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wish he had more knowledge of psychology, more of Scripture, and more ability to use them. And, in endeavoring to present the results of his studies; he has been greatly assisted by many valuable criticisms and most excellent suggestions from his old and dear friend, Rev. Wm. H. Bates, D.D., now of Washington, D. C.* Also by important counsels from his boyhood instructor, Prof. Sylvester Burnham, D.D., Dean of Colgate Theological Seminary, Hamilton, N. Y.; a man whose exalted character and ripe scholarship command the respect and affection of all who are permitted to know him.

We have proceeded upon the assumption that the telepathic incidents and experiences here quoted from science have been reported correctly. Those in Scripture were recorded by Inspiration. Still it is not always possible to determine the precise amount of certainty with which we may argue from what appear to be undoubted truths in a given case. In stating results we cannot always generalize facts and laws with the accuracy and comprehensiveness we would desire. The reader may think our deductions should more frequently have been preceded by such words as "apparently," "probably," etc. But we have tried to develop, to the best of our power, what sound logic seems to demand from the various premises before us. And the evidences of our main position grow more and more conclusive as we proceed.

The body of the text is in large type. The headings of evidential and illustrative cases are in bold face. The narratives and reports of those incidents are in smaller type. Remarks of the present writer interspersed through them, are sometimes in large type; sometimes in smaller and brackets, with the word "Author" following. The authorities are usually given in immediate connection with the cases. To simplify the text, quotation marks are largely omitted. The printing of anything in small type, shows it is quoted from the source referred to.

But the reader will kindly remember that the subject is a scientific one. It has some technical terms, some fundamental

Author of Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible. Bible League Book Co. Bible House. New York. A volume which should be in the library of every pastor and Sabbath School.

conceptions; few and simple though they are. These are explained in their proper places, then afterwards a knowledge of them is assumed. Therefore, unless he is already acquainted with the nomenclature of Psychical Science, one cannot dip in anywhere, and at once understand the details of the discussion. He should peruse from the beginning.

It was hoped that persons of all classes might examine this treatise. And the aim has been to write in such a way they could take it up, then drop it, then resume it; yet follow readily the trains of reasoning. Hence we have not striven after that compactness and terseness which the finely educated intellect perhaps would have preferred. We have rather sought to make all luminously plain.

For investigation of what both psychology and the Bible foreshadow about our coming telepathic endowments, enables us better to understand the wonderful provision God has made for our future communion with Him, and with one another. And more completely to realize the prospective facility, fulness, and charm of our mutual intercourse in the glorified existence; in the enjoyment of both things spiritual and things physical. This study of the human soul, in the double light referred to, plainly discloses what some of our supernal faculties are to be in the heavenly state. For the celestials communicate by the psychic despatch. Scripture proves that. But both the principles and the phenomena of telepathy imply that this may proceed, not more readily across our globe, than between earth and heaven. They lead us to contemplate the flight of the psychic flash as suggesting tremendous possibilities.

No one can foretell what shapes and colours the clouds will show each dawn and evening for the coming hundred years. But any one may safely declare that they will exhibit uncounted forms and tints of beauty. And no one can specifically predict the exact details which are to be realized in the future exercises of our psychical endowments. But as we survey the character of telepathy, the philosophy and the facts; it becomes more and more unquestionably evident that its possible uses are simply without end. And we may, with entire propriety, outline some of the

probable applications which logic not only invites, but inexorably compels us to contemplate among these potentialities so inexhaustible and infinite.

Thus the labours of the psychologists, by revealing more fully the constitution of the human mind, have discovered a key which interprets so many things in the Word of God not understood before; that we can now make a great, distinct, and unmistakable advance in understanding the life which proceeds forever in the realms invisible-upon which we are so soon to enter.

But this new light tends in no respect to undermine any of the great vital truths the Evangelical Church has always cherished, as fundamental lessons from the Sacred Page. It is all confirmatory of the old orthodox system of belief, the impregnable and eternal stability of the faith once delivered to the saints. It still further proves the supernatural origin and inspiration of the Scriptures; the infinite love of the Divine heart, as shown in God's provisions for our future, the amazing activities of the Divine mind in ways of which hitherto we have hardly dreamed. It shows science bringing corroborative evidence that we were made in the image of the Creator, although now fallen. Also that there will be both happiness and misery hereafter. It gives still further meaning to the profound and mystic union between our souls and that of Him in whom "we live, and move, and have our being." It still farther interprets the wonderful character of the glorified human nature of Jesus, which our own is to resemble. It exhibits still more strikingly the significance of the holy communion of the heavenly state. And the simply ineffable prospects and possibilities, not only in things spiritual and physical, but those intellectual and social also. While it increases the authority of the present obligations which faith would impose, it tremendously enhances the glories of the life with which that faith shall at last be crowned.




Simple Elementary Facts. Illustrative Cases. Agent and Per-

cipient. Telepathy of Nature or Science. That of Scripture and
Celestials. 1. EXPERIMENTAL TELEPATHY. Every Precaution taken.
Transmission of Ideas, Feelings, and Impulses. Case 1. Agents Trans-
mit Proper Names. Case 2. Prof. Barrett, etc., Transmit Ideas of Things.
Case 3. Mr. Thompson, by Volition, Transmits Motor Impulses.

2. SPONTANEOUS TELEPATHY. (a) Transmission of Ideas. Case 4.
Simultaneous Dreams. Case 5. J. Castle, at Oxford, Sends Psychic
Despatches Ten Miles to Didcot. (b) Transmission of Feelings. Case
6. Mr. D., Dying in West Scotland, Son in Edinburgh Depressed and
Dreams of Death. Case 7. Peacefulness of Mr. Keulemans at Death,
Apparently Transmitted to Distant Son. (c) Transmission of Motor
Impulses. Case 8. Father, at Divine Worship, Impelled Home to Save
Life of Burning Child.

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