For construction of Canal from Coal Creek to Terre- 4,475 01 For construction of Canal from Terre Haute to Point 26,016 24 For construction of Canal from Point Commerce to 24,539 40 For construction of Canal from Newbury to Maysville, No. 5143,... 38,832 10 For construction of Canal south of Maysville, No. For expenses of surveys, No. 5145,.. For damages and water power, No. 5147, 106,947 58 6,334 01 472 70 3,300 00 24,278 75 194,910 09 Total, $474,864 38 Grand total of receipts and expenditures on account of Wabash and Erie Canal from its commencement to Oct. 1st, 1850, viz: Total by Trustees to April 1st, 1850,.. 346,042 9 175,929 3 Total receipts from all sources to Oct. 1st, 1S50,.. $3,308,732 3 Deduct subscription of bondholders, to be refunded from revenues of Canal,.. Total net receipts,. Total expenditures, Grand total of expenditures over receipts from commence:nent to Oct. 1st, 1850,.... 816,610 6 $2,492,121 7 6,733.929 63 $4,241,806 92 TOLLS AND WATER RENTS OF WABASH AND ERIE CANAL. The following is the amount of tolls and water rents received at each Toll Collector's office on the Wabash and Erie Canal, trom October 1st, 1849, to October 1st, 1850, viz: Lagro office, for August, 1850, Lagro office, for September, 1850,......... Total, 1,587 53 1,878 32 $10,501 74 The amount of Canal Land Scrip East, issued by the Auditor and Treasurer of State, with the dates of the respective issues, is as follows, viz: 1842, May 7, from No. 1 to No. 10,268,.. $51,340 00 5,005 00 19,965 00 25,000 00 20,000 00 20,000 00 30,000 00 50,000 00 30,000 00 20,000 00 35,000 00 $306,310 00 Total issued by Auditor and Treasurer,........ Add to the foregoing the following amounts issued by Commissioners of Wabash and Erie Canal, a Register of which was filed in this office, viz: Amount issued by J. L. Williams, as per certificates Amount issued by S. Fisher, as per certificates No. Total amount,. 82,198 04 7,711 01 $396,219 05 There have been redeemed and cancelled at the Treasury the following sums, viz: ... .... 1843, Sept. 19, as per warrant No. 6,478,. Total redeemed and cancelled,. ... 14,165 45 41,667 06 25,453 01 ... Total amount redeemed,. ... Amount in Treasury not cancelled, Leaving total amount outstanding Oct. 31, 1850,... 22,490 $813,680 6,300 |