


To the General Assembly:

In compliance with the law requiring the Auditor of State" to exhibit to the General Assembly, at its annual meeting, a complete statement of the revenues, taxables, funds, resources, incomes, and property of the State," as well as "the expenditures of the preceding fiscal year," the following statement is respectfully submitted, showing the operations of the Treasury Department for the fiscal year ending October 31st, 1850, and the condition of the finances at said date.

The several items are presented under the following heads:

I. A General Statement of the Receipts and Expenditures of the State during the Fiscal Year.

II. A Statement of the several Appropriations and of the Amount expended, Balances unexpended, and Appropriations overdrawn.

III. The Condition of the State Debt, Foreign and Domestic.

IV. A Statement in detail of the Receipts and Expenditures of the various Trust Funds, and the Funds appropriated for the Benevolent Institutions.

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I. A GENERAL STATEMENT of the Receipts and Expenditures during the financial year 1850.


Balance remaining in the Treasury at the close of the last fiscal year, Oct. 31, 1849,...

The following sums were received during the financial year which closed Oct. 31, 1850, to-wit:


On account of Revenue of 1843,..
On account of Revenue of 1846,.
On account of Revenue of 1847,.

On account of Revenue of 1848, Delinquent,.
On account of Revenue of 1849,..

On account of Revenue of 1850,..
On account of Revenue of 1849, Delinquent,.


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$428,941 19

222 80

557 61

100 00

35,367 17

415,114 59

4,102 33 165 52

4,730 60


On account of Loans refunded...
On account of Sales of Land, Principal,.
On account of Sales of Land, Interest,.
On account of Interest on Loans,..
On account of Costs of advertising refunded,

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395 00

515 54

1,073 65


On account of Loans refunded,.

On account of Interest on Loans,


On account of Loans refunded,.
On account of Interest on Loans,

On account of Damages on forfeited Lands,.
On account of Sales of Saline Lands, Principal,.
On account of Sales of Saline Lands, Interest,..

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On account of Tolls and Water Rents,..
On account of Subscription by Bondholders,....

On account of Canal Lands, E. & W. of Tippecanoe,
On account of Canal Lands, Vincennes District,.
On account of Interest and Exchange,.
On account of Error in Disbursements,.
On account of Canal Scrip, West of Tippecanoe,.
On account of Canal Scrip, East, Principal,·
On account of Canal Scrip, East, Interest,


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Total amount of Receipts from Nov. 1st, 1849 to Oct.

31, 1850, inclusive,...

Add balance in Treasury Nov. 1, 1849,.

Grand Total of Receipts,.

216 00 100 67 50 00 116 00

$1,432,442 78

428,941 19

$1,861,383 97


There were audited during the financial year ending October 31st, 1850, the following sums, to-wit:

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On account of Specific Appropriations,.

3,114 29

On account of Public Printing, Paper and Binding,..

11,522 49

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