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square feet of glass will deprive a man of sensation for a time, if the head be made a part of the circuit through which the electricity moves. No inconvenience has been found from the electric shock by men of strong habits; but women of delicate constitutions have had convulsions from a violent shock. It may be observed, that the electric shock is a proof that the electric matter can pass through the substance of non-electrics, and is not universally conducted along the surfaces alone, as some have supposed.

The object of the philosopher being, in general, to collect a large quantity of electricity, by means of the surfaces of electrics, it is more usual to employ jars, and not plates. These are made of various shapes and magnitudes; but the most useful are thin cylindrical glass vessels, about four inches in diameter, and fourteen in height, coated within and without with tin-foil, which is stuck on with gum-water, paste, or wax, excepting two inches of the rim or edge, which is left bare, to prevent the communication between the coatings. About four inches from the bottom, within, is a large cork, that receives a thick wire, ending in several ramifications, which touch the inside coating; the upper end of the wire terminating with a knob, considerably above the mouth of the jar, fig. 4. When it is required to be charged, it may be held in the hand, or placed on an uninsulated table, and the knob of the wire applied to the conductor; the inside coated surface becomes possessed of the electricity of the conductor, and the external surface acquires the contrary electricity, by means of its uninsulated coating. When a jar of this kind is highly charged, it will discharge spontaneously over the uncoated surface, and seldom through the glass; whereas, when the uncoated surface is large, it is more apt to break by that means, and become useless. Yet there is no certainty that a jar, which has discharged itself over its surface, will not at another time break by a discharge through the glass, as the contrary often happens. If paper covered with tin-foil be used for the coating, with the paper next the glass, the jar will be less liable to break.

A jar of considerable thickness, with a neck like a bottle, in which is cemented a thick tube to receive the wire, will sustain a very high charge, and produce much greater effects than one of the last description. The charging wire being inserted loosely into the tube will fall out on inverting the jar, and the charge will remain for several weeks without much VOL. VII.

loss. A jar thus charged may be put into the pocket, and applied to many purposes that the common jar cannot be used for.

If the inside of the jar be considerably damped, by blowing into it, through a tube reaching to the bottom, it will take a charge nearly one-third greater than in the ordinary state.

When a greater degree of electric force is required, larger jars must be used, in which the form is of no consequence, except as far as relates to convenience. But it is less expensive, and nearly as effectual, to use a number of smaller jars, having the same quantity of coated surface as the large jars. In this case, a communication must be formed between all the outside coatings, which may be done by placing them on a stand of metal; and also between all the inner coatings, which is best done by means of wires. Such a collection is called a battery, and may be charged and discharged like a single jar, fig. 5.

In discharging electrical jars, the electricity goes in the greatest quantity through the best conductors, and by the shortest course. Thus, if a chain and a wire, communicating with the outer coating, be presented to the knob of a jar, the greater part of the charge will pass by the wire, and very little by the chain, which is a worse conductor, by reason of its discontinuation at every link. When the discharge is made by the chain only, sparks are seen at every link, which is a proof that they are not in contact; and as the chain must be stretched by a considerable force before the sparks cease to appear on the discharge, it follows, that there is a repulsive power in bodies, by which they are prevented from coming into contact, unless by means of a certain force.

By accurate experiments, it appears that the force of the electric shock is weakened, that is, its effects are diminished by using a conductor of great length in making the discharge. Dr. Watson, and other gentlemen of eminence in the philosophical world, were at the pains of making experiments of the same kind, but much more accurate. They found, by means of wire insulated on baked wood, that the electric shock was transmitted instantaneously through the length of 12,276 feet.

When any animal or substance is to be subjected to the shock, it is done by means of two chains, one of which connects one extremity of the animal or substance with the outer coating, and the

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other, being made to touch the other extremity, is applied to the knob of the inner coating, to make the discharge. The animal or substance thus forming a part of the circuit receives the whole shock. The strong shock of a battery will melt wire of the seventieth of an inch in diameter, and wires of less diameters are frequently blown away and dispersed; and the effect is the same with equal quantities of electricity, whether the intensity be greater or less, within certain extended limits. Gunpowder may be fired by a charge of three square feet; the method is, to put it into a quill, and thrust a wire into each end, so as not to meet, and then make these wires a part of the circuit. A less charge. will serve, if iron filings be mixed with the gunpowder. Alcohol, ether, or a mixture of com. mon air and hydrogen, may also be fired by the same means, or even by the spark from the conductor.

If the ball of a thermometer be placed in a strong current of electricity, the mercury or spirit will rise many degrees.

If a thin bottle be exhausted of air by means of the air-pump, it will receive a considerable charge by applying its bottom to the electrified prime conductor, during which time the electric matter will pass through the vacuum between the hand and the inner surface of that part of the glass which is nearest the prime conductor. This appearance is exceedingly beautiful in the dark, especially if the bottle be of a considerable length. It exactly resembles those lights which appear in the northern sky, and are called streamers, or the aurora borealis. If one hand be applied to the part of the bottle which was applied to the conductor, while the other remains at the neck, the shock will be felt, at which instant the natural state of the inner surface is restored by a flash, which is seen pervading the vacuum between the two hands.

MACHINERY, in epic and dramatic poetry, is when the poet introduces the use of machines, or brings some supernatural being upon the stage, in order to solve some difficulty, or to perform some exploit out of the reach of human power. The ancient dramatic poets never made use of machines, unless where there was an absolute necessity for so doing; whence the precept of Horace,

It is quite otherwise with epic poets, who introduce machines in every part of their poem; so that nothing is done without the intervention of the gods. In Milton's Paradise Lost, by far the greater part of the actors are supernatural personages; Homer and Virgil do nothing without them; and in Voltaire's Henriade, the poet has made excellent use of Saint Louis.

MACKREL, in ichthyology. See Icon


MACLAURIN (COLIN), in biography, a most eminent mathematician and philosopher, was the son of a clergyman, and born at Kilmoddan, in Scotland, in the year 1698. He was sent to the university of Glasgow in 1709; where he continued five years, and applied to his studies in a very intense manner, and particularly to the mathematics. His great genius for mathematical learning discovered itself so early as twelve years of age; when, having accidentally met with a copy of "Euclid's Elements" in a friend's chamber, he became in a few days master of the first six books without any assistance: and it is certain, that in his sixteenth year he had invented many of the propositions which were afterwards published as part of his work, entitled "Geometria Organica." In his fifteenth year he took the degree of Master of Arts: on which occasion he composed, and publicly defended, a thesis on the power of gravity, with great applause. After this he quitted the university, and retired to a country seat of his uncle, who had the care of his education, his parents being dead some time. Here he spent two or three years in pursuing his favourite studies; but in 1717, at nineteen years of age only, he offered himself a candidate for the professorship of mathematics in the Marischal College of Aberdeen, and ob tained it after a ten days' trial, against a very able competitor.

In 1719, Mr. Maclaurin visited London, where he left his "Geometria Organica" to print, and where he became acquainted with Dr. Hoadley, then bishop of Bangor, Dr. Clarke, Sir Isaac Newton, and other eminent men at which time also he was admitted a member of the Royal Society; and in another journey, in 1721, he contracted an intimacy with Martin Folkes, Esq. the president of it, which continued during his whole life.

In 1722, Lord Polworth, plenipoten. tiary of the King of Great Britain at the "Nec Deus intersit, nisi dignus vindice Congress of Cambray, engaged Maclaurin to go as a tutor and companion to his


himself included in this charge, and be. gan an answer to Berkley's book; but other answers coming out, and as he proceeded, so many discoveries, so many new theories and problems, occurred to him, that, instead of a vindicatory pamphlet, he produced a complete system of fluxions, with their application to the most considerable problems in geometry and natural philosophy. This work was published at Edinburgh in 1742, 2 vols. 4to.; and as it cost him infinite pains, so it is the most considerable of all his works, and will do him immortal honour, being indeed the most complete treatise on that science that has yet appeared.

eldest son, who was then to set out on his travels. After a short stay at Paris, and visiting other towns in France, they fixed in Lorrain, where he wrote his piece on the percussion of bodies, which gained him the prize of the Royal Academy of Sciences for the year 1724. But his pupil dying soon after at Montpelier, he returned immediately to his profession at Aberdeen. He was hardly settled here, when he received an invitation to Edinburgh, the curators of that University being desirous that he should supply the place of Mr. James Gregory, whose great age and infirmities had rendered him incapable of teaching. He had here some difficulties to encounter, arising from competitors, who had good interest with In the mean time, he was continually the patrons of the university, and also obliging the public with some observafrom the want of an additional fund for tion or performance of his own, several the new professor; which, however, at of which were published in the fifth and length were all surmounted, principally sixth volumes of the Medical Essays at by the means of Sir Isaac Newton. Ac- Edinburgh. Many of them were likecordingly, in November 1725, he was in- wise published in the Philos Trans. as troduced into the university, as was at the following: 1. On the construction and the same time his learned colleague and measure of the curves, vol. 30-2. A new intimate friend, Dr. Alexander Munro, method of describing all kinds of curves, professor of anatomy. After this, the vol. 30.-3. On equations with impossible mathematical classes soon became very roots, vol. 34.-4. On the roots of equanumerous, there being generally upwards tions, &c. vol. 34.-5. On the description of one hundred students attending his of curve lines, vol. 39.-6. Continuation lectures every year; who being of differ- of the same, vol. 39-7. Observations ent standings and proficiency, he was on a solar eclipse, vol. 40.-8. A rule obliged to divide them into four or five for finding the meridional parts of a spheclasses, in each of which he employed a roid, with the same exactness as in a full hour every day, from the first of No- sphere, vol. 41-9. An account of the vember to the first of June. In the junior treatise of fluxions, vol. 42.-10. On the class he taught the first six books of "Eu- basis of the cells where the bees deposit clid's Elements," plane trigonometry, their honey, vol. 42. practical geometry, the elements of fortification, and an introduction to algebra. The second class studied algebra, with the eleventh and twelfth books of Euclid, spherical trigonometry, conic sections, and the general principles of astronomy. The third went on in astronomy and perspective, read a part of "Newton's Principia," and had performed a course of experiments for illustrating them; he afterwards read and demonstrated the elements of fluxions. Those in the fourth class read a system of fluxions, the doctrine of chances, and the remainder of "Newton's Principia."

In 1734, Dr. Berkley, Bishop of Cloyne, published a piece called the " Analyst," in which he took occasion, from some disputes that had arisen concerning the grounds of the fluxionary method, to explode the method itself: and also to charge mathematicians in general with infidelity in religion. Maclaurin thought

In the midst of these studies, he was always ready to lend his assistance, in contriving and promoting any scheme which might contribute to the public service. When the Earl of Morton went, in 1739, to visit his estates in Orkney and Shetland, he requested Mr. Maclaurin to assist him in settling the geography of those countries, which is very erroneous in all our maps; to examine their natural history, to survey the coasts, and to take the measure of a degree of the meridian. Maclaurin's family affairs would not permit him to comply with this request; he drew up, however, a memorial of what he thought necessary to be observed, and furnished proper instruments for the work, recommending Mr. Short, the noted optician, as a fit operator for the management of them.

Mr. Maclaurin had still another scheme for the improvement of geography and navigation, of a more extensive nature,

which was, the opening a passage from Greenland to the South Sea by the north pole. That such a passage might be found, he was so fully persuaded, that he used to say, if his situation could admit of such adventures, he would undertake the voyage, even at his own charge. But when schemes of finding it were laid before the parliament in 1741, and he was consulted by several persons of high rank concerning them, and before he could finish the memorial he proposed to send, the premium was limited to the discovery of a north-west passage; and he used to regret that the word west was inserted, because he thought that passage, if at all to be found, must not lie far from the pole.

In 1745, having been very active in fortifying the city of Edinburgh against the rebel army, he was obliged to fly from thence into England, where he was invited by Dr. Herring, Archbishop of York, to reside with him during his stay in this country. In this expedition, however, being exposed to cold and hardships, and naturally of a weak and tender constitution, which had been much more enfeebled by close application to study, he laid the foundation of an illness, which put an end to his life in June, 1746, at forty-eight years of age, leaving his widow with two sons and three daughters.

Mr. Maclaurin was a very good, as well as a very great man, and worthy of love as well as admiration. His peculiar merit as a philosopher was, that all his studies were accommodated to general utility; and we find, in many places of his works, an application, even of the most abstruse theories, to the perfecting of mechanical arts. For the same purpose he had resolved to compose a course of practical mathematics, and to rescue several useful branches of the science from the ill treatment they often met with in less skilful hands. These intentions, however, were prevented by his death; unless we may reckon, as a part of his intended work, the translation of Dr. David Gregory's Practical Geometry, which he revised, and published, with additions, in 1745.

In his life-time, however, he had frequent opportunities of serving his friends and his country by his great skill. Whatever difficulty occurred concerning the constructing or perfecting of machines, the working of mines, the improving of manufactures, the conveying of water, or the execution of any public work, he was

always ready to resolve it. He was employed to terminate some disputes of consequence that had arisen at Glasgow, concerning the gauging of vessels; and for that purpose presented to the commis. sioners of the excise two elaborate memorials, with their demonstrations, containing rules by which the officers now act. He made also calculations relating to the provision, now established by law, for the children and widows of the Scotch clergy, and of the professors in the universities, entitling them to certain annuities and sums, upon the voluntary an nual payment of a certain sum by the incumbent In contriving and adjusting this wise and useful scheme, he be stowed a great deal of labour, and contributed not a little towards bringing it to perfection.

Of his works, we have mentioned his "Geometria Organica," in which he treats of the description of curve lines by continued motion; as also of his piece which gained the prize of the Royal Academy of Sciences in 1724. In 1740, he likewise shared the prize of the same academy with the celebrated D. Bernoulli and Euler, for resolving the problem relating to the motion of the tides from the theory of gravity, a question which had been given out the former year without receiv ing any solution. He had only ten days to draw this paper up in, and could not find leisure to transcribe a fair copy; so that the Paris edition of it is incorrect. He afterwards revised the whole, and inserted it in his treatise of fluxions; as he did also the substance of the former piece. These, with the treatise of fluxions, and the pieces printed in the Medical Essays, and the Philos. Trans. a list of which is given above, are all the writings which our author lived to publish.

Since his death, however, two more volumes have appeared; his algebra, and his account of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophical discoveries. The algebra, though not finished by himself, is yet allowed to be excellent in its kind, containing, within amoderate compass, a complete elementary treatise of that science, as far as it has hitherto been carried; besides some neat analytical papers on curve lines. His account of Newton's philosophy was occasioned in the following manner. Sir Isaac dying in the beginning of 1728, his nephew, Mr. Conduitt, proposed to pub. lish an account of his life, and desired Mr. Maclaurin's assistance. The latter, out of gratitude to his great benefactor, cheerfully undertook, and soon finished, the

history of the progress which philosophy had made before Newton's time; and this was the first draught of the work in hand; which, not going forward on account of Mr. Conduitt's death, was returned to Mr. Maclaurin. To this he afterwards made great additions, and left it in the state in which it now appears. His main design seems to have been, to explain only those parts of Newton's philo sophy which have been controverted; and this is supposed to be the reason why his grand discoveries concerning light and colours are but transiently and generally touched upon; for it is known, that whenever the experiments on which his doctrine of light and colours is founded had been repeated with due care, this doctrine had not been contested; while his accounting for the celestial motions, and the other great appearances of nature, from gravity, had been misunderstood, and even attempted to be ridiculed.

MACQUER (JOSEPH), in biography, an eminent chemist, was born at Paris in 1710. He was brought up to physic, and became a doctor of the faculty of medicine in the university of Paris, professor of pharmacy, and censor royal. He was also a member of the academies of sciences of Turin, Stockholm, and Paris, and he held the medical and chemical departments, in the Journal des Savans. M. Macquer made himself well known by several useful and popular works on chemistry, of which science he was one of the most successful cultivators on the modern rational plan, before the new modelling which it has received of late years. His publications were, "Elemens de Chymie Pratique," two vols. 12 mo. 1751-1756. "Plan d'un Cours de Chymie experimentale et raisonnée," 12mo. 1757. This was drawn up in conjunction with M. Baumé, who lectured on chemistry in partnership with him; "Dictionnaire de Chymie," two vols. 8vo. 1766. These works have been translated into English and German: the dictionary, particularly, by Mr. Keir, with great additions and improvements. He wrote likewise "Formulæ Medicamentorum Magistralium," 1763; and "L'Art de la Teinture de Soie," 1763; and he had a share in the "Pharmacopeia Parisiensis," of 1758. This meritorious writer died in 1784. Dict. Hist. de la Med. par Eloy. Nouv.

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one-valved, three jointed, and furnished with three bristles; antennæ projecting, very short, submoniliform, clavate; head oblong, cylindrical above; scutel as long as the abdomen, depressed, membranace. ous. There is only one species, viz. M. cimicoides, found in North America; the body is a ferruginous grey; scutel pale ash with a yellow rigid spot; underwings purplish violet; fore-shanks thickened.

MACROCNEMUM, in botany, a genus of the Pentandria Monogynia class and order. Natural order of Contorta. Rubiacea, Jussieu. Essential character: corolla bell-shaped; capsule two-celled, two valved, with the valves gaping outwardly at the sides; seeds imbricate. There are three species.

MACROLOBIUM, in botany, a genus of the Triandria Monogynia class and order. Natural order of Lomentaceæ. Leguminosa, Jussieu. Essential character: calyx double, outer two-leaved, inner one-leaved; petals five, upper one very large, the rest small, equal; germ pedicelled, legume. There are three species, all of them tall trees, from sixty to eighty feet in height; they are natives of the large forests of Guiana.

MACROPUS, the kanguroo, in natural history, a genus of mammalia of the order Feræ. Generic character: six front teeth in the upper jaw, emarginated; two in the lower, and very long, sharp, large, and pointing forwards; five grinders on each side of the upper and under jaw, distant from the other teeth; fore legs very short; hind ones very long; the female with an abdominal pouch. This is one of the most curious of all the animals discovered on the continent of New South Wales, where it was observed by some of the sailors of Captain Cook in the year 1770. When full grown, it weighs about 150 pounds. Its head somewhat resembles that of a deer, but is destitute of horns; its countenance is gentle and complacent; its colour is of a pale brown; its length from the nose to the tail is between four and five feet, and the length of the tail is about three feet. Its general position, when resting, is that of standing on its hind feet, on their whole extent to the knees, and its fore feet are frequently employed, like those of the squirrel, as hands. They are often, however, laid on the ground, and the kanguroo is often seen in this posture, feeding. Vegetables, and particularly grass, constitute its only nourishment. In its rapid motions, however, the fore

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