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evidence taken before the committee, both in the last and present session, in regard to the ease with which all plans, models, and drawings of new inventions in machinery are conveyed to the Continent, and the facility with which some engineers assert that good workmen can construct machinery from them, it is probable that if the present prohibitory policy is persisted in, foreign nations will be obliged to establish manufactories, (as has been already partly done in France, the United States, &c.) for those articles with which we refuse to furnish them, and which a liberal course of policy would entirely prevent.

yet, from the natural and acquired advantages | making, is placed in a different sitnation from possessed by this country, the manufacturers of that in which it formerly was; and, from the the United Kingdom would for ages continue to retain the superiority they now enjoy. It is indeed the opinion of many, that if the exportation of machinery were permitted, the exportation would often consist of those tools and machines, which, although already superseded by new inventions, still continue to be employed from want of opportunity to get rid of them, to the detriment, in many instances, of the trade and manufactures of the country; and it is matter worthy of consideration, and fully borne out by the evidence, that by such increased foreign demand for machinery, the ingenuity and skill of our workmen would have greater scope; and that, important as the improvements in machinery have lately been, they might, under such circumstances, be fairly expected to increase to a degree beyond all precedent.

The committee deem it proper to submit an extract on this subject from the evidence of Mr. Henry Maudslay, an eminent engineer, as deserving the particular attention of the house:-The uniform policy of the legislature of this "Can you state whether the manufactories country has been to give, as they conceived it," for machinery are increasing on the Conevery kind of encouragement to British manu- "tinent ?-Very greatly; I have seen a number factures by prohibiting the importation of foreign" of them. manufactures, and by giving premiums, bounties, "Of what manufacture? - Of the manu and drawbacks on the exportation of British ma- "factory of steam-engines and other machinery. nufactures; but the great and important manufac- "What would be the effect of exporting ture of machinery, tools, and utensils, has been" machinery upon the extension or diminution made an exception to this system of legislation by" of the manufactories on the Continent?restricting its exportation, although it is a manu- "They would diminish them, there is no facture peculiarly adapted to the circumstances" doubt; they would never set to work to of this country, and one that affords as many" furnish the French manufacturers with advantages in the way of giving employment" French-English machinery if they could get to the people, and yielding profit to the master "them from England. manufacturers, as any other manufacture.

"Do you consider the superiority of the The many important facilities for the con- "English machinery such as to secure a destruction of machines, and the manufacturing "mand in the foreign markets, if the laws of commodities which we possess, are enjoyed" permitted you to supply them?-There is by no other country, nor is it likely that any no doubt about it."

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country can enjoy them to an equal extent for "Is it within your knowledge that the French an indefinite period. It is admitted by every" are in possession of drawings and plans of one that our skill is unrivalled; the industry" almost every patent as soon as they are puband power of our people unequalled; their in-"lished in England?—Yes, I know from cirgenuity, as displayed in the continual improve-"cumstances that have come to my own know. ment of machinery and production of commo- ledge. On the first of every month books are dities, without parallel, and apparently without "packed off to Hamburgh, and sent through limit. The freedom which, under our govern-" Holland and all parts of the Continent; and ment, every man has to use his capital, his "a friend of mine has written to me within a labour, and his talents, in the manner most con- "week of their publication, saying, I underducive to his interests, are inestimable advan-"stand you have obtained a patent for so and tages. Canals are cut, and rail-roads constructed, So, and I hope it will turn out to your adby the voluntary association of persons whose" vantage, and so on. This is a copy of the local knowledge enables them to place them in" French Repertory of Arts [alluding to a book the most desirable situations; and these great" produced by the witness], and this is a draw. advantages cannot exist under less free govern-“ing of a machine, and is as good a plan as a ments. These circumstances, when taken to- man need to work from, and I know this gether, give such a decided superiority to our "machine was not at work in our mint when people, that no injurious rivalry, either in the" this book was published in France: I believe construction of machinery or the manufacture of commodities, can reasonably be anticipated.

Your committee, before they conclude, think it proper to remark, that, by the act of last session permitting artisans to emigrate and reside abroad, the country, as regards machine


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"they (Messrs. Bolton and Watt) had one in "their manufactory; but this shews the faci "lity of getting these things in France.

"Can a machine-maker work from that draw"ing ?-Perfectly well.

"You mean to say that any man that is ale

❝to make that machine, can make it from that | regulated on the same principles as other arti"drawing ?—Yes.

"Have you any other example of the same "thing? Here is a blowing machine to smelt <6 ore, and that is as good a blowing machine as 66 any man need make; some of our first mills "have that machine.

"Whose invention is that originally ?-It is "the invention of Bolton and Watt, or some of "the large iron-masters.

"Does your observation as to the facility of "working from drawings apply to all sorts of “machinery ?—Yes; there is a set of drawings "in the best Encyclopedias which will enable 66 you to make a cotton machine.

"Is the drawing of that loco-motive machine "[alluding to an engraving in the book pro“duced] such as will enable a workman to make 66 a similar machine ?-Certainly; they make a great many thousand machines from much worse drawings, no doubt."

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Although your committee are impressed with the opinion that tools and machinery should be

cles of manufacture, yet inasmuch as there exist objections in the mind of many of our manufac turers on this subject which deserve the attention of the legislature, and as it is possible that circumstances may exist which may render a prohibition to export certain tools and machines used in some particular manufacture expedient, your committee beg to recommend that, until an alteration can be made in the laws on this subject, his majesty's privy council should continue to exercise their discretion in permitting the exportation of all such tools and machines now prohibited as may appear to them not likely to be prejudicial to the trade or manufactures of the United Kingdom.

30th June, 1825.

Attached to this report are the minutes of evidence. The witnesses examined before the committee were Mr. John Martineau, Mr. Timothy Bramah, Mr. Henry Maudslay, and Mr. Alexander Galloway.


An ACCOUNT of the Value, as calculated at the Official Rates, of all British, Irish, and Foreign Produce and Manufactures exported from the United Kingdom to all Parts of the World, in the Year 1794, and in each of the Years 1822, 1823, and 1824; ended 5th January 1795, 1823, 1824, and 1825.-A like Account of the Value of all Goods imported into the United Kingdom during the same Periods.

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37,547,826 15 4 48,735,551 2 5 10,204,785 64 58,940,336 8 9


country generally, have applied their consideration to that particular branch of it, which embraces the importation of timber from the northern states of Europe, and the British colo

REPORT from the Select Committee of the House of Commons, appointed in 1821, to consider of the Means of maintaining and im-nies in North America. This they have done, proving the Foreign Trade of the Country, as well on account of that branch having (as and to report their Opinion and Observations appears by a report referred to them) already thereupon from Time to Time to the House. occupied the attention of a committee of the YOUR Committee have deviated from the course other house of parliament, appointed for similar which their former report appeared to prescribe, purposes, as of the anxiety they understand to and instead of proceeding to examine some of the prevail among the commercial and shipping burthens that were stated to press with con- interests, connected with the trade in question, siderable weight upon the foreign trade of the and the inconvenience of a continued suspense

in respect to the system which parliament may From this statement it will appear, that

deem it expedient to adopt, on the expiration of the existing law, which, according to the latest extension of it, will terminate on the 25th of March in the present year.

In the imposition of the several duties, at present in force, on the importation of timber, the consideration of the legislature appears to have been directed to two distinct objects; first, to the protection and encouragement of the wood trade in the British American colonies; and, secondly, to the augmentation of the re


Regarding them in this point of view, the first question that obviously presented itself was, to the maintenance of what part of these duties, if of any, the public faith might be supposed to be committed. A short reference to the laws which imposed the respective duties, and to the circumstances attending the periods at which they were imposed, has been sufficient to satisfy your committee on this head.

Although the policy of giving encouragement to the trade in timber from the British American colonies may be inferred to have been previously entertained, from the acts 3 and 4 Anne, and 5 Geo. 3, by which bounties upon the export of it were granted; it does not appear to have been acted upon with much effect before the year 1809. At that time the course of events had placed our relations with the northern states (from whose territories our supplies of timber, as well for domestic as for naval purposes, had been chiefly derived) in a situation which gave rise to a well-founded apprehension, lest the resources in that quarter might entirely cease to be available for the demands of this country.

of these duties (however they may all alike have operated in the way of protection to the colonial timber trade), a part only can be said to have been intended for that purpose; viz. those which were imposed by the acts passed avowedly with the object of giving encouragement to that trade, amounting to 21. Is. per load, and which may be contended to have led to its extension by the application of capital, which, except for such inducement, would never have been so invested. With respect to the exemption from duty in favour of colonial tim. ber, that advantage was originally temporary, and has been since continued from time to time for limited periods; and although the persons concerned in the colonial timber trade may have had a just expectation that they should enjoy for a considerable period the advantages afforded them, as well by the exemption granted as by the duties imposed by the 49th and 50th of Geo. 3; so far from any expectation being held out that the encouragement so given had been considered by government as permanent, or was intended to be indefinitely continued to them, that means seem to have been studiously taken to produce by explanation a conviction of a contrary tendency, and to impress them with the assurance that, previously to the expiration of the existing law, the timber trade would be brought under consideration of parliament with the view of introducing an alteration into the scale of the present duties, that should render them more equal and more favourable to our intercourse with the foreign states with whom it was carried on. Your committee are therefore of opinion, that there is nothing which precludes the consideration of these duties, nor any | part of them, which in strictness may not be open to any modification, either in respect to the rate at which they shall continue, or the mode in which they shall be levied, that parliament, under a sense of the public interest, may deem it prudent to introduce.

The policy most advantageous to the country, as far as the mere supply of timber is concerned, would be to obtain it of the best quality, and at the lowest price, without reference to the quar

Under the influence of this apprehension, it was deemed advisable by parliament to resort to the hitherto neglected though abundant supplies to be found in our American colonies, and by adequate protection to encourage the transport of them to meet the exigency with which we were threatened: to accomplish this object, a virtual exemption from duty was granted to the timber imported from our North American possessions, while a large addition was made to that levied on timber from the north of Eu-ter from whence it might be derived; and the rope, first, by the 49th Geo. 3, c. 98, and in the ensuing year by the 50th, c. 77, by which the duties of the preceding year were doubled, making the whole duty on northern timber, including the temporary duty imposed in the same years, for the support and during the continuance of the war, amount to 21. 14s. 8d. per load. These duties were again augmented by an addition of 25 per cent to the permanent duties on timber, in common with all other duties of customs, for the express purpose of assisting the revenue. The whole of these duties were consolidated by the 59th of the late king, and now amount to 31. 5s. (per load) when imported in British ships.

course of your committee has been to inquire, first, to what extent the operation of this policy is infringed by the system of duties now in force ; in the next place, to examine how far the Liits imposed on its operation are sustained by adequate considerations of expediency; and, lastly, to determine whether, by the adoption of any and what alterations, the duties might be rendered, as far as circumstances allowed, more consistent with the regard due to the principie on which this policy proceeds, and generally more beneficial to the commercial interests of the United Kingdom.

It appears that previously to the imposition of the duties in 1809-10, the supplies of wood re

quired for the consumption of the country were avowed substitution for the superior timber in principally furnished by the northern states of buildings, which become less solid and lasting; Europe; that subsequently to that period a great and in a fraudulent application of it, when and gradually increasing proportion of its sup- that of a superior kind has been contracted plies has been drawn from the British North for, which according to the evidence, if prac American colonies; that at present the use of tised, can be with difficulty detected: expethe timber from the north of Europe, owing to dients of this nature would probably not be the price it bears in comparison to American resorted to, if the difference of price was retimber, is in a great measure confined to the duced, and the inducement to prefer the Amehigher and more valuable description of build-rican wood were less powerful. It appears, too, ings, and to purposes for which increased by the admission of some of the principal strength in bearing is necessary or desirable; dealers, that the difference is at present such as that for less substantial buildings, and for the to be prejudicial to the trade itself, and to inferior purposes to which wood is applicable, bring into the market from the colonies an the American timber and deals have been gene-excessive quantity of timber of a very inferior rally brought into consumption, and although description, both in point of quality and prepathe red pine of America (of which the quantity ration, and that some alteration of the duty, is relatively small,) is said by several witnesses calculated to approximate the relative prices of to be equal in quality to the fir from the north the timber from the north and from the Ame of Europe, yet the yellow pine, of which the rican colonies would be desirable, if only to great importation consists, is stated, when used confine the supply of the market to a more carein this country, to be inferior to it, except for fully selected and better prepared commodity. particular purposes and in particular situations, In addition to these inconveniences, the amount from its supposed greater liability to dry rot, of the duty levied on Baltic timber, and the inand comparative deficiency in strength and creased price which, under the operation of that durability. At the same time there is reason to duty, the American timber must have borne, believe, from other evidence, that much pre- may be considered as a bounty paid by the conjudice ubsists on this head, and that in Lan-sumers of the United Kingdom for the benefit cashire, where the yellow pine has been a longer time in general use than in any other part of the kingdom, as well as in the neighbourhood of Shields, its qualities are considered as more valuable than they are generally esteemed; and there is repeated testimony that when used in America, both in the construction of ships and buildings, it has been found to be free from the particular defect alluded to, and of a durability equal to that of the best timber of Europe.

The scale of comparative value attached by different witnesses to the wood drawn from each particular country, will be seen in the evidence of sir R. Seppings, Mr. Holland, Mr. White, Mr. Copland, Mr. Churchill, Mr. Smith, Mr. Haigh, Mr. Bellhouse, and others, to which your

committee think it sufficient to refer.

of the North American colonies and the support of the superfluous shipping, to which the transport of their wood is said to afford the only employment.


The prudential considerations by which the application of the same principle appear to have been limited, are, the danger incident to want of competition, from the exclusion of colonial timber, and from a reliance for our supplies on a single source; the possible failure of supply from the north of Europe, in a moment of necessity; the maintenance and employment of our shipping, and the effect that might be produced on the various interests connected with our American trade, and the capital embarked in the establishments for carrying it on. same prudential considerations, in the opinion of That the supply of wood to meet the demands your committee, at present forbid any recomof the British and Irish market might be ob- mendation on their part, tending entirely to tained with greater facility and cheapness to the take away the legislative protection hitherto consumer, (if the means of purchasing and trans- enjoyed by the colonial trade; but, as the extent porting it at the lowest rate were the only con- of that protection is admitted on almost all hands siderations to be attended to,) a reference to the to exceed the necessary bounds, they have diaccount of the charges of obtaining and trans-rected their attention to ascertain to what porting it from the northern ports of Europe, amount that protection, and in what mode, independent of the duty, will leave no doubt; should be prospectively continued. and although, under the pressure of the duty, In so far as any alteration introduced is fathe demands of the country for superior pur-vourable to foreign trade, it must have a tenposes may have been such as to lead to the importation to a certain amount of timber from the Baltic, it yet must be obvious that while this duty bears upon it with its present weight, it is to those higher purposes alone to which that species of timber can be applicable; and that a great proportion of wood of an inferior quality must be forced into consumption, both in

dency to produce an increased importation from the north of Europe, and thereby possibly to induce an increased demand from that quarter for the manufactures of Great Britain; and your committee are inclined to believe that an increased demand would be the result, as well from the desire for British manufactures that is said strongly to prevail in those countries, as

from the extent to which the export of them has of depriving the American colonies of their due been maintained, notwithstanding the burdens participation in the benefits of the wood trade, imposed on the importation of this important although it might have a moderate and tempo. branch of their produce into the United King-rary tendency to the reduction of the importa dom. Your committee do not think it impro- tions from thence, and so far may, in the first bable that a diminution of the export of wood from instance, and for a given period, affect the inthe British North American colonies might, on terests of the shipowners. In fact, the interest the other hand, be experienced; some dimi- of the shipowners is the one most concerned in nution, as far as the trade is concerned, would the present question; while that of the colonies be desirable, and indeed can hardly fail to take themselves, important as it is, is still a comparaplace, even independent of any alteration of tively subordinate one. Your committee fully duties, owing to the excess beyond the con- concur in the wisdom of that policy which has sumption of the country, to which the impor- rendered the British shipping a favourite object tation has been, by peculiar circumstances, re- of the attention and vigilance of parliament; cently enlarged. The causes to which we may but they cannot feel that, beyond the extent attribute this excess are, in part, the prolonged which may be rationally deemed essential to the expectation of an alteration in the rate of duties, safety aud defence of the country, every other combined with the desire to take advantage of consideration is to be sacrificed to that object, or the time the present law may continue, and to that it is consistent with the public welfare that anticipate the impending change by the greatest the care due to the interests of our merchants possible previous importation; and in part to and manufacturers, and every regard to our the amount of shipping (greatly exceeding the foreign commercial relations, should be foregone, actual demands of our commerce) which has been for the purpose of supporting by artificial means thrown out of employment by the conclusion of a mercantile marine in a state of magnitude, at the war and other circumstances, and which has which it has arrived from accidental causes been since engaged in this branch of trade, not alone, and which is neither conducive to the so much because the employment was attended commercial prosperity, nor essential to the poliwith advantage, as because it was preferable to tical security of the nation; and in which (unthe vessels lying entirely idle, incurring expense, less by the opening of new sources of employ. and deteriorating in value. ment, or the extension of those existing), the regular trade of the country is incapable of maintaining it. Of this, the great depreciation which all property in shipping is represented to have undergone, appears to your committee to furnish sufficient proof.

As our intercourse with the northern states must be liable to be influenced by the fluctuations of political events; and as the exclusion from their ports, which has been once experienced, may at some future period recur, your committee are apprehensive that the consequences of any measure that might have the effect of placing our dependence for a supply of timber exclusively on those countries, might become eventually the occasion of serious political inconvenience and danger; and, by the exclusion of competition, possibly defeat the expectation of comparative cheapness to the consumers of this country.

The degree in which the shipping may be affected by any change that is adopted must depend upon the influence which such change is likely to have in reducing the export of wood from the colonies. From the evidence of per sons conversant in the uses to which wood is applied, your committee collect, that for many of those uses the wood imported from America is either indispensable, or preferable, or as good, or nearly so, as that brought from the north of Europe. In reference to the first description are mentioned masts for ships of large dimensions, both ships of war, and the more valuable description of merchantmen, which can only be found in our North American colonies, and which must therefore form a considerable article of import into this country under almost any state of duties. To the second, all articles in which facility of working, and an extensive surface and freedom from knots is required, and to whatever extent pine-timber for these pur. poses is employed, the American wood, even at

The alarms represented in the petitions from the shipping interest in various quarters, which have been referred by the house to your committee, appear to proceed on a presumption of the necessarily destructive effects of any alteration made in the existing duties, a measure which is accordingly deprecated with corresponding earnestness. Your committee feel the respect due to an interest so important to the power and safety of the country; and if all the weight is not given to the representations of the petitioners which they may expect, it is because the alarms expressed in them appear to be carried to excess, and the objects sought not con-equal prices, would have a preference. To the ducive to the general commercial interests of the kingdom, in which their own must be inseparably involved.

Your committee see no reason whatever to imagine, that the alteration which they have in contemplation would be attended with the effect

last, the application to all inferior purposes, as for packing-chests, and various objects in the interior of houses, or in situations where it has the benefit of a free circulation of air; for such uses it may be fairly supposed, and indeed it is more than once admitted, that the considers.

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