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OUR CAUSE AND OUR COURSE.-We feel a 'degree of satisfaction and pride in being assured that our labors through the columns of the Republic during the past year have been the means of drawing the attention of thousands to the subject of foreign influence in the affairs of our nation, and caused a large accession of numbers to the ranks of our patriotic fraternity. During that year we put on the armor of a firm and abiding faith in the truth and righteousness of our doctrines, and, with a firm and steadfast resolution, we have persevered in presenting to the minds of the reader, without knowing fear or seeking favor from any source, such facts, arguments, and deductions, as cannot be found in the ordinary channels of publication; and while we know that in so doing we have -secured the approval of every impartial American, as is evinced by the increased demand for the magazine in all parts of the country, among men of all parties, we feel encouraged to go forward and labor for the right.

It is no small task that falls to the lot of the man who flings himself into the arena against systematized corruption, or who ventures to combat errors which, through custom, have become chronic in the popular mind, even though those errors are shown to be the seeds of a virulent poison which must eventually prove fatal to the peace and happiness of the whole. The political parties of our land have become so completely enslaved to the foreign balance of power, that they dare

not even countenance, much less advocate, measures of pure national policy; and their organs are wilfully deaf, dumb, and blind to the voice of patriotism and duty. They know that every word we write and utter on these topics is true; and while they fear to confess it and be honest, they dare not attempt a refutation of what we have from time to time asserted, and shall continue to assert so long as the breath of life remains to us.

Those, however, who long to speak on our side, yet who fear to do so for popularity's sake, may congratulate themselves with this assurance, which we tender to them without fee or reward, that the "balance of power," which has so long caused all their nobler sentiments of nationality to "kick the beam," and hold them enslaved, like a pack of Russian serfs, to the car of European dictation, is now changing hands, and, through the United American Orders scattered over the land, the American people are fast becoming awakened to a true sense of the condition of their country.

In a short time, politicians, instead of placing foreigners on their tickets to secure the success of their parties, will find it necessary to leave them off for the same purpose. In the States of New-York and Pennsylvania, the "balance of power" is already AMERICAN, and the corrupt, wire-pulling party demagogues of those States, instead of trembling and shivering like whipped curs before a band of Irishmen, or politico-religious bigots, find now that they have a nobler foe to contend with a phalanx of intelligence, principle, and patriotism. This singular change was made manifest to their astonished senses at the late State elections, and the same transition is fast occurring in every State of the Union.

Now, with these evidences before us, these proofs that we are not contending with a phantom, but that the American mind responds in harmonious unison to our own, we again buckle on the armor and continue in the contest. We can with renewed confidence encourage our brothers to be firm, true, and active, and, with better hope and better heart,


call upon our countrymen to investigate the issues that will be placed before them in the columns of the Republic, trusting always to their unbiased judgments for an honest verdict in favor of their country and its free institutions over party and its corrupt machina


CHAPTER-ROOMS.-Apart from the mere transaction of business, as such, in its relation to our Order, there is a use, or rather a benefit to be derived from the use of Chapterrooms, and one we believe not fully appreciated by the members. Chapter-rooms, when viewed aright, are schools of patriotism, and their use is to develop the American Republican sentiment inherent in the breasts of our fellow-countrymen; to give it method and expression, to the end that it may eventually find voice in our legislative halls, and thus prove a safeguard to our dear-bought liberties. The benefit to members as individuals, derived through the use of Chapterrooms, is found in the happy change from one-sided political jargon, breeding rancor and discord, to the acceptance of a frank and open discussion of matters relating to their country's good, with brothers of opposing religious and political creeds, but upon a basis of true fraternity and single-mindedness; also in the home feeling developed our country first, and then our party-prompting, as it does, complacency of action, the surest and truest foundation in legislation. When members can lay down in Chapter their religious and political prejudice, and enter fraternally upon the work before them, there is at once evidence of perpetuity to the institutions of our country through enlarged nobleness of character in her future statesmen.

It is not visionary to say that our Chapterrooms are destined to send forth sound legislators to our country's counsels, and this truth should be early appreciated by members. Not that all are to become legislators, but that all, by their acts, words, and deeds, serve as monitors in developing the several minds, and giving to them that moral tone essential to the well governing of our united republic.

In other words, the benefit to individuals in the use of Chapter, is practice in speaking. Failing to make oneself understood, for want of language to express the ideas, may prove

discouraging to the few; but the kind feeling apparent among the brothers, and their solicitude for renewed attempts to be made, certainly encourage the many to press on until confusion of ideas gives place to calmness of thought, and deficiency of words is overcome by fulness of language. Even those who timidly decline speaking at first, have their ideas corrected, and eventually find that they also have a loosened tongue. The essential aim of members in Chapter, therefore, should be, not so much to confine themselves to the mere details of business, but, through dispatch in such matters, lengthen the time that may be devoted to the discussion of propositions appertaining to the general welfare.

Throughout the Order there is but need to view this matter aright, to make it more highly profitable; it is but necessary to meet in the full spirit of harmony for the purpose of legislating truly, or learning to do so| being indifferent to present gain, so that truth and patriotism be developed, preserved, and ultimately made triumphant.

WASHINGTON'S BIRTH-DAY.-The preparations for celebrating the glorious 22d of February are steadily going forward, and there is every assurance that the demonstration will be even more imposing and creditable than the last. Metropolitan Hall has been engaged for the in-door exercises; and we take great pleasure in announcing that the Hon. William W. Campbell, of Alpha Chapter, has consented to be the orator of the day. General Henry Storms, of Washington Chapter, has been selected as Grand Marshal, and will conduct the procession, which will be preceded by a large military escort: the several companies of Continentals, American Rifles, Worth Guard, and others, have been invited to participate. It has further been resolved in committee, that the Order will hold its ceremonies apart from all other bodies. By this arrangement, the tender consciences of those who do not like to come in contact with any thing American will be relieved, and the door will be left open to all who desire to do honor to so glorious an anniversary, without the fear of contamination. The Common Council (whom we hope to see participating with appropriate ceremonies) will also be relieved from the onerous task of locating the "better citizens," who invariably claim precedence over Americans, on all national occasions, in

the line, because there will now be no contest for superiority, the American phalanx marching by itself.

Our Order can well afford to make this independent arrangement, because our numbers are so great that, if even one quarter of the members turn out, the procession will be a monster. Last year, it occupied about two miles in length, marching six abreast, and required twelve bands of music, notwithstanding hundreds were deterred from the parade in consequence of the rain in the morning and the muddy condition of the streets during the day; and we have every reason to believe that the number will be much greater on the next anniversary. We hope so, at least. Let every man who possibly can, determine to make one of the legion, and, with the stars and stripes of his country about his person, come forth and do honor to the memory of him whose virtue and energy secured to us that emblem of the free. Come forth, one and all, in the name of Washington!

UNITY OF ACTION.-At the late election in this State, when General Storms, the Democratic candidate for State Prison Inspector, was so impudently proscribed by the foreigners, solely because he happened to be a member of the Order of United Americans, we are informed that the members of the Order of United American Mechanics throughout the State, sympathizing with us in our denunciation of the outrage, threw aside their partisan preferences, and united with us in sustaining an American against the foreign league. Thus may it ever be! The right hand of fellowship must be extended from Americans to Americans; and thus, although we hail from different associations, the unity of sentiment will be made to prevail, and all things work together for good. The O. U. A. will not forget this act of courtesy, and the O. U. A. M. may expect to hear from us in time of need.

AN INDEPENDENT ORDER.-We have been informed that an association of foreigners, called the "Independent Order of United Americans," has been formed in this city, and we have two versions of the object of its organization. The first version is, that the movement is Jesuitical, and gotten up for the purpose of injuring the reputation and de

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stroying the influence of our Order; the other says, per contra, that it is composed of intelligent foreigners who sympathise with our objects, and, not being eligible to membership in the association of the American-born, have taken this method to assist our cause, as an anxiliary. They receive into their ranks any foreigner who came to this country before he was fifteen years of age, and no other; at least, so we have been informed.

We are not yet prepared to express an opinion on the subject of this new organization. We shall search farther and know more; and if it is found to be the advocate of civil and religious freedom, and ready to sustain the measures necessary for their preservation, it will command our respect; though we had rather it had taken a different name. But if it is indeed, as we have some reason to believe, "a shallow device of the enemy," we shall have the satisfaction of using it as another instrument in aid of the American cause.

DEMONSTRATION AT TRENTON, N. J.—The Chancery and the several Chapters in NewJersey are progressing with their arrangements for a public procession in full regalia, and an oration at Trenton, on Monday, March 9th, at which time and place the Chancery of the State will hold its regular quarterly session. The occasion, taken in connection with the hallowed reminiscences which surround the place, will be one of deep interest. There it was that Washington, by a coup de maître almost superhuman in its conception and detail, broke the back of the British power then in America, and gave renewed vigor and confidence to the struggling colonists. We believe that no Chapter of our Order has yet been established at Trenton; but in such a place it cannot be that there is not an abundance of the true American material; and we anticipate that ere long there will be not only one, but half a dozen Chapters within gunshot of the scene where Washington routed the Hessians.

THE BROOKLYN BOYS.-There is nothing like a little honest rivalry; it creates emulation, and stimulates the latent energies to action. When there was but one Chapter in Brooklyn, it was up-hill work with the members, but now that there are six or seven, every thing goes on prosperously. Fort

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Greene is doing a large business in the way of making converts, as "the Bishop" would say; and since her spirited advent, the boys of old Warren and Plymouth are picking their flints for a meritorious contest; while Lexington and Marion continue to keep the ball rolling with undiminished success. These are all located in the upper part of the city, while Magna Charta occupies the lower ground, and is alone in her glory. Wouldn't it be a good plan to get up an opposition in that part of the city?

REGALIA AND JEWELS. Brother Elias Combs, No. 268 Grand street, near Christie, has devoted many years to the manufacture of regalia, not only of the O. U. A., but of every other association requiring decorations of that kind, including the Masonic, Odd Fellows, and Orders of Temperance, and he has constantly on hand a very superior assortment of the various articles. Persons

left for them at this office will be forwarded to brother Drake, and supplied.

E PLURIBUS UNUM CHAPTER.-On Wednesday evening, 21st instant, the members of this Chapter threw open their doors to their friends, for the purpose of hearing an address from Chancellor Frost. The room was well filled with ladies and gentlemen, who appeared highly gratified and interested, and we doubt not that "E Pluribus Unum" Chapter will reap a substantial benefit from this demonstration, in the acquisition of new and good members.

THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT.-On Monday evening, 26th inst., the Chancery of NewYork adopted the report of the committee on the subject of building a monument to Washington by the Order of United Americans, and provided for a committee, consisting of one chancellor from each Chapter, to make

wishing regalia would do well, therefore, by preliminary arrangements towards carrying calling upon him to make purchases.

BALLS AT PATERSON.—The American Eagle Association, at Paterson, N. J., gave their Second Annual Ball in that busy city on the 23d of January inst., at Congress Hall.

Ox the 27th, Lexington Association, of Brooklyn, intend giving a grand ball at Paterson, at which the Eagles will participate. The Lexington boys are in anxious expectation of a capital sleigh-ride between Jersey City and Paterson, and, from present appearances, their anticipations are in a fair way of realization.

American Eagle Chapter at Paterson is in a thriving condition, and we expect soon to have the satisfaction of recording the organization of another in that city.

out the great work. This is one step towards the erection of a monument on a feasible plan.

PUTNAM CHAPTER, of this city, has made arrangements for a public address, to be given by Chancellor Joseph C. Morton, on Thursday evening, February 12th, at the Rutgers Female Institute, Madison street, near Clinton. The importance of a better cultivation of American nationality will be the burden of Chancellor Morton's discourse. Choice music, with other appropriate exercises, will add to the interest of the occasion.

NEW CHANCELLORS.-At the last meeting of Chancery, all the delegates from the new Chapter (Constitution) at Smithville, L. I., were presented, and, having been duly qualified, were admitted to their seats. "Constitution" Chapter is another link in the patriotic chain which will ere long encircle the whole of that beautiful island.

A BEAUTIFUL PRESENT. We received, a few days since, a neatly enveloped packet, hailing from Newark, N. J., and, on examining the missive, found it to contain an exquisitely wrought breast-pin, representing the hand IRONSIDES CHAPTER.-This vigorous and and serpent, in solid gold, fashioned with prosperous Chapter is now enjoying a series exceeding good taste. This beautiful present of weekly lectures, delivered by different memwas manufactured by the donor, brother|bers of the Order. If we had a copy of their Drake, of Newark; and, as it has been greatly admired, we suggest the policy of having a few in this city for sale. Meantime, any order

programme for the season, we should take pleasure in publishing it for the benefit of the members at large.

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[Adopted February 10th, 1851.]

THE Chancery of the O. U. A. of the State of New-York, in regular session convened, do ordain as follows:

§1. When a person is proposed for membership in any Chapter of this Order, the name of the person so proposed shall be referred to a committee of three members, whose duty shall be to visit the said candidate, and also at least one person to whom the proposer shall refer, and from them learn the place of birth, age, business, and moral character and also the general health of the party proposed, and re port the same in writing to their Chapter, at its next regular meeting.

§2. Whenever a Chapter shall have reason to believe that a person having been proposed and admitted by ballot is not a suitable person to become a member of this Order, said Chapter shall have power to order a new ballot, on the call of five members, at any time prior to initiation.

§3. No person owing allegiance to any foreign potentate or power, shall be eligible to membership in this Order.



[Adopted December 15th, 1851.]

THE Chancery of the O. U. A. of the State of New-York, in regular session convened, do ordain as follows:

§ 1. It shall be the duty of the G. F. C. to receive from Chapters the moneys payable to Chancery and Arch-Chancery, (until the latter body be regularly organized,) and to keep full and accurate accounts thereof, in such forms as shall be approved by the Finance Committee. On receiving dues from Chapters, he shall endorse the same on the several returns, signing his name thereto; and shall, at each meeting of Chancery, deposit such returns in the hands of the G. C. of the C., together with a report of the whole amount received by him at such meeting, and during the intermission between that and the previous session; and the G. C. of the C shall enter the same on the minutes, and shall declare the amount so received to the Chancery before adjournment.

§2. Dues to Chancery and Arch-Chancery shall be payable only to the G. F. C.; and no receipt given by any other officer of Chancery shall be recognized by that body, except such as are given by a G. F. C. pro. tem., appointed by the G. S.

§3. The G. F. C. shall forthwith pay over to the G. C. of E. all moneys received by him, taking his receipt therefor, which receipt shall be his voucher for amounts so paid by him.

§ 4. The G. C. of E. shall faithfully keep such moneys as may be paid to him by the G. F. C., in conformity with this ordinance, and shall pay over to the Treasurer of the Grand Executive Fund, at least once in each quarter, that portion of said moneys belonging to said fund, taking his receipt therefor. The general fund he shall disburse only upon drafts upon him, signed by the G. S., and countersigned by the G. C. of the C., or upon bills approved by the Chairman of the Finance Committee, countersigned by the G. C. of the C.

§ 5. The G. F. C. and G. C. of E. shall each make a written quarterly report on the last days of February, May, August, and November of each year, and shall deposit the same in the hands of the Chairman of the Finance Committee, which Committee shall proceed to examine the same, comparing them with the books and vouchers of those officers, and with the books of the G. C. of the C., and with the chapter returns in the hands of that officer, and shall present the same to Chancery, at their first meeting thereafter, together with their report in relation thereto.

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