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collect, when I was at Calcutta, that the secretary of the Medical Board was the superintendent of this establishment. Now, I ask, is the secretary of that Board a proper person to receive such an appointment? In my idea, that individual has quite sufficient to employ him, without taking upon him the additional duty of superintendent to the institution. If the Court decide that money is to be laid out on the establishment, I trust it will be expended wisely; and that a person is appointed to superintend it who shall devote the whole of his time to the duties connected with it, instead of making the post a sinecure. The individual who filled that post at the period I allude to, is dead, but if he were present in this Court, I would still protest against the appointment as improper. My maxim is to pay well, but not to give several appointments to one individual. I can mention a list of appointments of the most objectionable description; I can, indeed, point out one instance of eight or nine offices being conferred on one individual; and, in my opinion, it is entirely impossible that a single man can, be his talents what they may, properly fulfil the duties of those different o fices. I repeat it, if money is to be expended in support of this, or of any other establishment, let persons be appointed who are able and willing to devote the whole of their time to the performance of the duties connected with it. I think it right it should be known; and my chief object in now rising is to state the fact, that one half of the appointments in India are filled by persons who cannot devote their time to the fulfilment of the necessary duties. I am disposed to afford to the Natives of India the means of deriving information on every subject; but to the support of an establishment, formed merely for the emolument of a few individuals, I will never consent. Many useful reforms can no doubt be made in the administration of the law in India; and I fancy, if you wish to raise a monument to perpetuate your name in In li, you may do so by introducing the English language into your courts of law.

Dr. GILCHRIST.-I beg to be allowed to make one or two observations in explanation, in consequence of what has fallen from the hon. Proprietor who has just sat down. Was I not convinced that Dr. Breton devoted all his energies, both of soul and body, to the affairs of this institution, the subject would never have been brought forward by me; for I yield to no man in my hatred of pluralities of every kind. The labours of Dr. Breton, however, are before the public; his exertions in favour of the advancement of medical knowledge are well known, and it is clear that he is a zealous labourer in that vineyar. I now hold in my hand a work on Cholera Morbus written by him, and I say, that the man who has published eight or nine such volumes as this cannot be considered idle. Dr. Breton has no plurality of appointments. He is merely a surgeon in the Company's service, and does not receive a farthing beyond he amount of his pay. It is an honour to the me ical service to have among their body a gentleman who proceeds as Dr. Breton does. Whatever was done, has been effected at his own expense, and Government has given him credit for his services. I will boldly assert that Dr. Breton has served the Company in the most essential point in which they can be serve), in affording instruc ion in medicine to their Native subjects. I would aşk Hindoostanee and Naguree scholars to look at the books published by Dr. Breton, and say whether he can be considered an ignorant or unskilful man, He is, I maintain, neither the one nor the o her. Nei her is he a sinecuist, por a pluralist, but a man who deserves encouragement for his honest exertions. It is a common saying that genius jumps," and the variety of Dr. Bre on's acquirements is a proof of it. It is rather a curious coinci 'ence, that Dr. Breton has employed his talents in translating into the Hin loostáneé language, and in the Navuree character, a · Treatise on Suspended Auimation from the Effects of Subversion, Hanging, Obnoxious Air, or Lightning, and the Means of Resuscitation, at the same time that I was rendering into the same language a work of a similar nature, a pamphlet, entitled The Methods of Treatment for the Recovery of Persons apparently Dead, from Drowning, Apoplexy, Heat, Cold, &c. &c. Recommended by the Royal Humane Society,' and to which is annexed, The Persian and Naguree Versions,' by Mr.

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Myers, of Trinity College, Cambridge. It is impossible to calculate the advantages of disseminating a knowledge of the Oriental languages. I some time ago visited the school of a pupil of mine, who learned the Persian and Naguree characters in the course of three months, and I was surprised to find that some of his pupils were superior to those I have under my own care. I have, at a considerable personal expense, and a great de 1 of trouble, endeavoured to establish oce'den al and Oriental institutions in different places. Several are in Lon on; there is one in Edinburgh, and I hope that some will soon be formed in Dublin. I observe, however, in looking over the Company's Red Book, with no small surprise, that they contemplate mak ng a monopoly of this descript on of education. In that publicat on two only are named as proper places for instruction, previously to the admittance of a young man into the seminary at Addiscombe. Now, this appears to me to be the very worst species of monopoly,-worse than the monopoly of tea and sugar, for it is a monopoly of an article essential to our well-being-learning. Why should not the people of Scotland enjoy having their own children educa'ed under their own eyes? What reason can be named for obstructing so desira le a system? I am happy to hear, however, that the proposition for establishing such a detestable monopoly is not unders'ood as likely to be ac ed upon. Had it been persisted in, I certainly should have demanded of the Court to show what right the Company had to establish a monopoly in literature. I am obliged to the gentleman who has informed me the idea is abandoned. It was one of your own body (addressing the Directors) who gave me to understand that it was a hasty regulation, published without consideration, and very properly withdrawn. I sincerely hope no obstruction will be thrown in the way of individuals in England, Scotland, and Ireland, in giving their children instruction in the Asiatic languages at home, and then sending them to Addiscombe. A London university will, in a short time, be established, and if the excluding regulation had been persevered in, the Oriental department of their institution would be of no utility wha ever. The thirst for education is now become universal. It is travelling into every corner of the world. While I am on this subject I will read to the Court one or two resolutions relative to the Scottish Military Academy, which was formed last year while I was in Edinburgh. This academy is patronized by the nobility and gentry of Scotland, and is now in a flourishing state. From its constitution, it is likely, I am convinced, to do the Company a great deal of service. These resolutions will, at least, show the enlightened spirit that is stirring abroad,— a spirit which narrow, illiberal, and selfish views will never be able to put down.

I have again to mention the satisfaction I feel at the withdrawal of the Red Book, and am glad that those who proposed it did so withdraw it on seeing they had taken a false view of the subject, without being reminded of that fact by others. The course of education at the Scottish Milit ry Academy, is on the most extensive and liberal scale. It was resolved by thos with whom the plan originated, "That every branch of military and gymnastic exercises shall be taught at the academy; also the modern languages, viz., Hindoostanee, Persian, French, Italian, German, Spanish, &c. ; likewise fortification, surveying, navigation, mathematics, and every other branch of education that to the Committee may seem progressively useful and expedient.' It is seen that in this enumeration, Hindoostanee holds a very distinguished place. It is at the head of the modern languages, and is doubtless considered of such importance from its being so intimately bound up with the interests of British India. Let not this prospectus be sneered at. It emanates from the capital of an ancient kingdom, whose inhabitants are not gratuitously to be deprived of the right of educating their own children.

[The learned Doctor here read a passage from the prospectus, pointing out the advantages likely to result from such an establishment.]

While such a spirit as this is abroad, can you think of establishing literary

monopolies or instituting exclusive depots of learning-whether under Dr. Andrews or any other person? If you do, you will stifle in the outset every useful establishment. I have often been told by gentlemen in Scotland, that they would be glad if they had the means of educating their children in the Oriental tongues in their own country. I offered my services, and taught the individual who is now employed in giving instruction in the Oriental language in Edinburgh. 1 rejoice to see the progress of education, and will use my endeavour to extend it. I am content to rest my good name on this basis, and a good name, in my opinion, is superior to every other earthly consideration. The CHAIRMAN.I am of necessity compelled to oppose this motion, because on its face it implies a censure, and an undeserved one, on the conduct of the Court of Directors. It charges them by implication, with doing what they are entirely guiltless of; for before I sit down I will prove that the Court of Directors, far from having neglected the subject, have bestowed the deepest consideration on it, and had treated it with the liberality of feeling it deserves; because if any subject more than another requires the strictest attention, it is that of education. The Court of Directors can say with truth, that they h ve entertained the most anxious desire to propagite education throughout India, were there any extraordinary merit in that desire, and that they have acted in furtherance of that object, the usefulness of which is readily admitted on all hands. (Hear.) I hold in my hand a paper which will explain what has been done in extending the means of education in India.

[The hon. Chairman here read a list of the different schools established in Calcutta, in the provinces under Bengal, Madras, Prince of Wales's Island, Singapore, and Malacca, and stated the expense incurred by the Company in maintaining them.]

Now, (continued the honourable Chairman,) it must seem the most absurd, the most extraordinary charge against the Company, to say that they have not bestowed a proper degree of attention on the subject. (Hear.) In justification therefore of your Executive Body, I must not suffer this motion to be withdrawn, but am determined to meet it by a direct negative. The implications it contains I deny in toto, and I am sure that every one who has listened to the reading of the document will see that the denial is founded on just grounds. The motion may be separated under two heads: the first respects education in India generally, and the second refers to the instruction of the Natives in medical kão ledge. I have explained myself, I trust, su hciently on the last point already, and I will now proceed to explain what the Court of Directors have done with reference to the latter. In May, 1822, the Medical Board represented to the Government, that as considerable difficulty had been experienced in procuring Native Doctors to supply vacancies in the different Regiments, it would be advisable to establish an institution for the purpose of instructing the Natives and qual fying them to fill up the dificiencies. The points of regulation the Medical Board proposed for this establishment were: that a superintendent should be appointed to instruct the pupils in the elementary branches of medical science, and to preside generally over their education; that the pupils should be attached to the Residency General Hos ital, the King's Hospital, the Native Hospital, and the Dispensary, as the most convenient for their acquiring a knowledge of Ph rmacy, Surgery, and Physic; that the pupils should receive a monthly pay of eight rupees, as long as they prosecute their studies, and they were to be allowed to contract to serve for a given period, and as vacancies occurre i they were to be appointed, if reported duty qualified. The representations of the Medical Board had the effect of inducing the Government to set the Institution on foot, which happened in the June following. Mr. Jameson, the Secretary to the Medical Board, was appointed the superintendent, ith a salary of 800 rupees per month, in addition to his other salary. I admit that this appointmeat constitutes the very worst feature of the business. The Court of Directors felt this, and therefore applied themselves to a re-consideration of the subject of the Institution, and to look around at the system established in Oriental Herald, Vol. 10.

other places. They saw that the object recommended by the Medical Board was effected under the Madras Residency without a superintendent. There the Native Doctors receive their education at the different hospitals. The Court of Directors then conceived that the same principle which prevailed at Madras, might be acted upon in Calcutta, and the office of superintendent abolished. In acting thus, the Court cannot be accused of not approving the plas of educating Native Doctors for the service of the Company. They merely recommended the adoption of the Madias system, and the removal of the superintendent. Mr. Jameson afterwards resigned, and this post was filled by Dr. Breton. After the opinion of the Court of Direc ors was expressed, they received a remonstrance or representation of the Bengal Governmeat, in which the support of the Institution in question was strongly recommended, on the original system, and the reply given to this communication, when the su ject was discussed in 1823-4, was to this elect:-The Court pointed out to the notice of the Bengal Government the plan in force at Madras, where boys, hal-castes taken from the Asylum schools, were attached to the Hospitals, and received a course of instruction in order to qualify them to act as assistants i those hospitals. The Court expres ed their fear that the difficulty apprehended by the Medical Board themselves of educating Natives in the higher branches of medical science would prevent ult m te success, and t ey desired to be informed whether their fears had been justly founded. The Court disapproved of only one part of the system, and that was the appoin ment of the superintendent. They conceived the continuance of that office would cause an interference with the Hospital Surgeons, and engender an unpleasant collision of authority between them and the superintendent. The Court besides expressed an opinion that the best instruction was likely to be conveyed by the Surgeons of the Hospitals. The Court therefore directed that at all events the office of superintendent should be discontinued. I have now given you the history of this business, and conceive that the Court of Directors are strengthened in the propriety of the view they took of i, by the practice adopted at Madras, which is productive of better practical effects, though less expensive, than that established at Calcutta: I say better practical effects, because it is certain the students will be rendered more proficient in the practical part of the science, by being under the eye of the Surgeon in charge of an Hospital, than from hearing à series of lectures. The Government at Bengal has lately transmitted a reply to the communication of the Court of Directors.

[This reply was read by the hon. Chairman, and expresses in strong terms the conviction of the Bengal Government as to the efficiency of the Medical school as originally constituted.]

A report alluded to in this reply has not (said the hon. Chairman) been received, and the Court of D rectors are therefore not a le to say what degree of encouragement ought to be extended to this institution. Mr. Jameson's appointment in the first instance, cannot be defended, because his duties as secretary to the Medical Board were quite sufficient to occupy the whole of his time. Of Dr. Breton, the present superintendent, the Government spoke in the highest terms of commendation. He has, it appears, been employing himself in translating the London Pharmacopoeia' into Hindoostanee; and has also in a state of forwardness several other publications on the subject of medicine.

[The hon. Chairman here stated the items of emolument attached to the office of superintendent, which ogether amount to 2190 rupees per month.]

The whole question (he continued) turns on the necessity of the post of superintendent. We have decided in the negative, but did so wi hout permitting private feelings to influence our decision. Did I conceive the existence of such an office necessary, there is no man I would sooner appoint to fill it than Dr. Breton.

The hon. Chairman concluded by proposing the following amendment :"That in the opinion of this Court it is wholly unnecessary and inexpedieat to adopt the recommendation contained in he motion now before the Court, as due attention appears to have teen paid by the Court of Directors to the important subjects therein mentioned; and the Court is satisfied that the subjects alluded to are very properly left in the hands of the executive body."

Mr. TRANT.—I rise for the purpose of expressing my entire satisfaction at the amendment proposed by the hon. Chairman, and if the hon. Proprietor (Dr. Gilchris) knew as well as I do what is now going on in India he would never have introduced his motion at all. The line of conduct pursued by the hon. Chairman has given me much gratification. Were the motion allowed to be withdrawn, an inference might go abroad, that a kind of compromise had been effected; and he Court of Directors would not have appeared as they now do, to have done thei. duty in affording the utmost possible means to the Natives of India for the acquirement of knowledge.

If we look back on the last ten years, we shall find that the Government of India, backed by the Government at home, have been adopti g every s fe and expedient measure, for facili a ing the object recommended by the Legislature, vi. the instruction of the Natives of India. It appears that the Company have more than tripled the sum appropriated by t e Legislature for this object. It would hardly be fair to expect that the Proprietors should defray the entire expense attending the instruction of the Natives.

I am one of those who consider that the community at large, bo h Engl sh and India, ought to bear a share of that expense. I am therefore glad to hear of the present made by the British-Indian Society of the philosophical apparatus, alluded to by the learned Doctor (Dr. Gilchrist) to the Anglo-Indian College

I beg leave to say a few words relative to the late Dr. Jameson, with whom I had the honour to be acquainted. Those who did not know that gentleman might be led to suppose that his acceptance of the office of superintendent of the ins itution was a job, but those who at all knew him would bear tes imony to the fict, that he was a man of very extraordinary powe. s, and might therefore conscient ous y and efficiently undertake to discharge duties which any other individual would sink under.

Sir J. DOYLE.-I have to express the satisfaction I feel, that I did not leave the Court before the hon. Chairman gave his explanation. The state. ment made by the learned Doctor certainly mpressed me very strongly, but the clear and ample detail made by the hon. Ch irman has quite delighted me. Whether the office of superintendent is necessary or no, is a point test kno vn to the Court of Directors, as they have the best means of information. I am glad to find that so much attention has been paid to the extension of education in India, and I cannot let this opportunity pass without expressing my approbation of the system adopted with regard to that object.

Captain MAXFIELD.-I am very ready to hear testimony to the powers of Dr. Jameson, but still I think it is impossible for any individual to perform the duties which that gentleman undertook. But his is not the only case of one individual holding various situations in India. What will you say of an individual holding two situations, and living fourteen miles distant from the spot where the duties of one of them ought to be performed?

It has I am awa e been directed, that the surgeon who has in charge the hospital of the insane at Calcutta, shall be resident there; but I am also aware that those directions have been disobeyed The surgeon is absent, and the hospital is left to take care of itself. So far is t from being the fact that pluralities are not often seen in India, that the records of the Bengal Government will show, not only that they are not uncommon, but that they are of universal occurrence.

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