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XVII., 18, and XVIII., 4, to come out of Rome, they led hundreds of the clergy, and thousands of the laity back into her sins and brought the Church of England into such disrepute that hundreds of thousands, aye millions of the English people are no longer with her, and she is threatened with disestablishment. If she is to be saved, therefore, her clergy and people must know these sole decisions of Christ's "one, holy, universal and apostolic church." And this is the only translation of them into English.

2. If ever orthodox Protestants, and, indeed, all Christians, are to be united, it must be on these former bases of union, the sole possible way to godly unity, for since the church forsook them, in the eighth century and the ninth, and became idolatrous, it bas split into East and West and remains divided till this hour and will till it all reforms; just as the Israelitish church before it, was split for like idolatry into Judah and Israel, as the blessed Reformers teach in the Second Part of the Homily of the Church of England against Peril of idolatry.

3. Of "1,285,349," though one other account gives it as "something more than 1,400,000" immigrants who came to us last year, perhaps not more than 150,000 were Protestants. And if this land of ours is to be saved from being swamped by a vast influx of Christ-hating Jews, Romanists, Mohammedans and other non-Christians, or rather Antichrists or Antichristians, the Protestants must get together on the basis of the VI. Synods of the Christian World, A. D. 325-680, and, on matters not decided by them, on the Scriptures as understood in the pure period of the church, the first three centuries-that will be to perfect and crown our Reformation of the sixteenth century by a perfect Restoration, as the reformed Jews perfected their Reformation made in Babylon, by a complete Restoration at Jerusalem in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah. Some facts necessary to a full Restoration were not well known then. They are now.

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