VII. Of Population. An Inquiry concerning the Power of Increase in the Numbers of Mankind, being an Answer to Mr. Malthus's Essay on that Subject. By William IX. 1. Vox Stellarum, a Loyal Almanac for the Year of our X. Viaggio da Tripoli di Barberia alle Frontiere dell' Egitto, fatto nel 1817, dal Dottore P. Della-Cella Mémoires de l'Abbé Morellet, de l'Académie Française, sur le 18me Siècle, et sur la Révolution, précédés de XII. Lectures on the Ancient Greeks. By the late Andrew 168 ART. I.-AN Account of the Abipones, an Equestrian People of Para- guay. Translated from the Latin of Martin Dobrizhoffer, Eighteen Years a Missionary in that Country II. A Vindication of 1 John, v. 7. from the Objections of M. Griesbach in which is given a new View of the External Evidence, with Greek Authorities for the Authenticity of III. A Voyage of Discovery into the South Sea and Beering's Straits, for the purpose of exploring a North-East Passage; undertaken in the years 1815-1818, at the Expense of His Highness the Chancellor of the Empire, Count Roman- IV. Memoirs of a Life chiefly passed in Pennsylvania within the V. Travels in Palestine, through the Countries of Bashan and Gilead, east of the River Jordan; including a Visit to the Cities of Geraza and Gamala, in the Decapolis. By J. S. Buckingham, Member of the Asiatic Society, Calcutta ; and of the Literary Societies of Madras and Bombay 374 VI. The Art of instructing the Infant Deaf and Dumb. By John A Journal of Voyages and Travels in the Interior of North America, between the 47th and 58th degrees of North La- titude, extending from Montreal nearly to the Pacific Ocean; including an Account of the Principal Occur- rences, during a Residence of Nineteen Years, in different Parts of the Country, &c. &c. By D. W. Harmon, a Part- 1. First Report of the Commissioners appointed to consider the Subject of Weights and Measures; 24 June, 1819. 2. Second Report of the same Commissioners; 13 July, 1820. 3. Third Report of the same Commissioners; 31 March, 1821. 4. Report of the Select Committee appointed to consider of the several Reports which have been laid before the House of Commons, relating to Weights and Measures; 28 May, de 6. The Universal Cambist and Commercial Instructor; being a full and accurate Treatise on the Exchanges, Monies, Weights, and Measures of all trading Nations, and their Co- X. Memoirs of the celebrated Persons composing the Kit-Cat Club, with a prefatory Account of the Origin of the Asso- ciation; illustrated with 48 Portraits, from the original Paintings by Sir G. Kneller XI. 1. Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, Ancient Babylonia, &c. &c. during the Years 1817, 18, 19, and 20. By Sir Robert Ker Porter. With numerous engravings of portraits, costumes, and antiquities, &c. Vol. I. 2. A Second Journey through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor, to Constantinople, between the Years 1810 and 1816. With an Account of the Proceedings of His Ma- jesty's Embassy under His Excellency Sir Gore Ouseley, Bart. K.L.S. By James Morier, Esq. late Minister Pleni- XII. The Pirate. By the Author of Waverley,'' Kenilworth,' XIII. A Second Dissertation prefixed to the Supplemental Volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica, exhibiting a General View of the Progress of Metaphysical, Moral and Political Philo- XIV. 1. Nouvelles Annales des Voyages, de la Géographie et de l'Histoire; publiées par MM. J. B. Eyriés et Malte- 2. Mémoire sur les Voyages exécutés dans l'Océan Glacial XV. 1. Second and Third Report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons appointed to consider of the Means 2. Report (relative to the East Indies and China) from the Select Committee of the House of Lords, appointed to inquire into the Means of extending and securing the Fo- reign Trade of the Country. 11th April, 1821. 3. Report of a Committee of the Honourable House of As- sembly of Jamaica, presented to the House, 10th Decem- ber, 1817, relative to the Present State of the Island, with THE QUARTERLY REVIEW, OCTOBER, 1821. ART. I.-Voyages dans La Grande Bretagne, Entrepris relativement aux Services Publics de la Guerre, de la Marine, et des Ponts et Chaussées, en 1816-17-18-19, et 1820. Deuxième Partie, Force Navale. Par Charles Dupin, Membre de l'Institut de France, &c. &c. Paris. 1821. MR. R. Dupin may be well assured, from the early notice we are disposed to take of his labours, that we have no mean opinion of his abilities. Of his principles we are not prepared to say quite so much; and, perhaps, it will be thought that we have no business with them. Nor should we indeed have troubled. ourselves about his political opinions or connections, had he confined his observations to the avowed objects of his inquiryour public works and public institutions, civil, naval, and military: we should, in that case, have deemed it sufficient to applaud his accuracy, or to point out his errors; but when he proceeds to mix up political hostility in a work which professes to be purely didactic and descriptive; to assail the national character on grounds that are utterly false; and to hold us up to Europe and to the world, as totally destitute of humanity to a class of beings, of all others, the most entitled to it, namely, prisoners of war;-we conceive that we have a right to inquire into his motives. Acquitting him, as we frankly do, of every feeling of hatred towards England, the only explanation we can suggest for his conduct, in this instance, is the desire of gratifying his associates, by the repetition of an accusation so calumnious; and it was with this view solely that, in a recent Article on the Military Establishments of this Country, (which, we are happy to find, has not been without its effect,) we noticed his connection with the Avocat Dupin and the herd of politicians who modestly assume to themselves the exclusive name of libéraux, as accounting for the embarrassment under which he evidently laboured in consequence of it. We repeat, however, (in justice to M. Dupin,) that, considering his education under the auspices of Buonaparte, in the new school of morality, and his near relationship to a notorious jacobin, he entertains fewer prejudices against England, than any other French author that we have yet met with since the revolutionary war. In com paring, paring, or rather contrasting, the public works and institutions, connected with the naval service of the two countries, he candidly admits that France is thrown to an immeasurable distance behind us; that our ships, in point of workmanship, equipment and establishment, and our officers and men, in point of discipline, treatment, knowledge of naval tactics, and every particular that can constitute an efficient marine, are infinitely superior to those of the French navy, and such, in fact, as could not fail to have ensured to us the victories which we obtained, whenever the two hostile fleets met and engaged. We observe, however, that in most of his comparisons the allusion is made to the marine impériale; to the navy as it was under Buonaparte; who, it is pretty broadly hinted, knew nothing about the matter: on the present state of the French marine, M. Dupin touches with a gentle hand, recommending improvements founded on English practice, rather than censuring defects, the existencè of which, however, he does not affect to conceal. Standing thus between the old school and the new, but evidently leaning to the side of the ' powers that be,' and fearful at the same time of offending both parties, we can readily conceive the moral restraint the painful embarrassment under which he writes, and the necessity he feels of having recourse to something like trimming; * 'Willing to wound and yet afraid to strike.' There is one subject, however, regarding England, as we have just hinted, on which his views are as distorted and illiberal as his pretended statement of facts is unfounded:-we speak of his accusations against the British nation for its inhumanity towards the French prisoners of war,-a subject apparently no less agreeable to his own taste than that of his friends-otherwise he would not have thought it necessary to serve it up for the third time, with additional garnish and higher and higher seasoning on each successive occasion. Though our respect for M. Dupin might lead us to regret this pertinacity in misrepresentation, yet, as far as regards ourselves, we are not sorry for it on the present occasion, as he has thus afforded us an opportunity of showing the malignity of his insinuations, and (while we undeceive the abused ear of Europe) of refuting those of his assertions which are so scándalously destitute of truth. It is well known how little regard the French officers of high rank, prisoners of war in England, paid to their parole of honour; Ictus piscator sapit. M. Dupin had the misfortune to exasperate the learned and liberal members of the Institute, by merely speaking the truth regarding the perfection to which works of art and manufactures were carried in Great Britain. and |