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tical details more closely than the different circumstances of the two islands would justify. At the expiration of two years, employed in endeavouring to accomplish the object of the legislature, it was found, on examining the returns, that out of the forty counties, and counties of cities and towns, into which Ireland is divided, ten only furnished complete returns; in four, no steps whatever were taken in pursuance of the act; and those of the remaining |

twenty-six were inaccurate or defective. The act, therefore, may be considered to have been wholly inoperative as to its main object, that of ascertaining the number of souls by actual enumeration. By the aid of comparative calculations founded on previous inquiries, and on the partial results of the act, the amount of the population in 1813 has been conjectured to be 5,937,856.

The following TABLE presents a SYNOPTICAL VIEW of the estimated Population of IRELAND, at the several periods already noticed. The Calculations are all formed at an Average of Six Individuals to a House; whence arises a difference in the Population of 1672, when compared with that already given from Sir William Petty, who forms his Calculations on an Average of Fire to a House.

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Number of Souls.

















The failure of the attempts made by authority this duty. Inferior agents were, therefore, to of the government to take a census of the popu- be chosen for the special purpose: and hence lation of Ireland, proceeded from the want of necessarily proceeded deficiency of information dhe observation of the difference of the circum- in some instances, and want of zeal in others. stances of the two countries. In England, the The commands of the legislature, also, were details of the measure were intrusted to the communicated to those persons not immediately overseers of the poor; a body which, from its from the government, but through the intervening establishment, and its necessity of frequent tion of the grand juries. A brief consideration and minute investigation into the localities of of the manner in which these bodies are conthe country, particularly with reference to the stituted will shew they are not the best poorer classes of society, was possessed of all the adapted to superintend the operations of a information, and of every facility necessary for measure requiring much time, much complex giving effect to a legislative enactment on this arrangement, and considerable minute responpoint. In Scotland, the parish schoolmasters sibility in its execution. They are not permapresented a body equally pervasive; and, if in-nent: they meet for a short time, at two stated feror in knowledge of local peculiarities, sur- periods of the year; during each of which, passing the other in intelligence and capability occupied as they are in the discharge of judicial in the use of its materials. In Ireland, where and magisterial functions, various in their there are no poor laws, and where, in conse- nature, and numerous in detail, little time can quare of the extent of parishes, and number be spared for carrying into effect a measure of unions, parish schoolmasters are compara- a novel and complicated character. The only tively few, and, from the limited quantity of check over their subordinate agents was at the instruction they are required to impart, also time of remunerating them for their services; comparatively inferior in intellectual qualifica- but as the act required these agents to submit tions, no constituted body was to be found pos- to the grand juries, not the particulars they sessing all, or even most of the requisites for had collected, but the aggregates resulting from

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them, it is evident, that, even had there been ducted according to instructions issued from

time for minute investigation, sufficient means of detecting error were not afforded, except where a manifest incongruity shewed itself between the several facts in the return; a defect which required but little attention to prevent.

time to time from the chief secretary's department to the bench of magistrates, through the assistant barristers of each county, and recorders of counties of cities, and counties of towns respectively.

The act was carried into effect in the year Hence it happened, that in some counties the 1821, the 28th of May having been fixed as the grand jury totally neglected taking any step period of the commencement of its operations, to expose the act, though given in charge to that being the day on which a similar process them by the judges of assize on their respec- was commenced throughout Great Britain. tive circuits. In others, the persons appointed Much preliminary preparation was, however, to take the account of the population proceeded found requisite, to secure the complete and without any regular system of control ade-uniform accomplishment of the measure. quate to insure uniformity, or to prevent the Copies of the act were, in the first place, ill effects of negligence or fraud. The census, extensively circulated throughout the several though generally commenced at the same pe- counties, together with instructions relative to riod, was carried on irregularly, and often care- the course of proceeding to be pursued at the lessly; insomuch, that subsequent inquiries have first special sessions to be held under it. The proved, that the enumerators, in many instances, copy, sent to each of the resident magistrates, satisfied themselves with a conjectural estimate was accompanied with a letter, stating, that his of the population of a district, founded on their Majesty's government having deemed it advisaopinion as to the number of houses, and probable to carry the provisions of the Population ble average of the inhabitants of each.

To obviate these and other defects of the previous plans, the Population Act of 1815 was passed, and the execution of it was intrusted, not to the grand juries, but to the magistrates assembled at the Quarter Sessions. By this provision the exertions of persons of high rank and extensive influence were still secured, while an additional number was added, whence the co-operation of persons of intelligence and respectability, whose inclinations led them to direct their attention to pursuits of this nature, and who would otherwise have been excluded, might reasonably be expected. The meetings at Quarter Sessions insured permanence and uniformity to those exertions, particularly as, in Ireland, the deliberations of the bench of magistrates, in every county, are aided by the advice of a permanent legal coadjutor, selected from among the practising barristers. The assistance of this functionary was found to be serviceable not only in aiding the magistrates by his legal advice, and in preserving stricter uniformity and consistency in the proceedings of the bench, but also as being a valuable organ of communication between the government and the counties, on unforeseen or doubtful points. The enumerators, whose nomination was vested in the bench of magistrates, were authorised to ascertain the name, age, and occupation of every individual within their district; and instructions were given to the bench of magistrates to give a preference, in the nomination, to the persons usually employed in the collection of the local taxes, from a conviction that their habits of life gave them superior advantages, in consequence of their acquaintance with the people, and with the minute subdivisions of the country. Uniformity in the details throughout the several counties was secured by a provision, requiring that the whole process should be con

Act into effect during the current year, the necessary steps for its commencement had been taken, by distributing copies of it, and issuing a precept from the chief secretary, with instructions for holding a special sessions, as therein required; and that, as the execution of most of the details was intrusted to the magistracy, the opportunity afforded by the transmission of those documents was taken to solicit their attention to the subject, and to request communications from them, as to any observations that they might deem it advisable to make, either in respect to the documents transmitted, or such other points as might arise during ulterior proceedings; and concluding with a hope, that through their co-operation the results would be found at least equal in importance to those of a similar nature about to take place in Great Britain.

Pursuant to the precept and instructions, two returns were made by the assistant barrister and bench of magistrates of each county, and by the recorder and magistrates of each county of a city or town, at the first special sessions held under the act, in the month of January 1821. The first list contained an account of all the subdivisions of the country, according to which the local taxes are assessed and levied, and by which the enumerators were to proceed in the census. These divisions are generally uniform, proceeding from counties to baronies, parishes, and townlands, &c. The division of Ireland into counties took place shortly after the Anglo-Norman invasion. In 1211, King

in Leinster and Munster; viz. in Leinster the coun• King John made but twelve counties, all which were ties of Dublin, Meath, Uriell, now called Louth. Kilire, Catherlough or Carlow, Kilkenny, and Wexford, which contained all the province of Leinster, except those terriby the Fitzpatricks; Leix, which was inhabited by the tories following: viz. Upper Ossory, which was inhabited Moores; Offaly, which was inhabited by the O'Connor,

John divided the whole of the country that then acknowledged his government into twelve counties, in which but little regard seems to have been paid to the ancient division of Ireland into five provinces. The names of these are given in the note; by which also it appears that the remaining counties were formed at different periods; and that the present arrangement of provinces and counties was completed in the early part of the reign of James the First.

The first subdivision of counties is into baronies, corresponding, in a great measure, with that of hundreds in England. The baronies appear to have been formed successively, in consequence of the submissions of the Irish chiefs or captains who ruled over them; the territory of each constituting a barony. This may in some measure account for the extreme inequality of size between those divisions of subordinate jurisdiction, and the manner in which parts of many of them are intermixed among each other, as is peculiarly observable in the county of Cork.

The next subdivision into parishes, is of much greater antiquity than that of baronies. Originally it was purely ecclesiastical, and was introduced among the civil subdivisions from motives of convenience. Some peculiar circumstances arising from this cause have produced much difficulty in the progress of the census. The civil and ecclesiastical arrangements do not always correspond: parishes are found to extend not only into different baronies, but into different counties; and townlands are some

Ely O'Carrol, which was inhabited by the O'Carrols; and some other territories, which were inhabited by other Irish septs: and in Munster, the counties of Waterford, Cork,

times attached to one parish for the assessment of the county taxes, while, with respect to tithes and other ecclesiastical contributions, they are considered as forming part of another. Ancient unions or divisions of parishes have increased this discrepancy; their names have also been frequently changed. The arrangement of parishes by the Established Church, being in many cases different from that of the Roman Catholics, has also been the cause of considerable difficulties; as in many parts of the south-west of Ireland the latter arrangement has been adopted in various points of public business. But from an accurate comparison of the several writers that treat of the civil and ecclesiastical state of Ireland, corrected, in cases of doubt or difficulty, by particular communications with the clergy, the enumerators, or other persons possessing local information, it has been ascertained that no parish whatever has been omitted; and the differences between the ecclesiastical returns already before parliament, and those under the present act, have been, in many instances, fully reconciled. The names and arrangement of parishes used for civil purposes, and adopted by the enumerators, under the direction of the bench of magistrates in the several counties, has been adhered to in digesting the returns.

The smallest subdivision of the country is that of townlands. This name, however, is not universal throughout Ireland : * some counties have adopted the term of ploughlands in lieu of it, each ploughland being supposed to contain 120 acres; but as the quantity was taken by estimation, not by measurement, their extent varies considerably, even in the same county. Townlands in many instances have been subdivided, and in many cases the name has been changed. Much embarrassment in the progress of the census has been occasioned by both these circumstances.

Kerry, Limerick, and Tipperary; which last-mentioned five counties did contain the whole province of Munster. The territories of Leix, Offaly, and Ely O'Carrol, and some others, were reduced into shire-ground in the time of Queen Mary, and then divided into two counties, the one called the Queen's County, the other the King's County. So likewise the provinces of Connaught and Ulster were divided into counties by a statute of the 11th of Eliz., that is to say, Connaught was divided into seven Counties; viz. Galway, Clare, Roscommon, Mayo, Sligo, Longford, and Leitrim; but since that time Clare has been included in Munster, and Longford in Leinster. In like manner the province of Ulster was divided into nine Counties: namely, those of Down, Antrim, Tyrone, Ardmagh, Monaghan, Cavan, Fermanagh, Donegal, and Lon-local taxes are assessed and levied according to

donderry. Lastly, the county of Wicklow, which had hitherto been vaguely considered as part of the counties of Dublin and Carlow, was made shire-ground, and formed into a separate county, in the third year of James I.-Vide Harris's Hibernica, part ii. p. 3, folio.

The cause of the difference in name has been thus acuated for: when the kingdom of Meath was granted to the elder De Lacey, shortly after the arrival of the English, he portioned it out among his inferior barons, to hold under him by feudal service, and hence their estates naturally took the name of baronies; which gradually extended itself to similar subdivisions of other counties. But that the division into cantreds or hundreds, though superseded by this now mentioned, was attempted in Ireland very soon after the above-mentioned cra, is evident not only from several ancient records in which the term is used, but also because it still continues to be applied to some of the subdivisions of the Queen's County.

On examining the returns of the territorial subdivisions, as furnished by the magistrates, it was found, that this important department of domestic geography was by no means so complete or satisfactory as might have been expected, from the consideration that most of the

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aurḥ subdivisions. In some cases no account printed instructions was forwarded to each, decould be procured of any of the subdivisions talling the steps to be taken by him in his sumaller than that into parises. In the county operations under the act. These instructions of Kerry this information was collected for the were framed on the principle, that nothing first time, in consequence of the call then made should be required from the enumerator but upon the magistrates; and in the county of matter of fact, excluding any thing depending Cork no list of the parishes or minor subdivi- solely on opinion, or on deductions to be formed sions could be procured. from the facts so collected; as also, that as much additional information should be collected as could be done, without an undue interference with the time or attention requisite for attaining the main object of the census.

In the appointment of persons to take the census, a doubt occurred whether the account should be taken by baronies or by parishes. The act had left the determination of this point to the judgineut of the magistrates. Some enties preferred the former, from an idea that individuals possessed of superior qualifica. tions would be procured for taking the account of the larger subdivisions, who would not think the smaller worthy of their attention. In other counties the latter mode was adopted, from a conviction that the enumeration could be taken more accurately, when the person employed had a smaller extent of surface committed to his charge; particularly as this very circumstance gave him a more minute and accurate acquaintance with the district allotted to him. The result has proved the latter opinion to have been the better founded.

In order to ascertain whether the persons thus appointed were possessed of the qualifications requisite for the undertaking, each of them was called upon to make a preliminary return, according to a form transmitted to him for the purpose, specifying the names and number of the parishes, townlands, or other subdivisions of the district to which he had been appointed; the naines and addresses of the clergymen of every religious persuasion, actually resident within their respective districts; as also the names and addresses of schoolmasters of every description residing therein, with the names of the townland, &c., on which their schools were kept. In consequence of this application, several who had been appointed voluntarily resigned, from a consciousness of their own inadequacy; some were found to be incompetent, and so reported to the bench of magistrates, whereupon their places were supplied by others deemed more capable of furnishing the information, on their producing proof of possessing the qualifications required. Other Feneticial results also accrued from this process. Various points relative to the position, connec. tion, names, or other local circumstances of the country were explained, and errors rectified, Some of the returns als contained much additional information of great value in the progress of the inquiry. The return of the names of the clergy and of the schoolmasters opened a wide field of cemi cunication, which proved essential

According to the instructions, each enume. rator was to be supplied with a sufficient number of note-books, ruled in columns; and oa the day fixed for this purpose, the 28th of May, 1821, he was to commence the enumeration at such part of his district as he deemed most convenient, and to proceed from house to house, and from day to day, without neglect or wilful delay, until he had taken down in his notebooks the name, age, and occupation of every individual then actually resident within his district. A copy of these instructions will be found in the Appendix. It is to be observed, that no place was appropriated in the notebooks, for specifying the number of families. This omission rested on the principle above stated, of confining the enumerator's attention to matters of fact, and of excluding every thing depending on opinion or inference; as it was conceived that this branch of the process could subsequently be more safely executed on a uniform principle, by the persons intrusted with the duty of arranging and digesting the ori ginal returns made by the enumerators.

It was evident that the filling up of the column of the return, which was to contain the ages of the persons named in that preceding, must prove a point of much delicacy. The instructions therefore directed, that the enumerator should decide as to them, according to the best information he could procure, either from the individuals themselves, from his own knowledge, or from other sources; and that in so doing, the greatest attention should be paid to the feelings of the parties concerned. Where the age could not be ascertained with precision, or where there was reason to apprehend inaccuracy, the enumerator was to be guided by his own judgment; and here the advantage possessed by those who were ap pointed for districts of more limited extent, such as parishes, or parts of parishes, became very conspicuous; inasmuch as their local acquaintance with the families residing in their own neighbourhood afforded them ample means for procuring accurate information on these points. In some instances, however, the inquiry failed; a place was therefore allotted in After it had been this ascerta nel plat e Ty the riteris for the number of ages that could district was supplest with an enumerator, qualiTed to make a satisfactory return, a copy of

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not be ascertained; from the inspection of which, it will appear, that the number of un.

successful cases is very inconsiderable when the enumerators discovered several points compared with the aggregate of the popu- hitherto unnoticed, which, if left undefined or lation.

unexplained, must have occasioned omission, confusion, or want of uniformity, in many instances.

Among the difficulties anticipated by the enumerators, that of a determined hostility to their proceedings, which shewed itself openly in some districts, was the most formidable, as it affected the very basis of the inquiry. The causes of this hostile feeling were different in different parts of the country; but, however absurd the cause, or violent the feeling, it was immediately seen that they could be removed or abated only by the most energetic measures. A letter was therefore forwarded to the resi dent clergymen of every religious persuasion in Ireland; their names and addresses having been previously ascertained by the means of the enumerators' preliminary returns already mentioned. In them they were made acquainted with the intentions of the Government to carry the Population Act into effect; its object was clearly stated, and their aid requested, both for controlling the proceedings of the enumerators in their respective parishes, and for removing any prejudices, or other unfavourable circumstances, that might tend to produce an unkindly feeling towards them in the minds of the lower

More detailed instructions were required respecting the column which was to contain the occupations of the individuals previously named. The principal occupations were those of farmers, labourers, and servants. The line of distinction between the two former of these is not easily drawn, as most persons who earn the chief part of their subsistence as hired labourers, hold also a small portion of land, and therefore, in the common language of the country, are entitled to the name of farmers. Neither was the distinction between day-labourers and out-door or field-servants less difficult to be ascertained. The instructions as to these points were therefore so framed, as to enable the persons to whom the returns would be afterwards committed for examination and arrangement, to adopt an accurate and uniform rule respecting them. In order the better to guide them in the process, a sixth column was added to the return, specify ing the number of acres held in the townland by every person resident thereon. It was thus easy to determine the smallest quantity of landed property deemed sufficient to entitle the holder to the name of farmer. A seventh column was set apart for any notes or observations, explanatory of the information comprised in those pre-classes. Every stage of the ulterior proceedings ceding. In it more particularly were to be stated the names of towns, villages, and hamlets; public buildings, as churches, chapels, meeting-houses, school-houses (stating the number of pupils, both male and female, where it could be done), prisons, bridewells, hospitals, barracks, mills, stores, as also burying-grounds, ruins, &c.

All the information to be thus entered in the note-books was afterwards to be transferred to printed forms, arranged in a similar manner; and these, when verified upon oath, and certified by the bench of magistrates, at a subsequent sessions, were to be transmitted to the proper department in the chief secretary's office. It should be here observed, that in carrying into effect the powers with which the enumerators ere invested by the legislature, these persons were most particularly instructed to execute their duty in the mildest and most inoffensive manner; complying, as far as could be, with the feelings of the people, and never having recourse to the law, except in the most urgent necessity. In cases of doubt or difficulty, the enumerators were directed to apply for further instructions. A very extensive and laborious correspondence was the consequence; but the trouble was amply repaid by its good effects; for not only many mistakes and errors were thus prevented, but also the queries sent in by

proved the utility of this measure, and the value of the assistance thus acquired. Whenever a tendency to opposition was reported by the enumerator, letters on the subject, transmitted to the resident clergymen of the district, immediately led to a satisfactory explanation, by which not only the obstacle was removed, but a friendly sentiment substituted in its place, so as to turn the current of public opinion immediately and completely into the channel most desirable for the effectual attainment of the great objects of the legislature under the Population Act. The local knowledge of the clergy, both with regard to the people, and to the several districts in which they resided, also gave ample means to guide and check the enumerators; and a correspondence was accordingly maintained between them and the population department, which afforded many valuable remarks and suggestions.

The several enumerators were also called upon to make frequent and continued reports to the chief secretary's office of their progress after the 28th of May, the day appointed for commencing the progress of enumeration, by stating, according to tabular forms with which they were supplied for the purpose, the names of the townlands, the census of which they had completed within a specific period, together with the number of houses and inhabitants found by them in each. By this step, the pro

⚫ Every collection of contiguous houses, if under twenty, was to be considered as a hamlet; if more than twenty,gress of each enumerator could be traced, his and not under any peculiar local jurisdiction, a village. accuracy and activity marked, and a


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