페이지 이미지

Ebbinghaus. Mit 32 illuminirten Kupfertafeln. Erste Lieferung. Leipzig, Baensch, 1862, 1863.

HOFFMANN. Sylloge d. Pilze aus d. Mittelrheingegend, insbesondere d. Grossherzogthum Hessen. Bot. Zeit. 1863, p. 73. Icones Analytica Fungorum. Heft iii. Giessen. 1863. LENZ.-Die nützlichen und schädlichen Schwämme. ed. 1862. Gotha. E. F. Thienemann.

Lenz. 3d.

LEBEUF, V. F.—De l'Oïdium, de sa cause et des moyens de guérir les vignes qui en sont atteintes, d'améliorer et de soigner les vins oïdés. Paris, Chamerot.

MELICOCQ.-Note par M. le Baron de Melicocq sur des truffes de Bourgogne envoyées a Philippe-le-bon en 1438. Bull. Soc. Bot. de France. Vol. ix. p. 38.

NOTARIS.-Sferiacei Italici, per G. De Notaris, Centuria 1. Fascicolo 1. Genova, 1863.

--Schema di classificazione degli Sferiacei Italici aschigeri piu o meno appartenenti al genere SPHERIA nell'antico significato attribuitogli da Persoon. Per V. Cesati e G. De Notaris. Genova, 1863. OERSTED.-Ueber die Pilzgattung Phelonitis Chev., A. S. Oersted. Bot. Zeit. 1863, p. 159.

PASTEUR.-Etudes sur les Mycodermes. Rôle de ces plantes dans la fermentation acetique. Comptes Rendus, tom. 54, (1862), p. 265. RIMMINGTON.-On fungous destruction of lozenges in a dry atmosphere, by F. M. Rimmington. Trans. Mic. Soc. of London. Vol. x. p. 103.

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SOLLMANN. Ueber die Entwickelung der sporen von Sphæria capitellata von Aug. Sollmann. Bot. Zeit. 1862, p. 377.

Anleitung zum Bestimmen der vorzüglichsten essbaren Schwämme Deutschlands für Haus und Schule. Mit mehr als 150 Abbildungen. Hildburghausen, Kesselring. 8. (VIII. 84 p., 48 tabb. lith.)

SOLMS-LAUBACH.· -Ueber einige behaarte Pezizen von Friedrich
Grafen zu Solms-Laubach. Bot. Zeit. 1862, p. 333.
SCHULZER-Mycologische Beobachtungen von Stefan Schulzer v.
Müggenburg. Wien. Z. V. B. Vol. xii. pp. 215, 795.
STURM. Die Pilze Deutschlands. Heft. 35 und 36.


ARCHER.-Description of a new species of Cosmarium (Corda), of Staurastrum (Meyer), of two new species of Closterium (Nitzch), and of Spirotania (Bréb.) By Wm. Archer. Q. J. M. S. Vol. ii.



On a new (?) species of Ankistrodesmus (Corda), with remarks in connexion therewith as regards Closterium Griffithii and C. subtile (Bréb.) By Wm. Archer. Q. J. M. S. Vol. ii. p. 255.

On Closterium aciculare (West.) By W. Archer, Esq. Q. J. M. S. New Series, Vol. ii. p. 31.

ARCHER.-Description of a new species of Micrasterias (Ag. et aliorum, non Ehr.), with remarks on the distinctions between M. rotata, Ralfs, and M. denticulata (Breb.) By William Archer. Q. J. M. S. Vol. ii. p. 236.

BABINGTON.-On Chara alopecuroides, Del. as a native of Britain. By C. C. Babington, M.A., F.R.S., F.L.S. Seemann's Journ. of Botany, Vol. i. p. 193.

CARRUTHERS.-On Tryblionella Victoria and Denticula subtilis, two species of British Diatomaceae. By W. Carruthers, Esq., F.L.S. Seemann's Journal of Botany, Jan. 1863.

FRESENIUS.-Ueber einige Diatomeen von G. Fresenius.
Abh. Vol. iv. p. 63.


GREVILLE.-A monograph of the Genus Auliscus. By R. K. Grevile, LL.D., F.R.S.E., &c. Mic. Trans. Vol. xi. p. 36.

Description of new and rare Diatoms. Series v. vi. vii. viii. and ix. By R. K. Greville, LL.D., F.R.S.E., &c. Mic Trans. N.S. Vol. x. pp. 18 and 89, Q. J. M. S. Vol. ii. p. 231, Mic. Trans. N.S. Vol. xi. pp. 13 and 63.

Barbadoes deposit. By
Mic. Trans. Ñ.S. Vol. x.

On the Asterolampræ of the R. K. Greville, LL.D., F.R.S.E., &c. p. 41. GRUNOW. - Die österreichischen Diatomaceen nebst Anschluss einiger neuen Arten von andern Lokalitäten und einer kritischen Uebersicht der bisher bekannten Gattungen und Arten von A. Grunow. Wien. Z. V. B. Vol. xii. pp. 315, 545.

HARVEY.-Notice of a collection of Algae made on the North West Coast of North America, chiefly at Vancouver's Island, by David Lyall, M.D.,R.N., in the years 1859-61. By W. H. Harvey, M.D., F.R.S. and L.S., Professor of Botany in the University of Dublin, &c.

HENDRY.-On the Hull Pleurosigma fasciola. By Wm. Hendry, Surgeon. Q. J. M. S. New series, Vol. ii. p. 152.

HOBSON.-Notes on Indian Desmideæ, by Julian Hobson. Q. J. M. S., New series, Vol. iii. p. 168.

KÜTZING, FRIEDRICH TRAUGOTT.-Tabulae phycologicae oder Abbildungen der Tange. XII. Band. 6-10. Lieferung [oder 116120. Lieferung des ganzen Werkes]. Nordhausen. 8vo. (16 p. 50 tabb. zincogr.) (Förstemann.)

LEWIS.-Notes on new and rarer species of Diatomacea of the
United States Sea Board. By F. W. Lewis, M.D. Q. J. M. S.
Vol. ii. p. 155.
LÜDERS.-Beobachtungen über die Organisation Theilung und
Copulation der Diatomeen. Bot. Zeit. 1862. pp. 41, 49, 57, 65.
MONTAGNE et MILLARDET.-Extrait de l'ouvrage intitulé Notes sur
l'île de la Reunion (Bourbon). (Description of Algæ.) See C. R.
20. Oct. 1862. Vol. lv. p. 633.

PETROVSKY (André) Etudes algologiques. Note sur une nouvelle
espèce d' Edogonium. A. S. N. Bot. 4 ser. Tome xvi. p. 368.
PITRA.-Mittheilungen über eine ausserordentliche Anhaüfung der
Gallert-Algen, von Adolph Pitra. Bot. Zeit. 1863. p. 79.

N. H. R.-1863.

2 T

PRINGSHEIM.-Beiträge zur Morphologie der Meeres-Algen. N. Pringsheim. 4to. Berlin. 1862. 8 Plates.


Ueber die Vorkeime und die nacktfüssigen Zweige der Charen. Pringsheim's Jahrb. für wiss. Bot. Vol. iii. p. 294. ROCHEBRUNE.-Note sur le Chara imperfecta Al. Braun, par Alph. de Rochebrune. Bull. Soc. Bot. de Fr. Vol. ix. p. 336. ROPER.-On the genus Licmophora (Agardh). By F. C. S. Roper, F.L.S., &c. Mic. Trans. Vol. xi. p. 53.

WALLICH.-On the structure of the valves of Pleurosigma and other Diatoms. By G. C. Wallich, M. D., F.L.S., F.G.S., &c., A. N. H. Vol. ii. p. 351.

WEISSE.-Nachträgliche Bemerkungen in Betreff der Diatomoceen, welche sich im so genannter Mineralschlamme vor Staraja Russa befinden, von Dr. J. F. Weisse. Bull. Ac. Imp. des Sc. de St. Petersbourg, Tome iv. p. 305.

WORONNE, MICH.-Recherches sur les Algues marines Acetabularia et Espera. A. S. N. Bot. 4 ser. Tome xvi. p. 200. ZANARDINI. Scelta di Ficee nuove o più rare del mare Adriatico, figurate, descritte ed illustrate dal M. E. Dott. G. Zanardini. Decade terza. Memorie dell J. R. Istit. Veneto di Scienze lett. ed. arti. Vol. x. pte iii. 1862.

Miscellanea of Cryptogamic Botany.

Fasc. V.

BERTOLONI, ANTONIO.-Flora Italica cryptogama.
Bononiae. (Wien, Sallmayer & Co.)
BROWN.-List of Arctic Cryptogamic Plants, &c. Collected by
Robert Brown, Esq., during the summer of 1861, on the Islands
of Greenland, Baffins Bay, and Davis' Straits. Ed. Bot. Trans.
Vol. vii. p. 374.

DIETRICH, DR. DAV.- Deutschlands kryptogamische Gewächse in
Abbildungen. 2. Ausg. 1. Bd. 1-3. Hft. gr. 4. Jena, Suckow.
CARRINGTON.-Gleanings among the Irish cryptograms. By Ben-
jamin Carrington, M.D. F.R.S., &c. Ed. Bot. Trans. Vol. vii.
p. 370, 379.
HICKS.-Observations on vegetable Amoeboid bodies. By. J. Brax-
ton Hicks, M.D., F.L.S., &c. Q. J. M. S., New series, Vol. ii.
p. 96.
HOFMEISTER. Zusätze und Berichtigungen zu der 1851 veröffent-
lichten Untersuchungen der Entwickelung höherer kryptogamen.
Pringsheim's Jahrb. für wiss. Bot. Vol. iii. p. 259.

KLINSMAN, E. F.- Beiträge zu einer Cryptogamen-Flora DanzigsKönigsberg. 1862.

MILDE.-Ergebnisse meines Aufenthalts in Meran, von Dr. J. Milde. Bot. Zeit. 1862. p. 429, 441, 457.

NYLANDER. Aftryck ur sallskapets pro Fauna et Flora Fennica Notiser, vi. Ny serie, 3 Häftet. Helsingfors, Finska Litteratursällskapets tryckeri, 1861. RABENHORST.-Kryptogamen-Flora von Sachsen, der Ober-Lausitz Thüringen und Nordböhmen mit Berücksichtigung der benach barten Länder. Erste Abtheilung: Algen im weitesten Sinne, Leber- und Laubmoose. Bearbeitet von Dr. L. Rabenhorst.

Mit über 200 Illustrationen sämmtliche Algengattungen bildlich darstellend. Leipzig, Verlag von Eduard Kummer, 1863. REGEL.-Tentamen Flora Ussuriensis oder Versuch einer Flora des Ussuri-Gebietes. Nach den von Herrn R. Maack gesammelten Pflanzen, bearbeitet von E. Regel. Petersb. Mem. iv. p. 173. Acotyledonese seu Cryptogamæ. REDSLOB.-Die Moose und Flechten Deutschlands. Mit sonderer Berücksichtigung auf Nutzen und Nachtheile dieser Gewächse, beschrieben von Dr. Julius Redslob. Mit. 32 naturgetreucolorirten Kupfertafeln. 1, Lief. Leipzig, bei Wilh. Bänsch. 1863. Commentario della Societa crittogamologica Italiana, No. 2. Settembre, 1861; Genova, 1861; Taf. iii. iv. v. No. 3, Settembre, 1862; Genova, 1862; Taf. vi. and vii.

Note on a gigantic form of Polyporus sulfureus, Fr. Bull. Soc. Bot. de Fr. Vol. ix. p. 43.

Note on the projection of the Sporangia of Cyathus striatus. Bull. Soc. Bot. de Fr. Vol. ix. p. 95.

Rapport sur un Memoire de M. Duval-Jouve intitulé Histoire naturelle des Equisetum de France. C. Rendus, Vol. lvi. p. 518 (March 23, 1863).

Collections of Plants.

FUCKEL-Fungi Rhenani exsiccati.

GOTTSCHE and RABENHORST.-Hepatica Europææ (continuation). HOHENACKER.-Algæ marinæ exsiccatæ. X. Lief.

JACK, LEINER and STIZENBERGER.-Kryptogamen Badens. Fasc. xi. xii.

RABENHORST, DR. L.-Further parts of Die Algen Europa's, Lichenes Europæi exsiccati, and Bryotheca Europæa.

WAGNER, HERMANN.-Cryptogamen-Herbarium. II. Ser. 3. u. 4. Lieferung. Flechten. Bielefeld, Helmich.

WARTMANN. Schweizerische Kryptogamen unter Mitwirkung mehrerer Botaniker, gesammelt und herausgegeben von Dr. B. Wartmann, Professor in St. Gallen, und B. Schenk, Kunstgärtner in Schaffhausen. Fasc. i. und ii. St. Gallen, 1862.



M. ENGELHARDT, Director of the Museum at Flensburg, and already so well known to Archeologists from his interesting descriptions of Antiquities found in the peat-mosses at Thorsbjerg and Nydam, has lately found at the latter place, close to the spot where the other discoveries had been made, a ship, or rather a large flat-bottomed boat, seventy feet in length, three feet deep in the middle and eight or nine feet wide. The sides are of oak-boards overlapping one another and fastened together by iron bolts. On the inner side of

each board are several projections, which are not separate pieces of wood, but are continuous with the boards, and were therefore left when the latter were cut out of the solid timber. Each of these projections has two small holes, through which ropes, made of the inner bark of trees, were passed in order to fasten the sides of the boat to the ribs. The rowlocks are formed by a projecting horn of wood, under which is an orifice, so that a rope fastened to the horn and passing through the orifice, leaves a hole through which the oar plays. There appear to have been about fifty pairs of oars, of which sixteen have already been discovered. The bottom of the boat was covered by matting.

I visited the spot about a week after the boat had been discovered, but was unable to see much of it, as it had been taken to pieces and the boards, &c. were covered over with straw and peat, that they might dry slowly. In this manner M. Engelhardt hopes that they will perhaps, at least in part, retain their original shape.

The freight of the boat consisted of iron axes, including a socketed celt with its handle, swords, lances, knives, brooches, whetstones, wooden vessels, with, oddly enough, two birch brooms, and many smaller articles. Only those however have yet been found which remained actually in the boat, and as in sinking it turned partly over on its side, no doubt many more articles will reward the farther explorations which M. Engelhardt proposes to make next summer. It is evident that this interesting boat was sunk on purpose, because there is a square hole about six inches in diameter, hewn out of the bottom, and it is probable, that in some time of panic or danger the objects contained in it were hidden by their owner, who was never able to recover them.

Even in recent times of disturbance, as for instance in the beginning of this century and in 1848, many arms, ornaments, household utensils, &c. were so effectually hidden in the lakes and peat-mosses, that they could never be found again.

Much interest is added to this vessel and its contents by the fact that we can fix almost their exact date. The boat lies, as I have already mentioned, within a few yards of the spot where the previous discoveries at Nydam were made, and as all the arms and ornaments exactly correspond, there can be little doubt that they belong to the same period. Now the previous collection included nearly 50 Roman coins ranging in date from A. D. 67 to 217. Those found at Thorsberg in the same locality, and which are about as numerous, began with Nero and went down to the year 197.

Under these circumstances we may ascribe this vessel and its contents to the third century, without fear of any great inaccuracy;

Finally it may be mentioned that there are indications of a second boat lying close to the first. M. Engelhardt proposes to continue his researches next year, and we doubt not that he will discover many more objects of great interest.

J. L.

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