페이지 이미지

No. 237.]

Mr. Taylor to Mr. Gresham.


Madrid, September 20, 1894. (Received September 29.) SIR: I have the honor to inclose herein, with translation, a copy of a note from the minister of state in further reply to my note of the 27th ultimo, asking permission for the return of the missionaries to the isle of Ponape.

I am, etc.,

[Inclosure in No. 237.-Translation.]

Señor Moret to Mr. Taylor.



Palace, September 18, 1894.

EXCELLENCY: With reference to my note of August 31, which was written in answer to the note which your excellency addressed to me on the 27th of the same month, in relation to the return to Ponape of the Methodist missionaries, I have to add that the minister for the colonies informs me that there is no information in his ministry in regard to the opinion expressed and the conduct observed by the governor of the Carolines, Señor Don Juan de la Concha, in regard to this delicate question.

The reports of the superior authorities of the archipelago go to prove that the circumstances which counseled the Spanish Government to postpone the granting of the permission to return to Ponape which the Methodist missionaries request have undergone no change, and on this account the minister of the colonies does not think that the moment has come to grant their request.

In communicating this to your excellency,

I seize, etc.,




Mr. Gresham to Mr. Taylor.


Washington, October 12, 1893.

Original repertory of reciprocity arrangement was signed here in Spanish and English. Inadvertently English alone sent to Spain, which, retranslated there for Cuban customs authorities, contains numerous discrepancies. To correct errors Spanish minister here had copy original Spanish certified under legation seal and forwarded to Havana for official use, but he is informed by captain general of Cuba that minister for colonies regards the translation of English text as official. Evident misunderstanding, as original Spanish text is alone official for Spanish Government. See minister for colonies and request him to instruct Cuban authorities to print copy sent by Spanish minister for

use hereafter as official text. Early action necessary, as daily errors occur from use of their present text, which is a Spanish retranslation from the English translation of the original Spanish.


Mr. Taylor to Mr. Gresham.


MADRID, October 18, 1893.

Minister ultramar admits that Cuban repertory is translation. English version maintains that neither in ministry states nor elsewhere is there any knowledge of a Spanish version signed by Spanish minister being in existence. Minister ultramar promises to recognize Spanish version attested by Spanish minister when received here. Have minister send such copy at once. Meantime ultramar telegraphs to suspend proceedings Aguilera case.


No. 48.]

Mr. Gresham to Mr. Taylor.

DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, October 26, 1893. SIR: In accordance with the terms of your telegram of the 18th instant, a facsimile copy of the Spanish version of the repertory articles to be admitted into Cuba under the commercial arrangement between the United States and Spain has been forwarded to the Spanish minister to be transmitted to his Government. This repertory was signed in Spanish and English text at Washington, October 17, 1892, by the Secretary of State, Mr. Foster, and the Spanish minister, Señor Dupuy de Lôme. The copy referred to has been carefully compared with the original in this Department by a representative thereof and a member of the Spanish legation, and the Spanish minister has promised to have the same duly certified under the seal of the legation and transmitted to Spain by this mail.

A type-written copy of the same Spanish text was also certified in this manner and forwarded to Cuba on or about September 21 last for publication by the Spanish customs authorities. I am informed by the consul-general at Havana that the copy has been received, but publication was delayed owing to the belief prevalent at Madrid that the English text was the only text signed.

As almost all the difficulties which have arisen with the customs authorities in Cuba have grown out of the numerous errors which exist in the Spanish translation of the English, it is desirable that the correct repertory should be published at the earliest possible date. In order to prevent delay, therefore, you are instructed to request the minister of the colonies to send telegraphic instructions to Cuba ordering the publication of the copy already there, which is exactly the same as the copy now sent to Madrid. By this action a delay of some weeks will be avoided.

I am, etc.,


No. 63.1

Mr. Taylor to Mr. Gresham.


Madrid, November 7, 1893. (Received November 20.) SIR: I have to-day receive your No. 48, of the 26th ultimo, as to the authorized version of the Cuban repertory which the Spanish minister has promised to certify and transmit to Spain.

I have already communicated the contents of your dispatch to the Spanish Government, with an urgent request to the minister of state to hand the same at once to the minister of ultramar, with a request that he will send a telegraphic instruction to Cuba ordering the publi cation of the copy of the repertory already there, so that further delay may be avoided. Until I have first addressed the secretary of state, I can not gain access to the minister of ultramar. From a letter I addressed to you yesterday, you will learn of the desire expressed to me on the 4th instant by the minister of state, to go over, in a personal interview, all matters now pending between the two countries, with a view to their friendly solution.

I am. etc.,


No. 67.]

Mr. Taylor to Mr. Gresham.


Madrid, November 15, 1893. (Received November 27.)

SIR: I have the honor to inclose herein a translation of a note received to-day from the minister of state relating to the publication of the Spanish version of the Cuban repertory in that island.

I am, etc.,


[Inclosure in No. 67.--Translation.]
Mr. Valera to Mr. Taylor.


Palace, November 13, 1893.

EXCELLENCY: The minister of ultramar-to whom I communicated the courteous note of your excellency, dated the 7th instant, requesting the transmission of telegraphic orders to the authorities of the Island of Cuba for the publication of the copy of the Spanish version of the repertory relative to the commercial agreement with the United Statestells me that as soon as the authorized copy of the original Spanish is received in that ministry, and if the close examination to which said copy will be subjected should not disclose any difficulty, he will endeavor to satisfy the wishes of the Government of the United States, availing himself of the circumstance of there existing another copy of the above mentioned document in Havana.

I avail, etc.,

By order.


No. 107.]

Mr. Taylor to Mr. Gresham.


Madrid, January 13, 1894. (Received January 29.)

SIR: I have the honor to report that I have received a note from the minister of state in reply to mine of the 6th instant, in which I am informed that the repertory has arrived, and that as soon as it can be compared it will be sent immediately to Cuba and put into operation.

Inclosed please find copy of the minister's note with translation.
I 'am, etc.,


[Inclosure in No. 107.-Translation.]
Mr. Valera to Mr. Taylor.


Palace, January 10, 1894.

EXCELLENCY: In answer to your excellency's note dated the 6th instant, relating to the repertory of the Island of Cuba, I have the honor to state to you that it has been received; that it is being compared and that at the earliest possible moment it will be sent to that Island in order that it may be exactly and immediately carried out.

I avail, etc., By authorization.



Mr. Gresham to Mr. Taylor.


WASHINGTON, January 13, 1894.

Do not understand with what document repertory is being compared, as it has already been compared by Spanish legation with original here. Request publication at earliest possible date, as errors continually arising from use in Cuba of translation of English. Cable result. GRESHAM.

No. 108.]

Mr. Taylor to Mr. Gresham.


Madrid, January 15, 1894. (Received January 29.)

SIR: Yesterday (Sunday) I received your last cablegram, a copy of which I have the honor to append on the overleaf. I have this morning addressed to the minister of state a note embodying your instructions, a copy of which please find inclosed. The moment I receive a reply I will cable the result as directed.

I am, etc.,


[Inclosure in No. 108.]

Mr. Taylor to Mr. Moret.

Madrid, January 15, 1894.

EXCELLENCY: Permit me to thank you for your note of the 10th instant, in which you inform me that the Cuban repertory has arrived; that it is being compared (se esta confrontando); and that at the earliest possible moment it will be sent to Cuba so that it may be immediately carried out. The contents of your note I cabled to Washington, and I at once received in reply a cablegram in which the Secretary of State says that he can not understand with what document the repertory is being compared, as it has already been compared by the Spanish legation in Washington with the original in that capital. I am instructed to earnestly request its publication in Cuba at the earliest possible moment. as errors are continually arising there from the use of the unauthorized version. Will you be so good as to inform me, at your earliest convenience, how soon the publication of the authorized version will be made in Cuba so that I may inform my Government by cable?

I seize, etc,


No. 111.]

Mr. Taylor to Mr. Gresham.


Madrid, January 20, 1894. (Received February 5.) SIR: In my No. 108, of the 15th instant, I had the honor to inclose you a copy of my note to the minister of state of the same date touching the publication of the Cuban repertory. I have to-day received a reply, a copy of which I inclose herein with translation. I will do all in my power to obtain a satisfactory reply to your question, which I will cable as soon as I obtain it.

I am, etc.,


[Inclosure in No. 111.-Translation.]
Mr. Valera to Mr. Taylor.

Palace, January 17, 1894.

EXCELLENCY: In answer to your note dated the 15th instant, in which your excellency asks when the authorized version of the repertory for the Island of Cuba will be published in said island, I have the honor to inform you that I have communicated its contents to my colleague, the minister of ultramar, and that as soon as I receive an answer I will hasten to communicate it to you.

I seize, etc.,

By authorization:


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