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In selecting the following lists of references for further reading, the needs of the practical teacher have been kept constantly in mind. It has been the aim to suggest helpful books and articles which are easily accessible, and to this end considerable use has been made of the more important educational and psychological magazines and the Addresses and Proceedings of the National Education Association (previous to 1907 the National Educational Association), which are usually found in any general or professional library. In deciding upon any particular reference, the topics presented in the Exercises and Problems were kept in mind especially, although it was the aim to suggest not less than three references relating to each principle discussed in the text. Inasmuch as this book does not attempt to consider questions of the curriculum or any phase of the history or philosophy of education, no reference has been made to readings relating to these fields. Some of the references are designed wholly for those who have had no previous study of psychology or education, and they are indicated by (E), while others, denoted by (A), are more advanced, and may be read to greatest advantage by those who are familiar with the elements of biology, psychology, and education.



ALDRICH: The Story of a Bad Boy (E). Boston (1892), Houghton Mifflin Co.

ANGELL: Habit and Attention (A). In The Psychological Review, vols. iii, and v.

BAGLEY: Class-room Management, chaps. iv, ix, x, xi, xii, (E). New York (1909), The Macmillan Co.

BAGLEY: The Educative Process, chap. xxiii, (A). New York (1907), The Macmillan Co.

BALDWIN: Mental Development,-Methods and Processes, chap. xv, (A). New York (1895), The Macmillan Co. BETTS: The Recitation, chaps. i, ii, iii, iv, v, (E). Boston (1910), Houghton Mifflin Co.

BOLTON: Principles of Education, chaps. vii, xxvi, (A). New York (1910), Chas. Scribner's Sons.

BRYAN: Nascent Stages and Their Pedagogical Significance (E). In The Pedagogical Seminary, vol. vii. CHAMBERS: The Evolution of Ideals (E). In The Pedagogical Seminary, vol. x.

COOLEY: Human Nature and The Social Order, chaps. iii, xii, (A). New York (1910), Chas. Scribner's Sons. CROSWELL: Amusements of Worcester School Children (E). In The Pedagogical Seminary, vol. vi.

DE GARMO: Herbart and the Herbartians, chap. v, (E). New York (1895), The Macmillan Co.

DE GARMO: Interest and Education, chap. viii, (A). New York (1906), The Macmillan Co.

DEWEY: Interest as Related to the Will (A). Chicago (1889), National Herbart Soc. Year Book.

FORBUSH: The Boy Problem, A Study in Social Pedagogy (E). Boston (1907), The Pilgrim Press.

GROOS: The Play of Man, Part III, (E). New York (1906), The Macmillan Co.

GUILLET: Recapitulation and Education (A). In The Pedagogical Seminary, vol. vii.

HALL and SMITH: Curiosity and Interest (E). In The Pedagogical Seminary, vol. x.

HANCOCK: Work and Play (E). Educator, vol. xxv. HORNE: Psychological Principles of Education, chap. xxv, (E). New York (1906), The Macmillan Co.

JAMES: Talks to Teachers, etc., pp. 199-288, (E). New York (1906), H. Holt & Co.

JOHNSON: An Educational Experiment (E). In The Pedagogical Seminary, vol. vi.

JOHNSON: Education by Plays and Games, chaps. i and ii, (E). Boston (1907), Ginn & Co.

KIRKPATRICK: Fundamentals of Child Study, chap. xvii, (E). New York (1903), The Macmillan Co.

KIRKPATRICK: Genetic Psychology, chap. v, (A). New York (1910), The Macmillan Co.

LAING: An Inductive Study of Interest (E). Educational Review, vol. xvi.

LOCKE: Some Thoughts Concerning Education (E). London (1892), Cambridge University Press.

MCDOUGAL: Interest and Development (E). In the Journal of Pedagogy, vol. xv.

M'LENNAN: Emotion, Desire, and Interest (A). In the Psychological Review, vol. ii.

PUFFER: A Study of Boy Gangs (E). In The Pedagogical Seminary, vol. vii, pp. 175-212.

ROSS: Social Psychology, chap. ii, (A). New York (1909), The Macmillan Co.

ROWE: Habit Formation and The Science of Teaching,

chaps. v and vi, (A). New York (1909), Longmans, Green & Co.

RUEDIGER: Principles of Education, chap. ii, (A). Boston (1910), Houghton Mifflin Co.

STEARNS: Children's Ideas of Right and Wrong (E). Archives of Psychology, No. 12, 1909.

SULLY: Studies of Childhood (E). New York (1896), D. Appleton & Co.

THORNDIKE: Principles of Teaching, chap. vii, (A). New York (1906), A. G. Seiler.

TRIPLETT: A Study of the Faults of Children (E). In The Pedagogical Seminary, vol. x.

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