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imals as now continue to exist, will en enable us to point out such of heir congeners as are likely to be lost. We know that in by far the greater Part of the animals now existing, here is such an analogy, as will enns to arrange them into orders and each one, in regard to figure operties, taking its place by e se of another with great regulaty; but we know also, that in parcular instances, this succession of Kindred nature falls short, and individual species seem to stand alone, without being linked to other genera by any intermediate kinds. This is the case with the Elephant, the Hippopotamus, Giraffe, and in some measure with the Hog, among beasts; and with the Ostrich, and perhaps a few others, among birds. And it is a strong circumstance in favour of the view of the subject which I have taken, that the creatures which have been found in a fossil state, in such a state of preservation as will enable us to form any idea of their figure or affinities, belong principally to those insulated genera which now exist. The Siberian Mammoth partakes as much of the nature of the Hog, as of the Elephant; but was probably more nearly allied to the extinct Elephant of temperate climates, the bones of which have been found fossil, than to that with which we are acquainted. The Mastodon, whose bones lie on the surface, and therefore cannot have lain from immense antiquity, on the banks of the Ohio and Mississippi, seems to have been allied to the Hippopotamus, or the Hog, animals which seem to stand in need of this, and perhaps a few other connecting links.

But though we are thus enabled to | account for the loss of these races of beings, we are to seek further, in order to account for the preservation of their forms. In order to this, we must remark, that the change in the constitution of the air and general temperature, is necessarily connected with an alteration in the solid parts of the globe itself. Seas, rocks, land, clouds, rivers, minerals, &c. must be moulded to the new order of things: from an expression before alluded to, of the division of the earth in the time of Peleg, we find that such a change took place in his day; and from history we learn that something similar has No. 36. Vol. IV.

taken place at other periods, though not perhaps in so remarkable a manner, or degree. We may, therefore, consider the history of the changes in the globe to be divided into four grand Epochs, separated from each other by the lapse of ages, but similar in kind; each being marked with an alteration in the inanimate creation, the consolidation of some parts, the elevation of others above the sea, and the submersion of others; changes in the mode of existence of those whose natures could bear the change, and at each time the extinction of those which could not. Those which before lived in one region, would find themselves capable of existing only in another, perhaps at the other extremity of the globe.

It is to the consolidation of calcareous and other matter, that we are to ascribe the preservation of the greatest proportion of animal remains; and to the circumstance of this consolidation, and the extinction of what are denominated fossil animals, happening at the same period, and from the same cause, are we to ascribe their almost exclusive preservation; for such individuals only of present existing races as should die at the same time, could be preserved in the same manner. Were we able to point out existing monuments of each of these grand geological changes, we might expect to find preserved in them very different kinds of animal substances.

At the time of the deluge, men and animals were indiscriminately destroyed; but as they must have lain in a macerated state for at least a year, we should not expect to meet with fossil remains of this remote date. The other changes are more likely to afford them in good preservation, but it does not appear possible to point out any criterion, whereby the era of these phenomena is to be distinguished; for the consolidation of the first period might suffer a farther change at the second or third: but no risk of mistake seems to be encountered in fixing the extinction of the Mammoth race at a time the most recent; that is, about the age of Moses; for, while the face of nature in Siberia was so changed, as that land, capable of bearing extensive woods, was converted into a mass of ice, only a slight geological change seems to have been introduced.


But while many will agree with me, in regard to the causes of the extinction of the lost animals, it is probable that doubts will be entertained with respect to the suddenness of the catastrophe; for it has been a favourite speculation with infidel writers, and in which they have been thoughtlessly followed by others of a different stamp, that all the changes in the constitution and structure of the earth have been effected in a very gradual manner, and that the magnitude of the effects which we witness, has depended only on the immensity of time during which they have been producing. The arguments adduce din proof of this idea, are futile in a high degree, and have been triumphantly controverted by De Luc, and others;-but it would occupy too much time to notice what he has advanced. To those, with whom the divine word is sufficient authority, I would simply recommend an attentive perusal of the book of Genesis. To others, I would recommend the Essays on Creation and Geology, which have appeared in the Imperial Magazine, vol. 2, with the addition of an argument drawn from the complete state of preservation, in which many minerals, and specimens of natural objects, of the most tender fabric, are found; specimens which could scarcely have existed a week without extraordinary means of preservation. Specimens of fossil fishes have been found in stone, in the act of devouring each other. I do not conclude from this, that the creature seized its prey through appetite, in the act of petrifaction; but I have known fishes do this in the agony of a violent death in the water; and this was probably the case in the instance alluded to.




ported from Liverpool, I had occasion to make application, amongst other offices attached to the establishment at the one occupied by Mr. Lee Y remember right, he was a land-waiter) which was situated under the Piazzas, the next to the door-way, and stone stairs leading up to the long room.

A Dog, belonging to that gentleman, about the middle size, I believe of the terrier breed, perceiving my approach, immediately leaped upon the adjoining desk, and, giving a single bark, fixed his eyes attentively upon me. For a moment I paid little attention to the circumstance; upon which my new acquaintance, not easily to be repulsed in his overtures of friendship, repeated his bark in a still louder tone, and at the same time placed one of his by no means cleanly or gentle paws upon my shoulder withal, still continuing to look me attentively in the face. Some spectators of this amicable interview, amused at my alarm, desired me not to be afraid, a it was merely an appeal to the chari table benevolence of my feelings. Ai applicant so strange, so truly patheti and touching, of course could not b refused. Whilst preparing to comply with his demand, the animal atten tively regarded the motion of my han towards my pocket, and indicated, b very expressive looks and waggin his tail, no small satisfaction at th expected result. On throwing dow a halfpenny, at some distance, th Dog rushed impetuously in pursuit o it, and in his mouth carried it forth with to a neighbouring cake womandropped it at the foot of her basket and received its value in return Having thus satisfied the claims o this "affair of Customs," I de parted.

On a subsequent occasion, meetin this sagacious animal in the sam Custom-House Yard, following hi master, at some distance from hi office, I had a desire to put his fidelit to the test, which I did by throwin down a halfpenny before him. Havin secured this in his mouth, he appeare for a moment in a dilemma how to act under the influence of two powerfu and conflicting feelings,-whether t repair to his old friend the basket wo man, and satisfy the demand of hunIn the year 1815, having to pass anger, or nobly to put a constraint upo entry at the Custom House, in Dublin, of some goods which I had im

MR. EDITOR. SIR,-Having just read in the Methodist Magazine, for March, 1821, an account of the sagacity of a Dog-I beg leave, through the medium of your instructive Miscellany, to state a circumstance of a similar nature, which occurred to myself.

his sensation, and follow his master To his credit be it spoken, the claim

of duty prevailed over the keenness
of his appetite. However, perceiving
soon after, his master stop to speak
to some one, he cast a wistful eye
towards the spot where all his heart's
treasure was deposited, and stole
nimbly away towards it without a mo-
ment's hesitation. But on his way,
turning for an instant a glance round
upon his master, and perceiving him
in the act of passing on, this faithful
animal again relinquished his object,
measured his steps backward, pa-
tiently followed him round the yard,
until at length, after a considerable
circuit, he had the no small satisfaction
and doubly-felt enjoyment of return-
ing to the spot where the claims of
duty and inclination, doubtless with-
out any scruples of conscience, could
be satisfied together. What a lesson
this "for the nobler creature Man."
Your well-wisher, J. H.
25, Paradise-street, Liverpool.


REAL friendship is a virtue, which no
one can prize too much. It is not
merely a name, when individuals act
upon its true principles. Felicitous
must such persons be, whom it draws
forth in mutual sympathy. In pros-
perity it is pleasant, but in adversity
it is faithfully tried, and in distress is
proved its reality. A true friend will
not forsake us in any calamity that
may happen. He will (as far as pos-
sible) alleviate our drooping spirits,
dispel the gloomy forebodings which
overhang our minds, and divest the
throbbing heart of all the difficulties,
anxieties, and perplexities, with which
it may be overcharged. Even when on
the margin of despair, a sincere friend
will not leave us, until he succeeds in
rescuing us from apparent danger or
rain. That such friendship, as is here
described, however rare, exists, I can
confidently assert. Happy the man
possessing such a friend!

suade me their friendship was inde-
lible, that no vicissitudes of fortune
could annihilate it; but, alas! I have
found such boasting friends, too much
resembling the bubbles upon the wa-
ter, deceitful, and dispersing into va-
pour. Such treacherous friends, when
applied to in time of need, contrive,
by any frivolous and prevaricating ex-
cuse, to evade rendering assistance to
the man they formerly seemed to
adore; and finally leave him in his
utmost distress, totally disregarded!
Such kind of friendship as this, and
such sort of friends as these, induced
the Poet to sing,

"And what is friendship but a name,
A charm that lulls to sleep;

A shade that follows wealth and fame ;
But leaves the wretch to weep?"

A false friend, like a viper, entwines around you with sparkling eyes, and tempting fascinating appearance; until he finds out your frailties, and then he stings you in the tenderest parts! He blasts your reputation, he defames your character, he vilifies your integrity, and in short, as a reason he assigns for discarding you, but in reality to conceal his own baseness, he uses all his endeavours to effect your complete overthrow; and, if he fail in the accomplishment of his purpose, you may thank the intervention of Divine Providence for protecting you. How cautious and circumspect ought we to be in the choice of a friend; for, "in the affairs of the world, men are saved not by faith, but by the want of it."

Not so the behaviour and conduct of a true friend; for as a tree is known by its fruits, as a Christian's faith is proved by his works, so is real from counterfeit friendship distinguished by its operations and effects. He will counsel with you, commiserate you under misfortunes, and not only encourage, but help and assist you with his person, his purse, or both: he will bear with your infirmities, soothe you in affliction, and support you in the hour of dissolution! He will never leave you nor forsake you; not feel it a burthensome task to serve you. While life lasts, he will represent to you hopes and prospects of better and happier days in this world; or, in the article of death, he will pray for your eternal welfare in another. iron sharpeneth iron, so doth the countenance of a man his friend." There

It is manifestly true by woeful experience, that the world abounds with false friends. I have been frequently deceived this way. I have been led, as by an ignis fatuus, too much to esteem those whose friendships were only professional, their pretensions vain, their promises nullified. While was in prosperity, they would per-subsists a reciprocity of ideas, and an


same Spirit of holiness, and glory in being fellow pilgrims through this world to a better. They frequently commune with their God together;

identity of sentiments between true friends, which binds them in constant union and firm compact to each other; and when death separates them, as nothing else can, the sur-laying before him all their frailties, vivor mourns his loss; yet not like one imperfections, trials, afflictions, miswithout hope, having a cheering pros- fortunes, and necessities; mutually pect of meeting his friend in a place imploring his kind aid in, and deliverwhere celestial friendship shall be con- ance from, all their troubles; in a word, summated in everlasting duration ! "How can two walk together unless they are agreed?" Such is the happy life of true friends, and such are the motives of real friendship! "Far be the thought from any verse of mine, And farther still the form'd and fix'd design, To thrust the charge of deeds that I detest, Against an innocent, unconscious breast: With safety to himself, is not a man : The man that dares traduce, because he can An individual is a sacred mark, Not to be pierc'd in play, or in the dark ; But public censure speaks a public foe, Unless a zeal for virtue guide the blow. Let just restraint, for public peace design'd, Chain up the wolves and tigers of mankind; The foe of virtue has no claim to thee, But let insolvent Innocence go free."

As there can be no effects without a cause, let us inquire a little into the source and origin of friendship. Sometimes it is generated by early acquaintance; at other times by long intercourse together; and last of all, by sudden and accidental occurrences.

Like vibrations in music, there is evinced an almost instantaneous unison of souls, which naturally discovers itselfin action. Friendship originates in affection; its object is first loved, then befriended; and the stronger the tie of affection, the stronger will be the tie of friendship. But as friendship unbiassed by partial principles is hard to be discriminated; so friendship, which is only professionally established on false pretensions of regard, and unfaithful love, is as difficult to be ascertained and guarded against.

The progress of real friendship (from whatever cause it originates,) is generally gradual; because a discreet person will wisely weigh every motion of his friend. He watches him with a circumspect and jealous eye. He trusts him first with a little, then with a little more; yet still with fear and trembling, until, by repeated ventures, he is so fully confirmed in his opinion, that at last by further trial and experience, he approves of his choice, and dares unbosom all the secrets of his mind without diffidence or restraint.

What most essentially and effectually constitutes not only real, but durable friendship, is, a conscientious regard to religion and sacred things. True friends feel mutual delight in worshipping their Creator, Preserver, and Redeemer, together; and in communicating to each other the spiritual emotions of their minds. They joy to tell each other what God has done for them, both in his providence, and through his grace. They are happy to find each other interested in the mediation and benediction of a crucified Saviour. They exult in being alike guided and influenced by the

• * *




A letter from a Missionary at Amboyna, has the following article :—“At my entering a large Negari, (village) called Lilebor, N.Ë. of Amboyna, 800 persons and more came to meet me; and to convince me of their believing in one only God, they had brought all their idols, confessing their superstitions. To prove their sincerity, I desired them to pack the whole together in a large chest, heaped up with stones, and throw it into the sea, in my presence; which was accordingly done."


Extract of a Letter from Mr. Bourne,

dated Burder's Point, Tahiti, May 15th, 1821.

"THE land of this island is chiefly mountainous. Some of these mountains are an immense height, and seldom free from clouds, which cover the tops of them: between these mountains are several extensive valleys, which abound with the mountain plantain. These are very delicious when perfectly ripe, and when mashed up with milk, resemble very much the strawberry. When the bread-fruit is

out of season, the mountain plantain forms the principal food of the natives. Beyond the mountains project a border of low land towards the sea: on this are erected the houses of the Missionaries and natives. This low land differs very considerably in width in various places. In the widest parts it is not a mile deep, while in other places it is not fifty paces. Some of the valleys run twenty miles up the country. "The trees in this country are evergreens: they never appear stripped of their foliage as in England. The native apple, a most delicious fruit, is the only tree that loses its leaves altogether; but these have no sooner fallen, than the tree is covered with a new race. This tree grows to a most amazing size, as large as the oak in England, but the wood is very soft. The wood of the bread-fruit tree is the most useful of any in Tahiti. It serves for posts and boards for houses; and the natives also build their canoes of it.

"Having given a slight sketch of the land, &c. I will next proceed to make a few observations upon the manners, &c. of the people. I will state what they were in their former condition. In war, they were cruel in the extreme, the conquering party not only killing the men, but all the women and children that they could find; and when dead, they used the bodies with indignity, If the conquering chief had conceived a hatred to another when alive, he would after his death order his dead body to be brought before him, and would beat it with a club in a savage manner, as if the body could feel the blows he dealt upon it: another indignity exercised on the bodies of those slain in battle was, they would lay them in a row, and make them serve the same purpose as pieces of wood, to drag their canoes upon, on the sea-beach: another piece of wanton barbarity they would be guilty of towards the bodies of the murdered children; they would collect a number of their bodies together, bore a hole through each head, put a cord through each of them, (like you would put a string through the gills of a parcel of herrings,) and then drag them about in sport: these and a thousand other barbarities they exercised towards each other in their former wars.

"We have here much sunshine: we know nothing of foggy mornings. The atmosphere in general is very clear: but if we have cloudy and close weather, (which is often the case in the wet season,) we very sensibly feel the effects of it: it makes us dull and half stupid. This wet season generally begins about January, and ends in March, and is a very unhealthy period "The manner of murdering their of the year; the natives being generally children formerly was very shocking. attacked with some disorder among When a woman found she was near them, which carries off several. The the time of delivery, she would remove months of May, June, and July, (which from the house, and retire under some we consider our winter,) are much shady tree, and immediately as the child colder than our summer months; and was born, a stander-by would stamp especially at nights: and I can assure it under his feet, or else strangle it, or you that we could no more do without bury it alive; or, if a pond was near at a blanket on our beds, than you could hand, throw it in and afterwards it do without a good fire on Christmas would be talked about among the naday. In the wet season, a vast quan- tives with the greatest indifference, tity of fine white salmon is caught by just as we should talk about the killthe natives, and it sometimes happensing of a sheep or pig. The Devil had that we have seven or eight salmons attained such a power over them, that given to us in the course of one day. they truly answered the description of Other various small fish are caught all the Apostle, when he describes those the year round. Tahiti will produce who were" without natural affection." beautiful sugar-cane, pine-apples, and Thus you see, my dear friend, what figs. Coffee has just been introduced, dreadful characters these Tahitians and we hope it will do well. It cannot were before the Gospel came unto be said to be either a very healthy or them. Some have killed seven or a very unhealthy country. Europeans eight children in this way, and now are subject to several distressing, al- they would give any thing if they had though not mortal diseases, but there but a child. I cannot help mentioning are others that are fatal, as the dy-a circumstance that occurred about sentery, &c. nine months ago, at one of the Paumotu


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