
of shoes, &c.; any part of which remaining unexpended will be returned at the close of the session.

It is not intended that the clothing should be of an expensive kind. For Boys' winter apparel, plain home-made cloth is sufficiently good. For summer wear, country linen will answer for pants, with some kind of dark goods or prints for coats and vests. Girls' calico dresses may be made of a cheap article which will not fade; and while for older girls, at least, one pair of morocco shoes should be furnished, one or both the other pairs should be of good calf-skin. On all articles of clothing which it is possible to mark, the full name of the pupil should be written with indelible ink. Each pupil should be supplied with a trunk or chest.

VIII. In cases of extreme poverty, pupils are clothed by the Asylum. Such instances are, however, expected to be very rare.

IX. All business letters, or letters of inquiry in regard to pupils in the Asylum or those whom it may be designed to place here, should be addressed to "JAMES S. BROWN, Superintendent, Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, Indianapolis." All letters for pupils must be pre-paid, and contain the words, "Institution for the Deaf and Dumb," as a part of their direction.

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