only cause of the increase of population in America, 157, 158-difficulty of re- gulating the commercial intercourse be- tween the United States and the British West Indies, 541-543-the Slave Trade abolished by America, by treaty with Britain, 64-base conduct of the Ame- ricans in continuing the Slave Trade, contrary thereto, 72, 73, 74-proofs of the increase of slavery in America, 79-81. Amusements of the inhabitants of Western Caledonia, 415, 416. Analogical Reasoning, danger of, when ap- plied to the relations subsisting between the Creator and his creatures, 85-89, 99.
Arminian Scheme, difficulties of, 90-ad- vice to Arminians, 101. Arrowsmith, (J. P.) The Art of Instructing the Infant Deaf and Dumb, 391-inter- esting account of the manner in which a deaf and dumb brother of the author learned to read, 392, 393-and of his sensibility of the pleasures arising from music, 404. See Deaf and Dumb. Astrology (judicial), on the decline in this country, 180, 181-remarks on its vanity and inutility, 208-notices of eminent astrologers, 181-Alonso, King of Cas- tile, ib. 182-184-Dr. Simon Forman, 184-William Bredon, 185-Captain Bubb, ib. Alexander Hart, ib.-Wil- liam Poole, ib. - William Lilly, 186, 187 -Thomas Joseph Moult, 187, 188- Nostradamus, 189, 190-connexion be- tween astrology and alchemy, 192. Athenians, threw the great burdens of the state upon the more opulent individuals, 256-forced contributions levied upon them, 257-259-and upon the tribu- tary cities, 261, 262-bribery of public officers, 263-perversion of justice the consequence, 265-267.
Augustine, the author of all the disputes on predestination, 89.
![[blocks in formation]](,153,397,331)
Bride of Lammermoor, a novel, by the au- thor of Waverley, analysis of, with re- marks, 120-126.
Browne (Mr.), circumstantial account of the murder of, in Persia, 449, 450. Brown (Sir Thomas), notice of some shrewd conjectures of, respecting future times, 190, 191.
Bubb (Capt.), an astrologer, notice of, 185. Buckingham (J. S.), Travels in Palestine, 394-notice of an egregious blunder in the title-page of this work, ib.-remarks on the blunders in the preface, ib. 375- geographical blunders respecting the site of Ramah, 375, 376-and Bosor, 376-specimens of his ignorance and bookmaking, 377-profane and infidel allusions to the Scriptures, 378-his ac- count of the lake of Tiberias, false, ib.- blundering account of the ruins of Cæ- sarea, 379, 380-ignorance of Arabic, 380, 381-incorrect account of the con- vent at Jerusalem, 381-illiberal dispa- ragement of Nathaniel Pearce, 382- dishonourable conduct of Mr. Bucking- ham towards his employers, and Mr. Bankes, ib. note-arrival of the latter gentleman and of Mr. Buckingham, at what the latter calls the ruins of Geraza, 383-which, most probably, are those of Pella, ib. 384-blunders committed by Mr. Buckingham in his account of the antiquities actually discovered there, 385-387-his plan of them, and tran- scripts of inscriptions pilfered from Mr. Bankes, 387-further specimens of Mr. Buckingham's blunders, 388-the ruins at Oomkais, which he gives for those of Gamala, proved to be the ruins of Ga- dara, 389-remarks upon the ignorance displayed in his plates, which are pil- fered from those of former travellers, 390, 391.
Burgess (Dr. Thomas, Bishop of St. Da- vid's,) Vindication of 1 John, v. 7, from
the Objections of M. Griesbach, 324- result of the controversy on this subject between Professor Porson and Archdea- con Travis, 324-abstract of Bishop Burgess's refutation of Griesbach's judgement against the genuineness of the disputed clause, 325-remarks thereon, 326-no proof that this clause was omit- ted by Eusebius, 327-summary view of the internal testimony for the genuineness of this clause, 329-331-and of the external testimony, 331-it is found in the ancient Latin version of the Western Church, 332-but this cannot be proved, ib. the quotation attributed to Tertul- lian, doubtful, ib.-as also that of Cy- prian, though somewhat more probable, 332, 333-the rejection of Saint John's writings by the Alogi, no authority, 333-nor the quotation of the supposed Pseudo-Clemens Alexandrinus, 333, 334. -the supposed quotation of Walafrid Strabo in the ninth century, a proof of the editorial care of Bernardinus Gado- lus, in the fifteenth century, 335-337- the testimonies of the Psuedo-Jerome, and of Fulgentius, of no weight, 338- recapitulation of the evidence against the genuineness of this clause, 339- concluding hints to future vindicators of 1 John, v. 7, 340, 541.
Caa, or tea of Paraguay, properties > of, 289, 290-cultivated by the Jesuits, 289 -cruel conduct of the Spaniards sto- wards the Indians whom they employed in its culture, 288.
Calchaquis, a tribe of South American In- dians, cruelty of the Spaniards to, 290. Caledonia, (Western) first discovery of, 411-latitude and extent, ib.-lakes, 112 - mountains, ib. climate, ib.- manners and pursuits of the inhabitants, 413-fisheries, especially that of salmon, ib. 414-quadrupeds, 414--conveyances of the inhabitants, ib. their funeral rites, 415-amusements, 415, 416. Calvinistic Scheme, difficulties of, 90- advice to Calvinists, 101, 102.. Capital, drain of, not caused by colonies,
Cisterné, notice of the ruins of, 212. Clerk's System of Naval Tactics, not ori- ginal, 27.
Cochrane, (Capt.) notice of the explora- tóry travels of, 342, 343.
Coins, notice of ancient found at Cyrene, 220, 222.
Cold, intensity of, in Persia, 448. Collier (Sir George), interesting details by, relative to the Slave Trade, 70. 73-75 -noble conduct of him, his officers and crews under him, on the African coast, 75, 76-notices of slave ships captured by them, 67, 68, 69-71.
Cordoba, the capital of Tucuman, notice of, 282-extraordinary physical occur- rence there, 283.
Cyrenaica, Journey across the African De- sert to the, described, 214-219-ferti- lity of this region, 220-mountains of,
Cyrene, present state of, 221-coins of, 220, 222.
223-productions of Derna, 228-de-zation of the British ports and arsenals, scription of Bengazi, a city erected on the site of the ancient Berenice, 224- remains of ancient art found there, 225, 226.
Depopulation, not caused by colonies, 523. Dobrizhoffer, offer, (Martin) Account of the Abi-
pones, 277-notice of the author, ib.- arrives in the river Plata, 279-dange- rous journey to Cordoba, ib. 280, 281 -his misfortune in pursuing Yagouaré, 281-Is stationed in one of the Guarani Reductions, 285-number of converted Indians under the Jesuits' government, when he commenced his missionary ex- ertions, 286-his mode of addressing the savages, 287-is sent to reside among the Abipones, 290-removed to the re- duction of S. Fernando, 515-and to the Colonia del Rosario y S. Carlos, 316-- his privations and sufferings there, 315, 316-319-Is obliged to defend himself against a hostile tribe, 321-character of the good father and his work, 322, 323 -and of the translation, 279.
East India possessions of Britain, why not subjected to the colonial regulations con- cerning commerce, 532-effects of open- ing the East India trade, 533.
Epée, (Abbé de l') the first practical teacher of the deaf and dumb, on scientific prin- ciples, 392-remarks on the deviation of the Abbé Sicard from his system of tui- tion, 395, 396.
Error in religion, caused first by neglect of the consideration that man is in a state of moral and intellectual discipline, 83 -and secondarily, by the imperfection of human language, 84. Eusebius, vindicated from the charge of altering the Scriptures, 327-329. Exports to the British colonies, official va- lue of, 535.
Faculties of the soul, remarks on, by Addi- son, 494-strictures on Mr. Stewart's criticism on, 495-498.
Fernando, Po (Island) when discovered, 51 -its appearance, 52-dress, manners, and language of the inhabitants, 53- beautiful bay there, described, 54-its value as a place for employing captured negroes, ib.
Fonte, (Admiral de) notice of the fictitious voyage of, 518-its absurdities exposed, 519-521.
Forman, (Dr. Simon) an astrologer, notice of, 184.
Dupin, (Charles) Voyages dans la Grande Bretagne, 1-examination and refuta- tion of his erroneous statements relative to the numbers of French and English prisoners of war, who broke their parole of honour, 2-5-falsehood of his asser- tions respecting the hulks, in which certain French prisoners were confined, 5, 6-description of the hulks and of the regulations under which they were kept there, 7, 8-number of prisoners con- fined, and state of their health, 8-gene- ral healthiness of the prisons where they were confined on shore, 9, 10, 11-state- ment of the moral causes of the supe- riority of the English navy to that of France, 12-14-his account of the re- wards to the British navy and army dis- proved by facts, 15, 16-munificent li- berality of parliament for improvements in nautical science, 19-parsimony of Buonaparte towards the French navy, ib.--its miserable state during the Re- volution, ib. 20-superiority of the Eng- lish navy over the French, in its best state, 21-particularly in its discipline, Galt, (Mr.) remarks on his editing the Me-
22, 23-in naval tactics, 24-especially in the principles of attack and defence, 24, 25, 26-30, 31-the superior health of British seamen, and the care taken to preserve it, 31, 32-the munificent sums annually appropriated by Parlia- ment for the expenses of the navy, 33 -example of the superiority of Bri- tish naval architecture over that of France, 34, 35-and also of the organi-
France, base conduct of, in continuing the slave trade contrary to treaty, 70-72, 74, 75-progress and value of the pro- ductions of the colonies of France, 531, 532.
Frederick III. (Emperor) anecdote of, 201. Free trade, how far to be extended to every
colonial dependence, 527-530. Frost, intense at Tabreez, 448. Funeral rites of the Western Caledonians, 415. G.
moirs of a Life passed in Pennsylvania,
Geissler (J. G.), Table pittoresque des Mœurs, &c. des Russes, Tartares, Mon- gols, et autres Nations de l'Empire de Russie, 37-obligations of Russia to Greece, 28-especially for architecture, ib.-singular baptism of Vladimir, 40- erection of the cathedral of Kieff, 41-of St. Sophia at Novogrod, ib.-remarks on
the origin of the bulbous cupola, 42, 43 -ancient extent of Kieff, 43-on the Cathedral of St. Michael at Moscow, the work of an Italian artist, 44-47-other buildings of the Kremlin, 47-notice of the church of St. Basil, 48-introduction of transepts into the ecclesiastical archi- tecture of Russia, 49-notice of the churches of St. Isaac of Dalmatia, and our Holy Mother of Casan, 50.
Godwin (William), Inquiry into the Power of Increase in the Numbers of Mankind, 148-notice of his 'Political Justice,' 149-On the progressive increase of po- pulation and its effects, 150-Statement of Mr. Malthus's principle of the diffe- rent rates of increase, particularly in America, 151-153-Mr Godwin's re- marks thereon refuted, 152-157-im- migration alone will not account for the increase of population in America, 157 -Mr. Godwin's exaggerated calcula- tions of, exposed, 158, 159-Mr. Mal- thus's principle, that population tends
- to increase faster than the means of sub- sistence, corroborated, 160-the number of births, not the sole criterion of the ex- tent of population, 162-refutation of Mr. Godwin's strictures on Mr. Malthus's observations on the right of the poor to a maintenance, 116-168.
![[blocks in formation]](,814,411,111)
Hazlitt, (William) Table Talk, 103-cha- racter of, as a writer, ib.-specimens of his slang-whanging style, 104-108- his just estimate of his own abilities, 108. Heart of Mid-Lothian, a novel, by the au- thor of Waverley, analysis of, with re- marks, 115-120.
Hulks, described, on board of which the French prisoners of war were confined, 7, 8-erroneous statements of the num- bers confined therein, 2-5-the num- bers actually confined, and state of their health, 8.
Hume's philosophy, extravagant commen- dation of, censured, 513.
Instinct, remarks on the meaning of the term, in the writings of Dr. Reid and Professor Stewart, 505-512.
Isæus, vindication of the merits of, as an orator, 247-250-his works translated by Sir William Jones, 250, note ‡
Ivanhoe, a novel, by the author of Waver-
ley, analysis of, with remarks, 127-138 -striking description of the storming of a castle, 131-133.
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