

On the 30th of October, 1824, the following message was sent by the king of the Netherlands to the states-general :—

"Brussels, October 30, 1824.

"High and mighty lords,


"We have deemed it necessary, for

On the 24th May, 1824, viscount Granville, at the Hague, addressed an official note to the comte de Reede, expressing the gratification felt by the English government at the highly honourable and active conduct of the governor of Surinam, in the execution of the orders of his sove"the more effectual suppression of the slave reign, in the case of the French brig la Légère," trade, to strengthen the penal enactments detained and sent into Surinam, with 353 slaves," contained in the law of the 20th November, by sir T. Cochrane; representing the expediency" of augmenting the number of Netherland ships of war on that station, to prevent the incursions" of illegal slave traders, and regretting that information had been received by the English go-❝ vernment respecting sixty-nine newly-imported African slaves, who, either for want of sufficient zeal on the part of the fiscal of Surinam, or from the negligence or connivance of persons employed under him, had not been discovered; the parties accused of importing them having also escaped, because no decisive measures were taken by the fiscal, on whom that duty rested, to secure them.

"The projêt of law that we here present to the consideration of your high mightinesses tends to this effect. We shall adopt, besides, measures suitable for the colonies of the state, in order more and more to check this com"merce, and, at all events, to facilitate the discovery of the persons who are illegally en"gaged in it.

"Whereupon, high mightinesses, we pray "God to have you in his holy and worthy "keeping.


Projet of law.

"We, William, &c.


"To all whom these presents may come, "greeting,

"We make known that,

On the 25th of May, 1824, viscount Granville addressed another official note to the comte de Reede, stating that it appeared that the regulations of the Netherland government, with respect to their cruisers on the Surinam station, were of a nature to discourage the capture of ships suspected of being engaged in the illicit traffic "Having deemed it expedient to adopt, for of slaves; because, in the event of the release of "the repression and extinction of the slave any vessel which might have been detained on "trade, measures more effectual than those consuspicion, the commander of the ship of war by "tained in the law of the 20th November, 1818, whom such detention might have been caused" for these reasons our council of state, in was exposed to an action for damages; whilst, on “understanding and concert with the statesthe other hand, no compensation for that risk" general, have decreed, and we decree :— was allowed him by any bounty or prize money in the case of the vessel being condemned.

"Art. 1.-Those who shall have been guilty "of the acts set forth in articles 1 and 2 of

"2. The acts set forth in articles 3 and “4 of the aforesaid law shall be punished with "five years' imprisonment.

On the 12th July, 1824, the comte de Reede" the law of the 20th November, 1818, shall be answers lord Granville's official note of the 24th" punished by a fine of ten thousand florins, May; accounts for the momentary absence of" and of fifteen years of forced labour; and the the Netherland sloop of war, Kemphaar, which" vessels which shall have been engaged in the had occasioned the clandestine disembarkation" said illicit traffic shall also be confiscated. of the sixty-nine slaves at Surinam; states that the minister of marine had been instructed to maintain at Surinam a cruiser in aid of one of the ships of war stationed in the West Indies; "3. In the exceptions stated in article and with regard to the complaints against the " 5 of the aforesaid law, is not included the fiscal of Surinam, says that information received" transport or importation into the colonies made it evident that every means had been put" of our kingdom of slaves coming from foreign in practice, which legal forms permitted, to ob-colonies where their importation direct from tain possession of the sixty-nine slaves which" Africa is permitted. had been clandestinely imported, and to apprehend the individual by whom they had been introduced. The comte de Reede concludes by declaring, that his majesty, the king of the Netherlands, was desirous to strengthen the stipu-law lations of the treaty between the two kingdoms by all the means which could be conducive to Mr. Secretary Canning having on the 30th the extirpation of the shameful traffic in ques- November, 1824, in a despatch to A. S. Douglas, tion; and that the ulterior adoption of more desired that Mr. Douglas would procure and severe and repressive measures at that moment send him, for the information of his majesty's formed the object of his majesty's delibera-government, a copy of the Belgian law of the tions.

"4.-The ulterior enactments of the law

" above set forth are confirmed.
"We command," &c.

On the 18th December, the above projet of a passed the second chamber of the statesgeneral unanimously.

20th November, 1818, referred to in the fore.

going projêt, Mr. Douglas accordingly procured" tioned in article 3, shall likewise be incurred and sent it. It follows:

Law of the 20th November, 1818, containing Penal Enactments to Prevent and Repress | „ the Slave Trade.

"We, William, &c.

"by all insurers, ship-brokers, and others, who "shall have insured any vessels or ships, or who shall have favoured their equipment in any manner whatsoever, knowing that they 66 were destined for the slave trade; and, moreover, their patent shall instantly be sup


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"To all those who shall see the present," pressed without the possibility of a similar "greeting, be it known :one being ever again given to them. "Having taken into consideration, not only "5. The penal enactments above set forth "that, by our resolution of the 15th June," shall, however, in no way be applicable to a "1814, we have put into operation previous" case where slaves actually existing in the 66 measures to repress the slave trade, but also" colonies, or their children born or to be "that, by article 8 of the treaty of the 13th" born, shall happen to be transported in the "August, 1814, as well as that, by the first" West Indies, be it from one colony of the "article of the ulterior treaty of the 4th May "Netherlands to another, or from a foreign "last, respectively concluded with Great Bri-" colony to another, or from a colony of the “tain, we engaged ourselves, in the most so- "Netherlands to a foreign colony, or from a "lemn manner, effectually to repress and pre-" foreign colony to one belonging to the Ne"vent by penal enactments this commerce so "therlands, or, in short, from any colony in "disgraceful to humanity; "the West Indies to another part. We declare, on the contrary, very expressly, that no one shall, in any way, be molested on this "point, seeing that the said transport is not "included in the prohibitions of the present


"For these reasons our council of state, in" "understanding and concert with the states"general, have decreed, and we decree :


"Art. 1.—Reckoning from the publication of "the present law, it shall not be permitted to << any of our subjects, nor generally to any "6. In like manner the penalties enacted "individual who shall be within our kingdom," by the present decree shall in no way be made "to carry on the slave trade, nor to take part "applicable to those who shall have saved and "directly or indirectly in this commerce, either" assisted any vessel loaded with slaves, found "by arming or equipping vessels or ships for" in distress, or who shall have received on "that purpose, or by assisting in the same "board slaves embarked in such a vessel, pro"object, in the armament of any national or "vided that on their arrival at the first port "other ships, whether by freighting or pre- "where they may happen to put in, the cap"paring them knowingly for that use, or by "tain or owner makes a declaration of the "going to seek or buy, to sell or exchange, to "circumstance within twenty-four hours. "introduce or cause to be introduced, openly or "clandestinely, negroes, as slaves, in any colony 66 or establishment of the Netherlands, situated" that our ministers, and other authorities out of Europe, or even in the colonies or "foreign establishments, under pain, for the "violators of the law and their accomplices, of a fine of 5000 florins, and, besides that, im-" "prisonment for five years.

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"2. With the same penalties shall be pu"nished the captains of ships, pilots, and super66 cargoes, who shall have taken service on "board of a ship knowing that it was em"ployed in the slave trade, and who shall have "thus exercised or favoured this illegal com66 merce, whether on their own account or on "the account of others.

"3. The sailors and other people of the -66 crew who shall have had knowledge that the "ship in which they served was destined to 66 carry on or to favour the slave trade, shall "be punished with an imprisonment of six "months at least, and of two years at most. "Those who afterwards discover it, are from "that moment released and discharged from "their engagement, and they shall be bound, “under the same penalty, to quit the service 66 as soon as they can do so without danger.

* 4.—The penalty of imprisonment, men

"We command and ordain that the present "law be inserted in the official journal, and

"whom it concerns, see it strictly put into

"Given at Brussels, 20th November, in the
year 1818, and of our reign the fifth.
(Signed) “WILLIAM.
"By order of the king,

"J. G. MEY VAN STREECKKERTH." On the 21st March, 1825, the comte de Reede addressed to A. S. Douglas, esquire, an answer to lord Granville's note of the 25th of May, 1824, having in view to induce the Netherlands' government to adopt some regulation calculated to promote a more rigorous execution of the instructions issued for the suppression of the slave trade, on the part of the officers of the Netherlands' marine. The comte de Reede states, that his majesty the king of the Netherlands had received the representation favourably, and had decreed, by a resolution of the 14th Mares, 1825, that henceforward the share of government in the seizure of vessels of the Netherlands, or of England, taking part in the share trade, the confiscation of which should have been pronounced by the mixed tribunals, should be adjudged to the officers and crew of the shipm

of the Netherlands' marine which should have | follow the course he could desire. Under these captured them, deducting, however, the charges circumstances, sir C. Stewart availed himself of of administration of the tribunal at Sierra Leone. His majesty had moreover ordained, that the net produce of slave vessels taken by virtue of the law of 23d December, 1814, should also be given to the officers and crew of the ships of war of the Netherlands, without deduction of the share which, according to the arrangements in the arrêt of the 13th December, 1818, should be levied for the profit of the treasury.

an opportunity to observe to M. de Villele, that no alternative remained but for the French ministers to take the lead in the negotiation, and to press other powers to effect the abolition with the same zeal which had distinguished the governments of Great Britain and America. That, he said, was rendered impossible by faults already committed, which compelled him to confine his efforts to the execution of the laws In a despatch, dated" Foreign Office, April 2, which had already been enacted, by encouraging "1825," Mr. Secretary Canning desires Mr. the zeal of the officers to intercept the slave Douglas to express to the government of the traders at sea, and by enforcing the application Netherlands the gratification which the king of the penalties incurred by those who might had felt at this renewed proof of the honourable be convicted before the tribunals of participation and humane desire of the king of the Nether-in such undertakings. Sir C. Stewart concludes lands to carry into full effect the stipulations of his despatch by observing, that as he believes the treaty of 1818.


M. de Villéle repeated the same language more fully to the American minister, this overture would at least serve to shew the new difficulties with which the friends of the abolition had to contend.

On the 28th May, 1824, Mr. Secretary Canning transmitted to sir Charles Stuart an extract of a letter from the governor of the Mauritius, shewing that the slave trade was carried on to a great extent, under the French flag, on the eastern coast of Africa, and giving reason to conclude that no effectual discouragement was offered to it on the part of the governor of Bourbon. Sir C. Stewart is instructed to make" of peculiar atrocity, which seems to merit a

On the 6th of August, 1824, Mr. Secretary Canning writes to sir Charles Stuart :-" I for"ward to your excellency the extract of a letter "from Guadaloupe, containing some additional "facts respecting the trade in slaves carried on “in that island, and one instance, La Louisa,

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a representation to the French government on
the subject, and to urge them to issue such
orders as may be best adapted for doing away
the use of the French flag and French capital in
the prosecution of that illegal and disgraceful"
traffic. On the 1st of June, 1824, sir C. Stewart"
made the required representation to the vicomte
de Chateaubriand; and, on the 8th of June,
received an answer that the French government
would lose no time in causing inquiries to be
made respecting the matter.

The extract of a letter above alluded to is as follows:

Extract of a letter from Guadaloupe, dated

May 1824.

In a despatch to Mr. Secretary Canning, dated "You have herewith enclosed a communication "Paris, June 28, 1824," sir C. Stewart describes "which attests the continuation of cruelties pracan attempt of the American minister to nego- "tised against the unfortunate Africans. Iwartiate with M. de Villele a convention for the "rant the authenticity of it. There are strong purpose of uniting the endeavours of the two "cruisers commissioned against the slave traders; governments to effect the complete abolition of "but they laugh at them, and arrive notwiththe slave trade, which he was desirous to ground "standing. It might almost be said that the upon the principles recognised in the treaties" cruisers protect them. The schooner La Louisa, between Great Britain and America on the " captain Armand, arrived at L'Anse à la Barque, same subject. The recognition of the mutual "St. Ann's, Guadaloupe, during the first days of right of search, and the promulgation of legis- "April 1824, with a cargo of 200 negroes, the lative enactments declaring this crime to be" remainder of a complement of 275 which the piracy, being the basis of the proposition, sir" vessel had on board. The vessel not being large C. Stewart observes that it was not to be ex- "enough to accommodate so large a number of pected that the overtures of the American minis-" men, the overplus were consigned alive to the ter would be very cordially received by M. de waves by the captain! Nature shudders at so Villele; and therefore that he was fully pre"atrocious a deed. The principal owners are pared to hear from the American minister that" Messrs. De Rancé and co., and their partners this communication had not led to a satis-"Messrs. Moses Hart and co., Pedemonte; all factory result; since M. de Villele declared that" merchants at Pointe à Pitre. Captain Armand the urgent representations of the British government upon the subject had given a colour to the" question which did not leave him at liberty to



says that he left on the coast of Galines,-1. The ship La Sabine, captain Auvernay, belonging to "the port of Bourdeaux, and fitted out at Pointe

" à Pitre by Messrs. G. Segond and Sons. 2. The | Canning addressed a letter to the prince de Polig. 66 brig Auguste, captain Allair, fitted out at nac, announcing and apologising for the unau"Pointe à Pitre by Messrs. Vergnus and Le-thorised capture, by his majesty's sloop Delight, 66 moyne, Dourneau, Duclos, Lamoisse and Da66 russe, and Burtet and Collineau. 3. The "schooner La Daphne, captain Maresten, “owners Messrs. Dourneau and Duclos, fitted out likewise at Pointe à Pitre. Hence it "would seem as if the prohibition had only "been made to encourage the crime."



in Passandava bay, Madagascar, of the French vessel La Cécile, employed in the slave trade, and stating that orders had been sent out to the officer commanding on the Cape station to deprive captain Hay of the command of the Delight, and to send him to England to account for disobedience of his instructions, which positively enjoined him not to In obedience to the directions contained in meddle with the French flag." But," Mr. CanMr. Secretary Canning's letter, sir C. Stuart ning adds, "the French government must perceive addressed a representation to the French go-" in the circumstances attending the vessel in vernment upon the subject, and on the following" question, and in the other facts communicated day received an answer from the baron de " by captain Nourse, that a slave trade under the Damas, in which he says: " You cannot "French flag is still carried on in the East Indian “doubt, sir, that the king's government feel a seas, and particularly in the island of Bourbon, 66 strong indignation at the recital of such atro- "which traffic calls loudly for the interference "cious deeds, and which I thank you for having" of the French government at home to produce "imparted to me. They will become, on the part" its entire suppression. While, therefore, the " of the administration, the subject of an in- " undersigned is commanded by the king, his "quiry as strict as unlimited, which shall like-master, to signify the regret with which his "wise be extended to the three other vessels "majesty has witnessed the circumstances of the " mentioned in the same communication." capture of the Cécile, he is at the same time On the 16th of August, 1824, the baron de" to express to the prince de Polignac his maDamas addressed a letter to sir Charles Stuart," jesty's most earnest hope that his most Chrisin which he charges three English vessels, the "tian majesty will be induced to send out to his St. George, the Caledonia, and the Ranger, with "colonies such orders as shall be more effectual having been engaged in the slave trade. This" than those already issued have proved in the charge being communicated to the English go-repression of this most infamous traffic, which vernment, an assurance is given that the most "is thus covered by his most Christian majesty's rigid inquiry will be instituted without delay," flag, and carried on in his most Christian with a view of punishing the British delin-" majesty's territory." quents, if any, with the severity to which they Mr. Consul Barnes addressed a note to Mr were subjected by the laws of England, for carry- Consul-general Morier, dated "Nantes, Aug. ing on the slave trade. An inquiry being ac- "13, 1824;" in which he says, "French ves cordingly instituted, it appears, by a letter from "sels continue to sail for the Mauritius withcommodore Bullen to J. W. Croker, esq., dated" out the necessary certificate, and there are "H. M. S. Maidstone, Sierra Leone, 10th Nov.," three now on the eve of sailing. The slave "1824," that the suspicion raised against those" trade increases, several have returned this vessels was entirely groundless. This un"week, having made successful voyages. There "founded charge," commodore Bullen observes," are eight vessels now fitting out, one, the "has, in my opinion, been merely exhibited by "Alcide, the vessel you made particular inquiry "the commander of the French squadron on "about in January last. Two fine vessels, "this coast to endeavour, by a counter-state- "built expressly for that trade, were launched "ment, to palliate the infamous conduct of his "during the week." Sir C. Stuart communi. countrymen, who openly avow their partici- cated the circumstances to the Baron de Damas, "pation in the slave trade, and of whom I and received for answer that the particulars bad "have had the honour to transmit to their lord- been transmitted to the minister of marine, with "ships the most ample details. a request to him to inquire into the facts, and, if they were exact, to take the necessary mea

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The capture by French men of war of several French slave ships, and their confiscation by the French authorities at Cayenne, Bourbon, and Guyana, as announced in the Moniteur, &c. is noticed in sir C. Stuart's despatches, of various dates.

On the 23d of August, the baron de Damas informed sir C. Stuart that the minister of ma-sures to bring their authors to punishment. rine had given directions that a strict inquiry should be instituted at Guadaloupe respecting the atrocious act imputed to the captain of La Louisa; and that instructions had been forwarded to the ports of France for the purpose of attaching the masters and owners of the three other vessels. In forwarding this letter to Mr. On the 13th of November, 1824, the following Secretary Canning, sir C. Stuart observes, that letter, and the three subjoined enclosures, were it shews a more decisive inclination to put down sent by Mr. Secretary Canning to the hon. A. the slave trade than any of the communications | Percy :he had received on the same subject.

On the 3d September, 1824, Mr. Secretary

"Foreign Office, November 13, 1824. "Sir, I furnish you with an extract of a corn

munication from the commodore of his majesty's very short space of time, without coming to an ships off the coast of Africa, giving the account anchor. What could this have been but a cargo


of a slave-trade now carrying on under the flag of slaves? The examination was conducted of France with scandalous publicity upon that in the mildest manner, and, to prevent the The forbearance of his majesty's officers shadow of a complaint, I caused the papers of was highly praiseworthy, in not forcing them- each to be endorsed to that effect. To point out selves on board of the Louis when taunted by to their lordships the extent and importance of expressions calculated and evidently intended to the French slave-trade in this quarter, I have irritate them. On board of the Sabine, the of- enclosed a list of those boarded by my boats durficers pointed out, voluntarily, in detail, to the ing their absence. They were fitted up with British officers, the apartments for the male and every thing necessary for the reception of their for the female slaves, and every other circum- slaves; and so little did they appear to fear destance on board, as it were in defiance and deri-tection, that the officers of La Sabine volunsion of our attempts to put an end to their illegal traffic. It is the earnest wish and hope of the king's government, that the era of the reign of his most Christian majesty Charles the tenth, may be signalised by some decisive measure, (for the suppression of practices which are a scandal to the flag of France,) in co-operation with those of so many other Christian powers, whose joint efforts have been directed to the abolition of the slave-trade. I am, &c.

(Signed) GEORGE CANNING. The honourable Algernon Percy,

&c. &c.

First enclosure.

Commodore Bullen to J. W. Croker, esq.
H. M. S. Maidstone, Cape Coast, Gold Coast,
22d July, 1824.


tarily conducted ours over their vessel, pointing out the different apartments for the males and females, and explaining every circumstance connected with it. Her cargo was to consist of five hundred, which were then held in readiness for embarkation at a short distance from the town, and it was reported, that in two or three days, she was to take them on board and sail for Bourbon: and that their lordships may be in full possession of every circumstance relating to them, I consider it my duty to state, that, on my boats proceeding to visit Le Louis, then lying in the Old Calabar without any colours hoisted, her captain (Oiseau), although he must have been fully aware they were English from their colours, and their having visited the vessel near him, refused to allow of their coming alongside, at the same time making I left Accarah on the 6th ult. arrived at Fer- every preparation for resistance, arming and arnando Po on the 10th, and remained there to ranging his crew on the forecastle, brandishing complete my water and obtain firewood until the his sword, presenting his pistols, and, using the 14th, when I proceeded to cruise in the Bight of most taunting and provoking expressions, daring Biafra. On the 15th I sent my launch, barge, and defying them to attempt it; being supported and pinnace, under the command of lieutenant in his bravado by the consciousness that the Morton, with directions to examine most mi- strictness of the English officers' orders would nutely the Bonny with its branches, Old Cala- prevent their having recourse to force in boardbar, Cameroons, and adjacent coasts, continuing ing and visiting a vessel under French colours, in the ship to cruise between Cape Formosa and he having hoisted them on the officer expressing the latter river, without falling in with any thing his determination to board in spite of resistexcept the two French vessels described in the ance. The forbearance of the officers in the enclosed list, which were boarded by me off the boats under such trying circumstances was river St. Nicholas, two successive days, after a highly praiseworthy, as if they had for one chase of five or six hours previous to their shew-moment allowed their feelings to overcome ing any colours. They were both evidently fit- the dictates of reason, fatal must have been ted up for the reception of slaves, and as a cloak the consequences to the French vessel, and every had cleared out for the island of St. Thomas with one on board her. This occurrence took place in a general cargo for trade (a mere pretence, to the presence of a numerous body of the natives, which I find they all resort to save the honour who were collected on the shore anxiously watchof their nation), with an intention of calling at ing the result: on whom the tendency of the imthe Bonny, as they stated, to obtain water and pression that, to appearance, the English did not refreshments, but doubtless for the purpose of dare to attack even an inferior force, must asmaking arrangements for the reception of their suredly lessen that high opinion they at present cargo of human flesh in this opinion I am entertain of the British nation; and that such more fully confirmed by the circumstances re- was the impression, the reproaches of the naported to me on the return of my boats. tives to our men on landing fully testified. L'Aimable Henriette had come direct from St. Lieutenant Morton, however, desired her capJago de Cuba, laden most probably with tain to send his papers to him, and he afterwards Spanish property, at which place, it appeared proceeded on board and examined her. This by a reference to the log of her former voyage, merely points out to their lordships under what she had disembarked her cargo in March painful circumstances a British officer can atlast, at so early an hour as six A. M., and in a tempt to perform his duty to his country, when

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