
priety, that mere sympathy, or the expression of sympathy, cannot advance your purposes. You require 'material aid.' And, indeed, it is manifest that the mere declarations of the sympathy of Congress, or of the President, or of the public, would be of little avail, unless we were prepared to enforce those declarations by a resort to arms, and unless other nations could see that preparation and determination upon our part.

"Well, sir, suppose that war should be the issue of the course you propose to us. Could we then effect any thing for you, ourselves, or the cause of liberty? To transport men and arms across the ocean, in sufficient numbers and quantities to be effective against Russia and Austria, would be impossible. It is a fact which perhaps may not be generally known, that the most imperative reason with Great Britain for the close of her last war with us, was the immense cost of the transportation and maintenance of forces and munitions of war in such a distant theatre; and yet she had not perhaps more than 30,000 men upon this continent at any time. Upon land, Russia is invulnerable to us, as we are to her. Upon the ocean, a war between Russia and this country would result in the mutual annoyance to commerce, but probably in little else. I learn recently that her war marine is superior to that of any nation in Europe, except perhaps Great Britain. Her ports are few, her commerce limited; while we, on our part, would offer as a prey to her cruisers a rich and extensive


"Thus, sir, after effecting nothing in such a war, after abandoning our ancient policy of amity and non-intervention in the affairs of other nations, and thus justifying them in abandoning the terms of forbearance and non-interference which they have hitherto preserved towards us; after the downfall, perhaps, of the friends of liberal institutions in Europe, her despots, imitating and provoked by our fatal example, may turn upon us in the hour of weakness and exhaustion; and with an almost equally irresistible force of reason and of arms, they may say to us, You have set us the example. You have quit your own to stand on foreign ground; you have abandoned the policy you professed in the day of your weakness, to interfere in the affairs of the people upon this continent, in behalf of those principles, the supremacy of which you say is necessary to your prosperity, to your existence. We, in our own turn, believing that your anarchical principles are inimical to the peace, security, and happiness of our subjects, will obliterate the bed which has nourished such noxious weeds; we will crush you as the propagandists of doctrines so destructive of the peace and good order of the world.

"The indomitable spirit of our people might and would be equal to the emergency, and we might remain unsubdued even by so tremendous a combination; but the consequences to us would be terrible enough. You must allow me, sir, to speak this freely, as I feel deeply, though my opinion may be of but little importance-as the expression of a dying man.

"Sir, the recent melancholy subversion of the republican government of France, and that enlightened nation voluntarily placing its neck under the yoke of despotism, teach us to despair of any present success for liberal institutions in Europe. It gives us an impressive warning not to rely upon others for the vindication of our principles, but to

look to ourselves, and to cherish, with more care than ever, the security of our institutions and the preservation of our policy and principles.

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By the policy to which we have adhered since the days of Washington, we have prospered beyond precedent; we have done more for the cause of liberty in the world than arms could effect. We have shown to other nations the way to greatness and happiness; and if we but continue united as one people, and persevere in the policy which our experience has so clearly and triumphantly vindicated, we may in another quarter of a century furnish an example which the reason of the world cannot resist. But if we should involve ourselves in the tangled web of European politics, in a war in which we could effect nothing, and if in that struggle Hungary should go down, and we should go down with her, where then would be the last hope of the friends of freedom throughout the world. Far better is it for ourselves, for Hungary, and for the cause of liberty, that, adhering to our wise pacific system, and avoiding the distant wars of Europe, we should keep our lamp burning brightly on this western shore, as a light to all nations, than to hazard its utter extinction, amid the ruins of fallen or falling republics in Europe."

STONES FOR THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT. We have before learned that the Emperor of Austria had designed a stone for the Washington Monument; we are now informed that the Pope has directed two large stones-the one to be taken from the Capitol, the other from the Coliseum-to be prepared in Rome, and to be presented by him to the same object. We would suggest one more from the same donor, viz., a stone taken from the floor of "the Torture Chamber," bearing the original blood-stains from innocent victims, with an appropriate inscription. To be serious, we think these offerings from despotism to the shrine of civil and religious liberty, deserve to be regarded in the light of ironical mockeries; and we hope, if any such are offered, that the trustees will have nothing to do with them.

FOREIGN LAWGIVERS TO AMERICA.-We cut the following statement from the New-York Tribune, as a matter for future reference:—

"Naturalized Citizens.-We stated, a day or two since, that Mr. Benjamin, the newly elected senator of the United States from Louisiana, is a native of North Carolina. This is an error. It is stated in the New-Orleans papers that he is a native of St. Thomas, an island belonging to Denmark.

"Louisiana is liberal to the naturalized citizens. When Mr. Downs's term expires, she will be wholly represented in the Senate by naturalized citizens Soulé, a native of France, and Benjamin as above. She was represented in part in the same body, from 1834 to 1837, by Alexander Porter, an Irishman.


Illinois has one senator (Shields) an Irishman, and Ohio has two members of Congress (Johnson and Harper) Irishmen. [The Blue Book says errone ously that Harper is a native of Pennsylvania."]

PULMONIC COMPLAINTS.-We take great pleasure in speaking again of Dr. Rogers' compound of Liverwort, Tar, and Canchalagua, as a remedy for incipient diseases of the lungs. In this capacity, we have used it with decided benefit, whatever its virtues may be in cases of confirmed consumption. Persons suffering from severe colds or congestion of the lungs should not eschew remedies until they have used this preparation. It is sold by Scovill & Co., Gothic Hall, Broadway.

FOREIGN MILITARY ORGANIZATIONS.-We have more than once deprecated the policy of organizing foreigners into distinct military commands; and now the Irish Celt, a Political Church paper, published in Boston, gives our doctrine an endorsement. In an article, headed “Irish Military Companies," this significant passage occurs:—

"If, in the European battle, France and the Pope are to be on one side, and England and the socialists on the other, an Irish soldier can serve only on the side of the former; and the more of us that are able to volunteer for that service the better."

So, then, an Irishman cannot serve against the Pope, and it follows that he cannot serve against the orders of the Pope; hence, so long

as the services of his followers any where are

likely to aid his cause, he will let them fight; but when they are against it, he will forbid them. What kind of troops will they make then for Protestant America, whose most dangerous foe is the Church Political?

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TRENTON. We were in error in stating that a public procession will take place on the 9th of March at Trenton. The ceremonies will consist of an address, to be delivered in the evening.


ACCORDING to traditional custom, this should be a year prolific in trade with the cabinetmakers. Cold-blooded bachelors, however, who look upon matrimony as a mystery of horrors, may congratulate themselves in the assurance that traditional usage does not

pass current among our modern Misses and widowed Mesdames, and thereby hope to escape the charms of the one and the toils of the other for at least another "four year" to come. What a blessed consolation this must be to those who prefer cold sheets to a warm sleeping-partner! Leap-year, which, by the tradition aforesaid, invests the fair portion of creation with a one-quarter interest in the rights of her nature, has become a nullity; and feminine modesty is like California gold, plenty in the market, but in no wise cheapened. In proof of this, we inay assert that St. Valentine's Day just past was a dull day for the postmen; and the ambrosial youngsters who waited at home for missives from the fair went to bed disappointed.————Speaking of matters de la cour reminds us that the is no more! Start not; we speak only of a world has lost a great favorite: Jenny Lind change of name. Jenny is married. poet says:


"What's in a name? That which we call a rose, By any other name would smell as sweet." But we assert that there is much in a name, and put it to any candid and impartial mind to compare with us the name of Jenny Lind, associated as it is with every thing that is sweet, generous, and musical, with that of Mrs. Jenny Goldtschmidt. Oh! Familiarity, they say, breeds contempt; but we suppose that rule, like all others, has its exceptions. What a pity it is that Jenny Lind could not get married without changing her name.Senates have from time immemorial enjoyed the prerogative of gravity and wisdom of character; thus, when the old Venetian senator, Brabantio, forgot his dignity, and in a coarse philippic accused Othello of the crime of conjuring his daughter, the swarthy but

considerate Moor addressed the assembled magnates in these words:

"Most potent, grave, and reverend signiors,

My very noble and approved good masters;" whereby he evinced that respect due to a body of grave and distinguished men. But change makes change; and the American Senate, determined, as the oracles and prototypes of the nation, to excel in all things excitable, has thrown off the old-fashioned characteristic of its class, and transformed itself into a bear-garden. If the vernacular of Billingsgate and pot-house invective are a test of statesmanship, the Senate of the United States may be set down as the most profound in existence.- A terrible flutter

has been created in this city among the disciples of Bacchus, owing to the demonstration. made by the cold water army at Albany; and that gaunt spectre known as the "Maine Law" has haunted them like a nightmare, sleeping and waking. Our old friend Col. Snow-who, by-the-bye, is as much at home on the cold water question as upon any thing else—is busy at the Capitol; and many a man who loves his toddy better than his wife, is sadly afraid that he will, ere long, be compelled to go to bed sober. There are more phases than one, however, to this subject; and so long as the government recognizes spiritual liquors as an article of commerce and revenue, there is a chance to question the consistency of forbidding people the use of them. In order to stop the flow of any liquid, it is necessary to go to the fountain-head, and we do not perceive that either Jamaica rum or champagne and Madeira constitute an exception. Doctor Young tells us that

"We take no note of time but by its loss."

It is neither our province nor our intention to discuss a topic of such philosophic magnitude, but simply to inform our readers that the time lost in looking for time upon the excoriated dials of the old Hall clock will now be amply repaid by the new dials just set thereon by the provident Fathers of the City. The City Hall clock no longer presents the mystified appearance of a map of the moon, but, with an unblemished face and clean hands, points regularly and truthfully to the noc

turnal citizen the hours lost in dissipation or pleasure.


THE BROADWAY THEATRE has been a continuous scene of enthusiasm during the present engagement of Mr. Forrest, who is now before the public again in his professional capacity. The audiences have been densely crowded on each night of his appearance, and the plaudits and other demonstrations bestowed upon the tragedian, which have assumed rather the character of an ovation, will doubtless continue so during his present engagement.

After the conclusion of the divorce suit, Mrs. Forrest appeared as Lady Teuzle at Brougham's Lyceum, and is said to have made a very successful débût. We did not see her.

Mr. Forrest's engagement will continue at the Broadway a few nights longer; after which, we perceive that Mrs. Brougham is engaged at the same house for a limited number of nights. This is not the present lady of the Lyceum manager, however. A new spectacle is in preparation.

Barnum's Museum. The unprecedented desire to witness that sterling moral drama, "The Bottle," still keeps it before the audience at Barnum's; and we have no doubt it is exercising a more wholesome influence in the cause of temperance than all the Maine Laws that can be adopted. Every body who gets tipsy, and every body who don't get tipsy, should take one pull at Barnum's "Bottle."

NATIONAL THEATRE.-Mr. Manager Purdy manages to keep a house full of delighted people at his popular establishment in Chatham street. And, after all, nothing is more easy: good plays, good players, and plenty of advertising to let the people know what is going forward, is all that is necessary. Mr. W. G. Jones is now playing an engagement in melo-drama at the National, with great success.

THE AZTEC CHILDREN.-These singular specimens of the genus homo are justly attracting the attention of our citizens, and their daily and evening soirées are attended by numerous ladies and gentlemen of the most intelligent classes. With the ladies, these singular creatures are peculiar favorites, in consequence of their playful dispositions and gentle habits, while at the same time they afford material for deep and interesting study Every person should visit them at least once before their departure from the city.




The Harpers have just issued the first volume of the Life and Writings of Burns, edited by Robert Chambers. The character of

the rural poet has been so bedabbled with puritanical and other prejudices by previous biographers, and his minor faults 80 magnified into gross vices, in connection with his literary character, that we hail with pleasure the advent of one who promises to give a fair and impartial picture of the man, from the best sources. A new and most convenient feature in this edition is a sort of traveling glossary which accompanies the dialect in the side margin of each page opposite the text, enabling the reader to translate as he goes those words which in some of Burns's poems appear so outré to the English reader. The obsolete words are also explained in the same convenient manner.

THE CORNER-STONE-This is the second volume of the "Young Christian Series," by Jacob Abbott, published by Harper and Brothers; consisting of a series of essays and tales illustrating the various In this volume phases of Christian character.

appear essays on the "Deity," the "Man Christ Jesus," "Human Duty," and other subjects, religious and moral, all copiously embellished with engravings.

CHARACTERS IN THE GOSPELS. By the Rev. E. H. Chapin. Redfield, publisher, Clinton Hall.—This is a small volume, comprising a series of lectures heretofore delivered by the eloquent author, and written in his usual vigorous and telling style. The author selects various prominent characters that appear in the gospels, and by a graceful transition draws them down to a contrast with similar characters of the present day, thus enforcing, as it were, by ocular proofs, the truths of scriptural personages, and conveying moral conviction to the minds of their modern prototypes. Thus the reformer, the sensualist, the skeptic, the man of the world, and the seeker after religion, will find in this volume vivid portraitures of their own characters in juxtaposition with the biblical patterns.


A MONUMENT TO WASHINGTON BY THE ORDER OF UNITED AMERICANS.-What the whole State of New-York has not been able to accomplish, is now in a fair way to be done by the Order of United Americans. The Chancery of the Order in the State of New-York having appointed a committee, of which

Minard Lefever, Esq., the celebrated architect, is chairman, that committee proceeded to give the subject a careful examination, which resulted in a plan, carefully digested, in which the feasibility of the measure is clearly presented.

The plan submitted by the committee provides that a plot of thirty acres of land be procured for the purpose, one acre of which, in the centre of the plot, to be set apart for the site of a monument of magnificent extent and proportion, three hundred and fifty feet high, containing a chapel for funeral-services, capable of containing eight hundred persons, a statue of Washington, and appropriate rooms and appurtenances; the whole to cost $196,000 or thereabouts, and to be built entirely by American hands, with American materials.

In order to raise the requisite sum for the completion of this noble and ennobling work, the remaining twenty-nine acres surrounding


the monument are to be divided into buriallots, each large enough for the interment of nine adult persons, and these are to be sold to members of the Order at the low price of $45 each, payable in quarterly instalments of three and four dollars, thus giving each purchaser three years and a half to pay for his lot, by which time it is estimated that the monument will be completed.

By this arrangement, the members of the Order of United Americans will accomplish the double object of erecting a monument of great and appropriate magnitude and splendor to the memory of the Father of their Country, and at the same time secure to themselves each a burial-lot in one of the noblest cemeteries in the world.

As a preliminary measure, the report of the committee submitting this plan was adopted by the Chancery at its last meeting in January, and a committee, consisting of one chancellor from each Chapter in the State, to be appointed by the G. S., was ordered by resolution; said committee to prepare an address embracing a short synopsis of the plan, to be sent to the members of the Order, and to take such preliminary steps as may be necessary for a final determination of the matter.

At a subsequent meeting of Chancery, the committee reported the following Address, which was adopted, and five thousand copies ordered to be printed.




Brothers:-It has long been desirable that a suitable and enduring monument should be erected in commemoration of the virtues and character of the great and good GEORGE WASHINGTON, and as a memorial to future ages of the gratitude of a free people for the blessings of civil and religious liberty conferred upon them through his illustrious efforts and example.

The people of the Empire State of the Union have at various times, under legislative patronage, faintly endeavored to accomplish this act of duty; but, owing to a lack of true patriotic zeal, and their own mercenary dispositions, which forbade the trifling individual contribution necessary to the work, each attempt has failed, and the sums that were subscribed by a few were absorbed in the

sustenance of a chartered association that had been created to carry out the work.

What the great mass of the people of the State of New-York has failed to do, the Chancery of the Order of United Americans now proposes that the Order shall accomplish; and the honor of participating in so noble an enterprise, to its completion, is tendered to every member of our patriotic fraternity, in such a manner as to afford each individual an actual pecuniary profit, instead of creating an expense.

In the limits of this short address, we have only room to give a brief synopsis of the plan by which these desirable results may be obtained, and at the same time secure to each subscriber a property in the noblest cemetery in the United States.

It is proposed, first, to purchase a plot of 30 acres of land, either in some well-organized cemetery or elsewhere, at a cost of $30,000; one acre of this to be set apart as a site for a monument, and the remaining 29 acres to be divided into 7,540 burial-lots, each sufficient for the interment of nine adult persons, to be sold to subscribers at $45 each, payable in fifteen quarterly instalments of $2, $3, and $4 each, thus allowing the subscribers three and a half years to complete their payments. These lots will thus, at the minimum price, afford the sum of $339,300.

On the reserved acre, it is proposed to erect a monument to Washington, on a scale of grandeur commensurate with the great purpose, and unsurpassed in monumental architecture by any erection

of ancient or modern times. The height of the monument is to be 380 feet from the ground, and to cover at its base an area of feet; and within its walls will be erected a chapel of elegant proportions, capable of containing 800 persons, for the performance of burial-service. In this chapel, a superb statue of the Father of our Country will be erected; the whole labor on the monument, statue, and improvements, to be performed by American artists, with American materials.

The cost of this great structure, as estimated by competent architects, will be as follows:

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