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AN ACCOUNT of the Total Number of Vessels, of every description, with their Tonnage, which entered the Grand Surrey Canal Docks in the Year 1824; shewing also the average Tonnage of the Vessels.

201 sail, amounting to 48,283 tons per registers; and averaging 240 tons.

AN ACCOUNT of the Number of Ships, of the average of 300 Tons burthen, the Grand Surrey Canal Docks are capable of containing at one time.

300 sail.

THE greatest Number of Vessels, with their Register Tonnage, which were loading or discharging at any one time in the Year 1824.

19 sail .. 4,429 tons.

THE Number of Vessels which were loading or
discharging on the 5th of April, 1825.


REPORT by the Commissioners for the Herring
Fishery, of their Proceedings, Year ended
5th April, 1824 ;- being Fishing 1823.
(Presented in pursuance of the Acts 48 Geo. III.
c. 110, sec. 7, and 55 Geo. III. c. 94, sec. 4.)
THE provisions of the fishery acts, and the re-
gulations made by the commissioners for improv-
ing the construction of casks, and the cure of
fish intended for bounty, are now so well under-
stood, and so generally observed, that in their
proceedings during the year ended 5th April,
1824, little has occurred requiring particular no-
tice in this Report. It has been the object of the
commissioners to uphold the reputation of the
official brand, and to raise the character of the
British fishery, by every means they could de-
vise. For this purpose, the attention, both of
the officers and curers, has been again directed
to the propriety of having the fish prepared so
as to suit the different markets for which they
are destined; and measures have been taken for
introducing a more perfect knowledge of the
Dutch mode of cure, for herrings intended for
the continent of Europe. The stations have,
as usual, been surveyed by the general-inspectors
during the fishing season; the naval superin-
tendents have been employed in preventing de-
predations, and preserving order at the fishery,
wherever their presence could be useful; and
the accommodation of the trade has been studied
by removing the officers from one district to ano-
ther, as occasion required.

In these circumstances, the commissioners consider it unnecessary to advert more particularly to their proceedings in the discharge of the im

portant trust committed to them; and they, therefore, now present the following accounts of the herring and cod fisheries, for the year ended 5th April, 1824; which they are happy to say will be found most satisfactory.

Herring Fishery.

No. 1.- Account of vessels fitted out for the coast fishery.

No. 2.-Account of herrings landed there. from.

No. 3.-Account of herrings cured on shore. No. 4.-Account of the open sea fishery. No. 5.-Account of the total quantity of her. rings landed and cured on shore.

No. 6. Account of herrings branded for bounty.

No. 7.-Account of bung-packed herrings, branded for bounty, now repacked and rebranded; but for which no additional bounty has been allowed.

No. 8.-Account of repacked herrings sent coast wise for exportation to a place out of Europe.

No. 9.-Account of herrings exported.

Cod and Ling Fishery.

No. 1.-Account of cod, ling, and hake, found entitled to bounty, taken or purchased by the crews of vessels fitted out on the tonnage bounty.

No. 2.-Account of cod, ling, and hake, found entitled to bounty, taken or purchased by the crews of vessels and boats not on the tonnage bounty.

No. 3.-Account of the total quantity of cod, ling, and hake, found entitled to bounty. No. 4.-Account of cod, ling, and hake exported.

No. 5.-Account of the quantity of fish oil manufactured, and found entitled to bounty.

From a comparison of these accounts with those of the preceding year, it will be found, that although the produce of the West Highland fishery is still very deficient, the fishing, upan the whole, has been most abundant. The total quantity of herrings cured is 392,190 barrels, of which 299,631 barrels have been found en titled to bounty, and 239,630 barrels have been exported, being an increase over the preceding year of 143,321 barrels in the quantity cured, of 96,521 barrels in the quantity branded, and of 69,185 barrels in the quantity exported. The condition of the herrings has been represented to the commissioners as superior to that of any former year; and although the prices continued low, they have every reason to believe, notwithstanding the great quantity taken, that few herrings remained in the hands of the curers in this country at the commencement of the ensuing season.

It will be found, also, that the accounts of the cod and ling fishery exhibit a comparison equally favourable. In the year under consideration, the number of vessels cleared out for the ton nage bounty is 102, while the total quantity of


Office for the herring)
fishery, Edinburgh, WM. RAE.
1st November, 1824..

fish found entitled to bounty is 63,590 cwts. | great, that the whole were quickly disposed of at cured dried, and 5,437 barrels cured in pickle; remunerating prices. and the total quantity exported is 23,089 cwts. cured dried; being an increase over the preceding year of fourteen in the number of vessels; of 9,016 cwts. dried fish, and 1,746 barrels pickled fish, in the quantity found entitled to bounty; and of 3,699 cwts. in the quantity exported. The cure of the fish has also been represented to the commissioners as having been much improved, and the demand for them so


The following is an abstract of the accounts referred to in the foregoing Report:

NUMBER of Vessels, including their repeated Voyages, which have been cleared Outwards for the British Herring Fishery, not on the Tonnage Bounty, in the Year ended 5th April, 1824; distinguishing the Number of Men on Board; the Tonnage, Netting, Salt, and Barrels carried

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NUMBER of Vessels, including their repeated Voyages, which have been entered Inwards from the British Herring Fishery, not on the Tonnage Bounty, in the Year ended 5th April, 1824; distinguishing the Tonnage, Netting, Salt, Empty Barrels, and Barrels of Herrings landed; and distinguishing also the Herrings cured Gutted, from those cured Ungutted.

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NUMBER of Barrels of White Herrings which have been cured by Fish Curers on shore in the Year ended 5th April, 1824; distinguishing the Herrings cured Gutted, from those cured Ungutted.

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NUMBER of Vessels which have been fitted out in Scotland for the Open Sea Fishery in the Year ended 5th April, 1824, under the Conditions and Regulations published by the Commissioners for the Herring Fishery, in virtue of the 55th Section of the Act 48th Geo. III. c. 110, and 37th Section of the Act 55th Geo. III. c. 94; distinguishing the Tonnage, Netting, and Number of Men; together with the Number of Barrels of Herrings landed; distinguishing also the Herrings Gutted from those Ungutted, and the Amount of the Premium allowed.

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NUMBER of Barrels of White Herrings which have been landed from the Fishery, and cured on Shore, in the Year ended 5th April, 1824; distinguishing the Herrings which were cured Gutted from those which were cured Ungutted.

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NUMBER of Barrels of White Herrings which have been branded for the Bounty of 48. and of 3s. 6d. per Barrel, granted by the Act 55th Geo. III. c. 94, in the Year ended 5th April, 1824; distinguishing the Herrings which were Bung-packed from those which were Repacked; together with the Amount of Bounty allowed.

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NUMBER of Bung-packed Barrels of White Herrings, branded for Bounty, which have been Repacked and Rebranded, in virtue of the 23d Section of the Act 55th Geo. III. c. 94, in the Year ended 5th April, 1824, but upon which Herrings, so Rebranded, no additional Bounty has been allowed.

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NUMBER of Barrels of re-packed White Herrings, not branded for Bounty, sent Coastwise for Exportation to a Place out of Europe, in the Year ended 5th April, 1824; distinguishing the Ports to which sent; distinguishing also the Herrings which were cured gutted from those which were cured ungutted.

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NUMBER of Barrels of White Herrings, which have been exported in the Year ended 5th April, 1824; distinguishing the Quantity exported to Ireland, to other Places in Europe, and to Places out of Europe; distinguishing also the Herrings cured gutted, from those cured ungutted.

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QUANTITY of Cod, Ling, and Hake, cured dried, and Quantity cured in Pickle, found entitled to Bounty, which have been taken or purchased by the Crews of Vessels fitted out for the Cod and Ling Fishery, for the Bounty of 50s. per Ton, granted by the Act of 1 Geo. 4, c. 103, in the Year ended 5th April, 1824, distinguishing the Number of Vessels, Men, and Tonnage, and the Amount of Bounty allowed.

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QUANTITY of Cod, Ling, and Hake, cured dried, and Quantity cured in Pickle, found entitled to the Bounty of 4s. per Cwt. or of 2s. 6d. per Barrel, granted by the Act 1 Geo. 4, c. 103, which have been taken or purchased by the Crews of Vessels or Open Boats employed in the Cod and Ling Fishery, not on the Tonnage Bounty, in the Year ended 5th April, 1824, distinguishing the Number of Fish taken or purchased, and the Amount of Bounty allowed.

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QUANTITY of Cod, Ling, and Hake, cured dried, and Quantity cured in Pickle, found entitled to Bounty, under the Act 1 Geo. 4, c. 103, in the Year ended 5th April, 1824, distinguishing the total Number of Fish taken or purchased, and the total Amount of Bounty allowed.

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QUANTITY of Cod, Ling, and Hake, which have been exported in the Year ended 5th April, 1824; distinguishing the Quantity exported to Ireland, to other Places in Europe, and to Places out of Europe; and distinguishing also whether cured dried, or cured in Pickle.

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QUANTITY of Oil manufactured from Fish taken on the Coasts of Great Britain, Ireland, or the Isle of Man, in the Year ended 5th April, 1824; distinguishing the Quantity found entitled to the Bounty of £3 per Ton, granted by the Act 1 Geo. IV. c. 103; and the Amount of Bounty allowed.

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