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Issued as a Circular in May, 1855, and published in August following, with the first number, ard again with a Postscript in January, 1856.

In the great educational movement now going forward on this Continent. and especially throughout all the states in which the English language prevails, there has seemed for many years to the undersigned to exist, if not a demand, at least the want, not only of an American association of the friends of universal education, but of a series of publications, which should, on the one hand, embody the matured views and varied experience of wise statesmen, educators and teachers in perfecting the organization, administration, instruction and discipline of schools, of every grade, through a succession of years, under widely varying circumstances of government, society and religion; and on the other, should harmonize conflicting views, expose real deficiencies, excite to prudent and efficient action, and serve as a medium of free and frequent communication between the friends of education, in every portion of the great field.

In furtherance of these objects, a Plan of Central Agency for the increase and diffusion of knowledge on this subject was submitted to the American Association for the Advancement of Education, at its annual meeting in Washington in 1854. One feature of this plan was the publication of a Journal and Library of Education; the former to be issued in monthly or quarterly numbers, to embrace the current educational intelligence of the world, and the discussion of topics of immediate and pressing interest;-the latter to consist of a series of independent treatises, each devoted to the development of an important subject, or department, and embodying the reflections and experience of many minds, and the working and results of many institutions; and the whole, when complete, to constitute an Encyclopedia of Education. The plan was referred to a committeeconsidered and approved; and the Standing Committee were authorized to carry it into execution as far and as fast as the funds of the Association should admit. In the absence of any funds belonging to the Association, and of any pledge of pecuniary coöperation, on the part of

individuals, the Committee have not taken any steps to establish a central agency for the advancement of the objects for which the association was instituted, or felt authorized to provide for any publication beyond the proceedings of its last annual meeting. Under these circumstances, the undersigned has undertaken on his own responsibility, to carry out the original plan submitted by him, so far as relates to the publication both of the Journal, and the Library— relying on the annual subscription of individuals in different states, and interested in different allotments of the great field, who desire to be posted up in the current intelligence and discussion of schools and education, to meet the current expenses of the former; and on special contributions in aid of the latter, by persons or institutions interested in particular treatises, as their preparation shall be from time to time advanced and announced.

The First Number of the American Journal of Education will be issued in August, on terms which will be set forth by the publisher. As it will be devoted exclusively to the proceedings of the American Association for 1854, it will not present the usual variety and arrangement of topics, which will characterize the succeeding numbers.

The first treatise or volume of the Library of Education will be published in the course of 1856, under the following title, "NATIONAL EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES; or Contributions to the History and Improvement of Common or Public Schools, and other means of Popular Education in the several States," on terms which will be hereafter announced.

HARTFORD, CONN., May, 1855.


P. S. After much of the copy for this Number of the American Journal of Education was in type, a conference was held with the Rev. Absalom Peters, D. D., in reference to the plan of an Educational Journal contemplated by him under the title of The American College Review and Educational Journal, which has led to the combination of our respective plans, and a joint editorship of THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION AND COLLEGE Review.

NOTE TO NEW EDITION.-The agreement for the joint proprietorship and editorship of the American Journal of Education and College Review, having been dissolved by mutual consent and for mutual convenience, the undersigned has resumed the publication of the American Journal of Education on his originai plan. A portion of the material intended for the first volume of the American Library of Education, will be published in the American Journal of Education. Dr. PETERS will continue the publication of an educational periodical to which he has given the joint name. H. B.

HARTFORD, January 7, 1856.






The American Association for the advancement of education convened at the Smithsonian Institution, in the city of Washington, December 26th, 1854, and was called to order by the retiring president, Prof. Joseph Henry.

The sessions of the Association were opened with prayer, by the Rev. Dr. Proudfit, of New Jersey.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Prof. Henry stated that on account of the prevalence of the cholera, the standing committee took the responsibility of altering the time of the annual meeting of the Association, for the present year, from the first Tuesday of August to the last Tuesday of December.

Bishop Potter moved the appointment of a committee on credentials, and a committee to audit the accounts of the treasurer.

The chair appointed, on the auditing committee,

HON. H. BARNARD, of Conn.,

Z. RICHARDS, of Washington.

On the committee on credentials,



The organization of the Association having been completed, the retiring president, with a few appropriate remarks, introduced the president elect, Prof. A, D. Bache, to the Association. Prof. Bache addressed the Association, on taking the chair.

Communications were received from the President of the United States, and W. W. Corcoran, Esq., inviting the members of the Association to visit them at some time during its sessions. The invitations were accepted, and the thanks the Association tendered to these gentlemen for their courtesy.

On motion of Z. Richards; Resolved, That the hours of meeting each day be as follows: the first session from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M, and the evening session from 6 to 9 P. M.

Prof. Henry submitted a communication from Mr. A. S. Colton, of Maryland, which was read, and referred to the standing committee.

On motion of Mr. J. Whitehead, Mr. Alfred Greenleaf was appointed an assistant secretary.

Hon. H. Barnard, of Conn. introduced the subject of appointing a general agent,* to devote his whole time and energies to the advancement of the purposes of the Association, and after remarks by Prof. Proudfit, Mr. Greenleaf, and Bishop Potter, on motion of Mr. Whitehead, a committee was raised, to consider and report upon the subject under discussion during the present session.

*See Appendix IX.

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