate Circulars, one signed by Sir

George Abercrombie Robinson, and the other by Mr. Bebb, each recommending in the strongest terms their respective favourite to the several electors, whom they knew would attend rather to their dictation than to the sober exercise of their own judgments. The fact of Mr. Bebb affecting thus to patronize and bring into the Direction any particular individual was the subject of general remark at the time, inasmuch as it was thought by most persons that he himself had long since ceased to be qualified for the post he held, and ought, in common deference to public opinion, to have retired. Those who thought thus, however, could not have reflected on the tenacity with which men adhere to the possession of patronage and power, clinging more closely to it as it seems to be in danger of eluding their grasp, and consenting to relinquish it only with life itself.

The continuance of Mr. Hudlestone and Mr. Elphinstone in office, the former long after his health had compelled him to reside at a distance from London, the latter long after he was confined by age and infirmity to his own residence, are events of but yesterday. But the case of Mr. Bebb is still more remarkable than either of these. Besides his general incapacity for business, from age and the ordinary infirmities of advanced life, he has been for some time past equally deprived of the faculty of hearing and of sight. He can neither profit by verbal discussion nor by written arguments. Both the facts and the reasonings of every measure on which his vote is required must be equally unknown to him. He is so physically helpless as to require to be led about on horseback by a groom, when he takes the slow exercise necessary to sustain his sinking health; and so mentally weak as to be literally incapable of taking the part which one, in the full exercise of such vast power as a Director possesses, ought to be able to take in the consideration of the varied and important subjects that require his decision. Nevertheless he still retains his seat in the Direction, to the great regret of all who wish to see that body efficiently filled, and certainly to the great scandal of those who have not a sufficient regard to their own reputation to urge this infirm and afflicted old man to retire.

The excuse set up for their not doing so is sufficient to show with what views they enter, and on what principles they act when they are once fairly seated in, their places. It is urged that the patronage of a Director is as much his private property as the fees and emoluments of the inferior clerks in office; and that without some act of criminality it would be unjust, on the mere score of age and incapacity, to urge any one to give it up. They are wise enough in their own generation to know, that if this rule were generally adopted, the greater portion of the whole body would be changed; and they are, therefore, prudent, in the ordinary sense of the term, in not setting the example; as, if once begun, no one can say where it may end. They leave such resignation or retirement,

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