페이지 이미지

Lye, The, 525.

Lyra Innocentium, 321.
Lyrical Ballads, 466.

Macbeth, 222, 224, 257.
MacFingall, 429.
MacFlecknoe, 413.
MacGregor's Gathering, 354.
Macpherson's Farewell, 385.
Madoc, 288.

Maldon, The Fight at, 17.
Man of Lawes Tale, 96.

Man was Made to Mourn, 385.
Manfred, 263.

Mariner's Hymn, 187.

Marmion, 65, 354.

Mary Morison, 342.

Masque of Beauty, 233.
Maud, 122.

Mazeppa, 102.

Mean and Sure Estate, The, 396.
Measure for Measure, 222, 225, 256.
Medal, The, 411.

Memory of an Unfortunate Lady, To
the, 378.

Merchant of Venice, 219, 222, 225,
256, 259.
Merlin, 56, 57.

Merlin and Vivien, 62.

Merry Wives of Windsor, 222, 256.
Midsummer Night's Dream, 222.
Miles Standish, 132, 469.
Minstrel, The, 461, 510.
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, 306.
Miracle-Plays, 204–209.

Mirror for Magistrates, 101, 162, 191-
194, 212, 223.
Miss Kilmansegg, 568.
Mistress, The, 340.

Mogg Megone, 469.

[blocks in formation]

Naples, Ode to, 365.
Naseby, 355.

National Airs, 347.

New Way to Pay Old Debts, 237.
Night Thoughts, 507, 517.
Nocturnal Scene, 568.
Nosce Teipsum, 496.
Nothing to Wear, 429.
Nonne Prestes Tale, 98, 187.
Nymph's Reply, The, 336, 481.

O'Connor's Child, 118, 119.

Ode on St. Cecilia's Day, 174, 357, 360.
Ode to Independence, 345.

Old Wives' Tale, 216, 240.
Ormulum, 41.

Oroonoko, 254.

Orphan, The, 253.

Ossian's Poems, 584.

Othello, 222, 225, 237, 255.
Otterbourne, Battle of, 353.
Owl and the Nightingale, 49, 151.

Palace of Art, 556.
Palace of Honour, 160.
Paradise and the Peri, 74, 76.
Paradise Lost, 270-285, 21, 248, 405,
451, 492, 517.

Paradise Regained, 271, 285, 317.
Pardoner's Tale, 98.
Parish Register, 104.
Parisina, 102.

Parlament of Foules, 83, 152, 187.
Passionate Shepherd, The, 336.
Passions, Ode on the, 263.
Pastime of Pleasure, 160.
Pastorals (Pope), 482.

Pastoral Aeglogue, 367, 368, 373.
Pastoral Ballad, 487.
Paul Revere, 130.

Perceval de Gallois, 56.
Pericles, 222, 225, 494.
Peter Bell, 108.

Morning of Christ's Nativity, Hymn Phoenix, The, 24.

on, 312.

[blocks in formation]

Pibroch of Donald Dhu, 353.
Piers Plowman, 44, 146, 391.
Pigeons and the Buzzard, 188, 501.
Play-House Musings, 567.

Pilgrim's Progress, 162, 176, 193, 209,

Pleasures of Imagination, 512.
Pleasures of Hope, 513.

Pleasures of Melancholy, 512.
Pleasures of Memory, 512.

Poetry for Children, 142.

Poetical Character, The, 583.

Polly, 258.
Polyolbion, 195, 372, 439.
Prelude, The, 514.
Pricke of Conscience, 43.
Princess, The, 121.
Prisoner of Chillon, 102.
Procrastination, 509.
Progress of Poesy, 364.
Prometheus Unbound, 264.
Prophecy, The, 424.
Prophecy of Famine, 425.
Prospice, 541.

Psalms and Hymns, 317.
Psalter, The, 321.
Purple Island, The, 180.

Queen Mab, 530.
Queen Mary, 266.

Ralph Roister Doister, 211.
Rape of the Lock, 293, 561.
Rape of Lucrece, 541.
Raven, The, 552.
Recluse, The, 514.

Rehearsal, The, 247, 250, 260.
Rejected Addresses, 565.
Religio Laici, 496.

Reliques of Ancient English Poetry,


Resolution and Independence, 466.
Retaliation, 449.

Revolt of Islam, 532, 548.
Richard Cœur de Lion, 54.
Richelieu, 266.

Ring of Gyges, 544.

Rivals, The, 260.

Robin Hood Ballads, 299, 307.
Roderick the Goth, 289.
Rokeby, 102.

Roman de la Rose, 146.

Romaunt of the Rose, 82, 147, 433.
Romeo and Juliet, 222.
Rosciad, The, 425.

Rule Britannia, 345, 348.

Rural Sports, 472.

Sabbath, The, 513.
Sacred Songs, 319.

Sad Shepherd, The, 234, 481, 488.
Saga of King Olaf, 130.
Saints, Lives of the, 42.
Samson Agonistes, 250.
Sardanapalus, 263.

Satan in Search of a Wife, 77.

School for Scandal, 260.
Schoolmistress, The, 454.
Scots Songs, 382.

Seasons, The, 345, 449, 472, 473.
Sejanus, 232.

Sempach, Battle of, 354.
She Stoops to Conquer, 259.
Shepherd's Calendar, 188, 476, 483.
Shepherd's Garland, 479.
Shepherd's Pipe, 480.
Shepherd's Week, 484.

Shyp of Fooles, 160, 182, 395.
Siege of Corinth, 69, 70.
Sigurd the Volsung, 78.
Silex Scintillans, 310.
Simplicity, Ode to, 365.
Sing Cuccu, 33.
Sir Tristram, 56.
Skylark, To a, 547.
Sleep and Poetry, 365.
Snow-Bound, 470.
Song of the Greeks, 355.
Song of the Shirt, 568.
Songs before Sunrise, 388.
Songs of Experience, 385.
Songs of Innocence, 385.
Songs of Labor, 387.

Sonnets from the Portuguese, 331.
Soul's Errand, The, 525.
Spanish Friar, The, 249.
Spanish Tragedy, 220.
Speake Parrot, 393.

Spirit that Formed this Scene, 559.
Spring. See Seasons, The.
Squiers Tale, 97.

Star-Spangled Banner, 351.
Steele Glass, The, 398.
Steps to the Temple, 310.
Story of Rimini, 114.
Strafford, 266.

Summer. See Seasons, The.
Superstition, Ode to, 366.

Swallows and the Martin, 188, 501.

Table Talk, 448.

Tale of Paraguay, 114.
Tales of the Hall, 102.

Tales of a Wayside Inn, 127.
Tamburlaine, 217, 251, 279.
Taming of the Shrew, 222, 225.
Tam O'Shanter, 562, 583.
Tears of Scotland, 346.
Tea-Table Miscellany, 382.
Temora, 584.

Tempest, The, 222, 224, 248, 256,

Temple, The, 308.
Temple of Fame, 155, 160.
Temple of Glass, 160.
Temple of Love, 249.
Testament of Papingo, 160.
Thalaba, 288, 530.
Thanatopsis, 533, 540.
Thebais of Statius, 101.
Thistle and Rose, The, 156.
Timon of Athens, 222.
Titus Andronicus, 222.
Traveler's Song, 24.
Traveller, The, 352, 444.
Troilus and Creseide, 83, 224.
Troilus and Cressida, 222, 224.
Troy-Book, 224.

Truthful James, 570.
Turkey and Ant, The, 187.
Twa Dogs, The, 188.

Two Noble Kinsmen, 222, 236.
Twelfth Night, 222, 225.
Tyrannic Love, 247.

Underwoods, 336, 338.
Universal Prayer, 318.

Vanity of Human Wishes, 424, 509.

Veiled Prophet, The, 74.
Venice Preserved, 253.
Venus and Adonis, 541.
Vercelli Book, 23.
Virgidemiarum, 399.
Vision of Columbus, 201.
Vision of Mirza, 187.
Vision of Sin, 185.

Vision of Sir Launfal, 186.
Voice of the Peak, 556.
Voices of Freedom, 387.
Volpone the Fox, 232.

Waly! Waly! 304.
War Lyrics, 387.
We are Seven, 141.

West Wind, Ode to the, 365.
Whale, The, 24.

Why Come Ye not to Court? 392.
Windsor Forest, 441.

Winter. See Seasons, The.

Winter, Ode to, 366.

Winter's Tale, The, 197, 216, 222,
259, 372.

Ye Mariners of England, 348.


Addison, Joseph: On Milton, 278,

Arnold, Thomas: On Milton, 277.
Ascham, Roger: On books of Chiv-
alry, 60.

Barrow, Isaac: On Wit, 560.

Beattie, James: On the Minstrel, 510.
Bedford, Arthur: On English play-
houses, 257.

Bentley, Richard: On Pope's Homer,

Blackwood's Magazine: On Scott, 67;
Coleridge, 108, 112; Wordsworth,

Brooke, Stopford: On Comus, 244;
L'Allegro, 444; Samson Agonistes,
251; Paradise Lost, 282; Burns,
341; Cowper's Task, 459.
Buchanan, Robert: On Herrick, 340;
Whitman, 559.

Burns, Robert: On Tam O'Shanter,

Byron, Lord: On Sheridan, 260;
Wordsworth, 417; Hyperion, 550.

Campbell, Thomas: On Castle of Indo-
lence, 184; Vaughan, 311; Giles
Fletcher, 317; Hall's satires, 400;
Browne, 481.

Carlyle, Thomas: On Whitman, 558;
Tam O'Shanter, 564.

Caxton, William: On Skelton, 391.
Chaucer, Geoffrey: On Gower, 495.
Coleridge, S. T.: On Landor, 120;

Milton, 182; Chatterton, 581.
Cornhill Magazine: On Mrs. Brown-
ing's poetry, 121.

Corson, Hiram: On Piers Plowman,

Courthope, W.J.: On Crabbe's poetry,


Cowper, William: On Blackmore,

Dennis, John: On Southey, 288.

De Quincey, Thomas: On didactic | Ingulphus: On the decay of the
poetry, 492; Pope's Essays, 502,

Dowden, Professor: On Leigh Hunt's
poetry, 116.

Drayton, Michael: On Marlowe, 220;
Spenser, 479.

Dryden, John: On satire, 390.

Fielding, Henry: On Steele and
Addison, 256.

Forster, John: On Goldsmith, 445.

Gay, John: On his own pastorals,

Grosse, E. W.: On Longfellow's Evan-
geline, 131; Sir John Suckling, 338.
Gray, Thomas: On Shakspeare and
Milton, 364.

Hales, Professor: On hymns, 307.
Hallam, Henry: On the formation
of the English language, 31; Pur-
ple Island, 181; Polyolbion, 195;
Fletcher, 236; Dryden, 247; Mil-
ton, 276, 443; Gondibert, 292; Alex-
ander's Feast, 360; Hall's satires,
400; Hudibras, 405; Denham, 441;
Shepherd's Calendar, 479; Nosce
Teipsum, 496; Eloisa and Abelard,
521; Shakspeare's poems, 542;
Chapman's Homer, 571.

Hannay, James: On Thackeray, 569.
Hazlitt, William: On poetry, 7; The
Faerie Queene, 174; Spenser, 175;
Gay's Fables, 187; Annus Mirabilis,
199; King Lear, 227; Shakspeare
and Jonson, 235; Webster, 238;
The Rehearsal, 250; Steele's come-
dies, 256; Sheridan, 260; Drum-
mond, 327; Alexander's Feast, 360;
Lycidas, 373; Hudibras, 406; Chau-
cer, 435; Goldsmith, 448; Cotter's
Saturday Night, 524; Chatterton,

Holmes, O. W.: On The Christian
Year, 539.

Houghton, Lord: On Gebir, 290.
Howitt, William and Mary: On their
own poetry, 142.

Hudson, Henry N.: On the Drama,
207; Peele, 216; Merchant of
Venice, 225; Coriolanus, 227.
Hunt, Leigh: On Shelley, 265; The
Faerie Queene, 175; Hyperion, 550.

Anglo-Saxon language, 30.
Irving, W.: On Goldsmith, 445.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Macaulay, T. B.: On poetry, 7;
Byron, 70, 73; Pilgrim's Progress,
179; Annus Mirabilis, 199; Comus,
244; Comic Drama, 245; Alexander's
Feast, 360; L'Allegro, 443; Deserted
Village, 446; Vanity of Human
Wishes, 510.

MacDonald, George: On the Purple
Island, 181; George Herbert, 308;
Vaughan, 311; In Memoriam, 375.
Marsh, G. P.; On Chaucer, 99; Piers
Plowman, 146.

Masson, David: On Keats, 118; Mil-
ton, 276, 282.

Meres, Francis: On Albion's England,


Moir, D. M.: On the "Ginger-pop
School" of poetry, 544.

Morley, Henry: On Allegories, 146;
Dunbar, 160; Hawes, 161; The
Faerie Queene, 172; the drama,
213; also several brief quotations.

Neaves, Lord Charles: On Ossian's | Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn: On Keble's

poems, 585.

North British Review: On Tennyson,
125, 376.

Nott, Dr.: On Surrey and Wyatt, 397.

Paris, Matthew: On the Normans in
England, 30.

Pattison, Mark: On Milton, 271, 276.
Pope, Alexander: On Pastoral poetry,
475; John Dennis, 504; Addison,

Rossetti, W. M.: On Shelley, 375;
Hood, 569.

Rymer, Thomas: On tragedy, 255.

Saintsbury, George: On The Castle
of Indolence, 182; Polyolbion, 195;
Beattie's Minstrel, 511.

Schlegel, A. W.: On the drama, 204;

Hamlet, 228; Shakspeare, 229; Ad-
dison, 261.

Scott, Sir Walter: On Douglas, 262;
Goldsmith, 448.

Service, John: On Burns, 428.
Shadwell, Thomas; On Dryden, 421.
Shairp, John C.: On Wordsworth,

465; The Christian Year, 540;
Ossian's poems, 585.

Shaw, T. B.: On Chaucer, 100; Bun-
yan, 179; Massinger, 231; Milton,
271, 286; Southey, 289; Tears of
Scotland, 346; Butler, 406; The
Fudge Family, 428; Keats, 551.
Shelley, Percy Bysshe: On Cole-
ridge's Ode on France, 365.
Sidney, Sir Philip: On poetry, 6;
his Defense of Poesy, 10; the
theatre, 215; Chevy- Chase, 302.
Simcox, G. A.: On Vaughan's poetry,

Southey, Robert: On Rule Britannia,
345; Browne, 481.
Spectator, The: On the Idylls of the
King, 62; Browning's Dramatic
Idyls, 137, 141.

poetry, 231.

Stedman, E. C.: On Strafford, 266;
Swinburne, 388; Mrs. Browning,

Swift, Jonathan: On The Beggar's
Opera, 258.

Swinburne, A. C.: On The Ancient
Mariner, 111; Coleridge, 113;
Earthly Paradise, 126; Ford, 237.
Symonds, J. A.: On Shelley, 264, 533.

Taine, H. A.: On English literature,
1; the Normans, 29, 30; Byron's
Corsair, 72; Chaucer, 82, 100;
Spenser, 176; Bunyan, 179; the
theatre, 214; Marlowe, 217; Vol-
pone, 232; Ben Jonson, 235; Dry-
den's tragedies, 247; comic drama,
252; Sheridan, 260: Milton, 277,
373; Skelton, 394; Pope, 507, 571;
Don Juan, 543.

Taylor, Henry: On Campbell's poems,

Tuckerman, H. T.: On Bryant, 467.
Tyrwhitt, Thomas: On a passage in
Piers Plowman, 46.

Walton, Izaak: On England's Helicon,

Warton, Thomas: On Le Roman de la

Rose, 147; Dunbar, 156; Mirror
for Magistrates, 165; Addison's
Campaign, 200; Gorboduc, 212;
Skelton, 394; Shyp of Fooles, 395;
Hall's Satires, 399; Chapman's
Homer, 571.

Werner, H. A.: On Hamlet, 228.
Westminster Review: On Chaucer,
84, 100; Hiawatha, 132, 136; Whit-
tier, 387; Poe, 554.

Whipple, E. P.: On Bryant, 535.
White, R. G.: On the drama, 205,
208, 220.

Wordsworth, William: On the Pleas
ures of Hope, 513; Chatterton,

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